Read Her Gentle Giant, Part 2: Remember to Dance Online

Authors: Heather Rainier

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Western, #Westerns

Her Gentle Giant, Part 2: Remember to Dance (25 page)

Rachel’s pussy began to pulse and ache, and she hoped he would touch her soon. His other hand slid up the other leg, repeating the process. He reached a single, gentle finger up to the dip at the top of her thigh and slid it under the edge of the leather, tugging gently as it came loose under the garter the fishnet stockings were attached to.

Slowly, he pulled the ties free and allowed them to brush deliciously through her damp flesh. He paused again and looked up at her, his eyes almost worshipful. He repeated his move from the beginning of the evening, sliding both hands around her ankles and up the back of her calves, over her thighs and to her hips, then around to her ass. His hot fingers left a fiery trail behind them.

She moaned as Eli’s fingers met just above the cleft of her ass and teased against the ultra sensitive spot there, sending a lightning bolt straight to her clit. Her pussy flooded with even more moisture, and her muscles tightened and contracted, foreshadowing an orgasm of seismic proportions.

He carefully unzipped the boots, placed her hands on his shoulders, and helped her to step from each ultra-tall boot. After they were gone, he undid the garters from her stockings and slid his fingers carefully under the waist of the garter and unhooked it.


Chapter Forty-eight

After their shower, she followed her gentle giant back to the candlelit bedroom. Rachel’s heart pounded and felt so full it might overflow. He molded his lips to hers in a searing, yet gentle kiss and stroked her tongue and her lips with his. His hands slid over her shoulders and down her back in a light, tickling touch that made her hips undulate reflexively as he caressed all the right spots. She moaned in pleasure as his hands slid farther, his fingers splaying over her ass as he gently grasped each cheek and squeezed.

He released her and pulled back the covers then helped her to climb onto the bed. She crawled on her hand and knees and could tell that her pussy was soaking wet, and he could probably see her lips glisten as she moved away from him into the center of the bed. She glanced back and saw that he watched and knew he saw it. The thought made her pussy clench again, aching for him to fill her.

She lay down in the center of the bed with her head resting on his pillow and looked at him through half-shuttered eyes. He stood there, gazing at her with adoration and lust warring on his features. Eli was a huge mountain of a man and so incredibly beautiful standing there fully erect and ready to make love to her. Rachel slid her feet up and parted her thighs as she fanned her hair out on the pillow.

Eli crawled over to her, coming to rest on his knees between her parted thighs. She slid them farther apart, opened herself for him, and slid her hands down her abdomen and over her mound, topped by dark curls, into her dripping slit. She parted her wet outer lips, hearing his low growl as her gentle fingers revealed the slick, heated flesh inside.

Under her fingertips, her lips and clitoris felt engorged and hot with her arousal. Rachel’s breath came in soft, shuddering pants as she watched his face. Her pussy convulsed as he licked his lips, and she knew with absolute certainty that if she felt his tongue once against her clit, she would come fast and loud.

He seemed in complete control, as she watched with lust pounding through her veins, while he stroked his cock with one hand. Rachel wished it were her pussy stroking him instead. She licked her lips, and he smiled at her and she thought maybe that was his intent.

Rachel spread her legs wider and arched her back as she brushed a finger over her slick pussy lips. She didn’t
touch her clit. She was saving that for him. Her finger slid though her juices, making slippery, wet sounds as it slid between her lips into her engorged opening.

Rachel froze, knowing she had pushed herself
just past
the pinnacle as her pussy began pulsing in radiating waves. She looked into his eyes, and her breath began to roll out of her in heaving, high-pitched cries. He understood, and, instantly, his warm, wet tongue sought and found her clit with his first touch, licking and flicking at it expertly. She sobbed out her release as she plunged her fingers farther in her slit, thrusting with each pulse. Eli hungrily licked her clit and her fingers as her honey flowed from her pussy.

Grasping her softly rocking hips, Eli lifted her to his mouth, and he continued licking her clit and her lips as her hands fell away limply to the bed. He teased her gently to another cresting orgasm then lowered her, fit his blunt, thick head to her opening, and groaned loudly as his big cock slid home in one smooth stroke.



* * * *



Eli growled deeply with satisfaction at her responsiveness, happy that she was finding her pleasure on him for herself. When he was deep inside her, he stopped moving. He wanted to savor the hot, silky feel of her pussy gloving his aching cock
He suckled on her breasts and breathed in her subtle womanly fragrance.

Flexing his hips, Eli thrust inside her, pulled out a bit and slid back inside, loving the sweet, sexy way she sighed in pleasure. Pulling out again, he thrust fully into her sweet, satiny heat.

