Healing Gabe (Last Hangman MC Book 3) (18 page)

“Don’t worry, everything will be alright. We’ve been trained to protect people.”

“Right, tell us that again when they are safe and sound and those motherfuckers won’t be able to hurt them anymore, then I’ll believe you. Right now, all you’re saying is bullshit to me.” Bennett glares at the cop. Now I know Bennett hates cops, but something more is going on that he’s not telling us.

“Yours and your lady friends’ lives are in my hands right now, so I would shut my mouth if I were you.” The cop glares back at Bennett.

“Eyes on the road mister hot shot cop. I’ll shut my mouth when and if I want to. I’m here to make sure they are safe, not in the hands of a fucking wacko,” Bennett says rather loudly, getting agitated. I place my hand on his shoulder to get his attention and shake my head at him when he looks back at me. He nods once and looks back at the road.

I glance backwards trying to see if the other cop car is still behind us, but it’s not. This is a fucking set up. I wish I could do something to stop this fucking bastard from taking us away, but I don’t know what to do. If I say anything, he will know I know and we’ll be fucked. If I don’t say anything, we’ll be fucked. We’re fucked either way and it’s all my fucking fault.

I take my phone and call Gabe, but it goes straight to voice mail. This is not normal. He told me to call him if anything happened and when I need him, his phone is off. I try again but get the same result. Either he’s on the phone or something has happened. I hope it’s not the latter.

“Your little friend can’t do anything for you.” The cops smirks at me through the rear view mirror.

“What do you mean?” I swallow hard, having a good idea of what that means.

“Here we are. This is gonna be good.” He laughs and drives into an empty warehouse. The door closes behind us. Everything is dark. Jenny and Nicole hold onto me and I put my arms around both of them.

One of the car doors open and the voice I was dreading the most greets us.

“Hello Viv. Told you we’d see each other again very soon.” Jared’s chuckle echoes through the empty warehouse.





We finally make it back to the compound and I feel like I can breathe again. I try to call Viv but she’s not answering. I try not to get too nervous about it, knowing they have four men watching over them. Surely one of them would have warned us if something bad has happened?

“You alright Brother?” Aleck asks me as he hands me a beer.

“Can’t reach Viv.” I lift my chin thanking him for the beer and take a much needed long pull.

“How much do you want to bet they are face timing with Ayd and Line? They can’t be away from each other for more than five minutes.” He chuckles.

“You’re probably right. With everything going on, I can’t help but worry.”

“You really love her, don’t you?” He smirks.

“You have no idea.” I sigh.

“I do. We are not that different, we both feel like we don’t deserve love from such amazing women. I can’t imagine what must be going through your mind with all that’s happened lately, what with Jared threatening her and shit.” He sighs.

I nod. “It’s fucking hell, it’s bringing back so many unwanted memories.”

“They make you feel though. No matter how bad they are, they are part of you and part of why you are the way you are today. As fucked up as this is going to sound, everything happens for a reason. I know you lost her in the worst way possible, but considering who she was around, the things they must have witnessed damaged her. They were sentencing her to a life she didn’t want, at least she’s free from that nightmare.” I wanna punch him and thank him at the same time.

“I know. It’s hard to live with it when I relieve it every single night. You’re one to talk though, you were as stubborn as I fucking am.”

“That may be so but I realized my mistake, didn’t I?” He raises his eyebrow.

“I guess so.” I chuckle softly. “I’ve always had feelings for Viv but ended up dating Annie. I only regret it because her death was my fault. I never thought at the time that Viv was interested in me so I dated Annie, it was the closest I could get to Viv. It’s fucked up.” I sigh.

“It is, but what you need to keep in mind is that, if you and Viv were supposed to be together then even if Annie was still alive today, you two would be together. If it’s meant to be, it’ll happen.” He shrugs. “Just make sure Viv doesn’t know you were fantasizing about her when you were doing her sister.” He chuckles.

“Dickhead.” I can’t help but chuckle with him. “She knows, it’s been bugging her ever since we fucked the first time. She thinks I’m with her to relive what I had with her sister. I’m trying to show her that I'm not but it’s hard. I suck at showing her how I feel.”

