Read Haven Online

Authors: Dria Andersen

Haven (23 page)



of Bea floating in the air between them and the royal family. She was confused.
She looked at Leo, who studied his brother. He squeezed her hand again, and she
clutched his like a life line. Grief was ripping her heart at having to watch
the video of her sister’s death again.

“See, I went to the Eminzu to ask what could be done to a prince
who didn’t have the decency to call for a shaman when his mate lay dying.
Imagine my surprise when Rugaba himself informed me that the maid he had in
custody had stories to tell.” Xavier pointed at the wavering image of Bea.

Queen Kaylin choked, and squirmed in her chair. Liliana’s gaze
volleyed between Xavier and the queen.

Xavier turned to Liliana. “Bea packed Kita’s bags for every trip
to Adro, correct?”

She nodded, a cold wave started from her fingertips, taking over
her body.

“She packed it all. Clothes, sex toys, everything Kita needed
for her monthly foray into the sadistic world she and her betrothed loved. You
had her pack a little something extra this time though, didn’t you?”

Dread pooled in Liliana’s stomach, her legs shaking and going
weak.  “My God.”

“Mother, you wouldn’t.” Kedric moaned.

“She dragged you down into her sick and sordid world. She wasn’t
good enough for you.” Kaylin hissed.

“It’s the prince who is sick!” Lily shouted in defense of her
sister. “Kita only did it because she loved that twisted animal you call your

“Careful how you speak about my son.” Kaylin’s icy rebuke sent a
spike of fear through her.

“She was my mate, mother.” Kedric moved from his mother’s side,
shock and grief twisting his features.

“No way would I allow that stupid whore to run my kingdom.”
Kaylin was unrepentant. She adjusted the skirts of her dress.

“It is not yours to run.” Leander spoke up next to her, “And
now, in light of this I cannot even allow Kedric the kingdom.”

“What?” Kaylin screeched.

“Who do you imagine taught our son all he knows, Kaylin? Surely
not me.” Leander gripped the sides of his chair. His jaw clenched in his fury.

“You can’t be serious, father?” Kedric whipped around to face
the king, anger mottling his cheeks.

Kaylin stood, and advanced to the end of the dais. “You
should’ve been dead!” She pointed at Liliana. “You’re lucky the stupid Dziva I
hired failed.”

“Who did you hire?” Leo’s deadly voice sent chills down her

To say her mate was furious was an understatement. His magic
sent sparks and sharp stings across her skin as he gripped her hand tighter.
Kaylin turned her head refusing to answer.

“What could you have possibly gained from killing Liliana?”
Fallon’s baffled question distracted them.

“My son will rule Legba. I couldn’t let her get pregnant.”
Kaylin speared Liliana with a death glare.

“You’re too late.” She snatched her hand out of Leo’s and
caressed her stomach. “I have an heir and he will be a better king than anyone
from your poisonous tree.”

“Your son won’t see the light of day.”

Liliana reeled back from the queen’s angry hiss. “
son takes the throne, if you are alive to see it, that is, I’ll be sure to have
my husband release you from prison long enough to watch him be crowned.” Magic
filled her, a yellow glow covered her skin as she made her proclamation.

Leo growled next to her, his pride in her words evident.

“Kedric will rule!” Kaylin shouted, spittle leaving her mouth.

“No one from your line will sit a day on my throne, Kaylin.”
Leander’s quiet voice sliced through their argument.

“Father.” Kedric protested.

“You allowed your mate to die, without so much as a whimper of
help. The kingdom will never stand for you as their leader.” Leander’s voice
rose with every word. “Hopefully with my grandson, I will get it right.”

“You will take this kingdom from my son over my dead body.”
Kaylin whispered, shaken.

Xavier smiled sinisterly. “I’m glad you said that, because that
has been arranged.”

Right before their eyes Kaylin disappeared from the dais.
Liliana’s hand covered her mouth, surprise leaching away her anger. “Shit.”

