Read Harvest Moon Online

Authors: Lisa Kessler

Tags: #Select, #Entangled, #nurse, #paranormal romance, #shifter, #Lisa Kessler, #Moon series, #Otherworld, #boxing, #boxer, #werewolves, #romance, #pnr, #tortured hero, #fated mate, #enemies to lovers

Harvest Moon (11 page)

But if I believed my ancestors could communicate to Grandma Nani through a turtle, how could I dismiss werewolves without at least considering the possibility?

This wasn’t helping me keep my resolve.

I stepped back, distancing myself from his distracting touch. “I’ll set the timer on my cell phone to wake me up to check on you and your head trauma, but for now, can I go get some sleep?”

He nodded but didn’t move away from the door. “You can have the bed. I’ve got a futon in my office. I can stay in there.”

Again he surprised me by putting me first, reminding me that my past relationships had set the bar low. Limbo champion low. “You look like you’ve been through a meat grinder. I can’t let you sleep on a futon.”

The corner of his mouth curved into a lopsided smile. My idiotic heart fluttered. “I might need a nurse close by.”

I rolled my eyes, fighting to keep from smiling. “We’re a little old for playing doctor.”

“Who said anything about playing?”

For a guy who probably had a concussion and cracked ribs, he moved like the wind, his lips fusing to mine, his fingers tangling in my hair. My shock ignited into hunger, and unlike our earlier kiss, this time I embraced it.

Why not? Life had no guarantees at the moment. My best friend was dead, and I could be next. Here was this handsome, intelligent doctor who wanted me.

So he had a few demons and claimed he’s a werewolf. For tonight, we could comfort each other. I didn’t have to let him anywhere near my heart.

Jason backed me toward the bed, our tongues sliding together in a sensual dance. He tasted fresh and wild. I ran my hands up his chest, enjoying the rumble of his pleasure in the kiss. His hand slid under the oversize shirt I wore, his touch heating up my entire body until my nipples were taut, aching for his attention.

And then my phone rang.

“Voicemail,” he growled against my lips.

Tempting. It rang again and I broke the kiss, struggling to catch my breath. “Sebastian gave me that phone. He could have news or a warning.”

Jason groaned but released me. My legs wobbled as I hustled to the bathroom where I’d left it charging. Sebastian’s name flashed on the screen. “Hello?”

“I only have a minute. My brother is in Reno now, taking lead on this mission to silence you. Did you find Adam?”

“Yes, but he won’t help me unless he talks to you first. He thinks I could be bait or a trick or something.”

“Wolves.” He paused long enough for me to wonder if the call had dropped. “At least tell me you are not alone.”

“I’m not. Jason let me stay at his place.”

“The doctor?” He groaned. “
who they sent to protect you?”

Jason stalked across the room and took my cell phone; apparently he heard our conversation just fine.

“Listen, asshole, I’m more than capable of keeping Kilani safe.” He held the phone away from his ear so I could hear, too.

“Enough with the ego, Wolf. My brother is there with a trained mercenary team searching for her. You may be able to treat her wounds, but she needs more than a doctor to elude them.”

I snatched my phone back from Jason. Their little pissing contest wasn’t helping me. “Aside from your brother being in town, is there anything else I need to know?”

“I’m being watched so I can’t leave yet. I will get to Reno as soon as I can, but I must not appear to be rushing. This is his mission, not mine.”

“And in English that means?”

He hissed. I could almost hear his eyes rolling. “I will try to be there by tomorrow night to meet with Adam. I will make contact when I can. Until then, stay alert.”

The line went dead. I turned to find Jason across the room, his back to me with his arm up on the window frame. His head rested against it as he stared into the darkness.

I took a couple steps toward the bed. “Now I understand what a sitting duck feels like.”

He didn’t move. “I’m sorry about earlier. I should’ve had my full attention on watching for threats. Usually I have better self-control. But you…you make it tough for me to think straight.”

With the mood decimated, I got into the bed. No sense splitting up now; we’d be safer together. “Just for the record, I was the one who offered to sleep out on the futon.”

He finally moved, pushing off the window frame and approaching the bed. “This thing between us is more than just a physical attraction for me. Around you something inside…” He tapped his chest and seemed like he might say more. With a sigh, he shook his head and sat on the opposite side of the mattress. “Never mind. I’m sure this seems insane. It sounds crazy to me too, and I’m living it.”

