Hell, Fire & Freedom (Fighting for Freedom) (12 page)

“Maybe you should keep it, you still look cold to me,” he says in that low sexy voice of his.

I wonder how on Earth one could look cold inside a warm apartment. Then it hits me. I’m not wearing a bra. I quickly place my hands over my breasts, and he lets out a hearty chuckle.

“I guess I shouldn’t have said anything,” he says, winking.

I blush deeply and look up into his beautiful green eyes, wondering what to sort of witty reply I can come up with. I’m stopped from saying anything when his mouth presses down on mine—gently at first as his soft lips begin to explore. I feel his tongue trying to gain entrance, and I let him in eagerly, my knees weakening as the kiss intensifies.

I feel his hands move down to my butt, holding my weight up, so I wrap my legs around him. Blaze groans into my mouth. He tastes absolutely divine. His tongue swirls inside of my mouth, tasting every last inch. I’m so caught up in the kiss that it takes me a minute to realize I don’t even know how to kiss! Yet, here I am kissing a man I barely know in my living room at three in the morning.

I use every ounce of self-control I have to pull back from Blaze.

“Damn, beautiful, I’ve never tasted anything so sweet in my life,” he says, panting.

“I’ve never done anything like that before in my life,” I say, burying my head into his shoulder, slightly embarrassed.

“I can’t tell you how happy I am to be the first,” he whispers gruffly in my ear. I look up at him, again and his lips crash down on mine—this time more demanding, as he teases and licks the inside of my mouth. I meet his tongue, stroke for stroke, completely losing myself. A hand wraps around the back of my neck and moves up through my hair before he pulls away momentarily.

“I love this, by the way,” he says, fingers grasping my hair. I briefly wonder if he means my new hair cut or bed head, but just as quickly decide I don’t care. He likes something about me, and that’s all that matters. He brings his lips to the base of my neck, trailing gentle kisses up to my ear. He nibbles on my earlobe and blows hot breath inside. I feel a rush of heat between my legs, and a moan escapes the back of my throat.

“Blaze, you up here?” we hear shouted somewhere in the hallway. He doesn’t step back like I thought he would, but instead just moves the kisses to my eyelids and my nose.

“Sorry, beautiful, they must be looking to leave. I’d like to hide in here with you forever, though,” he says, setting me back down on the floor.

“Please, let me take you out tomorrow,” he whispers, that hot breath tingling through my ear again. I feel absolutely mesmerized.

“Okay,” I manage to breathe out.

“I’ll be here at six,” he says, pressing his lips to mine once more. He takes a step back and starts through the door.

“Until then,” he promises. “Lock this behind me, will you?” he asks before disappearing through the door.

I lock it quickly, and then, with my back to the door, slink down to the floor. What in the world just happened? This has to be a dream.

I pinch my arm.

“Ouch!” Nope, this is real. Blaze Prescott was just in my apartment. Not only was he in my apartment, but we made out, as well.

“Oh my God!” I let out a small, girly scream. I remember that I didn’t even ask him where’s he’s been these past few weeks, but clearly he wasn’t with a girlfriend, or he wouldn’t be asking me out.

I crawl back in bed, wondering how I’m ever going to fall asleep. My whole body is tingling, and I feel so alive. Is this what it’s supposed to feel like? I’ve never dreamt that anything like this was even possible. I should have felt scared, or even blocked it out, but I just wanted to relish in every touch. I toss and turn for half an hour reliving every moment I spent with him tonight until I finally drift off to sleep again, a smile on my face.



Chapter 10



I start the next morning at work with a bounce in my step. I can’t seem to keep the smile off my face, even if I managed to only sleep a few hours. “What happened to you last night? Something great I’m assuming?” Wren asks suggestively. She’s been prodding me for information while we clean tables during a rare break in customers.

“Nothing at all, actually. An old lady in my building started a fire, unintentionally, at three in the morning. I spent most of the night freezing and waiting for the smoke to clear,” I say in an attempt to deter her.

“Girl, you could have stopped at the word fire. Any one of those firemen wake me up in the middle of the night, I’m going to be whistling for a week, too,” she says, laughing at herself. I hear the bell chime and look up to see Blaze strut through the front door. My heart starts to pitter patter, and I can’t help the smile that stretches across my face.

