Her Dom's Lesson (Dominic Powers Book 2) (10 page)

“Dom,” I whisper into his chest, “it feels like such a heavy weight has been lifted off my shoulders and from my heart.  I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you, too,
My Angel
,” he whispers back and sends chills across my entire body.  “It’s good to have you back in my arms.”

“I’m afraid I’ve made a mess of your white shirt.  I’m so sorry about that, Dom.  Do you want me to go get you another one?”

“Shhh,” he soothes, “that’s not for you to worry about, love.  It’s only a shirt.  It means nothing.  I have plenty more at home.  Speaking of, that’s where I’d like to take you now.”  Placing his hands on my shoulders, he gently pushes me away from his body to look at me as he talks.  “Sophia, you’ve lost so much weight and I am concerned for your health, and our baby’s health.  I think it’s best that you quit working now.”

“Am I not doing a good job here?” I ask, the panic threatening to close my throat off.

He smiles warmly at me, “Yes, Sophia, you’ve been doing an excellent job here.  I made the best business decision of my life when I hired you.  But, everything that you’ve been through over the last couple of months is taking a toll on your body.  Trust me.”

This is the pivotal moment where I have to decide if I’m truly his sub and he’s truly my Dom, or if I will hold on to my fear and let it rule my life.  No matter what the question is, my answer will always be to choose my Dom.  I’ve learned my lesson in thinking that I can handle everything.  I’m strong, but there’s more strength in accepting love and help than there is in refusing it.

“I trust you,” I reply, conveying that I’ll do as he asks.  Dom leans down and captures my mouth with his.  The feel of his lips on mine again is pure bliss.  It’s been so long since I’ve felt him.  I want to burn this feeling, his taste, and his kiss into my memory to sustain me for the days when he’s away. 

Breaking the kiss, but keeping his lips hovering just above mine, he whispers, “Let me take you home now,
My Angel

“My answer to that will always be ‘
,’ Dom.  Always.”

Using his private bathroom, I clean the streaked makeup from my face and prepare to leave the office.  Dom tells me that the few personal items I want to take home with me will be packed up and delivered for me.

As I walk back into his office, he has an amused look on his face.  “What are you thinking, Dom?”

“Did you run into my mother out shopping one day?” he asks, catching me off guard.

“Yes, I did and we talked a little.  I didn’t tell her about Harrison but I did tell her this was all a huge misunderstanding that I needed to fix with you.  Why?”

“She wouldn’t tell me about your conversation, but she kept saying I needed to talk to you.  You didn’t tell her you’re pregnant?” he asks.

“No,” I say, thinking back to our encounter, “but I was standing outside of a maternity store.”

Dominic grins and shakes his head, “Yeah, I think she figured it out.”  He looks up at me, “Ready to go home now.”

Home.  Home is where the heart is and my heart is with my Dom, so my home is wherever he is.  His arm is protectively wrapped around me as Shadow escorts us to the waiting car.  Looking around, I realize that I haven’t seen Tucker in a while.

“Where is Tucker?” I ask Dom.  Shadow tries to hide his grin as he takes his seat behind the wheel and Dom and I climb in the backseat.  “What’s so funny?”

“Tucker has been following you, Sophia,” Dom explains.

“I know he was at one time, but when I was let out of the hospital he said he had other things to do so he wouldn’t be around.”

“Yeah, that was true for less than an hour but I quickly changed my mind.  He’s been tailing you and making sure that you were safe the whole time.”

“So, does he know about…,” I look down at my stomach and back to Dom.

“No, Tucker doesn’t know that you’re pregnant, but I do,” Shadow replies.

Both Dom and I snap our heads in Shadow’s direction and my mouth gapes open.

“When did you find out?” Dominic challenges.

“When she was in the hospital,” Shadow casually replies.  “I told you I wouldn’t be much of a spy if I didn’t know everything that happens when it happens.”

“How do you know and Tucker doesn’t?” I retort.

