Read He Belongs With Me Online

Authors: Sarah Darlington

He Belongs With Me (25 page)

Only when we were both breathless did he break the kiss. Leo rested his forehead against mine and stared fiercely into my eyes. A cocky smile played on his lips and all my control went flying out the freaking window. Maybe I'd been the one to start this by waking Leo, dragging his gorgeous ass upstairs, and stripping him naked, but there was no doubt in my mind that he'd be the one finishing it.

“I need to be inside you,” he whispered in a husky growl. He pushed me so that I fell backward onto his cozy bed, his eyes stalking me like a lion ready to consume its prey. And Leo looking at me like that—while completely naked and sporting an almost painful erection—was sexy as hell. My body buzzed with excitement because I knew he was about do things to me that I'd only read about in books. I couldn't understand what had made him apprehensive before, but that version of Leo had long disappeared and the 'I'm-going-to-make-you-see-stars' Leo had replaced him.

The first thing he did was quickly rid me of my shoes and socks. Then he yanked off my yoga pants in one quick motion. Now that those annoying articles of clothing were out the way, his pace slowed. He inched the fabric of my tank top upward, planting a trail of kisses and little licks over my newly exposed skin. He reached my bare breasts and expertly kissed each one in turn, his mouth moving slow and lingering in all the right places. Each flick of his warm tongue made my nipples pucker tighter and tighter.

“Leo...” I half begged, half moaned. “I need... I need...”

“I know what you need, baby,” he said, his breath hot against my skin. “I'm getting there. Hang on.”

He pulled my tank top the rest of the way off, tossing it aside. Then he took hold of my wrists and positioned both of my hands high above my head. Rocking back on his knees, he went for my panties next. Setting a torturous pace, he slowly slipped them down my legs, leaving me completely exposed and at his mercy.

Now that I was very naked and
turned on, Leo paused to study me. He took his sweet-ass time doing it too. His stare was intense and I instinctively moved my hands down to cover up. He placed them back above my head. “You're so damn beautiful. I always knew you would be. Let me just look for another moment.”

Heat seared across my flesh. I expected his eyes to continue running over my body, but they never did. Instead, his gaze remained locked on mine for a few seconds that seemed to last forever. Then he leaned down, kissed my cheek, and whispered against my ear. “You're blushing. Are you sure you want to do this? We can go play Monopoly or watch a movie or argue about something stupid. Whatever you want. I'll be just as happy.”

“Do I look like I want to play Monopoly right now?”

I felt him smile. “No, you don't.”

“This is what I want,” I said, my voice breathy. “I don't think I've ever wanted anything more.”

“Good. I needed to hear you say that. Are you on birth control?”

If he thought I was blushing before, I certainly was now. “Yes. Dad made us both go on it when he found Maggie and Robby in bed together that one time.”

“Thank you, Robby,” he muttered. He placed both of his palms on my bare stomach, his fingers spanning the width of me. With his knees, he nudged my legs apart and then filled the space he created. He grabbed his length in one of his hands and positioned himself close to my entrance so that we were millimeters apart but not touching. And I swear, I felt just as much as if we were. The anticipation of how easily he could ease himself inside me had my body trembling all over again. Needing something to hold, I clung onto Leo's strong forearms and braced myself.

“I don't want to wear a condom with you,” he said in a serious tone. “I don't want anything between us. I promise I'm okay. It's been well over two years since I last had sex, and I've been checked since then.”

I didn't even care. “Whatever. Just stop teasing me.”

“Teasing?” he asked with a sexy smile. “I can show you teasing.” His eyes latched onto mine and his hips moved carefully forward, the tip of his erection hitting my heat. Gasping in surprise, I couldn't help it when my body bucked at our light contact. Okay, I might have been wrong about not touching being just as good as touching—touching was way better.

But Leo didn't move inside me. Instead, gripping himself in his hand, he moved his length up and down, back and forth, slipping against me and spreading my wetness all over. Then he moved the head of his erection a little higher and brought it over my clit. He paused for a second before moving in slow, small circles.
Oh, yes!
He felt so warm, so perfect, and so damn sweet. My body started to quiver under his touch, begging for more, begging for him to take me higher.

