Hawkmoon (The Hawkmoon Chronicles) (12 page)





                                                            Death of a Courtesan.

Not recognising Hawkmoon the new secretary left him  to wait in the outer office.. Obod   bustled out, his face flushed with annoyance. “Meneer  Hawkmoon, a thousand apologies, the man is new”

“Where is the old fellow?

“Passed away, dear chap. Thirty years he was with me. A treasure, a veritable treasure. Do come in. I promise you won’t be detained in an outer office again.” He said with a glare to the clerk. “ Bring coffee from the   Planter’s Rest. When you return leave it outside. I don’t want to see you until tomorrow.” Hawkmoon  had known  the financier when Obod was neither as fat nor as wealthy. They met on a mountain road  near the city of Karpis. His drivers were demanding an increase in their wages. If it was not forthcoming they proposed to take his merchandise. Hawkmoon conducted the negotiations.

   They retired to Obod’s private office. The walls were granite decorated with  Mallorn. The windows were  narrow,  triple glazed  with  an iron tracery to stop flying projectiles.  “The new man seems keen  ”Hawkmoon observed taking a seat.

“Excellent qualifications and well recommended. I am letting him go tomorrow”

“The orphanage is too small. I want you to purchase a property. There are vacant buildings by the docks.  Arrange private quarters and offices for the sisters, a clinic, dormitories and a nursery. Give them what they need”

“That woman is a marvel. She is feeding  a thousand  people at the  Watergate. It’s enough to give you religion..”Hawkmoon took a cheroot from a box on the financier’s desk…. “I instructed you to enquire into a certain matter”

Obod sat, taking  a key he unlocked a drawer from which he took a folder… “Children  disappear but are usually found. …  Fourteen  over six  months is…excessive.” He said, steepling  chubby,jewel encrusted fingers “ Parties known to disagree with the   Queen have died in mysterious circumstances. Among their number are senior Rangers, men   who, under normal circumstances would be hard to approach, let alone kill. It took a heavy payment out of your account but I am reasonably certain. Someone is raising demon assassins to eliminate their enemies... “

“I killed one in the forest”

Obod raised delicate eyebrows. “Might I enquire how you achieved something that remarkable?”Hawkmoon told him about Norry and the knife he took from the Shadow.“An unusual little man. I should like  to make his acquaintance. …The bodies were found in woods behind the Royal Pavilion..”Hawkmoon sat smoking
his face tight with anger..
The fat man presented a large envelope “The information you require. Not enough to hold up in court, if there was such a wonder…All funds under my supervision, have been transferred to accounts in the Free Cities.   I have placed orders for cavalry remounts, weapons, iron and food.  You now own or control a number of freighters.”

Obod walked Hawkmoon to the front door. “When will you leave?”

“As soon as it is prudent. I have a yacht hidden up the coast.”


Hawkmoon lay beside her, watching as she slept . Her breath stank; beads of sweat   on her cheeks and upper lip. Taking  a  scissors from the nighstand  he  cut her nails. Her eyes rolled beneath closed lids. Hawkmoon held the knife   with one hand as he covered her mouth with the other. Her eyes flared , staring at him. For a moment her body tensed, then relaxed.

“A  man in your bed  with a knife at your throat yet you  show no  fear. The sisters  trained you well….You make your body   soft and pliant. Perhaps I will take my hand away? You will not call out; you would be dead before the door opened. You know this. You have the Voice. If you could speak; you would tell me that I was the one you waited for. I could put aside the knife. We could make love…

The shades of the children whose lives you took are waiting. They are anxious to meet you.  You will die as you have lived, alone and unloved “.Her hand flashed at his neck , nails tore at the skin . Fear started as he looked  into her eyes, unaffected.“I know about  the  poison  on  your  nails. “Placing the blade at her throat, he whispered.”Farewell, Queen of the Dasatii, for all the good you have been.”

Alarms rang in the city as dawn  brightened the towers. Hawkmoon slipped by the bridge on to the street where he met Bekter the day before. Chatto stepped from a doorway.

