Read Hearts Attached Online

Authors: Scarlet Wolfe

Tags: #teen and young adult, #teen romance, #college, #pregnancy, #sports, #love, #Friendship, #coming of age, #Young Adult Romance

Hearts Attached (4 page)

“I’m sorry, Luke. I’ve never felt anything like this before. I guess it’s the accumulation of all the years I’ve been near you but couldn’t admit how I felt ... all the years I couldn’t touch you this way.”

Her face is against my chest, but her hand slides up my neck and into my hair. Shit. I pull her arm down and hold her out away from me.

“We have to go before I lock us in my room all day.”

She begins to giggle and holds her stomach from laughing hard. “You’re adorable when you get nervous.”

“Here we go with the adorable cracks again. I’m tickling you later, and I’m not letting you up this time.” I bring her into another hug and rock us back and forth.

“Promise?” she asks.

“Geez, Kenzie, can you give me a break here?”

She steps away from me and stiffens her arms out in front of her, fingers spreading open.

“OK, sorry. You’re right. I need to not flirt with you, not touch you, or let you touch me. Let’s go.”

“I wouldn’t take it that far,” I say anxiously.

She covers her mouth and giggles again. She’s taking great pleasure in tormenting me this morning.

“Oh, you wait until we get back here. I’m going to be counting down the hours, sweetheart.”

“Oh, I’ll be
in the car if you need to take care of
before we leave.” She’s laughing and pointing at the front of my cargo shorts.
, I have a hard-on, and she’s making fun of me for it. Unreal.

Out the door she goes, and I’m racing through the house, trying to gather my keys and backpack, so she doesn’t think I’ve taken enough time to take care of business.


amn, did either of you see McKenzie today?” Stew asks Noah and me in English.

“I’m surprised you aren’t pissed at her for what she said to you at lunch the other day,” I say.

“Ah, it’s only because I embarrassed her. She was cool with me at the meet and when I took her home. I’m on a mission now. I need to show her I have something plenty big enough for her to sit on.”

Noah laughs with him, but all I feel is fury. I need to tell my sister I’m dating Kenzie ASAP. I can’t take these guys talking shit about her.

“She’s not going to go out with you, so you’re wasting your time,” I say.

“You know, Luke, every guy at this school is sick of you trying to keep them away from her and Liv. McKenzie obviously doesn’t want your ass, or you would’ve been dating her a long time ago.”

“Shut the hell up, Stew. Things are not always how they appear,” I say icily. The bell rings, and it couldn’t happen at a better time. I really want to hurt him.


Luke finds me before lunch. He looks upset, so I open my locker and lean against it. With the door like it is, it blocks the view from at least one side as I smile up at him. “Hi, what’s with the frown?”

“I want to tell Liv right away. The guys are already talking about how good you look today. Stew’s determined to get with you, and I want to hurt him.”

Placing my palm on his stomach, I stare at him.

“Please don’t let it bother you.”

His hungry gaze slowly drops to my hand.

“I really want to kiss you right now,” he says before he looks back up at me. “Kenz, you can’t give me that sexy smile and tilt those eyes at me like that.”

I feel my face warming. “Luke,” I whisper.

“I made you blush.” He’s gazing at me as if he wants to devour me, and I wish he could.

“Seriously, don’t worry about other guys. I never wanted to go out with Stew. I thought I had no choice but to move on. I only want you ... it’s always been you.”

He gives me a grin that stirs the butterflies in my stomach even more. “Please let me kiss you,” he says with a groan.

“I’ll see you after school.” I push playfully on his tight abs.

“I guess I’ll let you out, but you’re being held hostage in my room later.”

“McKenzie, are you ready to go to lunch?” Shelby asks, glancing between Luke and me. Dang, she looks a little suspicious. Is it that obvious?

I sit at the table with my friends, and I’m already missing Liv. She texted me earlier, saying she would be gone a week and that some of the teachers were emailing her homework to do.

Luckily, like her brother, she’s super smart and shouldn’t have trouble catching up. Since my dad left a few years ago, my mom has had to work constantly, so Liv and Luke have often helped me with my schoolwork.

I don’t know what I would’ve done without them. Although I’m missing Liv, I have to say I’m looking forward to the time I’ll have alone with Luke.