My legs spread wider for him. My fingers dug into his biceps. My eyes drifted closed. Damn, I knew I wasn't going to last much longer.
Was I ready to completely let go with him? Yes, I think I was.
And just as I figured this out, his deliberate movements stopped.

My eyes snapped open.

He smiled widely and shifted closer. “Keep still,” he whispered against my mouth. His hands moved over my body until one came to the junction of my thighs. “I'm gonna kiss you now…” He ran a finger slowly over the center of my heat. “Here.” Then he moved his body down and positioned his head between my legs, pressing his lips against my most sensitive spot.

Oh my, Leo!
My breath caught in my throat. It's hard to say what shocked me more—the heavenly feeling of his expert kisses or that Leo Maddox would ever willingly do something so selfless. But there was no time to analyze things now. I ran my fingers through my hair, desperately needing something to tug at, and let myself feel everything he was giving me. His tongue moved over me in hot strokes and his arms snaked under my thighs, angling me closer to his mouth. Deciding I had to watch him, I propped myself up on my elbows. His eyes flickered up to meet mine, and I saw that they were dark with lust, fearless, and totally in control. I always knew Leo was intense, but I’d never considered how that side of his personality would translate during sex. And man did I like it. His stare, combined with his touch, had me seconds away from falling apart.

I'd had orgasms in the past. Twenty-one years of being a virgin meant that I'd obviously had to learn how to pleasure myself solo, but this...
Holy shit!
I knew that when I did fall over the edge, it would be like nothing I'd ever felt before. A flash of heat spread over my skin, but I fought it because I realized I needed more.

“Leo—stop. I wanna come while you're inside me.”

He stopped, his eyes studying me for a brief second, before he moved to cover my body with his. Then kissed me hard, the taste of my arousal on his tongue, and positioned himself between my legs. He brought his erection up to my entrance, carefully letting the tip penetrate me. I shifted, needing more of him inside me.

“Don't move, baby.”

His steel-blue eyes held onto mine and I froze.

“This part might hurt. I'll do it quick. When I get inside you, I won't move for a minute so you can get used to me. Okay, killer? Then we'll take it from there. I don't want to hurt you. And if you need to stop, tell me and we will.”

How did he know I was a virgin?
I would have been embarrassed—I mean, seriously, was I that obvious?—but his words were soft and I'd never felt more cared for. Biting my lip, I nodded. “Okay, Leo. I trust you.”


His hands gripped under my thighs, angling my hips, and then he didn’t waste another second. I held my breath as I felt him rip through my virginity, but the pain wasn't nearly as bad as I was expecting it to be. Leo stopped once he was inside me, just like he promised, and hovered on locked arms above me. Maybe I should have felt more pain or even fear, but I could only focus on my wonderful reality.

Leo Maddox and all his sexy, naked, glory had his erection—his very big erection—shoved deep inside me, filling me to the hilt, and he wasn't looking at me like some asshole who only wanted to score. His breathing grew raspy and the veins in his neck bulged as he struggled to stay perfectly still inside me, but his eyes remained sweet and caring. He looked at me like I was his entire world and that this moment was everything he'd ever wanted. It was the hottest thing I'd ever seen. Needing to touch him, I raked my hands over his hard, naked chest, which was slightly damp with sweat. He quivered under my touch. Not moving seemed to be killing him. Actually, it was killing me too.

“I'm used to you now. You can move,” I urged.

He smiled at me but still didn't budge.

“Seriously, Leo. Please—start moving.” I grabbed hold of his firm ass and tried to move him myself.

Leo's eyes instantly took on a never-seen-before primal look and then he gave in—finally. He moved his hips back and then plunged into my heat again. Not so gently either. I yelped in surprise but loved the feeling. It hurt, yes, but it was a good kind of hurt.

“Yes! Do that again!”

He moved back and filled me again with another sharp thrust. Then another and another... until he fell into a rhythm that made the pain disappear. It felt way too freaking good and I locked my legs around Leo's waist, needing more of him. I lifted my hips to meet his next thrust, gasping when I did, and my movement caused a deep, animalistic grunt to break free from Leo’s lungs. That single noise made me crazy and I had no choice but to meet each of his movements so I could feel that connection over and over again. The pressure built until I needed more—I needed to come. Maybe I was feeding into his already huge ego, but I couldn't help myself.

“Leo, please,” I begged.