Little muscle spasms rippled through her walls as he continued thrusting. He wanted to be gentle but gradually lost control as each thrust came harder and harder. He fucked her with every inch of his thick, engorged cock. Rachel grasped his wrists in an effort to keep her body from sliding up on the bed. She arched her back and pounded back against him as her moan becoming a wail.

Eli rose over her on his knees, never missing a beat, and grasped her hips. He watched as his hard, red cock filled her, sliding through the cream that dripped from her and coated his cock. He threw his head back when his release signaled its arrival. His spine tingled, and his thighs went rigid as he pumped into her repeatedly. Rachel’s pussy became impossibly tighter as her wail grew into a scream of utter rapture. She came in a glorious gushing wave, her hips rocking wildly in his tight grasp, her pussy convulsing on his cock. His spine stiffened, and he came with an animalistic howl.

Continuing to thrust inside her, he tilted his hips and rubbed her at just the right angle. He slid one hand from her hip to her clit and stoked her clit firmly. Her body bowed majestically, and she sobbed in surrender to the ecstasy.

Relaxing over her, Eli stroked her face and felt the heat spread as she flushed for him, a sign that her pleasure had been extreme. He gathered Rachel’s warm quivering body in his arms and kissed her tenderly. She held on tight and kissed him back. Her body fit to his so perfectly. He tucked her into the circle of his arms, where she fell soundly asleep, warm and satisfied, like him.



* * * *



The week of their wedding, Rachel worked on Monday and Tuesday but didn’t get all that much done. Using every spare moment, she polished her completed manuscript, looking for discrepancies and errors. She tweaked wording here and there and streamlined where the story needed it. As she read the final pages, she cried.

Rachel stored a copy on a DVD and printed one copy. She took the printed copy to the local print shop and made four sets and then used their binding machine to bind them into book form. By Wednesday at lunchtime, she had composed a query e-mail and attached the manuscript to the e-mail. After they ate, Eli sat with her, and she looked up at him, excited and teary-eyed as she prepared to submit her book to a publisher. Eli put his arms around her and kissed her temple as she clicked the send button.

Wiping her eyes with the backs of her hands, she said, “I did it.”

“You did, honey. We’ll all say we knew you before you were famous. Now we have another reason to celebrate tonight at Tessa’s. I’ve got two more service calls to take care of this afternoon. What are you going to do now?”

“I have a surprise to deliver to three wild and crazy women out at the Divine Creek Ranch. Grace said she, Charity, and Kelly would all be at her house this afternoon. I’m calling her in a minute to let her know I’m coming out, but I’m not telling her why. I printed and bound copies of the manuscript, one for each of them as a surprise.”

“Will I be able to hear the screams from my job site?”

“Knowing them? Yeah, probably. It was thoughtful of you to come home for lunch and be here with me when I submitted the story. It means a lot to me that you did. That felt like the big moment, clicking ‘send’. My hands are shaking.” She held them up to show him as they trembled slightly. He took them in his big, warm hands and kissed the knuckles of both.

“My wife, the bestselling author.” He enfolded her in his arms.

When it was time for him to go back to work, she bundled up because it was a little chilly that day and then locked up the house. She showed him the box on the front seat of her truck, which contained the bound manuscripts.

“There’s a copy for us, which you are welcome to read, if you’d like. I wouldn’t mind having a man’s viewpoint on my work for future reference.”

“You wouldn’t mind?”

. You were part of my inspiration to write it. It seems appropriate to have you read it.”

“Well, have a good time. I’m going to my service call, and I’ll see you when I get home later this afternoon. Reservations are for seven, so we should leave around six.”

“I’ll be ready, honey. Stay warm.” A weak cold front had blown through, but the weather was expected to be mild for that weekend. Rachel hugged him tight, kissed his warm lips and climbed in and started the ignition. The heated air blew over them. He closed her door then smiled and waved at her before he walked to his truck and got in. She rubbed her hands together to warm them, experiencing a hunger for him to stay near her that never really abated. She sensed the same reluctance to part in Eli at times, as well.

During a visit with her mother earlier that week, Rachel had asked her mom if her feelings for her dad had changed over the years. Did she still feel the way she had before she married him?

“Well, Rachel, there’s no simple answer to that question. After Peter asked me to marry him, he would do little things for me, like call me at work to say hi. He would bring me a flower or a candy bar. I was in awe of him, that he loved me enough to make a lifetime commitment, and I was afraid that I would disappoint him as a wife.” Her mom had brought two bowls and a sack of pecans to the table, and Rachel had helped her crack and shell pecans as they’d talked.