“Mother?” Kedric’s reached for the empty space where his mother

“I can’t punish you for your proclivities, nor your part in Lady
Marcolev’s death, Prince Kedric, but understand this, you are no longer welcome
in the Atlanta Haven. As my sister now resides there, I want you nowhere near
her or my growing nephew. It’s decreed and should you disobey the order I will
banish you.”

Kedric paled. “You can’t do that.”

“I have done that.” Xavier announced. He nodded to Lily.

She bobbed her head in acknowledgment of his effort. It wasn’t
the punishment she was hoping for, but she knew he’d tried. No other Haven
reached the power level the Atlanta Haven achieved. The prince would have to
settle for the lesser havens to feed and she would have to be content with that
punishment. At least she wouldn’t run into Kedric while she was at her new
home, and that was a blessing.

Leander sighed in defeat as Kedric stormed from the room. He
wiped a hand over his face. “The child will need to spend time here to learn
his place.” He glanced down at her stomach.

Liliana put a restraining hand on her mate as he growled in
protest. “We will have him here every summer as soon as he reaches his eighth

“He will not be alone.” Leo said through gritted teeth.

Leander cleared his throat, but was unable to hide his growing
excitement at the prospect of the child. “Of course. Whatever you decide.”

“We have further business before the night is done.” Xavier
addressed Leo.

Leo pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek softly. “Fallon
and my father will see you home. I don’t know how long this will take, but I
want you to rest, okay?”

She nodded. She pulled him to her for another kiss. “If it’s in
you to do, I want her to regret messing with our family.”

His eyes lit, the silver encompassing his pupils. “I swear it,
my love.”

He walked from the room in long strides, his retreating energy
leaving her cold. She hugged herself, and shuddered. With him gone, her mind
cleared and she realized she’d never asked what Bea had told Xavier. She would
find out herself.

“I need to visit my father.” She announced.

Fallon acquiesced, guiding her back to the lift station. She
wasn’t leaving Legba until she got answers.


Leo stopped as Xavier halted just outside the receiving room
doors. His eyes opened in surprise as his brother opened a portal directly to
the Eminzu council room. He himself had the power to open a portal anywhere,
he’d forgotten Xavier had the same power. They stepped into the bright light in
the hallway, coming out into the dim room of the Eminzu. The council of elders
were gathered at a long table on a raised dais, their gazes grim as he and X
entered. Rugaba sat at the head of the table, the Eldest member of the council
on the other end. He released his base form, knowing already why the god
summoned him there. The burning of his body changing felt good, his Cagyn beast
stretching, relishing the upcoming trip.

His mate had asked him to make sure the queen was punished and
anticipation flowed through him. He took note of the fear entering Queen
Kaylin’s eyes. Grimly he observed the resignation in Bea’s eyes. Her presence
in the room didn’t bode well for the maid. Liliana would be devastated, as she
thought of the woman as a mother figure.

Rugaba’s voice filled the cavern. “Between the Eminzu and the
head of the Amanda, punishment has been decreed. You will both suffer the
eternal death and be sent to Azreal.”

The queen fainted and Bea moaned in fear as he stalked to them.
Rugaba nodded to him and Leo rolled his shoulders, loosening his body for the
long trip.

He clapped his hands once, and drew out the spell for Azreal.
The portal opened and he grabbed Bea’s hands as she tried to move away from

“I have information you can use. Please, don’t kill me.” Bea

Used to the pleading, Leo turned a deaf ear to it.

“My brother will have fun getting the information from you. Do
not worry that it will die with you.” Rugaba assured her.

Bea went limp in his arms, her breathing erratic. Shaking his
head, Leo shifted her weight, and reached for the queen. He slapped Kaylin to
wake her. Her eyes widened and she screamed as Leo dragged both her and Bea
through the portal.



HER SHOCK QOUTA HAD BEEN reached for the day. Or at least that’s
what Liliana thought as they landed at her family’s airlift pod. Her father’s
possessions littered the lawn, her mother’s shrill voice reaching them outside.