“Not with me, you just spilled you heart out.” He snickers.

“Try telling that to the woman you’ve been in love for years, that you never forgot about her and still are very much in love with her when she is so fucking stubborn and doesn’t want to hear what you are saying.”

“That’s pretty much what happened with Line and I. I loved her from the beginning but I was too scared to be with her because it would have brought a lot of unwanted fucking drama. Besides, it’s not a matter of her being stubborn, it’s a matter of you being too chicken shit to open up and tell her that you love her.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“I just can’t.” I glare at him.

“Glare at me all you want, it’s not going to solve your problem.”

“I’m scared that if I tell her I love her, she’ll be taken away and I’ll never see her again.” I sigh looking into his eyes.

“Annie was taken from you after you told her?”

I nod. “Worst is that when I said it to Annie, I didn’t mean it.” I sigh feeling like a total dipshit.

“Shit. I get why it scarred you, but Viv isn’t Annie. From what I’m gathering, Annie was the quiet and shy one, Viv is the spitfire that you need in your life and you’re afraid that someone is going to come after her, but guess what? If you don’t tell her, you’ll regret it. Viv is a strong woman, she’ll fight to get back to you. You know that. All you have to do is trust your woman and your gut. Don’t let her slip through your fingers. She is what you need in your life. You always make sure your friends are happy but I’ve never seen you truly happy. You need to make sure you get your happiness too.”

“I don’t deserve it.”

“Why the hell not? Because you’ve done fucked up things for the club? Because you were with her sister? Because you’re too scared to open up? Those are all fucking bullshit excuses. I would know because I fucking used them too. You’re a stupid man if you let her go. Maybe it’d be the best thing for her. I mean, what woman would want a man who’s emotionally scarred and too stubborn to do something about those feelings he has for said woman? You’re too scared of what might happen to Viv because of your actions, and too blind to see that the love of your life has been in front of you all these years. Just think about it,” he says before walking inside. I hate to admit it, but he’s right about everything. I need to get my head out of my ass.

I walk inside the compound and some of the guys motion for me to go into the Chapel. I walk in and Ryan is there. “What’s going on? What is he doing here?”

“Sit.” Ant glares at me.

I sit and ask again. “What is he doing here when he should be watching over our women.”

“The cops said our location was compromised and they left in a black SUV. They are taking them somewhe-”

“Where?” I spit at him.

“If you would let me finish then I’d be able to tell you. I had a funny feeling about one of the cops so I slipped my phone into Nicole’s bag, this way, we can track the fucking signal to find them.” He glares at me.
Fair enough

“Looks like you’re smarter than you let on.”

“Enough you two.” Ant glares at us.

“What’s going on with your women?” Ray asks.

“It all started twelve years ago, I don’t think you were kept in the loop at the time about what was really happening behind closed doors. Jared took a shine to Viv, he was being rough with her one night, I stepped in, showed him up and he’s targeted me ever since. After that I joined the Hangman and dated Viv’s twin sister Annie who was killed because of our relationship. Viv ran away and the first time I saw her was a couple of days ago. Unfortunately, Jared has found her and still wants her by his side, but he also saw my sister. He threatened both of them and has been sending threats to Sanders’ wife as well. That’s pretty much the gist of it. I don’t know if that cop is corrupted or not, but I’m not going to sit around and wait for shit to hit the fan. Can we track the phone?” I look at Sanders.

“We’re on it. It takes a bit of time for my team to get the signal, especially if it’s in a location where the signal is choppy.”

“Fuck! I’m not sitting around here waiting for your team to locate it, which direction did they drive in?” I look at Ryan.

“North,” he says, looking at me with pity in his eyes. I don’t need his fucking pity. I need my woman safe and sound.

I ready myself to get on the road when my phone rings.


“Big. Fucking. Mistake. Gabe. Things could have gone a totally different way. I mean, I warned you that I wanted Viv, she belongs to me so it’s not like I’m stealing her from you, I’m just taking back what I own and what do you do? You go behind my back and blow up my fucking compound with my men inside?” Jared says calmly into the phone. I’d rather have him yell at me, his calmness chills my blood.

