Read Heard it Through the Grapevine Online

Authors: Lizbeth Lipperman

Tags: #winery, #soft-boiled, #soft boiled, #mystery, #woman protagonist, #television host, #murder mystery, #fiction, #amateur sleuth, #mystery novels, #murder, #amateur sleuth novel, #paranormal, #ghosts

Heard it Through the Grapevine (6 page)

“It seems your son was the last person to see Tessa alive.” When Carolyn looked confused, Lainey added, “He delivered her dinner to her a few hours before the explosion.”

Carolyn leapt from the chair, her eyes blazing. “Wait just a min
ute, sister. Are you saying my Joey had something to do with that slut’s death?”

Takes one to know one.

If Lainey had learned anything from Dan, it was that angry people speak before they think. She moved quickly. “He certainly had a reason to, don’t ya think?”

Carolyn’s face flamed into the color of a plump strawberry. “Yes, he did, as a matter of fact. Your sister screwed around with his father. Did you know that?”

“Yes,” Lainey answered truthfully. “I also know she wasn’t the first person your husband cheated with, nor was she the cause of your divorce. Correct?”

Carolyn’s chin dropped to her chest, her lips pursed. When she looked up at Lainey, a lone tear puddled in the corner of her eye.

Quickly, Lainey reverted to a different tactic. “That really must have been a hard time for you and Joey, Carolyn. I apologize for my sister.”

Carolyn sighed, glancing once again at the clock. “How would you like to find out your husband was sleeping with the town whore?”

Lainey reached with her right arm to halt Tessa when she reared up to confront Carolyn.

Bullshit! I did her a favor.

When Carolyn’s eyes darted nervously at the sudden move, Lainey thought fast. “Sorry. When my bad shoulder freezes up, I have to jerk it loose.”

Besides, it was only one time. Off the dance floor, the man was worthless. His little pistol ran out of ammo long before the big bang.
Tessa lowered her voice and leaned closer to Lainey.
Come to think of it, there was no big bang. I was left to fend for myself. I—


Tessa’s mouth turned down in the little pout that used to get her anything she wanted.

Aware that Carolyn was looking at her like she had lost her marbles, Lainey continued. “Tessa did a lot of things she regretted. I would probably be as mad as you are,” Lainey continued, hoping Carolyn bought into this.

I can’t believe you’re gonna let that woman get away with calling me a whore. Where’s your family loyalty?

“It must have been especially tough on Joey, watching his parents go through all that and then the divorce,” Lainey continued, ignoring her sister.

Carolyn laughed. “Not hardly.”

Lainey straightened. “Not hardly?”

“As far as Joey was concerned, it was the best thing that ever happened.”

Told you.

Lainey bit her lower lip. This conversation had suddenly taken a twist. “That seems strange, considering the circumstances.”

Carolyn jumped up, giving Lainey another look at her belly
straining against the black spandex, hip-hugger panties. “You gotta
go. I have to get ready for work now.”

Lainey settled farther back into the sofa cushion. She’d come for information, and she wouldn’t leave without it now that Carolyn had dropped that little “not hardly” bomb. “Why would Joey be glad about that?” she probed.

Carolyn sniffed, pulling the robe tighter across her body. “The day Joe Senior walked out, Joey celebrated. He called it the best day of his life.”

Lainey leaned forward again and got right up in Carolyn’s face. “Why would he say that?”

Carolyn defiantly met Lainey’s stare. Lainey knew immediately this woman had never stopped loving her ex, no matter how much he’d hurt her.

“Because the SOB used to beat the hell out of him at least once or twice a week.”


Colt stared at the
pictures on his desk before glancing up at Danny Landers. “These came from Tessa’s computer?”

“Yeah, boss. They were in a file hidden among some old correspondence. If it wasn’t for Sean, we wouldn’t have found them.”


The young deputy’s grin faded. “Don’t go getting mad. Sean is Flanagan’s computer-geek nephew who’s home on spring break. Just for fun, we had him take a look at the laptop in case we missed something.”