“Tucker is a good guy.  Damn good at his job.  But he doesn’t have the resources I have at my disposal.”

I look at Dom, dumbfounded and have no clue what to even ask next.  Dom smiles, shrugs a shoulder and says, “He’s right.  He’s damn good at his job.  I’ve learned not to question him because he doesn’t tell me shit until he’s ready to tell me anyway.”  Then he quickly adds, “But don’t think you can pull that on me, Sophia.”

“I wouldn’t dare, Dom,” I say, teasingly.

“Yes, ma’am, I am going to enjoy reminding you who your Dom is,” he replies with a half-threatening, half-sensual tone. 

Oh, Dom, I can’t wait for that, either.

Chapter Ten




Shadow heads in the direction of the lake house, prompting me to turn to Dominic.  “Is your house not finished yet?”

“No, not yet,” he says as he moves closer to me.  “It will be another couple of months before we can move back in there.  We’re still at the lake house.”

“Where’s your normal driver?”

“On his honeymoon.  Shadow says he prefers to be in control of the car, anyway,” Dominic laughs.

“Don’t we need to get my things from the condo?” I question Dom, who opens his mouth to speak but I jump in first.  “Let me guess–it’s already being taken care of.”

He flashes the first full on pull-me-in-and-melt-me smile that I’ve seen in way too long.  “You’re learning,” he playfully replies and we both laugh.  This is the easy-going man I love.

Oh, shit
.  With everything today has already brought, I completely forgot about my plans for an upcoming weekend.  I have to tell him but I know he won’t like it at all.  He may tell me I can’t go, but I have to make him understand why it’s so important to me to see this through.

“Tell me,” he says, interrupting my thoughts.

“What?”  His statement catches me off guard since I’ve been in my own world.  Did I miss something he said?

“You just tensed up and you left me here alone for a minute,” he explains.  “Something’s on your mind and you’re anxious about it.”

“I just remembered my plans for the weekend after next and I don’t think you’re going to like it,” I admit, holding his gaze to convey I’m not withholding information from him.

“Let’s hear it,” he says reassuringly.

“I’m going to Austin to have dinner with my brother,” I state, purposely keeping my tone light and nonchalant. 

Dominic doesn’t respond right away.  He’s taking in my statement and weighing all the possible scenarios, risks, and outcomes. He’s probably also considering the way I stated it as a given rather than phrasing it as a question that would give him the option to say I can’t go. 

When his eyes find mine, I second-guess my approach.  There’s a mixture of hurt and anger swirling in his blue depths.  The last thing I want is to cause him more pain. 

“I would love it if you came with me,” I offer an olive branch.

Dominic inhales deeply and holds it for a few seconds longer than normal.  Searching his eyes, I find the same mixture of emotions combined with a hint of suspicion.  Regaining his trust will be a long, hard road and I have no misconceptions about it.  I understand that I’ll have to prove myself many times over.  It still hurts to see that suspicion in his eyes, though.

“No, you go ahead.  You already had this trip planned and I know seeing your brother is important to you.”  His voice is devoid of all emotion.  Only his eyes give any indication that he’s nowhere near pleased with this.

“Dom,” my tone is submissive, and my heart is breaking, “please don’t be upset with me.  This is the first time in years that he’s asked to talk to me.  I’ve missed him so much.  Even though he’s been in trouble, I still love him.  Please try to understand.  What if it were one of your sisters?  Wouldn’t you do the same?”

He seems to soften at the thought of one of his sisters needing him.  I haven’t met them yet, but after meeting his parents and seeing how close his family has been, I know there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for them.  He nods slowly, understanding dawning in his eyes, and he relaxes his rigid body posture.

“I would definitely do the same for them, Sophia,” he says as he cups my face with his hand.  “What you don’t seem to understand, though, is that
your life
is in danger now.  You just told your family that you’re no longer helping to keep your brother out of trouble, possibly even going to prison.  Then, out of the blue, he calls to invite you to dinner, and you’re just going to run to him?