“Your club has been the cause of way too much chaos and heartache for far too long, it was about time someone did something about it.”

“There’s one thing you don’t know though.” He chuckles darkly.

“What?” I yell losing patience.

“I’m not going to ruin the surprise, but if I were you, I would hurry.”

“I’ll fucking kill you if you touch any of them!” I yell running to my bike.

“Don’t be late. You wouldn’t want to miss the show.” He laughs and hangs up.

“Motherfucker!” I swear and call Viv instantly. I need to warn her even if it’s going to scare the shit out of her, but she doesn’t answer again and neither does Nicole. I shove my phone in my pocket and get on my bike. I don’t wait for the others to follow. I start driving away. I’m not a mile away from the compound when I lose control of my bike and am thrown off of it. I land with a big thud on my back. The wind knocked out of me. I try to stand up, but I can’t keep myself upright. I look around to see what could have caused me to lose control, when I see a black SUV park by my bike. My vision is blurred so I can’t see who it is. I take a couple of steps before I fall back down. I grab my phone, trying to call someone for help when I feel a sharp pain on the back of my head. I lose my balance once more and face plant the asphalt. I groan in pain and roll on my back to see my attacker. Big mistake. He smirks at me and a booted foot collides with the side of my face. The darkness swallows me.





I wake up feeling like I’ve been hit by a truck. I have a pounding headache and have no idea what happened. The last thing I remember is arriving here and Jared being there. After that, the rest is a blur.

I try to reach to rub my temples to try and ease the pain, but I can’t. My hands are tied behind my back, around a pillar in the middle of a warehouse. I have an odd feeling of déjà vu. This is how Annie was restrained when they abused and killed her.
At least Gabe isn’t here. I don’t want him to go through this again. I just wish I could have told him how much I love him.

Nicole and Jenny are in a corner with two other guys holding them down at gun point. I nod once at Nicole and she nods back. She knows she has to stay calm and silent. In any other case I’d have approved of her fighting back and screaming, but they are ready to pull the trigger at any given moment. I don’t want anything happening to them.

Jenny, on the other hand, is a fucking mess; she’s crying and shaking. Nicole is holding her and trying to soothe her silently, but it’s not working. I feel fucking helpless. I am fucking helpless. I need to free myself somehow and help them out but I don’t know how.

“My sweet little Vivian. It’s such a pleasure to have you with us, really. The Kings will finally have their Queen back.” He chuckles at his lame ass joke. “I mean, this is the last of the Kings. We’ll have to rebuild our empire. Your boyfriend made sure to end all of our men and for what? A stupid vendetta he’s had for the past twelve years? Pathetic. I’ve moved on, well I let on that I had, but in reality, I’ve always had someone watching over you. I knew where you were, what you were doing and who you were doing at all times. You know you fucked some of my men? How does that make you feel my good little whore?” He chuckles creepily.

“Go fuck yourself Jared.” I spit on him.

“I’d rather fuck you.” He smirks wiping his face.

“That’s never gonna happen, you sick motherfucker!”

“Still feisty I see, I like that. See, I always get what I want, Viv. Even if it takes me a fucking decade to get it, in the end, I always win.” He smirks, grabbing my face and planting a hard kiss on my lips. I instantly want to throw up, he makes me sick.

“I’m never going to be yours. I’d rather be dead.”

“Aww, but Sweetheart, I won’t kill you. I need you by my side to help me rule over Louisiana. Imagine us, the most powerful couple ruling the entire state. It’s gonna be fucking magnificent!”

“Keep dreaming, you fucking psycho. No matter what, I’ll never be yours,” I yell at him, knowing damn well that he’ll never understand it.

“No matter what huh? That’s interesting. You didn’t say that when Annie was in your position, you didn’t offer up your life to save hers so she could be with our dear friend Gabriel. Why not?”

“Don’t you fucking dare talk about my sister and Gabe, you sick fuck.”

“Oh I can do a lot better than just talk about him.” He turns around and gives a signal to two of his men. They walk out and minutes later, they wheel in Gabe who has been tied to a chair, the left side of his face is covered in dried blood. My heart stills. I hate knowing they hurt him because of me. “What do you think of my little surprise?” He smiles, proud of himself.

