Read Ha'ven's Song Online

Authors: S. E. Smith

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Science Fiction, #Adult

Ha'ven's Song (19 page)

“You will go now,” Sebra murmured.

“But,” Emma looked at the older female in
panic. “I don’t want to dance with the other women! What if they
dance with me and chose a male? I don’t want…” Her eyes flew to
Ha’ven who was sitting perfectly still, his eyes glued to her.

“There are only two males left,” Sebra said.
“You will dance alone for them.”

Emma’s eyes moved to Crom who sat looking at
her with a burning hunger before turning to Ha’ven. The confident
determination in his eyes calmed her. He promised to protect her.
He would never let another male take her from him.

She rose on shaky knees. Walking over to the
small group of musicians, she spoke quietly for several minutes
before moving to the center of the dining area reserved for the
dancers. Closing her eyes, she lifted one arm above her head while
the other curved gracefully behind her.

As the music began, she let it sweep over
her. The beauty of the notes poured through her blood, awakening
the magic deep inside her. A soft smile curled her lips as she
imagined herself back in the dance studio with her father. His arms
guiding her as she took the first tentative steps.

Her arms moved in a graceful arc as she
turned. She flowed around the circle lost in the beauty of her
memories and the music. Soon, her voice joined in. The clear
beautiful tones rising and falling like the waves brushing the
shores of the lake. Heartfelt and pure, the sounds washed over
those sitting around the circle as she danced, mesmerizing everyone
with the beauty of her words and movements.

Chapter 18

Ha’ven sat enchanted by the vision in front
of him. The beauty of her voice and the grace of her body as it
moved in perfect synchronization gripped him in its magic. Her aura
swirled around her making her body glow in the delicate colors that
were uniquely hers. The effect was pure magic at its most powerful
and his own power, drained as it was, fought to answer the call of
its mate.

Unable to resist when she rose up, her back
arched in an elegant arc and her leg raised and bent behind her as
her arms reached for the starry sky, he joined her. Moving as if in
a trance, he gently gripped her tiny waist and lifted her. The
moment he touched her, his power rose up to entwine with hers. He
could feel the weak threads being caught and held in the warmth of
her essence. As one, they moved together to the music. Ha’ven never
let her go. His hands or body touched some part of her as they
danced around the circle, oblivious to anyone other than each

Ha’ven watched as Emma’s eyes fluttered open
as she slowly turned in his arms as the music faded in the
background. She stood… entrapped in his arms. Her hands rested
lightly on his shoulders as she gazed up at him.

Overwhelming love flooded him as he sank
deeper into the blue oceans of her eyes. His lips gently caressed
hers. He drank deeply when her lips parted for him. His arms drew
her closer even as her power wrapped around them, tying them
together forever as one.

He reluctantly pulled back and rested his
forehead against hers. “I have never seen or heard anything more
misha petite
,” he whispered huskily. “You are my
love, my mate, my life. I ask that you choose me as yours.”

“I already have,” Emma replied as she smiled
softly up at him, a tender smile curving her lips as she raised her
right hand and laid it against his cheek.

A low growl sounded behind Emma. Ha’ven
immediately twisted, pulling Emma behind him as Crom stepped into
the circle. His face darkened in warning as the huge Moniker
stepped forward.

“I challenge for the female,” Crom called
out in a low rumbling voice to those sitting around the circle.

“I accept the challenge,” Ha’ven snarled

“No!” Emma said, frightened. “I don’t want
you to accept.”

Ha’ven threw a heated glance over his
shoulder. “I will not let him claim you, my Emma. You are mine!” He

“Yes, and you are mine,” she responded
softly, resting her fingers lightly on his back. She looked over
Ha’ven’s shoulder at Crom who was staring at her with dark hungry
eyes. “I have already chosen Ha’ven Ha’darra.”

“I am stronger. I can protect you and care
for you,” Crom said, standing tall and pounding his right fist into
his chest. “I would be a good mate.”

Emma carefully stepped around Ha’ven. She
stopped beside him, running her hand down his arm and curling her
fingers around his. She looked up at Ha’ven with a tender smile
before turning to look at Crom.