“What if that’s just a trap?  If you go, especially alone, it could all be a setup just to kidnap you, hold you for ransom until they get what they want from me, then they will probably still kill me, you, and our baby.”

“It’s definitely a trap,” Shadow chimes in from the front.

Hanging my head in shame, I feel like an idiot.  “Dom, I was so excited to hear from him, I never even considered that.  I mean, I know Harrison was holding this over his head, but I just assumed that made Harrison our mutual enemy, making us allies, and giving my brother back to me.  I would never,
, put our baby in harms way.  I feel so stupid.”

“Don’t,” Shadow replies before Dom can say anything.  “They were counting on your love and concern for your brother.  That’s been their M.O. from the beginning.  You’re going to that dinner, but you won’t be going alone.  We’ll be there and we’ll have you covered.  Let’s get to the bottom of this.”

“The fuck you say!” Dominic roars.  “She’s not your fucking decoy, Shadow, so you can forget that shit.”

“Where are you planning to meet him, Sophia?” Shadow asks calmly, as if Dom didn’t just bite his head off.

“Quattro Amore, the new Italian restaurant in west Austin.”

“Nice part of town, more upscale, nicer homes,” Shadow replies.  “If they try anything, the people would be more likely to intercede if they see it.  If they’re up to something, it’ll be the quietest, most concealed option.”

Shadow seems to be working through the logistics in his mind and not really speaking to anyone in particular.  The fury is rolling off of Dominic in waves and rippling through the car.  “Shadow,” Dom growls through his clenched teeth, “we will talk about this in private.”

“Dominic, I’m not questioning your need to protect her and your baby.  There will be zero risk to her safety.  ZERO.  This is our opportunity to either gather more information from Shawn directly or we will figure out what their end game is.  Either way, it’s worth it to be able to put an end to this once and for all,” Shadow reasons.

“You’ll be there with me, right?” I ask Dom and squeeze his hand.

“Try to keep me away,” he challenges before leaning over to kiss me.  This man owns me–heart, body, and mind, and I wouldn’t have it any other way.  His kiss sets me on fire from the inside out.  He deepens the kiss as his tongue slips into my mouth.  His hand gently caresses my hair before he twists it in his fist and pulls my head back, giving him the full access he wants.

Take it.  Take all you want.  It’s yours.

He pulls his mouth away, but he still holds me by my hair.  Leaning his mouth close to my ear, he pulls my hand into his lap to feel his erection straining against the front of his dress pants.  Sighing, with deep need coursing through my body, his sexy voice pulls me into him even more as he whispers, “If we don’t stop, I can’t be responsible for my actions in front of Shadow.”

Tilting my head up, so that my lips are touching his ear, I return the favor.  “Then hurry up and get me home so we can be alone.”

“Shadow, can you not drive any faster?” Dominic growls.  Shadow chuckles to himself, but I feel the surge of the increased acceleration as we rush home.

Once inside the house, Dominic leads me directly to his bedroom and locks the door.  “Give me a minute to freshen up?” I ask.

“Of course, baby.  But don’t take too long,” he replies as he strokes my cheek with the back of his hand.

Borrowing his toothbrush, I brush my teeth, wash my face, and finish my freshening-up routine as quickly as possible.  The anticipation of the plans he has for me makes it almost impossible for me to wait another second.  When I open the bathroom door, I find my Dom standing on the other side, his eyes ravenous with need, his bare body proudly displays his readiness, and his hand is held out, palm up, to lead me to heaven on earth.

not include removing your clothes?” Dom cocks a single eyebrow up at me as he leads me into the enormous bedroom.

“How about I strip for you now?” I offer and the slow, sensual smile that crawls across his gorgeous face is the only answer I need.