“Gods in heaven, can this day not end.” She muttered, using
Fallon’s hand for help out of the lift.

She rushed up to the keypad, hastily typing in the code to
extend the walkway. She growled in impatience as it slowly crept towards the
house. She’d thought coming to her father’s house would be soothing. She’d get
answers from Bea, wallow in comfort of her father’s hug and go home.


Who knew what she was getting into? She sighed in aggravation
and pushed through the front door. All four of her aunts crowded her parent’s
common room, their expressions varying from anger to pity. They were packing
away some of the sculptures that had graced the tabletops in her parent’s home
for years. They each swung their heads around to Liliana as she walked in.

“What’s going on?” She was hesitant to ask.

Her oldest aunt rushed over to quickly answer. “Your mother is
finally being rid of your deceitful father.”

She reared back. “Excuse you?” No one talked about her father,
especially not the women who’d never liked him.

“You heard her. I’m kicking your father out, and I want you to
leave behind him.” Her mother stormed past them in the foyer, opening the front
door to toss out more of her father’s luggage. She barely missed hitting Leo’s
father, who’d come up behind them on the walk.

“Papa!” Liliana called, pushing past her other aunts. She raced
up the stairs and found him carefully packing his art into a crate.

He glanced up at her entering his room and sighed. “Lily.”

“Why is mother kicking you out? What is happening?” She touched
his shoulder.

They both turned at the heavy steps stomping up the stairs. Her
mother rushed in, out of breath, her eyes manic.

“The Eminzu granted me release from my mating.” Arian answered
her question.

Liliana paled and sat on the edge of the bed. “What will you do,

“I don’t care where he goes, so long as it’s not here. I’m no
longer forced to look at your cheating face and that of your whore.” Arian

“Whore?” Lily turned to her father. “Is this true, father?”

“Tell her! Tell your favorite daughter how you cheated on me
with our maid. Tell her all about the women you parade in that apartment you
thought you were keeping a secret from me.”

Her father slammed the drawer he’d been cleaning closed. “There
has been no one since Bea! You will not continue to lie on me, Arian.”

Magic swelled in the room as her parents squared off. Getting
between then didn’t even occur to her. She was still fighting to decipher their

“It’s not slander if it’s true.” Arian’s hair lit with her

“It was once! Once, gods damn you and it was your fault
besides.” He argued.

Arian laughed bitterly. “It was not my fault you slept with

“You had her change her form into yours. I spent the entire
weekend with a person I thought was my mate. You didn’t want to spend time with
your mate, so you sent your maid in your place. Don’t act all saintly because
your pride was hurt. You were punished because of your part in the farce.”

Liliana’s breath caught, her gasp breaking into their argument.
Arian turned her attention to her, her eyes narrowing.

“Yes, well no longer. I no longer have to claim that bitch’s
child as my own.”

Evan’s hand moved before either she or her mother could react.
The slap on Arian’s cheek rang in the tense silence. “I will no longer have to
stand aside while you disrespect

“Father.” Liliana whispered. Shock at both her mother’s words,
and her father’s actions froze her in place.

“Where was the outrage for our daughter when your whore had her
murdered?” Arian hissed.

Evan turned his back on them. She remembered the video of Bea
Xavier had displayed at the palace.

“The queen forced her to help.” Tears clogged her throat. She
didn’t know that for sure, but it was impossible for her to think of Bea having
anything to do with her sister’s death.

Arian drew a shaky breath, tears cresting her eyes. “Forced her?
They were in on it together.” Arian’s acerbic laugh chilled her. “His whore,
your mother, helped the queen kill my daughter. All so she could put you in her

“No.” Liliana backed away, her hand out warding away her
mother’s words. “My mother? What are you saying? She would never.”

Evan put his head in his hands.

“Papa?” She had to be lying. Bea was her mother? She walked up
to her father and shook his shoulder. “She’s lying, right? Bea would never do
something like that. You wouldn’t lie to me about something as big as who my
mother was. Tell me you wouldn’t, father.”