“Hey Brynn, looks like it’s about time for your break, now isn’t it?” Wren asks with a knowing grin. I throw my cloth at her and stick out my tongue. Blaze makes his way over to where I’m standing. The door chimes again before Wren can retaliate. She returns to the cash register to wait on the customer.

“I’ve only got a minute, but I just wanted to see you—make sure I wasn’t dreaming last night, and that you really agreed to go on a date with me? In a nightie, I might add,” he says suggestively, taking my hand and pressing his soft lips to them. I pull back quickly.

“Blaze, I’m at work,” I scold gently. “Marie has swim practice from six until eight thirty tonight. I don’t leave her on her own after dark, so I need to be back at the school to walk her home by then,” I attempt to say, but it comes out much quieter than planned.

“That’s fine by me. I’m just excited to have you on my own for a little while. I’ve got to bring the boys at the station their coffee, though. We had a late night last night, and it seems I got a little distracted …” he says huskily. “First time that’s ever happened.”

“I’m sorry, I’m not even sure what came over me last night,” I say, embarrassed.

“Are you kidding me? I think last night was the best night of my life,” he says with a smirk. “I’d better get going, though, before they get too cranky. I’ll pick you up at six tonight?”

I nod, and he kisses my forehead and reluctantly lets go of my hand. I look around, realizing that he managed to kiss me again at work! I have no idea who I’m becoming, but I think I like her.

I walk back to the staff room to heat up my lunch while Wren waits on Blaze. I still have to tell Marie I’ll be missing her practice tonight, but I hope she’ll understand. I wonder if she remembers anything about last night.

I go back into the store front and take a seat. Blaze is already gone, and the café is quiet once again, which means Wren is free to badger me for more information. I give as little as I can, promising her that Blaze and me are just friends. Unfortunately, thanks to Blaze’s displays of affection, she doesn’t buy it. I’m not willing to give her any more than that, though. Maybe someday I’ll be able to have her as a friend I can confide in.


After work, I practically run to Marie’s school. I wait anxiously until she emerges from the building.

“Whoa, Brynn. What’s the matter?” Marie asks, noticing my flushed face.

“Nothing, I’m just not a very good runner apparently. Maybe we should start running? I need to lose some of this weight I’ve put on,” I ramble, trying to put off the conversation about Blaze.

“First of all, you’re a hundred and ten pounds soaking wet, Brynn. No need to lose the weight. I’d love to start running, though. I think it would help keep me in shape, and help make me a stronger swimmer. And finally, you ramble when you’re nervous, so just tell me what’s up, you’re scaring me a little,” she says as we make our way back to the apartment building.

“You know me too well,” I admit, defeated. “Do you mind if I miss your swim practice tonight? I’ll still walk you to and from,” I add quickly.

“I’ve told you a hundred times, you don’t need to come to my practices. No parents really ever come to those, and you don’t need to walk me either. Jill lives a few streets over, and she’s offered to drive me. Seems silly since it’s two blocks, but she just got her license and always looks for an excuse to drive. Her dad just bought her a new purple Dodge Charger,” she says hopefully.

“That sounds like a dangerous combination. Not sure how I feel about that.”

“She’s a good driver, Brynn. Didn’t lose a single point on her road test,” she pleads.

“All right, I guess she can drive you if that’s what you want, but I really don’t mind walking you. I feel bad missing your practice, too.”

“I promise you’re not missing anything, and thank you. She’s going to be thrilled when I tell her,” Marie says excitedly.

“All right. That’s not all, though. Do you remember the fire last night? You didn’t seem very alert.”

“Sort of. I remember waiting outside, but that’s about it.”

“Well, Blaze is a firefighter, and he was there last night. He asked me out on a date tonight, and I kind of said yes,” I say, looking at her nervously. It looks like there is no need to be nervous, though; she’s got a huge grin on her face.

“Good for you, Brynn! He seems like a great guy, I’m glad you’re giving him a chance to find out how great you are.”

“Thanks, Marie. You know that means a lot to me,” I say, relaxing.

We enter our apartment, and I throw together a steak stir fry for Marie. I don’t want to eat, because I’m not sure if Blaze is taking me out for supper or not. While she eats, I grab a shower and blow dry my hair.

Marie comes in when she’s finished eating and straightens it, curling the ends. I was skeptical at first, but I love how it turned out. I do my makeup and then beg Marie to help me pick out an outfit for tonight. I don’t even know where he’s taking me, so how am I supposed to know what to wear?

