Heart of a Warrior (12 page)

Read Heart of a Warrior Online

Authors: Theodora Lane

Tags: #Paranormal Romance

“Wow. Does this job come with benefits?” She smirked.

“I think there’s an accidental death policy.”

“What, no whole life?” Her eyes crinkled with mirth.

He snorted. “No. Who’d cover me?”

“Well, have you got a business card? Something like…have sword, will travel?”

“Yeah.” He laughed. “That might work.”

“Is it all expenses paid?”

“I’m well-compensated for my work.” Nic reached out and pulled her to him. “Come here, you should be next to me.” She slid into his arms.

“Just don’t pressure me, Nic. I don’t respond well to pressure.”

“I’ll take it slow. Promise.” He kissed her temple. He traveled down her hairline with gentle, brushing kisses, to her ear. She sighed and relaxed even more. Nic shifted his position and began to massage her shoulders.

“Mmm,” she purred. “First, we kill vampires, you cook me dinner, I kick your ass, and now this. You sure know how to show a girl a good time, Nicodemus.”

“I don’t think there are too many women who’d consider the last day or so a ‘good time.’” He paused and looked at her with an odd expression. “Except you.”

“I suppose that means we’re meant for each other, huh?” She laughed.

“Yeah, I think it does.” Nic wasn’t laughing. He pulled her across his lap and held her. Looking up into his face, she saw something new in his eyes, but she wasn’t sure what it was.

“Can we sleep together, Fiona? Just sleep. I promise I’ll behave, but I can’t spend another night without you next to me.” Nic’s gaze searched hers.

“If you try anything…” She made a fist and shook it at him.

“Promise.” He held up his hand in the Boy Scout pledge.

“So, now you’re telling me you’re a Boy Scout?”

“That’s right, and a scout is always trustworthy.” Nic nodded and put down his hand.

“Sleeping next to you sounds good to me too. It’s kind of lonely in my room.” Fiona bit her lip and then stood and took his hand.

Nic led her to his room, but she slipped down the hall into her bathroom, changed into her nightgown, brushed her teeth, and returned. He’d turned down the bed and waited for her with the covers pulled up to his bare chest. She couldn’t help but admire him. Smooth skin over pure muscle. The small, dark circles of his nipples. Her knees felt wobbly, and she prayed she’d make it to the bed before they gave out.

“You’re wearing something under there, aren’t you?” she asked, barely keeping her voice from breaking.

“Absolutely.” He lifted the sheets and showed her his boxers. “It’s all proper.”

Fiona took a deep breath and slipped into bed. Pulling her to him, he sighed. She lay curled in his arms, her back pressed to his chest. He reached out and turned off the lamp.

“Nic? Is there anyone else? You know, that you’re involved with right now?” Fiona was glad it was dark.

“No. I never get involved with anyone. How about you?”

“No. I’m alone.” Fiona winced at her fumble. “I mean, I’m not seeing anyone right now.”

“Good. I don’t want to share you.” He tightened his arms around her and inhaled. His warm breath ruffled her hair.

“Me neither.”

They were quiet for a while. Fiona relaxed when she felt the rise and fall of his chest slow and his grip on her lessen. She’d never slept with a man before, sexually or otherwise. It was nice. His body warmed hers.

Getting used to this would be a mistake.

— • —

“Guys! Wake up! I’m hungry!”

lizard is calling.” Fiona rolled over to snuggle deeper against his chest. Christ, her body felt so good next to his. It’d been so long since he’d slept with anyone that he’d forgotten how comforting it could be.

“Damn it, Cho. Can’t you eat a bug or something?” Nic pulled Fiona closer and nuzzled her neck. He slid his hands under her short nightgown, up her soft thigh, and over her hip to cup her breast in his hand.

“Uh, Nic,” Fiona mumbled. Nic growled. His cock came alive, stiffening against his thigh.

“While you two have been doing God knows what, I’ve been sitting on my branch, alone, hungry, and horny.”

The lizard sat on Fiona’s pillow and flicked out his tongue. It hit the back of her shoulder, stuck, and then was gone.

“There was no action here last night, buddy. We behaved ourselves.” Unlike now. Nic explored her nipple with his fingers, making small circles around her areola. The nub shrank, pebbled under his touch. He moaned.