“I’m sorry, baby.” Evan tried to pull her into a hug.

“No!” She pushed at his hands. “She’s lying.” She whipped around
to face her mother. “You’re lying to hurt me.”

Arian crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t lie and I’ve
never lied to you, outside of claiming you as my child. Your father and I have
known for years that Kita was dead. But we weren’t told the circumstances of
her death until now. And now Beatrice will pay for what she’s done with her

“Papa, tell me it’s not true.” Liliana expected tears, but none
broke through her numbness. Her body was cold, her hands shaking as she pushed
her hair out of her face. “Please.” She whispered.

“Do you think I would allow you to take something which belonged
to my daughter? Kita deserved to be queen. Not some servant’s bastard.” Arian
waved a hand towards her.

“” Her father growled, his power saturating
the room. He took a step towards his now former mate.

“What, are you going to hit me again?”

“You’re disgusting.” He whispered.

“And you’re weak.

Lily braced her hand on the wall for balance. She needed to
leave. She told her legs that, but they stayed rooted to the spot as though

Fallon cleared his throat from the door of the room. “Liliana,
are you okay?”

Her head lifted, her eyes meeting his. Compassion and worry
swirled in his eyes. She didn’t know how to answer him. No, she wasn’t okay.

“No one invited you into this conversation.” Arian put her hands
on her hips.

“Your volume invited the entire house, madam. Never mind the
spectacle you’ve created on your front lawn.” Fallon mimicked Arian’s pose. “If
you don’t want anyone to know your business, I would suggest lowering your

“Don’t, Fallon.” Liliana whispered. “Don’t engage her. She’s
like an Abiku demon, feeding off the misery of others.” Determination flooded
her and straightened her spine. This woman was not her mother. She no longer
felt obligated to take her shit.

“How dare you?”

“How dare I? How dare
talk to me as though I were
nothing? How dare you sit over there self-righteous about a mistake you
orchestrated? This house was bought with my father’s money, if anyone should
leave it should be you.”

Arian gasped.

“It should be your shit on the lawn, not his. It was your
punishment to raise me?” Lily scoffed. “Not hardly. I lived with you berating
me daily, talking down to me, and slapping me around. It was I who suffered the
punishment. So you know what? Thank you, thank you for releasing me from any
sentimentality towards you. Congratulations on being released from your mating
to my father. Good luck moving around society without his money to back you.”
Her chest heaved as she sucked in air.

“Get out!” Arian shouted.

“Gladly.” Lily swept from the room and out of the house. Fallon
and his father were on her heels. The airlift they’d taken to the house was
still there. She breathed out a sigh of relief. At least she hadn’t had to sit
on her parent’s, no her father’s, pod waiting on a ride out of this miserable

They were all silent on the way back to the portal station. She
was hollowed out. In the span of a day, she’d found out her sister was
murdered, her mother was not her mom, and the woman who was, had helped kill
her sister. How did a person react to all of that? How was she supposed to go
back to life as though it were normal? She lowered her head into her lap.
Fallon’s palm warmed her back as he rubbed her in soothing motions.

“I’m truly sorry for what you’re going through right now,

The tears that had been trapped behind her numbness leaked from
her eyes, soaking her jeans. She choked on them, not wanting to completely
break down in front of them.

“You’ve a right to grieve, lass. Don’t hold back on our
account.” Ranolph’s voice was gentle as he added his hand to her back as well.

Strangers had shown her more compassion than the woman who’d
raised her and didn’t that just sum up her life. The warmth of their touch sank
into her skin and eased the cold knot of anger and confusion. While comforting,
it made her wish for Leo. She wanted to curl into his strong body and be
sheltered from the bad things happening. In the weeks they were together she’d
come to rely on him, on his steady presence. Her communicator on her hip rang.
She sat up and wiped her face. It was her father. Her breathing hitched.

“Yes, papa.”

