Her Alien Abductor (Aegarian Saga) (14 page)

“Kaya,” he spit out through gritted teeth, “Please tell me you used the B’itakke to stretch yourself.”

“With all our nightly lovemaking, I never felt pain, so I assumed I could take you without stretching myself. I haven’t used them in weeks.”

“Dammit, woman. We have never made love. Not really. Those were dreams, not real. I am going to hurt you.” His whole body vibrated with desire, yet he moved to back away in fear of hurting her.

She grabbed him close and rubbed herself against him, wanting to feel him inside her, pushing down on his cock, trying to get him deeper inside. “No, you won’t hurt me. I need to feel you rooted deep inside me. Please….”

He closed his eyes and murmured what sounded almost like a prayer. He then began to slowly push his huge erection inside the walls of her sex. The edge of pleasurable pain rocked through her body, and she stiffened. He paused, scared of hurting her more. “No, please … I need you,” she said to him in gasps, trying to breathe and think at the same time, pulling him closer so he would not retreat from her.

He pulled out, and she cried out, not wanting to lose his warmth from her body. He lowered her down the wall to her feet, as she tried to climb back up his massive frame, needing him now as much as he needed her.

“No, Kaya, I will not hurt you. I need to prepare you for me,” he said as he lowered his body down hers and then rested on his bottom in front of her. He ran one hand over her mound and licked his lips. “I need to taste you and make you wetter for me than you have ever been. I need to relax these muscles so I can enter you with less pain.” He licked his lips once again before he drew them to her sex.

Before he moved his mouth, he inhaled deeply, filling his lungs with her scent. A shiver went through Kaya, and her nipples beaded even harder than they had been moments prior. Besh then moved his lips, licking her mound, just above her clit, teasing her. He laid kisses along her outer lips, purposely avoiding where she needed him most. She dug her fingers through his hair, trying to guide his head, but his strength was too much, and he only chuckled against her skin. She groaned in frustration, and he immediately suckled her clit into his mouth. The unexpected move made her knees weaken. Besh grasped her thighs and slid them to his shoulders, resting her weight on him.

Floating above him, resting against the pillow, riding his wicked mouth, which was dragging her clit deeply into his mouth with her hands tugging his hair, she was in heaven. Her mind centered on one thing, the pleasure he was giving her. Besh raised one hand to her pussy and slid one of his big fingers in, stretching her, matching the rhythm of his suckling mouth. She gasped at the intrusion and felt her own moisture leak down her inner thighs. Besh then added another finger, thrusting deeply into her, making her cry out. She felt the fire building within her rapidly, feeling him stretch her, readying her for his invasion of her body. Finally he added a third massive finger, and the burn it caused made the first wave of orgasm crash through her. She screamed her passion out as wave after wave rolled through her body. Besh continued to nibble her and thrust his fingers inside her, drawing every ounce of pleasure from her body.

Once it subsided, she could barely catch her breath, and she felt wetness on her face. Raising her hand to her face, she realized the dampness she felt was her own tears. He had brought her so much satisfaction, she had actually cried in truth from it. Besh looked up at her with love in his eyes, and she knew at that moment he would spend the rest of their lives together giving her everything in his heart. The knowledge melted the last wall in her heart, and she slid down the wall, so she could be in his arms.

Pushing her back onto the floor, Besh quickly rolled over to pin her under his frame. He pushed himself between her thighs, rubbing his erection against her. He looked down into her face, catching her gaze in his intense one.

“I love you, Kaya.”

Her heart stopped beating for a moment. Even though she had known he cared deeply for her, even in such a small amount of time, and she knew from the looks in his eyes, love was growing there. Yet to actually hear the admission meant the world to her. Tears moistened her eyes.

He kissed her forehead and hugged her to him. They lay there like that for some time, until Kaya felt his erection stiffen even more between them. Wanting to feel him in her hand, she lowered her hand between them and began to stroke him. She felt his intake of breath, and his whole body stiffened in his desire.

“Kaya … I cannot hurt you, yet I can’t seem to pull away from you either. I will not cause you pain.”

“Not making love to me now would hurt me.”

Besh rose up on his arms and looked down at her. She used her other hand to rub against his face, his neck, his chest, and then grasped his cock, pulling it toward her channel. She was incredibly wet for him, and with his loving play earlier, she knew she could take him inside her with no pain.

Besh centered himself between her legs and raised one of her legs to his shoulder as he slowly pressed the tip inside her again. It did not burn as it had the first time, and he sensed she was not struggling, so pressed in farther. He slid out a fraction and then began to push in a little more. The feeling was so intense that she could not make out a coherent thought. He was stretching her pussy beyond the point of anything she had ever experienced, the pleasure-pain sensation almost more than she could endure.

“Are you alright?”

“Yes … please, Besh. Give me all of you.”

He pushed deeper and after a few moments, he was fully rooted inside her sex. Tears filled her eyes.

“I have hurt you.”

“No, this is the first time I have truly had you inside me. After all our nights making love, this is the first. This is so much better than any of those, and they were the most intense moments of lovemaking I have ever engaged in. You give me nothing but pleasure, as you are now. It doesn’t hurt; it is pure pleasure slicing through me.”

His groan sounded more like a growl at her words, and he began moving slowly inside her. The motions almost made her dizzy, and she sensed her orgasm was not far away, as it became difficult for her to breathe. Besh kissed her forehead and the top of her head, his height preventing him from doing more in the position they were in. She wouldn’t want it any other way; the pleasure inside was overwhelming. After a while, he began to pump in and out of her at a faster pace, and sensing his orgasm was coming soon, she began working her hips harder, matching the rough pace he set.

