Healing Their Mate (The Love of a Shifter) (29 page)


A couple of weeks had passed since the battle with Paddock and his clan.  Nobody else came forward from his clan and it was decided that whoever was still alive moved out of the area. 

Everyone calmed down and life began to become normal.  Well as normal as it could be, considering there are vampires, werewolves, and witches in the world she lived in.  River loved knowing that she had an actual home she could call hers.  The biggest surprise was found in the dinning room.  Mary had told her mates about the table she loved.  Without even looking at it, they purchased the table because River wanted it.  They wanted this home to feel like hers and that started with River getting to decorate it.  She found more pieces at Rod Tracy’s furniture store that fit perfectly in their new home.  Sky told her that if she would give him some descriptions on what she wanted he would make her the furniture from scratch.  River couldn’t believe that her life had turned out like this.  Her life started out without any family, no love, and nothing to look forward to.  Now her life was full with a sister, brother, and two men who would love her until she died. 

Jonas continued to get the unit together and get the new members moved in.  Reece was also busy helping Jonas out when he could but his clan continued to grow.  Since vampires heard that Reece had married a Healer everyone wanted to move to Meadowland and be part of his clan or Larken
’s pack.  Healers were hard to come by and since they had three living in the area, people seemed to flock to the area.  Life was changing for everyone. 

Every day her siblings shared something about themselves to make up for lost time.  What their favorite colors were, was even discussed.  Nothing would be left out except what happened to each of them that was bad.
Star tried to fill in the gaps for River and Sky about their birth parents, Mitchell and Alisha Leland.  Star was told that they loved each and every one of them but for their safety they would need to be split up.  It wasn’t safe for any of them.  River understood but it would always hurt her heart knowing they had separated them and she had missed out on growing up with her siblings. 

There was still a lot of information Star didn
’t have on their parents.  They decided they would try to find out as much as possible.

River knew that would take some time because Sky had the most to share in that regard.  He had opened up more each day allowing them to see what happened to him.  Now was the time to heal and River and her family would provide the love he needed to find that peace Sky looked for inside.

Sky had opened up more and more to River and her mates.  It would take time for Sky to feel completely comfortable with everyone, but he was showing progress in the socializing area.  Jansen and Banks helped more and more by teaching Sky defensive tactics and helping him with his magic. 

Star and Sky continued to work at Rod Tracy
’s furniture shop.  Sky was great at designing and made a lot of great pieces for the store to sell at outrageous prices.  He was making a name for himself as a furniture designer. 

Star became very restless at the furniture store.  She needed a job that would help her exert a lot of energy.  She was always moving around so Larken gave her a job at the lodge where she helped people who got sick at the lodge.  She helped Ash and River out too with what ever they needed.  Jansen and Banks continued to fight with Star.  Everyone could tell they were mates
—except them.  They were fighting it left and right.  However, they continued to run into each other all the time making it impossible to stay away from each other.  

River finished the computer program she had been working on for the unit.  Word had gotten out about her skills.  The Vampire Council had asked her if she wanted to come to work for them.  River turned down their offer and became a fulltime member of the unit.  They needed her and she needed them.  Ash had told her one day that River was never really lost, but she was found.  River liked that motto.  She knew that more of the Lost would come to Meadowland Lodge and she hoped her family and friends could provide the safe haven of being found. 



The End

Books Available from Bryce Evans


The Ashland Pack


The Trinity

Book One


Big Bad Alpha

Book Two


The Love of a Shifter


Once Forgotten Twice Loved

Book One


Healing Their Mate

Book Two


Coming Soon: Book Three



Shifter Justice

Co-written with Jana Leigh


The Perfect Reflection

Book One


Coming Soon: Infiltrating the Pack

Book Two




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Excerpt from Big Bad Alpha

The Ashland Pack

Book Two


By Bryce Evans



Damen McDonald knocked on his Alpha’s door.

Enter!”  Damen walked into Mace’s office frowning.