“You thought I’d be okay allowing a civilian access to evidence
in a homicide investigation?” Colt slumped into his chair and reached
for the picture again. He didn’t know if he was more pissed because his guys missed a crucial piece of evidence or because some techno nerd hadn’t.

A sheepish grin spread across Danny’s face. “Who needs to know we didn’t find it?”

Colt glared. Danny Landers was his youngest officer, joining the Vineyard Police Department straight out of the academy with a long list of recommendations. He was turning out to be a good officer, but every now and then his age showed.

Colt backed off, realizing the pictures were more important than who discovered them. “So do we have any idea about the guy in the photos?”

Danny shook his head. “Not so far. Flanagan and Rogers are on their way to the motel now to talk to the desk clerk. Maybe we’ll get lucky and find out the guy was stupid enough to use his real name.”

Colt chuckled. “And when we catch him, he’ll have an empty bottle of cyanide with Tessa’s name on it stuck in his coat pocket,” Colt retorted. “That motel is cash only, Danny. Nobody uses their real name.” His expression turned serious. “Where’s Tessa’s laptop now?”

Danny lowered his eyes and mumbled, “Sean’s still checking it out.”

Colt shook his head, then glanced once again at the pictures.
There was no mistaking those gigantic boobs or that kinky, bleached-blond hair. Like every other red-blooded male in Vineyard, he’d taken a look at one of Roxy Moretti’s videos to see what all the fuss was about when Jerry brought his new wife to town. The woman definitely knew her way around the bedroom.

What was she doing in a fleabag hotel with a strange man?

Colt grinned. Okay, it was obvious what she was doing. The camera had caught Roxy with her hand on the guy’s crotch and his hands all over her fake boobs right before they entered the room. Apparently, they couldn’t wait until the door closed behind them to go after each other.

For a split second, Colt felt a pang of envy pulse through his body. He couldn’t remember the last time he was in that big of a hurry with a woman. Hell, he couldn’t even remember the last time he had sex, enthusiastic or not. Unless solitary sex counted.

He concentrated on the images, searching for something that might tell them the man’s identity and get his mind off his own lack of a social life. The big guy was wearing a nondescript shirt and jeans, but his face was hidden by an expensive-looking cowboy hat, probably a Stetson. No big clue there. Half the men in the county paid more for their boots and hat than they did for the rest of their wardrobe combined. Unless some miracle happened, and this dude was dumb enough to use his real name, Colt would have to confront Roxy about her afternoon tryst with the cowboy.

But something nagged at him. Why were the pictures on Tessa’s laptop? Was his ex-wife blackmailing Jerry’s new wife? And if so, was that a strong-enough motive to want her dead?

That thought disappeared when he noticed Lainey Garcia walking toward Madelyn’s desk. Bending to whisper something in her older sister’s ear, her silky blouse ballooned out, revealing a scallop of lace outlining her cleavage.

Danny whistled. “Now that’s one helluva looker. Wonder if she goes for younger men.”

Colt laughed out loud. “You call her older? She can’t be much past twenty-eight or so.”

“Hey, remember I’m not ancient like you. I still get turned on by a pretty girl.” Danny licked his lips. “Let’s see. Twenty-three goes into twenty-eight with a little to spare,” he said, gawking at Lainey. “Come on, Maddy, sink down in that chair, so she’ll have to bend over more.”

“Get out of here,” Colt commanded, his voice barely able to conceal
his amusement. “And tell Sean thanks for the catch.” He waved Danny out the door, then settled back in his chair to watch Tessa’s sisters in an animated conversation. He wouldn’t mind seeing a little more skin himself.

He studied Lainey for several minutes, trying hard not to stare at the gaping blouse. She’d left Vineyard before graduating from college, which would put her in her late twenties. From this angle, her dark black hair looked like silk as it fell across her face when she giggled, the soft curve of her mouth inviting as she ran her tongue across her lips. With her short black skirt, cinched tightly at the waist by a wide belt, she could still be a girl on campus somewhere.

The only time Colt noticed details like that on a woman was when he interrogated her.

Jesus! She’s your ex-sister-in-law, fool.