“He has nothing to do with any of this, let him go!”

“He has
to do with this, Sweetheart. See, had he not put his nose into our business that night, we’d still be together, Annie would still be alive and Nicole and the cop’s wife wouldn’t be about to die.”

“You better not touch any of them.” I scream at him.

“What are you going to do if I do? You’re tied up, Gabe is tied up, and no one is coming to save you. As I said, you’re mine forever. And for the love of Hades make that bitch shut up!” he yells in Jenny’s direction. Nicole holds her closer, trying to muffle her cries.

“Where was I? Oh yeah, Gabe has been trying to fuck with me for years, taking what belonged to us. First you by messing up my plans that night, then seducing Annie, see where it got her, he only brings trouble. You’re all calling me sick and a fucking psycho but seriously, he’s only with you because he wants Annie and you look like her. It didn’t take long for you to take your dead sister’s place because you wanted to fuck her boyfriend. How was it by the way?” He waggles his eyebrows. “So, how was it? I bet he’s keeping scores on who fucks and sucks the best. Who is the best, Gabe? I must know.”

“Shut up, you sick motherfucker.” Gabe struggles against his binds.

“Why would I shut up? I have my two favorite people in the same room after twelve years. I can finally say all I want and you two have to listen to me talk all about it. Tell me, Viv. How does it feel to fuck your sister’s only boyfriend who’s responsible for her death? Go on, tell me.”

I tried to ignore him but fuck it, I’m done with this. “Wanna know? It’s fucking amazing. He’s the best I’ve ever had and no one would ever be able to compare to him. I love him, I always have and I always will. No matter what happens today, my feelings for him will never change, so say all you fucking want, Jared, you’re never going to make me think any less of him.” I say, chillingly calm.

“That’s not possible.” He looks at me shocked and pissed.

“Why the hell not?” I glare at him.

“You’re supposed to fucking hate him, not love him! I’m the one you’re going to spend your life with and you’re going to be a good little whore and do what I want, when I want.” he yells at me.

“Even if we are torn apart today, I’ll love him forever. Even if you take me away, every kiss, every touch will always be his, no one else’s.” I say looking into Gabe’s eyes. I see his breath falter. I’m only pretending to be this strong to piss off Jared, I can tell it’s working because he’s now pacing in front of me.

“No! I’ll never allow that,” Jared screams.

“There’s nothing you can do about what goes on inside my head.”

“I could drug you up so much that you would forget everything about him, that’d work.” He continues to pace the room frantically. I’ve set him off and there’s no telling what he’s capable of doing from now on.

“Nothing will make me stop thinking about Gabe, nothing.” I say keeping my eyes on Gabe.

“How about if I blow his fucking brains out?” I look over at Jared who walks closer to Gabe, scaring the hell out of me. I don’t want to see this happen, I can’t let it happen, I have to do something.

“That wouldn’t change how I fucking feel about him you fucking moron, think for a minute for fuck’s sake!” I yell, losing my patience.

“I’m going to fucking shut you up by shoving my cock deep in your throat if you don’t stop yelling.” Jared stalks towards me and slaps me hard across the cheek.

“Touch her again and I’ll kick your fucking ass!” Gabe bellows, getting Jared’s attention. He’s about to say something to Gabe when Jenny cries loudly, as one of the two guys watching her points his gun to her temple.

“Shhhh, please Jenny, keep quiet.” Nicole whispers to her, holding her close.

“Yes, Jenny, please shut your fucking whiney mouth if you want to see your husband again.” Jared says calmly.

“Why are you after me, I never did anything to you!?” she cries.

“I hate whiners, so stop it or there will be a hole in that pretty head of yours. Your husband has allied himself to the Last Hangman and anyone willing to associate with scumbags like them, doesn’t deserve to live. Going after you was much more satisfying than hurting your husband. He had no idea it was me all along and you running away to your parent’s was pretty awesome.”

“You’re fucking sick!” Jenny yells at him.