“Nic,” her muffled voice warned. Fiona’s body tensed, and he dropped his hand back to her thigh.

“Sorry. That had the beginnings of a habit.” Nic kissed her shoulder. His dick would just have to get over it and respect Fiona’s wishes.

“What time is it, Cho?” She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

“Almost ten thirty. I missed breakfast.”

“Sorry. I’ll fix you something. How about brunch, guys?”

“Sounds great!” Nic began to get out of bed, but she put out her hand to stop him.

“It’s okay. Cho and I have it covered.” Fiona kissed Nic on the cheek, scooped up the lizard, and placed him on her shoulder.

Nic rolled out of bed and headed for the bathroom. “Call me if you need me. I’m hitting the shower.”

When he came out to the kitchen, he was clean, shaved, dressed, and smelling wonderful. Fiona finished the large omelet, flipped it onto a plate, and placed it on the table. They served themselves, taking portions, and even Cho had a plate at the table.

“What are we doing today?” Fiona put her chin in her hand and looked at Nic.

“Well, I was wondering if there was some way we could track this guy.”

“I was thinking the same thing while I was cooking.” She nodded.

“She can cook and think at the same time. Let’s keep her, Nic.”

"Okay, don't laugh, but I think I know how he found me." She stared down at her plate. "I joined one of those online dating sites." She grimaced.

"You?" Nic shook his head. "Why?"

"Beth insisted. I know it's lame, but..." She shrugged. "So, about a month ago, this guy contacted me. He was weird, so I never set up a date."

"Did he ask if you were a virgin?"

Fiona paused. "Yeah, he did. I have his messages saved. Maybe there’s something in them? A clue to where he is?” She finished her piece of omelet and sipped some coffee.

“Could be. Let’s go by your place and check it out.”

Nic did the dishes while Fiona showered and dressed. They left Cho at home, his belly full of egg, contented and asleep in the branches of his tree.

— • —

Fiona logged onto her e-mail account and opened the folder marked HookMeUp. A list of e-mails appeared in chronological order. She moved over to a folder on the side labeled Losers and opened it.

Nic leaned in for a good look. “His screen name is BeachBum?”

“Yeah, he said he loves the beach, and since I do too, at first it seemed like a good match.”

“Are all those e-mails from him?”

“No, just the ones in this folder. The ones up a level are from the other men.”

“Other men?” Nic sounded as if he didn’t like the sound of that. “How many other men?”

“Just the two that I matched with.” She paused. “Relax. All I did was e-mail them.”

“Do they have swords?”


“Good.” Crossing his arms over his chest, he looked pleased with himself.

She grinned. It felt good to know he was a little jealous and feeling a bit territorial. It was a new experience for her, and she liked it.

“I don’t see anything that tells us much in these. You’re right. He’s way into the virgin issue.” Nic leaned over her shoulder as she scrolled through the messages on her computer.

“Me neither. Look, we know he’s in town, that much is obvious.”

“Right. And vamps need a place with complete darkness, like a basement,” Nic added.

“There are lots of basements all over this town. That doesn’t help to narrow it down.”

“Do you remember his car?”

“No.” She paused. “When we came out of the crypt, there were only three cars left, the two Town Cars and the SUV.”

“Right. But when I went inside, there was a white van. Like the kind service people use.”

“Any markings on the outside?”

“No, it was plain, I think. But it was dark. I could have missed something.” Nic shrugged his shoulders.

Fiona’s phone rang, and they both jumped.

She looked at the phone as if it would bite, and then picked up the receiver. “Hello?”

“Fiona? Where have you been?” The irate voice of her boss was on the other end.

“Mr. Simmons, I was going to call you. I’ve been ill.” Fiona rolled her eyes at her lame lie.

“Too sick to call in?”

“Well, the medicine they gave me really knocked me out.” She winked at Nic. “I just woke up an hour ago.”

“Well, you missed your deadline. If you’re not in the office tomorrow morning, don’t bother showing up.” The phone disconnected. She let out her breath in a puff and looked at the phone in her hand. Simmons had always been a jerk; this should come as no surprise.

“Is it bad?”