The fire in his eyes doubled as he continued pumping in and out of me. Then suddenly, he wrapped one of his arms under my lower back and pulled my body down to the edge of his bed. He stood on the ground, moving my right leg so he had something to grip, and instead of his movements growing quicker, they slowed. Softly, sweetly, carefully—he inched himself in and out of me. He reached one hand between my legs, touching me right where my body was screaming for it. And that one touch was all I needed. I opened my mouth to scream as I shattered, but the sound was robbed from my throat as wave after amazing wave of pleasure steamrolled over my body. The muscles deep inside of me contracted, clutching Leo hard. My back arched and Leo brushed both of his hands over my stomach and across my bare breasts, the feeling magnified in that heavenly moment. All the while, he continued to move in and out of me, riding out my orgasm. With one word on his lips—Clara—Leo plunged into me one final time before his body tensed and I felt his warmth spill inside me. My eyes never once left Leo's and it was the most intense moment I'd ever shared with another human being.

When my breath returned and the world started making sense again, Leo bent down—his sweat-glistening chest pressing against mine—and he kissed me. He was still hard and still buried deep inside me. A playful smile tugged at his lips.

“Thank the fucking Lord you hit me with that golf cart.”

“Anytime,” I joked, unable to keep myself from returning his infectious smile. “And I guess I got your pants off after all.”

He laughed and when he did, I felt him move slightly inside me. I knew we both felt it because the smile disappeared from his face and lust darkened his eyes. Electricity blasted through me and the muscles deep inside me clenched in an automatic response. I wanted him all over again. I may have been sore, but I didn't care.

Leo pushed up onto his arms, his hips rocking gloriously in the process, and he studied me, probably trying to do his mind-reading trick. “Are you okay?”

“Never better,” I whispered.

That must have been all the assurance he needed because, ever so slowly, he eased in and out of me. “My offer to play Monopoly still stands.”

“Shut the hell up, Leo. Don't be an ass.”

“I'm beginning to think every time you call me an ass—or some variation of the word—it's really just a term of endearment. Am I right?”

Cupping the sides of his face, I pushed my tongue deep into his mouth and kissed him with every ounce of my being. Something about what he said just jolted my world and I needed him. My legs wrapped around his waist and suddenly we were having sex again—the conversation, over.

This time was different though. I was very wet from where he had just come inside me. Leo could have taken advantage of that in a different way, but his movements stayed rhythmic, gentle, and extremely controlled. He focused more on kissing and touching me as he moved, and it was pure heaven. I'd never felt so sexy or loved, so cared for or happy. It didn't take long before I was falling apart again.

Leo found his release soon after me and then we lay there, unmoving—a tangle of limbs and sweat—until our breathing returned to normal. Leo eased himself out of me, grabbed the corner of his duvet cover, and yanked it on top of us. I felt raw, ripped open, and utterly exhausted. But it didn't matter. I was safe. I was home. And I quickly drifted off to sleep in his arms.

THE SHRILL BEEP-BEEP-BEEP of an alarm startled me awake. My bare legs were tangled up in Leo's sheets and when I dove, trying to silence that annoying sound, I fell straight out of bed and onto my ass. I scrambled to my feet, only to find Leo—one-hundred percent buck-naked in bed, lying on his stomach with his arms curled up under his pillow—laughing at me. I'd taken all of the covers with me when I fell, so there was nothing blocking my view of his drool-worthy buttocks and the angel wings that highlighted his strong, muscular back. I froze like a deer caught in the headlights, while Leo made zero effort to cover up.
Seriously! Did his body have to be so freaking perfect?
Between that and the unshakable look of his eyes as they took me in, it was unnerving.

Trying to snap out of my stupor, I pounded my hand down on the alarm clock to effectively shut it up. “Not funny!”

“Kind of funny,” he countered, his voice husky from sleep. “Now, get back in bed. Please.”

Nervous as ever, despite all the things we did last night, I crawled in beside him. He tugged at my waist and pulled my burrito-cover-self in under his arm, trapping me and then pressing his lips against my temple. “I was buried in you twice last night and today I plan on exceeding that number, so don't go backwards with me,” he said in a low, intimate voice. “And I’m sorry about the alarm, baby. I set it because I know you have your golf lessons today. Forgive me? I didn't mean to wake you up like that.”

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