Heart Song (The Erotic Rockstar Series) (11 page)

“Oh hell yes!”

“No.” Chief says.


I hear my voice being called and I turn, and there is my Mother standing at the fence. I scream and leap off Chief’s lap. I run over fast and leap into her arms; she stumbles backwards with a laugh. When she pulls away she looks down at my face and her eyes narrow.

Violet, what happened to your face?” She gasps.

“Oh, Jasmine and
I got into a fight its fine we sorted it.”

She looks over at Jasmine, and I know she can see the bruises on her face too. She looks back at me and smiles again.

“I can’t half tell you have been with your Dad.”

I laugh.
“You came home? Why’d you come home?”

She looks
absolutely radiant. Her blue eyes are sparkling and her hair has lightened from the sun. I beam up at her, but her eyes are set elsewhere. She is looking at Chief, who has stood and is staring long and hard at her. I am tempted to throw a bucket of water of him with the look he is giving her. All the bikers have stopped drinking and are staring.

“Well I’ll be damned,
Angel, it’s you.” Bill says, walking over.

She smiles at him. “Bill, is that you?”

“It’s me, good golly woman; you look as hot as you did all those years ago.”

She flushes and hugs him.

“It’s good to see you again Bill.”

Angel.” All the men say in greeting when she walks past.

? Is that her nickname? She reaches out and shakes hands, pats shoulders and hugs random until she reaches Chief. I peer around her shoulder, desperate to see what goes down between the two.

Angel.” He murmurs.

I have never heard him call her anything but Mandy, but then I have never seen him look at her so
desperately either.

“It’s been a long time since I have been called that.”

“I recall you saying if I ever called you that again you would nut me.”

She laughs. “So I did, how are you Caden?”

He grins. “You know, hanging in there.”

Did my
Mother just blush?

“Why are you back?” I ask, stepping around her.

“I thought going away was what I needed, turns out I missed my family far more.”

“Why are you looking at Chief while you say that?” I mutter.

She looks away quickly. “I didn’t…”

“Oh my
God, will you two go and get it on already.”

I wave my hands and walk away, grinning from ear to ear.

“I’ll kick your ass Mischief.” Chief bellows at me.

Daddy I am going to bed, mind if I crash here? Ok then.”

I turn around and blow them a kiss.

“Have fun…”

They both give me a look and Jasmine runs after me giggling.

“Oh my God, they are so cute together.”


“I had fun tonight.” She says.

I stop and turn, meeting her gaze. I put my hand out and she puts her hand in mine.


“Friends; hopefully one day, we can be sisters.” She smiles and we part ways.



“I am going
home; I am done here for the night.” I say to Janice as I walk past reception.

“Oh, of course.”

“Did you get the meeting organized for tomorrow?”

She nods. “Yes.”

“Good, I will see you tomorrow then.”

“How is Violet?” She asks suddenly. “I haven’t had much chance to talk to her.”

“Awesome, things are going really good.”

She nods. “Travis…what happened with us in the club that night…”

“It was a kiss Janice.”

“But, it seemed like so much more and now she is back…”

“Look, I was different in the time she was away. Maybe if she wasn’t here, I would feel differently, but she is my life.”

“I always thought we had something.” She whispers.

Heck, now I feel bad. I stop and stare down at her.

“We did have something, and I care about you but Mischief is different to me. It goes deeper than normal love. If she wasn’t around, and I could never have her again my life
, it might be different, but she is around and I can have her, so that is where my heart is. We are still friends, we always will be.”

She smiles.
“Of course.”

“Night Janice.”

“Night Travis.”

When I get to my house, I realize Mischief isn’t in. Knowing where she will be, I slip next door. I see Chief kissing a very pretty woman, when that woman pulls back a
nd smiles, I realize it is Mandy. Shit, when did she get back and why is she all over Chief? I clear my throat, and they both spin around.

“Travis!” Mandy cries, her cheeks flushed.

“I was looking for Mischief.”

“She is in her room; she was a little under the weather so she stayed here.”

“She know you are back?” I ask Mandy, leaning in to kiss her cheek and giving Chief they eye, he grins at me; dirty old tramp.

“She does.”

“She know you two are getting hot and heavy down here?”

They both look sheepish.

“Well no…”

“It’s all good, your business. Night.”

“Night Trav, it’s good to see you!” Mandy calls out as I walk up the stairs.

“Yeah, you too Mandy.”


I feel a hot, hard body sliding along mine. I moan and tangle my fingers in the sheets. Kisses trail down over my breasts and belly, then down between my thighs. I open my eyes and I can only see darkness, but I can feel, oh I can feel. A tongue swipes through my flesh and I whimper, spreading my legs further.

“Trav…” I whisper.

“I n
eed to taste you so badly.”

He licks me long and slow
, and I thrust my hips upwards to meet his mouth. He growls and it rumbles over my nerve endings, making my sex clench in anticipation. He slowly presses a finger inside me, while his tongue lazily circles my clit. I arch my back and moan softly. He circles his tongue harder, faster until I can feel my release building. I grip his head and whisper his name as I begin to shudder around him. He sucks every last shudder from me and then slides up my body.