“Crazier than telling me you’re a werewolf?”

“Let’s cross one bridge at a time.” He glanced over at me with a chuckle, but his features were anything but happy. “In the morning, I’ll take you to see my dad. My mom and my brother will probably be there, too. Then you can decide if we’re all nuts.”

“And then you’ll tell me the even crazier thing?”

He almost smiled. “I’ll think about it.”

I slid into bed, trying not to allow my earlier vision of our naked bodies to torment me. Now that I was well aware of Jason’s kissing ability and the way my body responded to his touch, it was impossible
to imagine what would’ve come next if my phone hadn’t rang, bringing reality crashing in with it.

He turned out the light and I closed my eyes.


My name sounded beautiful in his deep, rich voice.


“Just so you know, doctor or not, I will beat the ever-living shit out of any person who ever tries to hurt you. And if I knew who broke your heart, I’d hunt him down and make him pay.”

Too bad he’d have to start with my own mother.

awoke disoriented. After hightailing it out of New York and across the country to Reno, I still lacked a real home base, but even so, this was
my new apartment. A steady heartbeat thumped in my ear. Lifting my head, I stared down at Jason. I was in Jason’s house, his bedroom. His bed.

His face was still bruised, but the cut on his eyebrow had scabbed over. He didn’t have the swelling I’d expected. We hadn’t iced his eye, but other than the discoloration, no one would guess he’d been pummeled the night before. Memories crept back into my consciousness.


In the morning light, it sounded even crazier than it had last night. But it might explain his superhuman healing.

He opened his eyes, surprising me. For a moment, he just stared up at me. My breath caught in my throat being so close to him. Until now, I hadn’t realized his arm was around me while we slept. It had been so natural, like our bodies fit together.

“I didn’t mean to wake you. Sorry about that.”

He reached up, cupping my face in his hand. “I’m not.” His thumb caressed my cheek. “I wish we could stay here.”

I chuckled, shaking my head. “I’ve never been on the run from bad guys before, but I’m guessing being half naked in bed is probably not the best plan.”

He raised his uncut brow. “Rain check, then?”

“You don’t give up, do you?”

He sobered, his gaze locked on mine. “Not where you’re concerned.”

I sat up, extricating myself from his arms. Tough to think straight with my hands resting on his toned, bare chest. The heat in his eyes didn’t help, either. “Are you still taking me to see your father?”

The bed shifted, but I didn’t turn around. Now was his chance to make an excuse. I readied myself. This was
the first time a doctor didn’t want to bring me home to meet his folks.

“Yeah. I need to check his vitals anyway.” He groaned behind me, his joints popping. “And then we should find the mole who tipped off Nero that you were in town.”

I got up and went to the door. My clothes were in the dryer. I had some fresh ones in my bag in the trunk of Jason’s car, but I wasn’t going in the driveway like this. I glanced at him over my shoulder. “I have a shift to work today, too.”

“Are you trying to pick a fight with me?”

Was I? “Just reminding you. You can afford a few days off. I can’t.” I left before he could reply.

Crossing the living room to the kitchen, my gaze wandered to the framed wolves on the wall. If werewolves were real, if what he said was true, then Adam must be the alpha. That’s why Sebastian sent me to him. Sebastian had grumbled on the phone last night about “wolves.”

A werewolf pack might be strong enough to hold off a mercenary unit from Nero.

This was certifiably nuts. Being psychic was one thing, but this went beyond any woo-woo I’d ever been exposed to at school. This was believing that there could be another species of humans that shifted into wolves.

I gnawed at my lower lip. Jason’s father lay in a bed at home instead of in a hospital. For a doctor, that was going against everything the medical profession demanded for patients who’d experienced anoxic encephalopathy. His father could be in a vegetative state permanently from the lack of oxygen to his brain. There’d be no way Jason would keep him out of a hospital where he could be monitored.

Unless werewolves were real and they didn’t want doctors, and scientists in the hospital lab, to discover them. What had his twin brother said?
Our family is complicated

I pulled my clothes from the dryer and changed quickly inside the small laundry room, dropping Jason’s shirt I borrowed into the empty washing machine. Since our impromptu shower the night before, I didn’t need to waste any time on it this morning.