“You have no idea how bad I really am Gorgeous.” He chuckles darkly. “Unless you wanna know, I’d suggest you keep that chatty mouth of yours closed.” From the corner of my eyes, I notice Gabe trying to get my attention. He mouths something at me but I’m having trouble understanding him. After a couple of tries, I finally understand. He’s asking me to keep Jared busy; that help is on the way.

“She’s not the one you are doing all of this for, Jared. I’m here so come fucking talk to me and leave her the fuck alone.”

“Awww, jealous, Viv? You know you’ve always been my favorite. I’m glad that you’re jealous.” He smirks, walking back towards me.

“I’m not jealous but you’ve done all of this to fucking get to me and I’m right here so fucking do what you’ve planned to do all along so we can be done with it.”

“I knew it was me you wanted and not Gabe. I’ve been watching you over the years. You grew into such a beautiful woman with a banging body and amazing curves.” He drags the tip of his gun over my boobs and down my sides. He’s making me gag but I swallow my disgust, reminding myself that help is on its way.

“You’re fucking insane. Why keep tabs on me for so long but never do a fucking thing?”

“Because I wanted you to come back here. It would only make my revenge sweeter.”

“Why?” I look at him confused.

“See, someone was being a very selfish fucking bitch. You ran away and slowed down my plans to take over the whole of Louisiana. I never forgot about your betrayal, we were destined to be together and you turned your back on a future that was laid out for you and would mean no one would ever hurt you or bother you. But you and your sister had to break the rules and she paid for it, the hard way. And guess what? You’re going to pay for your mistakes the same way.” He chuckles darkly.

“I won’t let you hurt her!” Gabe bellows.

“I would believe you, but there’s a technical problem you haven’t taken into consideration. You’re tied up to a chair moron and she’s tied up to this pillar, I have no idea how you plan on saving her, but I digress, back to my story. I had to make sure you would come back so I could have my proper revenge. I mean after all, I managed to ruin both of your lives, well with the help of Trent. Good old Trent. I know what you did to him by the way, thanks to the Last Hangman. I’m not blaming you though, he was a sick fuck, way worse than me. Anyway, wanna know the real kicker? This concerns you too Gabe so I would listen carefully. Your parents died in a car accident and so did Gabe’s, but neither were accidents. Trent was responsible for your parents, Viv whilst I was the one responsible for yours, Gabe. It was pretty fucking sweet to ruin their fucking night.” He laughs darkly when Nicole lets out a pained cry.

“Why? What did they ever do to you?” Gabe says through gritted teeth.

“Your father was a cop and he was onto us. He wanted us off the streets and he was damn close to doing it, so I took matters into my own hands to protect my club. I made it look like a simple car crash after a night out celebrating. It was the perfect plan and no one ever knew, well, until today of course. It’s funny how life goes, isn’t it? I take your parents life and a couple of years later, you come up and mess with my life by fucking up my plans to rule this state. I found out not long after our little altercation,” he spits at me as he brushes the tip of his gun over the scar on Gabe’s cheek “who you were. At first, I thought of going after your little sister, but she was just an innocent kid, and I still had a bit of a soul back then. I wanted to take my revenge immediately, but Trent, may his soul rot in hell, thought that waiting things out would make it even better. So I waited and waited some more for the perfect timing. When I found out that you were fucking sweet Annie in secret, I knew I had the perfect excuse. Annie was always the weak one, a dead weight. She didn’t have anything to do with the club and she was always a pain in the ass, always whining and complain-”

“Don’t you fucking talk about my sister like that!” I yell at him.

“She’s dead because you were too selfish!” Jared yells back.

“No, she’s dead because you’re a fucking asshole who doesn’t know how to treat women! You’re the worst human being to ever walk this earth. You’re the devil incarnate. You need to join Trent in hell and rot with him, that’s the only thing you deserve. You’ve taken so many lives, kidnaped so many girls, abusing them, killing them in front of their friends and countless other things that I cannot mention without having more fucking nightmares. You are a sick motherfucker. No amount of help would be able to fix your depraved mind. I feel sorry for your parents if only they knew what kind of human being they fucking raised! They would be so ashamed of you!” I finish yelling at him.

“Leave my fucking parents out of this!”

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