Gently pushing his shoulders, I guide him to sit on the edge of the bed.  Taking a couple of steps backward, my fingers slide down to the hem of my shirt.  Crossing my arms at my wrists, I slowly peel the shirt up and over my head, revealing my white, lacy bra.  Running my hands down my chest, over my breasts, and straight down my abdomen, I throw my head back in complete ecstasy.

My fingers deftly unzip my skirt and languidly push it down over my hips, swaying them back and forth as my skirt lowers, until it pools at my feet.  Standing before him in my matching white, lacy thong, I step out of my skirt and present my body to my Dom for his pleasure.

“Would you like to remove the rest or shall I, Dom?” I submit, giving him the final decision.

He leans back with his elbows on the bed, his sensual smile playing on his lips, and replies, “You’ve been doing such a wonderful job at it, by all means, please finish.”

Thrusting my chest out, I reach behind me to unhook my bra, and hear him groan under his breath.  He keeps his need well under control, but knowing that I can elicit this reaction from him empowers me even more.  I let the straps fall off my shoulders and slowly uncover my breasts.  As it drops off my fingertips to the floor, I turn sideways and reach for my thong to roll it down my legs, bending over as I go. 

His arms are suddenly around my waist, lifting me, and placing me on the bed beneath him.  “It’s been two, long fucking months, Sophia.  As much as it pains me to say this, I don’t want to wait to have you this time.  Any other time, your pleasure comes before mine, but, since you broke way too many rules, you will be punished now.”

“Punish me, Dom,” I moan.

He pushes my hands up above my head and secures my wrists in the restraints.  Crawling down my body, the friction of his skin on mine pushing me to madness, he secures my ankles in the other set of restraints.  I’m now lying on my back, my arms and legs spread far apart, and I’m unable to move of my own accord.  I’m completely at his mercy, to do with as he will, and surrendering everything I am to him.

My Dom.

He moves to the side of the bed, his hungry eyes rake over my body and gives me chills before he even speaks.

“Did the doctor give you any restrictions?  Any precautions?” he asks, his voice kept low as he asks. 

“No, everything looks good from the ultrasound.”

He nods slowly, taking in my response, and considering his next move.  “Good.” 

He moves methodically, with purpose and intent, and my eyes are fixed on him.  My Dom is so handsome and sexy.  His stride is confident, his shoulders are broad and proud, and that V on his stomach needs to be licked repeatedly.  When my eyes stray back to meet his, the smirk on his face says I have been busted drooling over him.

“Why do I have the feeling that you’re enjoying the punishment part a little too much?” His question is rhetorical, I’m sure. 

Opening the drawer of the nightstand, he removes the leather flogger with multiple strands, the riding crop, and the leather paddle, and then he places them within reach.  His eyes become serious and the tone of his voice matches.  Placing his hands on the bed, he leans over so that his face is close to mine.

“Sophia, you’re going to receive a punishment fuck now.  You are not allowed to come and you will not defy me.  This is not for your pleasure – it is so you will never forget who owns your body, who owns you, and the only man you fully trust. 

“I will fuck you here,” he thrusts two fingers into my already wet center and I can’t contain my cry at his welcome intrusion.  With quick flicks of his wrist, his fingers move in and out of me and my body responds immediately.  “Already so wet,” he murmurs against the skin of my breast before he bites my nipple and I involuntarily arch my back, and thrusting my breast even more toward him.  “You’d better not come,” the tone of his voice conveys a clear warning.

He suddenly withdraws his hand and my body revolts at the loss.  I groan loudly in disapproval and his puts his fingers in my mouth.  “I will fuck you here, too.  Lick yourself off my fingers,” he commands and I obey. 

A sudden desire to take me flashes in his eyes before it’s quickly replaced with the hardness.  I’m not used to this Dom, the one who seems to enjoy handing out my punishment and isn’t the least bit patient.  His method of punishment is so exciting, so raw, and so primal that I can’t help but be turned on even more by it.  I think this is the point, though–to get me so worked up that I can’t help but come and then he can punish me in a different way.

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