“I am honored by your challenge but my heart
has already been taken. You see, a very wise woman once told me
there would be a man out there that would love me so much I would
walk on a cloud and never touch the ground,” Emma said as her
throat tightened with tears at the memory of those words. “My mom
was right. I found him… and I love him.”


Crom stood looking at the strange but
beautiful female. The tears in her eyes and the truth in her voice
and eyes showed that she would not accept him. A part of him still
wanted to challenge the male for her but something told him that he
could never win her. His eyes swept over her hair and the
smoothness of her pale skin before he looked at Ha’ven who stood
ready to strike.

“I ask for one thing before I will concede
to the male,” Crom finally responded.

Emma tilted her head and looked at the huge
male. “What is it?”

“I wish to see if your skin feels as soft as
I imagine,” Crom responded with a grin. “I have never seen a female
like you and it makes me curious.”

Emma bit back a giggle and blushed when
Ha’ven snarled a dark curse under his breath. She squeezed his
fingers before she slipped her hand from his and took a step
forward. A low rumble of displeasure filled the air behind her.

She glanced over her shoulder and rolled her
eyes. “Behave,” she admonished in a humorous tone. “He just wants
to touch me.”

“You are not his to touch,” Ha’ven grumbled
as he stepped up behind her.

Emma turned back to face Crom even as she
stretched her left hand behind her to touch Ha’ven. She relaxed
when his large hand wrapped around hers. She felt the familiar
warmth that flooded her the moment they touched.

She bit her lip. In truth, she was a little
curious herself. She reached up to timidly touch Crom’s fur-coated
chest at the same time as he reached out and touched her cheek. Her
eyes rose to meet his. The tips of his fingers were rough but soft
as well. She tilted her head back a little further so he could run
his fingers down along her jaw and throat. A low purr filled the
air and the rumble of it vibrated under her fingers.

Emma couldn’t hold back the giggle that
escaped at the feeling of it. It reminded her of a small kitten she
had when she was younger. She gasped when a thick arm suddenly
wound around her waist and she was pulled back against Ha’ven’s
broad chest.

“You got your touch,” he growled out to
Crom. “We are done.”

A startled squeak escaped Emma as she was
suddenly swung up into a pair of strong arms. Her eyes flew to
Ha’ven’s blazing violet ones. The swirling of black deep inside
them sent waves of heat through her blood.

“Where are we going?” She asked in confusion
when he turned on his heel and began threading through the tables
and down a small path into the dark forest.

“Saba Monda has given us a small hut that is
used for visiting guests. I am taking you there and then I am going
to let you claim me,” he said in a husky, desire-laden voice. “I
don’t want any of those other damn males thinking that you are
available again.”

Emma sighed and laid her head against his
chest as he carried her. She tilted her head so she could catch a
glimpse of the stars through the trees. A smile curved her lips as
she snuggled into his warmth.

A part of her felt guilty for not being
there for her mother but a bigger part of her felt amazement for
how much her life had changed over the past few months. She had
wanted a chance to find out what was out in the world. She had
wanted a chance to live a little. She was finding out the world was
a lot bigger than she ever imagined, and well, she had never felt
so alive in her life.


Ha’ven strode down the long narrow path to
the hut Saba Monda had shown to him earlier. His blood boiled with
jealousy. It had taken every bit of his self-control not to kill
the Moniker. The thought of any other male touching her was like
pouring fuel on a fire. He had wanted to rip the other male’s hand
off when he reached to touch Emma’s cheek. His arms tightened
around her slender figure as she relaxed back against him.

“It’s so beautiful here,” Emma sighed. “I’ve
never seen so many stars in my life.”

Ha’ven heard the ache in her voice. “What is
misha petite
? Something is bothering you,” he asked
quietly, slowing his pace so she could have more time to enjoy the
stars above.