Kaya placed her hands above her along the smooth wall, trying to get additional leverage so she could move her body along with his and heighten his sensation. He moaned deep in his throat, evidently finding more pleasure in her motions. They were grinding together at breakneck speed, both speeding toward their own releases, aiding in each other’s pleasure. Finally with a howl and a scream, they both came violently together.

Besh continued to hold her, breathing heavily, unable to move from the position. Kaya lay limply in his arms, also trying to gain her breath. He rested his forehead on top of hers and pulled her tightly to him. “I so love you, Kaya.”



Chapter Eight


Kaya awoke the next morning feeling more rested than she had in a long time. The weeks of lovemaking in her dreams had taken a lot out of her, and she almost didn’t want to admit how nice it had been to just get a good night’s sleep. Even on the nights they had not made love in her dreams, they had talked all night, not giving her time to get good sleep. Not that she would have turned Besh away in the night, but after the hard, up-against-the-wall sex they had engaged in the day before, and the fact they would Join today, her worn out body needed the rest.

She sat up in bed as J’Halle walked in carrying her breakfast tray, with Be’in traveling close behind, her arms laden with boxes. Kaya rose from bed and walked to the balcony for her meal, sat at the table and stretched in the warming sun. She had not been this happy in a long time. She began picking at her breakfast as her maids began preparing her bath and fussing around her rooms.

When Kaya was done, she walked back into the bedroom, only to find the most beautiful material she had ever seen lain out on the bed. The material, similar to lace, but exceedingly more intricate and delicate, was obviously made of the same silky thread most of her other gowns had been made of. It was white, iridescent and shimmered like light. She realized it was a sheer skirt and looked around for the top to match the skirt.

Be’in, reading her mind, said, “There is no top … the traditional jeweled necklace will cover your neck, shoulders, and most of your breast. Your crown is beautiful as well; it just arrived this morning. In the nick of time, I might add.”

So the women bathed and pampered her like never before. They massaged all her muscles, relaxing her and washing every inch of her body, inside and out. They then coated her skin in delicious smelling oil, making her skin shine. They did her hair simply, pulling it back from her face slightly, only to add her crown. It was shaped like an ember of fire, only in a golden metal, with gems encrusted here and there, and the crown surrounded her face from below one cheek to below the other cheek. J’Halle let her hair loose, and it gathered down her back. They then dusted her again with a translucent glittering powder, all over her body and face.

A glittering gem encrusted necklace, if you could call it that, was pulled up to her neck and fastened in the back. It was almost as large as a poncho, and would cover almost half of her upper body. The heavy object came up to her chin, fell across her shoulders and indeed went nearly across her breasts, just barely exposing half of each nipple, ending at a vee in the middle of her abdomen. The necklace contained thousands upon thousands of gems, mostly consisting of the diamond and pearl like gems she had seen before, but the smaller pale pink and pale blue gems littered it here and there as well. A large teardrop shaped, pearl-like gem dangled from the point of the vee, almost grazing her belly button. The wonderful white skirt hung low on her slim hips and floated gracefully to the floor, billowing around her bare feet, and was completely sheer. Her sex was more visible in this skirt than it had ever been before.

Pearl-like cuffs were added to her upper arms, wrists and ankles, and she was complete. She stepped in front of the mirror and wondered if she would ever get used to the face she saw in it. Kaya had never considered herself beautiful, yet here, on this world, she was. She wondered if it was the woman she had become or the love of a strong man. Perhaps, it was a little of both.

Besh’s sister Sigh walked in, looking stunning in her pale yellow dress. Kaya smiled at her, and Sigh grasped her hands. “Are you ready?”

“Yes,” she released on the breath she hadn’t realized she was holding.


Besh stood in front of his mirror the same time Kaya stood in front of hers. He stared and thought of how good it would be to be able to claim this woman, to make her his forever. She would be his completely this day. He was still unsure of her feelings for him; she had not returned his vows of love yesterday, but considering how far his Earthling had come in a month, he was confident he could have her love soon enough.

There was a knock on the door, and he turned toward it. “Enter.”

Dar Jin peeked inside the doorframe as he opened the door ever so slightly. “Sir, are you ready to go to the Great Hall for the ceremony?”

“Just about, Dar, please come in. I could use the company.” He needed to speak to this man, to find out what he was about. He’d seen none of Dar since his intrusion on the balcony several weeks before.

“A case of nerves from the General with ice in his veins?”

“No, no nerves. More impatience. I am ready to Join, and if I don’t have her soon, I may explode. And ice in my veins? I am not so cold, am I?”

“Not cold. More unmovable. In all my years of warring with you, I have seen very little which makes you show emotion. And for that, the men call you the Iceman. This woman makes you wear your love on your sleeve. It is a little odd to see you rattled by this little Earthling.”

“Is it noticeable … how I feel for her? I thought I was reining it in very well.”

“Sir, I have seen men go crazy while in Daya N’goul. I have seen them spout poetry, sing horribly, climb walls, and do some of the most foolish acts imaginable. You have not gone over any lines where you should feel ashamed of your actions. But anyone who knows you, the Iceman, knows she has affected you. I spoke to you in the hall yesterday, and I am sure you did not even see or hear what I said to you.”

Besh turned his head toward his Lieutenant and asked, “When was this?”

“Yesterday. After you made love to your woman.”

Shock spoke volumes on Besh’s face. He had not thought they would be witnessed in his chambers, but he had not cared if they were because he could not have stopped even if there had been a hundred people still standing in the room. What concerned him now was the fact his subordinate was telling him he had witnessed it. Why was this man trying to unsettle him? What did it achieve but to anger him and show his contempt, as well as forewarn Besh he could no longer trust his brother’s best friend?

“See, I try to make you blush, and I cannot even achieve that. I thought I would get some type of reaction.”

“Dar, what is on your mind?”

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