On my way back to the bedroom, I made a pit stop in the kitchen to get some coffee started. I’d hated coffee until I started in nursing. Long shifts taught me to covet the power boost of caffeine, and a bunch of cream and sugar helped to mask the taste.

Jason came out, pulling a moss green tee down over his washboard abs. “Smells like you found the coffee.”

“Hope you don’t mind.” I glanced at the coffee maker. “I filled it with enough water for both of us.”

“Sounds great.” He passed by me, the scent of musk and pine teasing my senses. He pulled two travel mugs out of the cupboard. “I went out and got your bag from the car while you were changing. It’s sitting on the bed if you want to brush your hair before we go.”

He brought my stuff inside without being asked. Again, I was reminded how low my previous relationships had set the bar on my expectations. Part of me wanted to throw a parade in his honor. I wasn’t used to simple acts of kindness.

“Thanks. I’ll be right back.”

After tying my hair back in a ponytail, I brushed my teeth, added a touch of mascara and lip gloss, and tried to tell myself the primping was for my shift at the hospital and not to impress Jason’s parents. This wasn’t a date; it was a favor. And it might not even work. I could open my mind for visions, but I couldn’t force them to appear on command.

In the kitchen, Jason was filling the travel mugs. I watched him for a moment until he finally looked over my way. “Everything okay?”

I shrugged and started adding cream and sugar. “You’re a fast healer. I still can’t believe you’re not swollen up. We didn’t even ice your eye, but other than the bruising and the scab over the cut, no one would know you got in a fight.”

He put the lid on his mug, and a tendril of steam slithered out the slit in the top like a serpent. “You’re still thinking I might be certifiable?”

Stirring, I reached for the lid to the travel mug. “Not certifiable, but maybe not a werewolf, either.”

“I can’t blame you. If I wasn’t living it, I probably wouldn’t believe me.” He took a relaxed sip of the coffee like we’d been friends forever, but the desire in his gaze said he wanted us to be more. My body responded with a flush of heat, and I hadn’t even tasted the coffee yet.

“If this really is true, why trust me with it? We barely know each other. Maybe I’m a crazy gossip.”

He laughed and my heart fluttered. “Who would believe you even if you did gossip?”

I took a slow swallow, a groan of pleasure humming on my lips. “If werewolves are real, is Adam your alpha?”

real.” He turned off the coffee maker and put the cream and sugar away. “And yes, Adam is my Alpha. That’s why I need Sebastian to get his ass out here and talk to him so we can get the Pack involved and keep Nero away from you.”

The reminder of danger zapped conversation, keeping the drive to his parents’ house draped in silence. Quiet gave me plenty of time to second-guess my abilities. I shouldn’t have told Jason I might be able to “see” something about his father’s condition. After a few weeks of frustration and worry, how disheartened would he be when I couldn’t tell him anything, or worse yet, what if the future was bleak?

Would he be frustrated enough to step into that boxing ring again?

And why did I care? It was none of my business. Not really. Were we friends? I did help him bring his father back, and now he was helping me evade Nero. That had to count for something.

He turned in to a wooded community surrounding Lake Stanley. “You’re awfully quiet.”

“I could say the same about you.” Outside the car, birds huddled close together on a power line keeping warm against the brisk fall morning. “Anything I should know about your folks before we get there?”

“Well, you know about my dad’s condition.” He made a slow right turn, his gaze darting toward me for a second. “And you’ve already met Jared.”

“What about your mom?”

A sad smile curved his lips. “My mom’s name is Sarah. She’s taking a sabbatical from her commercial real estate firm to take care of Dad. You’ll like her. She’s smart and probably the strongest person I know.”

He pulled the car into a tree-lined brick driveway that led to a stunning stone home with a gabled roof. After he turned off the engine, his attention shifted to me. “She’s also certain my dad is going to wake up and be himself.” Pain etched lines around his gorgeous eyes. “I’ve told her that each day he doesn’t respond, his chances of a full recovery are less likely, but her hope is unshakable.” He broke eye contact, blinking hard before he cleared his throat. “I want her to be right, I do. But I know he’s probably already…”

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