I know why I’m in a bad mood, but why are you?” Damon said as Mace turned back around to face him.  Damen was the Beta, but he was also Mace and Adrianna’s cousin.  Damen was like a brother to him and he trusted him with his life.

No reason.  Just woke up like that.”  Damen stared at Mace.  “What?”

Damen snorted. 
“What’s wrong?”  Mace shrugged his shoulders.  Damen arched an eyebrow at his Alpha’s childish shrug.  “Can you explain to me what’s going on with you?  You are moping around as if you have been dumped.  That can’t be the reason since you haven’t been seeing anyone lately.  Maybe you need to get laid.” 

Mace sighed and moved back to his desk, and picked up the piece of paper in front of him. 
“Nobody interests me.”

Never stopped you before, Mace.  Never stopped any of us.  We are just having fun and the girls understand that,” Damen responded.

Mace looked up and sighed loudly at his cousin. 
“What do you want, Damen?” 

Damen didn
’t like how his Alpha was looking.  He acted uninterested and agitated, which wasn’t Mace.  Damen looked down at the files he held in his hand.  “Well, we have five more applications to join the pack.”

Damn, where are these people coming from?” Mace responded.

Well most of them want to be near The Trinity.  Some are stagnant in other packs.  They don’t like either the Alpha or how the pack is being run.  Then you have the Rogues who are tired of being on their own.  You name it they’re coming here.  Plus they heard what a good-looking Second you have,” Damen said as he arched his eyebrows up and down.

Mace leaned back in his seat shaking his head laughing at Damen.

“Yes, buddy, I’m sure that’s it.  Okay, I know you have looked over the applications and completed background checks on everyone.  Now tell me what do you think about them?” said Mace.

Well, everyone checks out except two and that’s what I want to talk to you about.”  Mace squinted his eyes at Damen then rubbed his forehead.  Damen knew this was a stress reliever for Mace.  He only did it when he was stressed out.

First, Peter and Mary Redden are friends of Samson’s.  Mary is a witch and Peter is a wolf.  Mary’s daughter is Lexy Redden and she is also a witch.  Peter is Lexy’s stepfather.  Lexy’s real father was a human and when she was born, he left them high and dry.  Although Peter is her stepfather, he considers Lexy as his own daughter,” said Damon.

Mace shrugs,
“So what’s the problem?  We have other people in the pack that are not wolves.”

Well since Mary and Lexy aren’t wolves, they also want to petition to be a member of the Ward Clan, too.  They grew up with Samson and his family and already consider them as family.  But they also want to honor Peter and be part of both.  I looked it up and it’s never happened where a family is part of two packs, much less a vampire clan.  Now that’s the problem.”  Damen sat back as he blew out his breath.

I will need to speak with Samson and get his opinion on this.  This is very unorthodox, but hey, with everything that has happened this year, nothing surprises me anymore,” Mace said on a sigh.

Do you want me to talk to Samson?” asked Damen.

No.  I’ll do it the next time I see them,” Mace replied.

Okay, that’s good.  I will accept the other families and get them settled with the pack,” Damen answered.  “Now here is the other problem I’m having.  We have another person who wants to join our pack.”

Excerpt from The Perfect Reflection

Shifter Justice Book One

By Jana Leigh and Bryce Evans



These records had to be fucking wrong, there was no way that asshole was supposed to be the Prince of Wolves, as the “Redeemer,” he was supposed to have gotten everything.  The wolf paced around the room, stupid Elders think they know everything.  His mother,
boo hoo
, turns up pregnant from a visiting wolf, she cheated on her true mate. 
How was that even possible?
  His father had solved that though when she gave birth, and he scented the betrayal on the babies.  He killed her, took him, and gave his snotty ass twin away to the cheating bastard.  Too bad the bastard had no clue she had two children.  It was the ultimate price, although the asshole had no idea he was about to pay the piper for his indiscretion.