“Is it done?”

“It’s done. Go to the Rangers. Tell the Director to come at nine  oclock. Find the  Captain of Lancers. Tell him the same. If he does anything other than come with you, kill him”.

Riots  broke out  as  word of Chandra’s death went through the city. Starving mobs rampaged in the port... A crowd  assembled before the city gaol.  Relatives of those incarcerated, demanded their release. Their mood changed from aggressive to dangerous when the condition of the prisoners was discovered. The guards left  through the rear. Looters wandered through  wealthy neighbourhoods breaking into houses.. Bar came to Mira’s chambers asking  if she would come to the  drawing room..

Mira entered  to find  a tall woman  dressed in a blue travel cloak.   Despite the drama of the evening  Elmund was immaculate. “My Lady I have taken liberties for which I beg your indulgence. When I learned of what the ….. of what Chandra said to you I sent for Mistress Harn. She is  Morah’s assistant... Mistress Harn, if you will.”

Harn was tall, thin with mournful eye.“ Your majesty. We  are facing  into difficult times; you should only carry those burdens that cannot be avoided”.

Mira took a seat by Dwarfdale.“Burdens are the lot of a Queen. Say what you have to say”

“When it became obvious that  Marcus was important to you he became important to us. We made considerable efforts to know everything  about him.” Harn read from notes. “. At seventeen he applied for and was accepted at the War College. He was commissioned four years later and was assigned to the Northern Command  and then to General Britan’s headquarters where he spent two years  .. He was seconded to the Rangers for a further  three. Harn looked up from her notes “. An officer in the kind of   work he was assigned to has to account for his movements….  He would have had  neither the means nor opportunity  for a conspiracy. There are detailed reports of every day of his life , from the day he became a cadet to when you went with him to Holgun.. Your husband did not betray you. …” Mira’s hand reached for Dwarfdale’s.She had hardly slept, remembering their life together, every precious memory.

“Thank you”

Returning to her   rooms she wondered about the alarm bells in the city.  Where was Hawkmoon? An hour later Dwarfdale  came to report the passing of her  father and stepmother.



                                         At the Home of Elmund Dwarfdale.



“Pardon, my Lady, there are visitors downstairs. They have come to see you. The master has them in one of the reception rooms.”

“Thank you Bar, I will be down in a moment”. The Butler bowed and left.

Laughter came from the  room as she opened the door. “My Lady, delighted you could join us.”. Dwarfdale  had changed . He was dressed in   velvet, wearing  an expensive wig and rubies on every finger. He sported a dagger on a belt at his waist.  “…How lovely you look…. May I introduce Sisters  Rachel and Sharon”. The women smiled. “This is Professor Alexander and Mistress Leona.” Please excuse me while I see to supper.” Leona took Mira’s  hand.

“I am happy to see you child, we have been anticipating your arrival. Keris has omitted certain details. I trust you can be more forthcoming”.

Mira was taken aback at being addressed as a child by a woman hardly ten years her senior.

“I believe  Kerr…, the Matriarch has given you all the information she sees fit. I would not presume to go beyond what you have already been told”.

Leona’s mouth pursed with annoyance. “Come now, I will require more information before acceding to your request”.

“With respect, mistress you have been your given instructions I suggest you carry them out”

The sisters stared at Mira . The Abbess looked  at the younger woman, measuring, her. Leona threw back her head , roaring with laughter.

“Do you know how often anyone has spoken to me in that manner ?.  “ Leona wiped her face.

“My dear,you have extraordinary  powers.. An army of spies , magicians, and hundreds of rank and file have been put at your disposal.  Yet I know almost nothing about your plans. Do you understand my position?”

Mira nodded.” I will write to Kerris asking her to be more forthcoming”

“How is she? Did that reprobate show up? “


“Her husband ”.

“Kerris is celibate…”

Leona  sniffed. “And my cat hates kippers… Don’t know what she sees in him. Been up the skirts of every wench  from here to Elfhome. And a few of those from what I hear”.