“So, there is this big party in Lebanon this weekend. A girl in my dance class invited me. She said they have some cute guys at their school, and she has parties all the time since her parents travel with their jobs,” Shelby says.

“Hmm ... that sounds fun,” I say. I have no intentions of going since I have no desire to party or spend time with other guys. I’ll likely be giving them an excuse last minute.

My stomach is in knots when Luke and I walk to his car after school. As soon as we’re inside, he grabs my hand.

“It sucked not being able to touch you today.”

“I found it kind of exciting,” I say.

“I’m seeing a side I didn’t know you had, Kenzie.” He glances over and gives me a boyish grin.

“I’ve been waiting to share it with you.” I turn my head toward the window and feel the squeeze to my hand. What’s gotten into me?

We stroll inside Luke’s, and the second the door shuts, I’m being pushed against it. The thud of our backpacks hitting the floor echoes in the room, and in a flash, his eager tongue is in my mouth, tangling with mine.

That hot feeling has returned and is spreading through me as my hands go into his mess of hair. He releases my mouth, breathless.

“Kenz, why did I fight how I felt about you all these years?” he asks desperately.

“Because you’re a confusing boy. We’ll have to make up for it.”

He scoops me up into his arms, and I let out a squeal. “Luke, what are we doing?”

“We’re going to make out on my bed. You owe me for all the torture today.”

I giggle and lay my head to his firm chest.

“Only because we’re best friends could you say that to me already.”

“You’re probably right.” He kisses my forehead, and I didn’t know it was even possible to feel this much joy.


I drop Kenzie on my bed, and she giggles before stretching out. Picking up the remote to my stereo, I turn on music before I practically fall onto her. She’s giggling again as I bury my face against her neck. I lick her ear and tickle her waist.

“Luke, no!”

“You’re trapped this time. No throwing those knees up.” My hands go to work, and she’s laughing hard. It’s infectious, but I’m dying to kiss her again, so I cover her mouth with mine like I wanted to do a couple of weeks ago.

We’re instantly serious as our tongues circle and stroke. She’s fisting my hair, and I don’t know how we’ll ever keep our hands off each other.

I’m getting turned on fast, so I climb off of her and lie on my back. Rolling over, she rests her chin on her hands atop my chest.

“What do you think Liv is going to say?” she asks.

“She’s going to freak at first. I don’t understand it. She’s always been jealous of us being close, and I don’t know why. You’ve been her best friend forever.”

“Actually, Luke, I’d never tell her, but I’ve always felt closer to you. I think because you’re more laid back like me, and we had to take up for each other a lot when she was being a brat, which was often when we were young. I love Liv, but I’ve always felt more of a connection with you.”

I strain to lean up and kiss her.

“What you and I have is natural, Kenz. We’ve never had to work at it, and I’ve always known I could count on you to be there for me, no matter what.”

“Luke, that is sweet, but you’re the one who has always protected me.”

I see the pain sweep her face. I wasn’t trying to bring back the painful memories of her dad, but I have no doubt it’s what she’s thinking about.

“How are we going to tell her?” she asks.

“I think you should let me tell her. If she sees how much I care for you, but I emphasize that I won’t monopolize your time, I believe she’ll accept it.”

“I hope. I don’t want the way the three of us hang out to change. I’m afraid she’ll make me choose.”

“Kenzie, I won’t let that happen, but it is going to be hard to share you.”

She kisses me, and it’s my green light. My hands run up under the back of her shirt, and I want her like I’ve never wanted anything. She’s mine, and I feel this overwhelming need to claim her in every way, so I roll us over until I’m on top of her.

It takes great effort, but I slow down to savor every second of touching and kissing Kenzie. My lips find her cheek and trail down her neck, which smells like flowers and memories as fingers of one hand explore her silky hair while the other skims down along her waist.

“Kenz, I want you so bad. I need to touch you everywhere,” I whisper in her ear. “I can hardly wait until I can and until everyone knows you’re mine. Please say you’re mine.” I’m desperate, pleading to hear those words.

“I’m yours, Luke, and I find myself wanting to let you touch me everywhere.”

Chapter Six


t’s Friday, and I’m sad this morning. Luke found out last night that he has to go to his grandparents’ for the weekend.