“The first few weeks I was nervous all the time, trying so hard to keep things perfect. He never saw dirty clothes on the floor or dishes in the sink. He came home on our one month anniversary with a dozen red roses, a great big Hershey bar, and a pepperoni pizza. I’d planned on making him an elaborate meal.”

Her mom had smiled with a faraway look in her eyes as she’d popped a small sliver of pecan in her mouth. “I think he knew I’d bite off more than I could chew because he got home early before I started cooking. He came in the door of our little house, put everything on the table, then took me in his arms and gave me the roses.” Her voice had gotten misty and crackled a little, and Rachel had heard her sniffle.

“He sat down with me on the couch and had a heart-to-heart talk with me. I’ll never forget what he said. ‘Honey, stop trying to please me so hard. You please me when you wake up in the morning and smile at me. You please me when you laugh. I come home to a perfect house and meal that you spent hours on, but you’re smiling less often. You don’t laugh as much as you used to, and you’re trying to be the perfect lover when the truth is you’re exhausted.’

“I broke down and cried for a long time while he held me. I felt like I had been released from bondage. We ate the pizza, and watched the Blues Brothers on
Saturday Night Live
. From then on, because I still had a full-time job, when I got home from work, I didn’t do anything house-related for at least a half hour. I sat down on the couch and read the paper, watched the news, or listened to music before I ever got up to start supper. When your dad got home, he would come sit on the couch, and—”

“Pat his lap for you to sit in it,” Rachel had finished for her, sniffling herself. She had her own memories of her parents’ daily evening ritual.

“Yes. I discovered he didn’t care whether I did laundry every day as long as he had socks and underwear. And he always helped me with the evening dishes. At the rate I was going, I’d have made us both miserable. He had the guts to risk offending me so that he could have back the girl he’d intended to marry. Don’t try to become who you think Eli needs after you’re married. Be who you are now because that’s who he wants. Let him be strong for you and
yourself to rely on him.

“We did a good job raising you to be independent so that you could take care of yourself. You got your degree, you have your work,
you’re writing,” her mom had said as she patted Rachel’s arm. “You keep pursuing that dream because he’s fascinated by that part of you. I can tell by the way he looks at you when you talk about it. You have real chemistry together, but you are going to need to be patient with yourself and him as you lay the groundwork for your married life over the next few years. He’s a good man, but they’re all human.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

“And change all the locks when your child moves away from home.” She’d snickered, trying to lighten the mood a little.

Rachel had laughed, remembering walking in on her parents one day
in flagrante
on the dining room table. “You had to remind me of that
you? I said I was sorry! I didn’t even know you still did that!” she’d added with a full-body shudder that made her mom cackle.

“Honey, we are
‘doin’ it’! And that’s another thing—”

Oh, no! No sex talks please!
“I can’t hear you, la-la-la-la!” Rachel had cringed with her fingers stuck in her ears.

“But this is important!”

 “La-la-la-la! Can’t hear you! La-la-la.” She’d laughed and knew her face had turned beet red.

Oh, Lord, I’m about to get a pre-nuptial pep talk!

“Rachel Lopez!”

“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I’ll listen.” Rachel snickered.
No, please, no!

“Never hold out on him. Give him what he needs as often as he wants it. Too many women use sex as a tool to manipulate their man.
do that. It will backfire every time. Oh, and
regular blow jobs will make him your willing slave
,” she’d added in a rush and chuckled gaily at Rachel’s sudden intake of air.


“What? Did you think I don’t do that? That I didn’t know what a blowjob is?” she’d asked in a knowing tone.

“I figured that you did. You got married in the seventies, after all.
was freaky! But I didn’t need that image
into my brain.” Rachel had laughed and experienced another full body shudder.

“Then I shouldn’t tell you that your father is very good at—”

Rachel had screamed and jumped up from the couch like she’d been shot from a cannon. “Don’t! Don’t say it,
! I got you, okay? I get it. Screw his brains out.
. Blow jobs.
! Eek!”

She and her mother had laughed hard before her mom said, “That bonfire out at Grace’s burned bright for two days, but did you know there are still red-hot coals at the base of it? She was out there recently and could smell it burning. Fires like that can smolder down deep for months sometimes. Red-hot love is good, but real love smolders for a lifetime. That’s what I want for you. Remember to always hold on to him and let him know how much you need him.” In a trembling voice she’d added, “I’m proud of you, Rachel.”

“I love you, Mom,” Rachel had said with a sniffle.

“Now when do I get my autographed copy of your book, hmm?”

“Mom, it’s full of hot sex!”

“Ooh, goody! What? I helped make
. I know how it works,” her mom had said expectantly.

Holy crap! Want to get away?

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