She hung up the phone and shrugged. “I have to be at work tomorrow morning or else.” She turned back to the screen and brought up another e-mail.

“What are you going to do?” Nic sounded concerned.

“Finish these e-mails right now. If I’m still alive tomorrow, go to work. One thing at a time.”

Nic frowned. “It’s not going to come to that.”

Fiona shrugged. “They tried to kill me. I’m not letting that go without a fight.”

He opened his mouth to say something and then closed it. That was good, because she wasn’t going to argue about it.

After another few hours of picking apart the e-mails, they left as empty-handed as they arrived.

— • —

Ivan finished dressing and pulled on his leather jacket. Annie slipped into some jeans and a loose sweater. He’d been putting off telling her he wanted her to stay home because he knew it would lead to a fight, but the time had come.

“Annie. I don’t think you should go tonight.” Ivan fired the opening shot across her bow.

“What, are you crazy? Why not?” She looked up from tying the laces of her running shoes.

He stood in front of her and ran his hand through his short, brown hair. “I don’t trust them, Annie. If anything goes down, anything bad, at least you’d be safe here. Even they don’t know where I am.” He’d made damn sure of that years ago when he’d been awarded the territory.

“No way! We’re a team, Ivan. Besides, you’ll need someone to watch your back.” He could see the determination in her eyes. The thought of Annie in a fight made his insides hurt. He tried again.

“No, I don’t need you…” He saw her face fall. “Look. I don’t want you in danger. It was too strange, asking me to be sure to bring you, baby. Something’s up.”

“I don’t care. I’m coming with.” She stood and raised her chin to him.

“You’ll be more of a distraction than a help.”

“I can take care of myself.” Her hands fisted.

“No, you can’t. Not against these people.” He shook his head.

“I’m going. If you don’t take me, I’ll call a cab and show up there.”

He growled in frustration at her determination. She was hardheaded and stubborn, and she wasn’t going to back down. “All right, but I know I’m going to regret it.”

“You won’t regret it.” She slipped her arms around his waist.

“On one condition. Promise me, Annie, if anything happens to me, you’ll get out of there pronto and hide out here.” He walked to the desk, opened the drawer, and took out a pad and pen. “Then get lost somewhere else.”

“Get lost? Why would anything happen to you?”

“Just in case. I’m writing my bank account number and online banking password for you, baby. If you need money, use it. It should last you quite some time.” He pulled out his wallet and tossed a credit card on the table. “Here’s my ATM card and the four-digit code. Lose the van right away. It can’t be traced to me, but if they spot it, they may be able to track it.”

He sat down at the computer and started typing. The printer started spitting out paper.

“This is a list of my properties. They’re spread out all over the country, so pick one and make it your own. Each of them has a lair prepared. The contact person is listed below the address.” He folded the sheets, jammed them into a folder, and left it on the desk.

“You’re serious. Do you really think they’re going to try to kill you?” Realizing the magnitude of his actions, Annie looked genuinely scared. Good, maybe she’d play it safe and do what he’d told her to do.

“I’d rather have you set up with an escape plan than have you at a loss. Promise me you won’t hang around tonight if it goes down bad.” He held her arms and looked into her frightened blue eyes.

“Promise.” She nodded.

“And no heroics.” She was just brave enough and just foolish enough.

“Right. Back here and hide out. Then I take the folder and get out of town.” She nodded. “Ivan, if anything…”

“That’s my girl.” He cut her off and then kissed her. “Let’s go. I want to get there early and check it out.”

Chapter Six

Nic scanned through the contact list on his cell phone, found WORK, pressed the button, and listened until a recording machine picked up.

A perky female voice said, “We’re not here right now. However, your call is important to us. Please leave your name, number, and the time you called, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.”


“This is Nicodemus. I need to speak to you.” He hung up, leaving none of the requested information.

“Will they call back?” Fiona curled her feet under her as she sat on the couch in Nic’s living room.

“Eventually. We wait.” He walked to the fridge and pulled out a beer, twisted the cap, and took a sip.

Nic killed time cleaning an assortment of weapons while Fiona watched the news.

Approximately an hour later, the phone rang. Nic put down the sword he was working on to answer it.


“Yeah, it’s Nic.” He recognized the voice. “Thanks for calling back.”

“What’s up?”

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