He stood and walked around his desk, hesitating only momentarily before pushing through the door. Lainey glanced up as he approached, unable to hide the surprised, almost guilty look that flashed in her eyes. Had he caught her telling Maddy something she didn’t want him to know?

Quickly, she recovered and straightened up, a half-smile now replacing the guilty look. “Hey, Colt. I just stopped by to con Madelyn into buying me lunch.”

Colt noticed the look that passed between them before Lainey continued. “Anything new with the murder investigation?”

He shook his head and shrugged. In a precinct as small as this
one, it was a given Madelyn had heard about the pictures of the ex-
porn star. Hell, she probably knew about it before he did. “We
a few pictures on Tessa’s computer that suggest she may have
been blackmailing—”

“You think my sister was blackmailing Roxy Moretti?” Madelyn interrupted.

So much for the police chief being the first to know. “We aren’t sure, Maddy. Like I said, it’s only a couple of pictures, and Flanagan and Rogers are checking it out.”

The phone rang suddenly, and Madelyn reached for it. “Vineyard Police Department.” After a few seconds, she held it out to Colt. “Speak of the devil. It’s Flanagan. They’re still down at the Shady City Motel asking about the guy in the pictures. He needs to talk to you.”

Colt grabbed the receiver, annoyed that everyone seemed to know more about the case than he did. “What’d you find?” After a few minutes, he handed the phone back to Maddy.

“Well, who was he?”

If he didn’t love Tessa’s family so much, he would have reminded Maddy she was paid to answer the phones and keep up with the paperwork. Period. But she had always been his favorite, and she adored Gracie. That bought her a little leeway.

“Know anyone named Kate Forney?” he asked, biting his lip to suppress the smile as both sisters caught the play on words.

Lainey threw back her head and laughed. “Can’t say that I do, but I’ll bet she’s related to Ima Slut.”

Maddy jumped up and high-fived her sister. “And I know she was reading
Hole in the Mattress
by Mister Completely.”

“Cut it out, you two,” Colt commanded, unable to pull off a serious look.

Still grinning, Lainey glanced at her watch. “So, are you going to take your starving sister to lunch or what? I have to be at the lawyer’s office at two.”

Maddy wrinkled her nose. “Can’t. I promised Father McElroy I’d stop by the rectory. In a weak moment, I let him talk me into heading up the renovations committee for the elementary school. I really have to be there for our first meeting.”

Lainey’s face dropped. “No problem. I’ll just grab a bite on the run.” She reached for her purse. “We’re still on for tonight at the hotel, right?”

Maddy smiled. “Oh yeah. Even Kate’s coming. We’re all dying to hear what you found out from Carolyn this morning.” She slammed her hand to her mouth. “You remember Mom’s friend Carolyn from San Antonio?”

Colt watched silently as the unspoken conversation played out on the two sisters’ faces. Between Maddy’s, Oh-my-God!-What- have-I-done? look and Lainey’s meant-to-kill glare at her sister, it was obvious something was going on. His instincts told him it couldn’t be good.

Without thinking, he grabbed Lainey’s arm. “Do you remember that great country café down on Main Street?”


“That’s the one. They still serve the best damn chicken-fried steak in the state of Texas.” Colt paused. “I was just thinking about going there and could use some company. Otherwise, Ruby will talk my ear off the entire time I’m trying to eat.”

Lainey looked away, patches of red appearing on her cheeks. “I don’t think so, Colt. That would blow a whole day’s calories.” She pulled her arm away, a pensive look on her face. “I haven’t eaten chicken-fried steak since I left Vineyard.”

“All the more reason to indulge yourself.” He let his eyes wander over her body. “Trust me, Lainey, you don’t need to worry about calories.” He grinned as the red splotches on her cheeks spread. “Come on. Say yes. My treat.”

“Go, Lainey,” Maddy urged. “Colt doesn’t spring for lunch very often.” She reached into her desk for her purse and waved as she walked to the door. “See you tonight,” she said over her shoulder.

Colt caught Lainey’s elbow and gently guided her toward the door, acutely aware that everyone had stopped to stare. He stole a glance at Danny, who grinned and gave him a thumbs up.