Leona continued.  “In all my years I have never had a letter instructing me to provide someone not of the Order with so much assistance. Apparently you intend to travel to Elfhome.. Are you aware that the Choke is   impassable?”

“I was informed  that some caravans are getting through. …”

Leona waved her hand in dismissal. “Thugs and confidence tricksters. They take the unfortunates out into the shallows and kill them. I can promise you will not be crossing the Sandsea on foot”...

“But I must cross. …”

“My Dear, I said you cannot go on foot, I did not say you cannot cross at all. Professor, if you will,” said Leona

The Professor cleared his throat. “For a number of years we” Alexander indicated the young women”  have been working on a mode of transport that would enable an ascent to a certain height  and  descending safely after covering a certain distance. However  it was so expensive it would not be viable for almost any requirement. Any requirement, that is, but the present. Would you be so kind as to come to the Abbey in the morning where we can demonstrate?”

“Are you saying that you have some means of transporting me safely across the Choke?”
“Not in complete safety, no. I cannot say that. There are risks associated and it will require courage though from what  I am told you have no defect  in that respect”

“At what time?”

“Ten. It is in the country and private… Dwarfdale will accompany you.”

The party left and Dwarfdale returned. Mira told him everything that had been said. “It will give me an opportunity to see this wonder with my own eyes.”

Mira nodded. “If this is all they  say you must contrive to get it to Silverlode. The Professor says it is expensive but that should be no deterrent now that the mine is in operation. “

“Thank you my dear, your thoughtfulness is much appreciated”.

“Appreciated my foot. You probably know more about the contraption than they do.Was that Hawkmoon I saw you with earlier?” She asked.

Dwarfdale smiled  “He calls, whenever he is in the city. He stays here usually, but not this time.” Dwarfdale looked at Mira..

“You have known him for long?”

“For years”, said Dwardale.” Capital fellow and a true friend “...

“And  an assassin”

Dwarfdale shook his head. “My lady, part  of our work is to  hunt down  vampire agents at levels of power throughout the Land. When they are found , Hawkmoon , and others, kill them If they were not we would have succumbed long since.”

“Are you saying Chandra was one of their thralls?”

“No dear, every bit as troublesome, but no…. Do you remember the chief secretary to the Chamberlain?”

“An oily little man…

“A vampire thrall... Come my dear. Supper awaits. After that a few hands of Bacherah and then I will have to go to visit my ladies. “




                                                             Aerial Adventures.


They passed the University. Workmen were clearing rubble.

“ It seems you’ve had a problem with a dragon.”  Mira observed.

“O indeed”, replied the Professor.” It was quite the spectacle. One shudders to think what it might have done were it fully grown. Balthasar was somewhat doddery but there was no one to match him in Dragon Lore. It killed him and the Provost. Two members of the city guard also, but I doubt if anyone will miss them. It seems he was tending to the creature in the cellar. How he managed to feed  it is a mystery. They have large appetites”

“Has it  been seen since?” Norry  asked from the back.

“Thankfully, no.”

“A pity”, said Mira, “If it could have been tamed, I might have a means of crossing the desert”

“I doubt that, my dear, taming dragons is a process that requires  certain skills and often does not work. At the first free flight they tend to leave with their rider and  are never seen again.  In any case the member of staff who possessed that  particular lore was incinerated. The students have a new drinking song. It is all the rage. Shall I sing it for you? The title is Marmaduke’s Lament”. .

“ I  don’t consider rogue dragons  a matter for levity”

“Quite so my lady, quite so”


The Abbey stood on a thousand acres of  farmland .As they passed  the gate she felt as if a protective curtain had drawn behind her. Dwarfdale’s   residence was well defended, yet  there was a sense of a dam  holding back malevolent forces. Here the sense of security was palpable. She wondered at the power of women who could  create such peace.The Guestmistress was waiting outside Reception.. As they descended from the trap  Leona  came out   in the company  of Sharon and Rachel

“You are welcome in this house”. When greeting guests  Leona made it a habit of looking at their faces. Dwarfdale’s was expectant, Norry’s   was elated, Mira was glowing. “There is tea in the lounge. Afterwards, we can begin the demonstration”. The Librarian  invited Norry to see their collection  of literature on the Parish ..