His whole life all he heard was how special he was.  His father chose him to keep, to raise and groom him to become
“The Redeemer.”  Only he could plan this out to perfection, make his DNA donator pay for everything he had done.  Ruined his father’s life, ruined his family, hell, ruined
life.  Now, now he was going to pay, all of them would.  His plan started so long ago it made him laugh; all of his little chess pieces were almost in place.  His father taught him the game, and he had the patience to play it through.

It had started out small, his father taking him hunting when he was barely able to walk.  Taught him how to use a blade to kill a deer before he could shift into his wolf, his father said he needed to know how to kill with his hands.  Being a wolf was not a tool he would use to extract his revenge, because in his wolf form they could track him, as a human he could mask himself. 

When “The Redeemer” figured out he loved the feel of blood running through his fingers, he learned all he could.  Then he was given his purpose; his father gave him the task of helping all those unsuspecting bastards who were being cheated on. 

He could remember when he was five, his father took him and showed him what cheating bitches did.  They spread their legs for anyone and laughed behind their mate
’s back.  His father showed him what must be done, silencing them and making sure they couldn’t destroy another family. 

He could hear him now,
“If you are not true mates, your mate will cheat, she will leave you, search for her true mate.  They are all whores of the wolf teaching, none of them understand that there is no true mating, because female wolves will never allow themselves to mate to just one wolf, it is not in their nature.”  His father was doing a service to mankind by teaching him to kill, they would all thank him and bow to him, he was “The Redeemer,” and soon they would all know.


She woke up shivering.  What was wrong with her?  She felt like she had been hit by a truck and finally opened one of her eyes.  When she looked up, the light was too bright so she jerked them closed. 
Good God
, she thought,
try again, she knew that she was not in her home.  Where the fuck was she?

She turned her head and opened her hooded eyes.  What the hell?  It looked like a construction site.  Her back and legs were so cold and she was shivering all over.  She tried to get up, but her hands were tied to something.  When she opened her sluggish eyes further, she was strapped to a steel table where her hands were tied to each end of the table. 

Missy looked down toward her legs and they were strapped to the table, too. 
, she was naked and strapped to a cold steel table.  Missy started to panic.  All she could remember was being at the Coastal for drinks.  Looking around the room, she tried to find anything that could help get her untied.  There were tools everywhere, littering the floor and on the other table but too far for her to reach. 

Plastic was wrapped around the windows.  Nothing looked familiar to her.  There were papers that looked like plans lying on a table near the door.  It appeared to be a new building under construction. 

Missy jerked her head to the right hearing footsteps.  She looked at the door when she saw someone walking down the dark hallway.  When he got further into the light, Missy couldn’t believe it.  What was he doing here and why was she tied to a table?

Ah, I see you have finally woken up.  It wouldn’t have been any fun if you had slept through it.  Do you know who I am?”

’s eyes narrowed as he came up beside the table, putting his hand on her arm, rubbing up and down.  She grimaced as she felt his touch; fuckin’ bastard was going to pay for touching her.

Missy finally found her voice,
“Look, we had some good times, but this is going too far.  Let me loose now and I will leave.”  His answer was moving his hands further down her chest, finding her breasts, and squeezing them hard.

I am going to give you freedom.  You have cheated; when you came on to me, I could see it.  Your mate would not be happy to know you are with me right now, would he?” he said and laughed at her discomfort.

Hey stop, and let me up.  NOW!” she yelled.

He finally looked down at her and smiled.  He walked over to the table and pulled duct tape out of a bag.  Then he cut off a piece of the tape and walked back over to Missy.  She was watching him closely and when he got closer, she knew he meant to put the tape over her mouth.

“HELP…”  Missy screamed.

I am going to help you, show you the error of your ways, so when you meet the devil you can fully accept what you have done wrong.  And give him a message for me, will ya?  I am sending someone special to him soon, he needs to be ready for his gift.”  The Redeemer laughed, held up the knife, and looked down at her.


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