“Here,” she says, tossing me a breezy, white tunic and black leggings that come mid-calf. I change into them eagerly, while Marie looks on.

“Hang on, I’ve got it.” She runs to her room and comes back with a black leather belt she cinches around my waist. She grabs a pair of strappy black heels from my closet, and I slip them on. She closes my door so I can get a look at myself in the full-length mirror.

“You are incredible, Marie. Seriously, you’re hired,” I say, amazed. I spin in a little circle, feeling truly confident about my looks for the first time ever.

“It’s nothing. I’ve spent a long time admiring what everyone else was wearing. Now, thanks to you, I can use my skills,” she says proudly. I hear a beep, alerting her she has a new text message.

“Jill’s here. Now don’t panic, you can do this. You’re just a beautiful, strong, single woman going on a date with a hot fireman. You also get to come home to a pretty awesome sister. You’re living the dream, and you made that happen,” she jokes. I kiss her forehead and thank her for all of her help.

“Now, text me when you get there and when you’re on your way home. I’m going to be worrying the whole time.”

“You got it. Love you, sis,” she says, heading out the door.

“Love you, too!” I holler back.

I look at the clock on the wall. Blaze will be here in another fifteen minutes. I rush into the bathroom and brush my teeth.
You can do this, Brynn. It’s just a date. Millions of people go on dates every day
. I hear a knock at the front door. No turning back now. I take a deep breath and answer it.

“Hey,” I say, more nervously than I would have liked.

Blaze is in a black leather jacket with a dark grey, striped, button-down shirt and black dress pants. He’s clean shaven, and that makes me want to touch his skin more than usual. He’s even managed to mess up his short brown hair. I realize my mouth is completely agape and force myself to close it.

“Hey Brynn, you look incredible. Wow,” he says, stroking his chin.

“Thanks, I didn’t know where we were going, so I hope this is all right,” I say, looking down at the killer outfit Marie helped pick out.

“It’s perfect. I thought you could come over for dinner, if you wanted. I’ve got a house about twenty minutes from here. If that’s not all right, then I know a little restaurant we could go to,” he offers.

That’s incredibly sweet and thoughtful. He may not know what happened, but he’s trying to make sure I’m comfortable anyway.

“Thanks, but I think that right there proves that I’ll be all right at your house. Do you mind if I just leave the address here for Marie? She’s got her cell phone, so I’m sure she won’t need it, but I’d just feel better if she knew how to find me.”

“Not a problem. Do you have a pen and paper? I’ll draw a map, too.” He draws a map quickly and writes out the address and his home and cell phone numbers.

“All set?” he asks.

I nod, and we walk downstairs and outside of the building. He stops in front of a sleek, black and chrome motorcycle.

“I hope you’re not scared. I brought you a helmet and a jacket,” he says, slipping the jacket through my arms.

“I’ve never actually been on a motorcycle. I’ve always wanted to, though, so what the hell, right? Just don’t make fun of me if I have no idea what to do,” I say, my voice shaking slightly.

“Are you sure, beautiful?”

“Yeah,” I say, slipping the helmet over my head. I promised myself when I left Carl that I would start living, not hiding away in fear. I don’t just want to do this, I
to do this.

He climbs on, and I follow behind him. He reaches back and pulls my arms around his waist under his jacket. Bad idea—I feel every muscle in his abdomen, and my body reacts immediately. I push myself closer to him, and lean in, inhaling his incredibly sexy, masculine smell.

I feel the bike roar to life under me as we pull out into traffic; it’s absolutely exhilarating. A few minutes later we’re on the outskirts of town, and the bike picks up speed, gliding along the curves of the road. I close my eyes and let the wind blow through my hair, and awaken my senses. The sun is starting to set, and the air is starting to get a little crisp. I’ve never felt anything like this in my life, it’s incredible.

We pull into a long drive, surrounded by trees. I didn’t even know there were places—besides parks—with trees in New York. We stop at a two-story timber frame home with huge tinted windows everywhere. There’s a cobblestone walk leading to the huge wrap around porch. The yard could use a woman’s touch. There’s no flowers, or garden, but the lawn is cut, and the trees are plentiful. Blaze cuts the engine, and I take off my helmet to get a better look around.

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