Refreshment concluded they were driven to a field  at the upper side of the Abbey .The sisters had preceded them and   were unpacking gear from a wagon..Sharon was assembling a basket, Rachel was struggling with sheets of silk... Mira watched, fascinated. Alexander took a brass cylinder from the wagon .Waves of heat poured  from the container, shimmering in  the cool of the morning.. The sisters brought the  open end of the sheet and held it  open.  The silk started to billow and inflate. Rising it tugged at the basket... Rachel climbed into the basket. Sharon released the cable and it rose... Mira gasped. Within moments the  balloon  reached  the height of the trees As it rose the morning breeze  pushed it to the west.

Alexander was beaming “In three weeks the Ghibli will blow  from south west to northeast. It will carry you over the Sandsea.”

Mira was aghast.“Am I to understand that you propose I should go up in that contraption?”

“Why yes, I… that is we have completed several flights.”.

“Have you crossed the Choke?”

“Well no, but not because it is impractical, simply that once there we would have no means of return. At least, not for several months until the wind starts to turn”

“Have you flown to any destination?”

“Indeed. We flew in it from the south to within   eight miles of the city. What would have taken   weeks was accomplished in a single day. Of course the winds were unusually strong on that occasion. Had we known you were intending to travel from the Keep we would have picked you up.”

“Professor, I would have been no more inclined to travel in that device then than I am now. I am sorry, we will have to find some other alternative. “Leona intervened. “Mira, I considered this scheme hare brained. However I flew on one of the test flight and I know it works. It gives us a considerable advantage in being able to move with stealth over great distances. There are no other means to cross the desert “

“How can you hope to hide something that depends on Magic ? As soon as you release the heating stones it will be detectable for hundreds of miles”Alexander nodded enthusiastically. “We waited  until we had solved that problem before  our first flight. The answer was a Concealment Spell. Tethered to the ground it can rise to thousands of feet.With telescopes  we can spot the approach of the enemy for hundreds of miles. The cable and the balloon itself are painted with a pigment  that adjusts itself to the background of the sky.  It is almost  invisible.”

“How large could this type of craft be?”

“It could be built to carry a dozen troops, fully armed. But it would be expensive. The Purser calculates that a division, operating for a year could  break our budget”.

“What about launching projectiles at an enemy. Would it be effective?”

“Alas no”, the Professor shook his head. “The ratio between weight and damage wrought on an enemy would not justify the cost” Rachel was winding the cable to bring the balloon down. It collapsed to be folded and stored in the basket.

Mira  climbed on to the sidecar.“When we return I want you to spend the evening with Norry. He has  perfected a formula for an explosive chemical. I have seen it in use and it is quite remarkable”

Alexander beamed.” I would be delighted”.

“As soon as you have a sample of the formula I want you to take it and one of these”, she pointed at the balloon, “to Siverlode and give it to the dwarves”

Leona was  opposed.. Mira  stilled her objections.“ She gestured at the balloon.”Unpack that thing. I may as well get it over with. Who is going to accompany me?”

“Sister Sharon has dreamed of going to Elfhome . Is that not so, sister.”

“What about flying at night?” Mira enquired.

“It  is better at night  .. As it happens the turn of the  Ghibli coincides with the rising of the moons. The wind can fall off but it never ceases completely. That is why I think you can do more than cross the Choke. You may, with good fortune, get most of the way to Elfhome”

Dwarfdale was winking at one of the sisters.

Mira turned to Dwarfdale.“Elmund, If you can drag yourself away .Can we store one of these at your house? In case we have to make a hurried departure, I would prefer to have one close to hand.” 

“Certainly, it would be my pleasure.

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