He tried to get out of it, but Mr. Harris wouldn’t allow it. I was going to go with them, but my mom wouldn’t let me since she worked so many nights this week. She said it’s her only time to see me.

Sunday evening, Liv is riding back with Luke and their dad, so it means Luke and I will not have the same time alone that we’ve been lucky enough to steal.

“You’re pouting,” I say to Luke at my locker after lunch.

“I don’t want you to go to that party without me.”

“Luke, Mom is not off until tomorrow. I don’t want to be alone tonight. Amanda and Shelby are harassing me to go, and I figure it will help pass the time until you’re back.”

“OK, but be careful. Don’t let anyone give you a drink. What if a guy slips something in it?”

“Luke, you’re worrying about this too much. I promise I won’t do anything. I won’t drink or hang out with any guys.”

“Are you still coming over after school, so I can kiss you before I leave?”

“I heard the word kiss. Who’s kissing who?” Stew asks after walking up behind Luke. Thank goodness the halls are noisy.

“No one, Stew,” Luke says as he gazes at me.

“Kenzie, could I talk to you for a minute?”

“I have to get to class, Stew,” I reply.

“I’ll walk with you then.”

Luke clenches his eyes shut and purses his lips.

“Luke, it will be alright. We don’t have to do this much longer,” I say quietly before I step around him. I begin walking with Stew, and I feel terrible. I’ll brush him off, but it’s awkward, and I know Luke is furious.


I can’t take this. Seeing them walking away together has me ill. God, I pray I didn’t wait too long to make her mine. I trudge to class, praying that Kenz will tell Stew there’s no chance for them to date.


ge 16:

I’m at the track running at sunset. It’s a cool spring day, and I’m trying to work out some sexual frustration. I had a genuine opportunity to make Kenzie mine last night. I felt it from her as we sat in my car in the pouring rain.

She helped me through my problem and has more faith in my abilities and future success than anyone else. The way she gazes at me ... it’s as if she would entrust her entire being to me.

But I need to remember that I have Kenzie as a friend every day. We’re there for each other and always will be, so I can’t have her physically, too.

There’s no way I could be that lucky to have both. Something would mess it up, and I’d lose her altogether.

“Luke,” a girl yells. I come to a stop on the pavement and turn around.

“Allison, hi.” Glancing around, I see no one with her.

“Hi, Luke. Sorry to interrupt your run.”

As I wipe the sweat from my forehead with the back of my arm, an uncomfortable feeling hits me. She was Noah’s girlfriend until she dumped him yesterday, so the last thing I want is to be seen with her.

“What’s up?”

“I was here alone and saw you, so I thought I’d say hi.” Allison is reaching up, playing with her blonde hair that’s in a ponytail, and I’m beginning to think it’s so she can stick her rack out at me. “Um, how was Noah today?”

“Uh, he didn’t say much to me, so I’m not sure.”

“Luke, I don’t know what to do now. Noah and I have been together forever, so I’m already lonely.”

“Why don’t you call one of your friends? Or maybe you shouldn’t have broken up with him.” I wipe more sweat from my forehead and realize I’m probably not going to get to finish my run. Allison begins to cry.

“I’m sorry, Allison. I didn’t mean it like that. I meant that maybe you don’t really want to break up with him.”

Allison throws her arms around my waist. Oh, shit. I’ve never hugged this girl before. Her head is against my chest as she softly cries, so I barely put my arms around her.

“Um, Allison, we probably shouldn’t be hugging. You only broke up with Noah yesterday, and he’s a good friend of mine.”

“Noah and I have been together so long that I’m afraid no one else will date me.” She’s sniffling while keeping a tight grip on me.

“Um, you have to give it time. Then, I’m sure someone will.” Not letting go, she raises her head and gazes up at me. I still have my arms around her, unsure of what to do with them since she is latched onto me tightly.

“You think?”

“Yeah. I’m sure, but guys need to see you aren’t going to get back with him.”

“Um, would you happen to be one of those guys?” Ah, hell. She’s looking at me seductively, and I came here for a damn run to release sexual tension.

Glancing toward the parking lot, I think of the safest way to answer this, and when I think things can’t get any worse, they do. In the distance, I see Kenz standing next to her car, staring at us.

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