Her Fifth Husband? (14 page)

Read Her Fifth Husband? Online

Authors: Dixie Browning

Sasha sat up and gave him a smug, lazy smile. “This is so decadent, but then I've always adored decadence.” Other than her new ring, designed and made by a Nags Head goldsmith, of yellow gold and white, with three small diamonds, she wore only a sated look.

“Is it teachable?”

“What, decadence?” She held open the bedcovers, scented with sex and Odalisque and essence of Jake. “With me as your tutor, you'll master the art in no time.”

“Hey, let's not be in too big a hurry,” he said, his voice huskier than usual. “Let's give it a few decades, shall we?”

ISBN: 978-1-4268-7692-9


Copyright © 2005 by Dixie Browning

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