“I wonder how my mom is and...,” she
answered in a small voice. “Sometimes I feel guilty that I’m not
there for her… not that she would even realize it anymore,” she
whispered. “But other times, like now with you, I don’t. I never
want this to end. Do you think that makes me a selfish and uncaring

Ha’ven’s heart clenched at the hesitancy in
her voice. Her uncertainty and sadness pulled at him. He knew she
feared he would judge her harshly for wanting to stay with him. Did
that make him any less guilty for wanting his time alone with her
to never end as well?

“You said once that your mother did not
remember who you were,” Ha’ven replied as he stepped up to the door
of the small hut. “Does she remember her life from when she was

Emma reached out and lifted the latch to the
door so Ha’ven could carry her over the threshold. A shiver coursed
through her at the symbolic meaning. It was as if they had truly
married that night.

“Yes, she remembers fragments. She
especially remembers my father, though at times she doesn’t
remember they were married,” Emma said sadly looking up at Ha’ven’s
face in the dim light shining through the windows. “I don’t want to
ever forget you,” she murmured in a hushed voice.

Ha’ven carefully lowered Emma to her feet.
“I will just have to keep reminding you then,” he said, brushing
his fingers along her cheek. “I didn’t like that male touching
you,” he admitted with a grimace. “You are mine, Emma. I have never
felt this way before and it will take me time to understand the
emotions you stir inside me.”

Emma turned her head and pressed a kiss to
the center of his palm. “I don’t understand them either,” she said.
“I didn’t think I would live much less have a chance at finding
someone to love. When Cuello....” her voice died and she lowered
her head to hide the pain in her eyes. “I just wanted to fade away
from the pain.”

Ha’ven’s face tightened in anger at the
memory of what the human male had done to his tiny mate. He
tenderly cupped her chin, lifting it so she could see the truth in
his eyes. He ran his other hand up along her neck, threading his
fingers through her hair. He knew he couldn’t take her memories
away but he could ease them by replacing them with better, happier

“Never again, Emma,” he vowed passionately.
“I will do everything in my power to protect you from ever having
to go through anything like that again.”

Emma’s lips curved in a smile as she looked
up at him with bright, trusting eyes. “I love you, Ha’ven.”

Ha’ven lowered his head, capturing Emma’s
lips as his hands worked at unbraiding her hair. He wanted to run
his hands through the silky strands. He deepened the kiss when her
lips parted. The moment her hair was free, he moved his hands to
the pin holding the colorful wrap. With nimble fingers, he slid it
from the delicate fabric. Catching the wrap, he pulled it free from
her body and tossed it behind him.

“Undress me, Emma,” he muttered thickly as
he pressed hot kisses to the corner of her mouth. “Undress me and
claim me as yours.”

“Forever?” She asked as her trembling
fingers worked at pulling free the clasps that held his shirt

“Forever,” he responded.

“Oh Ha’ven,” she gasped as his hands ran
down to grip her hips.

Emma fought to push his shirt off his broad
shoulders. Her hands roamed over his chest as she pressed tiny
kisses across it. She worked her way down his flat stomach until
her hands reached the top of his pants. She desperately worked at
undoing the clasp at the waist and pushed them down. Ha’ven quickly
toed off his boots and kicked his pants aside as Emma sank to her
knees in front of him. His hands fisted in her hair and he closed
his eyes briefly when he felt her hot, moist breath against his
throbbing cock. Her hands ran up over his calves and clenched the
back of his thighs as she pulled him forward.

“I want to taste you,” she breathed out.

Ha’ven drew in a heated breath, his eyes
popping open to stare down at Emma’s tilted face. In the dim light,
her aura glowed and changed to warmer, richer colors as she opened
her mouth. He swallowed several times as her lips closed around

“By the Goddess, Emma,” he hissed out
loudly. “You are mine forever,
misha petite

Emma’s soft moan of acknowledgement sent
shivers through Ha’ven as the vibration added another layer of
pleasure to the heat of her mouth. He thrust his hips forward
slowly as she wrapped her lips around his shaft. He watched as she
took his long length, amazed that she could take as much as she did
without choking. He pulled back shuddering at the light abrasion of
her teeth against him. The sight of her loving him was the most
beautiful thing he had ever seen.

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