“I…I wanted to check on you. I’m sorry, Lily, I don’t know how
to fix this.”

She sniffed. “It’s not…” She couldn’t even finish the sentence.
She wanted to tell him it wasn’t her business, but she desperately wanted to know,
to understand.

He sighed, understanding what she needed. “I wanted a weekend
out with your mother. We hadn’t been out alone since Kita was born and I
thought we could use a weekend to reconnect. It intersected with a huge society
event your mother wouldn’t miss. Cagyns can transform into any form, your
mother convinced Bea to take hers. Long story short, we spent a weekend
together and a month later Bea confessed she was pregnant. I went to the
Eminzu, furious. We were all punished, for lack of a better word.”

“So Bea really is my mother.” She put a hand to her forehead, an
ache forming behind her eyes.

“Yes.” He didn’t elaborate.

“And the rest?”

“You should talk with your brother in law. Perhaps he can better

She nodded, though he couldn’t see it. The lump in her throat
prevented her from saying anything else.

“Can you forgive me for my part?”

“Papa.” She sighed, she couldn’t answer that yet. “Where will
you go?”

“Well, your mother was right about the condo I have. It’s near
market square, and makes it easy to manage all of my properties. There have
been no women though. I swear it.”

“Why does she get the house?” It was petty, but she hated to
think Arian would get the house she’d grown up in.

“Because she gets nothing else, Liliana. She’ll be able to keep
up appearances and I will be free of her and her sisters. Trust me, I got the
better deal.” His small chuckle lightened her heart. “Will you visit?”

“Of course.” She whispered. “You’re all I have left.” She ended
the call, pocketing her communicator.

Arian’s words about Bea being put to death hurt her. She didn’t
want to think the woman she’d grown up loving had been complicit in something
so heinous. The way Kita had died was cruel. No one had helped her. She’d died
alone, probably confused and scared.

Fallon touched her shoulder to get her attention. “We’re here.
Let’s get you home.”

She nodded and followed them through the portal station, her
head down, avoiding eye contact. Had the news spread yet? She didn’t want to
see the pitying glances, or smug smiles, so she kept her gaze on the floor.
Fallon guided her through the station and into a portal, his hand never leaving
her back. Ranolph parted ways with them once they reached Haven. Fallon walked
her all the way to the front door of the apartment she shared with Leo. She
looked up when someone cleared their throat. Paul and Roy stood like sentinels
at her door.

“Are you here to watch me?”

Paul shook his head. “We’re here to say thank you. You saved our
lives.” He pulled a bouquet of flowers from behind him.

She took the flowers with shaking hands. “I’m touched. Thank

Roy saluted her and pulled a tray of pastries from behind his
back. “I had Marta make them. I’m told only one other person in all seven
realms knows how to make them.”

Tears gathered in her eyes. “Thank you, Roy.” She whispered.

He nodded and opened the door for her. Fallon took the tray from
him and waved them off. They each touched her shoulder and left. Fallon took
the flowers and tray of pastries into their small kitchen. He manifested a
glass vase and filled it with water. She marveled at the finely etched vase
he’d wrought. That someone so big could make magic so delicate. She smiled.

“It’s beautiful, thank you.”

He cleared his throat. “Leo is…he had to take the queen to
Azreal. Time moves differently when he’s ‘traveling’, so it could be hours, or
it could be days.”

“I understand.” It was a part of his job. She’d better get used
to it. While Rugaba had banned him from hunting, he would still be…traveling.
It was the life of an Amanda soldier. No time like the present to start
learning how to deal.

“If you need anything, and I mean anything, Lily, both Xavier
and I are a phone call away, okay?”

She nodded. “For now, I need some alone time.”

“Right.” He kissed her forehead and left her in peace.

Once the front door closed, the adrenaline holding her together
faded and with it her strength. She sank to the floor sobbing, her grief a
living, and breathing monster on her back. Everything she’d thought she knew
about her life was a lie. Would she ever get back her sense of normalcy?

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