He increased his stride. The faster he got her out of there the better. “Come on. We’ll go in my police cruiser. I’ll even wager you can’t make a dent in Ruby’s lunch portion.”

A faint light twinkled in her jet-black eyes. “What if I do?”

“Then I’ll run the siren all the way back to the station,” he teased, seeing the smile return to Lainey’s face. This woman definitely loved a challenge. He mentally filed that away for future reference.

“You’re on.”

He held the cruiser door open for her to slide in. Instinct told him Lainey knew something about the investigation she wasn’t telling, and he was damn well going to find out what it was before she popped the last bite of gravy-covered, chicken-fried steak into that pretty little mouth.


“Ohmygod! I forgot how unbelievable this was.” Lainey shoved another chunk of steak into her mouth. When she looked up and caught Colt staring, she rolled her eyes and laughed. “You must think I’m a glutton,” she said, glancing at her nearly empty plate.

“The only thing I’m thinking is how I’ll explain the siren to the guys at the station.”

Lainey’s eyebrow hitched. When Colt pointed to the plate, the sudden memory made her grin. “Oh, the bet.”

“I love a woman who isn’t afraid to eat like a lumberjack.”

She sighed out loud. “Now I’m really embarrassed.” She shoved the plate aside. “I don’t think I can eat another bite.”

“Liar,” Colt challenged.

She looked up, eyes narrowed, before reaching for the plate and moving it back in front of her again. “Thanks to you, I’ll need an extra hour in the workout room today.” She cut another piece of meat.

“Want dessert?”

Colt turned to the waitress, who suddenly materialized holding the dessert menu. “Who eats dessert after your chicken-fried steak, Ruby?”

The woman’s broad smile almost matched her hips. “Who’s your
lady friend, Colt?”

“Oh, sorry. Ruby, this is Elaina Garcia, Tessa’s sister. Lainey, Ruby
Dalton, the best damn cook in the entire state of Texas.”

Her smile spread. “You’re such a bull-shitter, Colt.” She looked at Lainey. “I was sorry to hear about your sister, Elaina. She did a lot of good things for the community.”

“Thanks. I’ll bet she loved this place.”

Ruby shifted from one foot to the other. “Actually, she rarely came in here.”

Oh, here we go. Now’s when she tells you what a worthless human being I was.

Lainey jerked her body to the left just as Tessa waved, then slid into the empty seat. Quickly, she turned back to Ruby, hoping no one had noticed the sudden body shift. “Guess she watched her
figure, like I should be doing.” Lainey pushed the plate toward Tessa
and sipped her sweet tea.

Ruby stepped back and squinted. “Honey, I saw you walk in here. The only one who’s watching your figure is Colt.” She waved her hand around the restaurant. “Not to mention every other cowboy in here.”

Much as I hate to admit it, Lainey, your ass does look amazing in that skirt.
Tessa winked.
You still have a way to go to beat mine, though.

“Maybe I will have some of that dessert, Ruby,” Colt said, effectively changing the subject as if he didn’t like where the conversation was headed.

“Your sister didn’t care much for me,” Ruby said, folding her arms across her chest.

I never got any warm and fuzzies from you, either. I learned a long time ago to think like a dog.
Tessa waved her arm in the air.
If I couldn’t eat it or screw it, I’d piss on it and walk away.

Lainey wiped her mouth with the napkin, biting her lip to hide the smile. “I’ve been told Tessa didn’t get along with a lot of people.”

Ruby shook her head. “Everyone in Vineyard loves Colt. After what Tessa did to him, she lost a lot of friends.”

Oh, please. Why don’t you run back to the kitchen where you belong? I heard there were a couple pans of cobbler you forgot to eat.

“Yeah, your sister was a piece of work, all right.” Ruby continued. She glanced over her shoulder at the cashier who was hollering her name and waving frantically. “Gotta go. My granddaughter can screw up a one-man roll call.”

Her gene pool could use a little chlorine.

Ruby turned back and smiled, unaware that Lainey had shot Tessa a look meant to kill.

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