When he leans down to kiss my lips, I turn my head away. He pauses a
moment, and grips my face, pulling it back. If he kisses me, he will feel my split lip and we will argue, and right now I don’t want to argue. I want him inside me, deep and hard. I shove him a little and roll so I am on my hands and knees. He feels my backside up in the air and hisses.

“I want it like this Trav.” I whisper.

He growls and grips my hips, pulling me backwards. I hear him tear a condom packet, and then I feel his head sliding just inside my sex, stretching me just enough to bring a slight amount of pleasure. I close my eyes and enjoy the feeling of his length slowly sliding inside me. When he is sheathed, he pulls out and slowly slides back in again.

“Travis, I want it hard;
I want you to fuck me hard.”

God Mischief, you are killing me.”


He pulls out and slams back in. I moan into the pillow, he jerks his hips back and shoves them forward again in a quick rhythm. His fingers dig into my hips and I can hear our skin slapping together lightly. His thrusts become frenzied and I use the pillow to block out my moans. I can hear him trying to do the same, but every now and then I hear a strangled sound escape his throat.

“Going to come, fuck, Violet…”

I erupt just as he does and I can feel my sex clenching around his throbbing shaft. I feel it pulsing and spurting hot and deep inside me. He collapses over my back and I can feel his chest heaving. When he rolls off me, he pulls me up into his lap. I snuggle into his chest and breathe in his warm scent. He reaches over and flicks on the lamp and I keep my head nestled into his chest.

“Show me.”

“What?” I murmur against his skin.

“You think I am silly girl? Show me.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“I felt you pull away before
, and I know why.”

He grips my chin and turns my face up towards his. His eyes widen and his face turns hard.

“Who did this?”


“What?” He growls. “Why didn’t you call me?”

“I didn’t want to worry you.”

“Fucking hell
Mischief, how many times do I have to tell you to call me when you are in trouble?”

“Chief was here.”

“Chief isn’t me!” He bellows.

“Trav,” I whisper, stroking his face. “I’m sorry.”

“Do you know what it would do to me if something happened to you? God Mischief,” He murmurs into my hair. “You’re my fucking soul, without you I have nothing.”

“I will be ok.”

He holds me for a long moment, not saying anything. I pull back and look up at him, his eyes are worried, and his jaw is tight.

“Don’t go looking at me like that.” I say, stroking a finger over his lips.

“Don’t go ripping my heart out every five fucking minutes.”

“I didn’t…”

“You think seeing you like this doesn’t kill me Mischief? It does. It hurts.”

“I’m sorry.”

We sit a little longer, and then I pull away and stand. I pull on some shorts and a tank, because I am busting to pee. My head throbs when I am fully upright and I grip it. Travis grins and leans back against the pillows, I stare down at his amazing body. His pecks are so hard I can see them move when he breathes. His abs are perfect and trail down to that stunning V. The tattoos make him; he has such a bad boy look.

ngover baby?” He smirks.

“Shut up Phoenix. I have to
pee; I will only be a minute.”

“Why are we staying here anyway? I live right next door.”

“I was drunk…I didn’t think that far ahead.”

“Heard your M
a is back?”

“Yeah she showed tonight, oh my
God, where is she going to stay? I just left her out there.”

“Don’t worry,” He grins. “Chief sorted it.”

I narrow my eyes at him, wondering what he means. With a shake of my head, I walk out into the hall and start tiptoeing down. I can see Chief’s light is on, so I stop treading so quietly. As I am going past, the door opens and my Mother, wearing only a towel, steps out. I gape, my mouth slinging open. Her hair is all messy and she has swollen lips. She lets off a little scream, and then steps back with a stupid smile on her face.

Mother!” I cry. “What are you…oh no…”

I peer around the door frame and Chief is in the bed. He has the blanket up to his hips but his chest is bare and he looks…very happy.

“Oh hell no,” I cry, covering my eyes. “I am scarred for life.”

He laughs loudly and my
Mother pats my shoulder.

“Sorry honey, I didn’t realize you were awake.”

“Mother, you slept with Chief? What is wrong with you, where is your self-control?”

She grins. “I couldn’t help myself, when I was away I realized two things. One was that I needed my daughter and two, was that I was lonely and I knew that was because I never moved on. I love him Violet, I always have and I am sick of being bitter. I am getting on and I want what makes me happy.”

“And old, half naked in there does that?”

Chief laughs again.

“He is so handsome isn’t he?”

“I said old…”

She laughs and her cheeks go red. “He is…”

“Don’t say it, I already have to go and wash the images from my brain.”

“Well, don’t be long I need to use the bathroom.”

I gape at her.

“Mother, you changed.”

She laughs.

“I know, and it feels great.”

“Are you losing your mind? Do I need to take you to a

She laughs again

I snort and walk past her, I use the bathroom quickly and when I am out, I watch her slip in. I shake my head and walk back towards my room. When I get to Chief’s I look in again, he is grinning like a damned Cheshire cat.

“You hurt her old man, and I am going to castrate you.”

His eyes widen and he
loses his smile.

“Ah kid, I won’t hurt her.”

“You hurt her before. Don’t do it again. I love you Daddy, you know I do but I don’t want to see her hurt.”

He nods. “I’m hearing ya Mischief.”

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