Her Heart-Stealing Cowboys [Hellfire Ranch 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (28 page)

Tag stroked her sweat-damp back and neck. He drove his fingers into her hair and massaged the base then swept down her spine to caress her ass.

She grimaced up at him. “Damn that burns.”

He nodded. “Good.”

“Ah, that was a good blow job, Bex. Holy shit I can’t remember the last time I came so hard.”

“Last night when we fucked her the first time, wasn’t it?” Tag said.

Wade grinned. “Yeah, that’s right.” His smile faded as he looked at Rebecca who still quivered. “You have three minutes to rest up, young lady, then it’s my turn.”

She jerked up so quickly she slid down Tag’s lap and he didn’t have a chance to catch her. She thumped to the hardwood floor on her side and elbow.

“Ow.” She sat up and rubbed her skin while she glared at Wade. “My ass hurts blissfully enough. No need for another round.”

Wade was normally a very easygoing and affable kind of guy. At her remark, his face grew as hard as the boulders he liked to climb. “That wasn’t a request. You don’t call the shots here, remember? And if I have to beat common sense into you about your Internet follies, then I will. Your ass will be on fire and black and blue until you learn how to safeguard yourself.”

She gulped audibly and stared at Tag beseechingly.

He lifted his palms and shook his head. “Nope, don’t look at me. He’s totally right.”

She scrambled to her feet and cupped her butt. Her wince made him smile.

“Damn, my ass is hot.”

“Yeah, it is pretty sweet,” Tag agreed.

She rolled her eyes.

“Two minutes,” Wade intoned.

Tag stood. “I’m going to get the next part ready.”

“What is the next part?” she asked.

Wade took his seat in the chair and spread his legs. “Get over here and clean me up.” He shook his head. “You need to learn not to waste cum, too.”

Rebecca lifted a finger to the corner of her mouth. “Yeah, I hate that.”

Her agreement shocked Tag and he exerted every ounce of control he had not to toss her pink and red ass to the bed and fuck the hell out of her right then. Her generous spirit attracted him even more. She was honest and passionate about her desires and he really liked that. He’d known plenty of women who went through the motions to keep him happy by doing what they thought he wanted. None of those relationships lasted very long.

“One minute,” Wade said. “I’m sticky, sweetheart. What are you gonna do about it?”

She sank down in front of him. As soon as her heels hit her sore butt she yelped and bounced back up.

Tag laughed and she tossed him an insouciant glare.

He opened the closet door and reached for the intricately carved wooden box in which he stored his toys. “Careful there, Bex. Looks like that can get you in even more trouble.” He cocked a brow at her fleeting smile. “Careful what buttons you push. You may not like the consequences.” He pulled out four lengths of blue silk rope and tossed them to the bed.

Her eyes grew round and curious but Wade called her name and drew her attention away.

Tag kept half an eye on them as he sorted through the rest of the items in the box. He picked up a violet wand and considered it.

Perhaps another day, but soon.

He wondered how she would react to the zing of the electrical toy. Would she jump and say it tickled or would she relish the slight pop of pain and ask for more?

With a regretful sigh, he stuck it back in the box and pulled out two crops. Those joined the ropes on the bed. He replaced the box and turned just in time to see Wade bend Rebecca over his lap.

“This isn’t going to be for pleasure, Rebecca. This is a lesson.” Wade was using his teacher’s voice on her.

Rebecca twisted her head and half raised her torso. “That’s not fair. I was doing it before I met you two.”

Wade cupped her butt and his face held a contemplative expression. He looked at Tag mournfully. “Crap. She’s got a point.”

He nodded as he sat on the edge of the bed and stroked his cock back to hardness. “She does but I think perhaps a little spanking is in order.” He winked at Rebecca who shifted her stare at him.

“Why?” she demanded.

“Why not?” he replied smoothly. “We don’t need a reason.”

Wade grinned and lifted his hand then brought it down on her splotchy butt with a resounding smack.

She obviously wasn’t prepared because she yowled and lurched. “Ow!”

Wade gave her five or six more swats that soon had her wriggling on his lap despite the muttered protests. His technique was less flat palm and more stroke and lift. While Tag enjoyed the shudder and jiggle of flesh beneath his hand, Wade liked to stroke in unexpected places. His hand moved around the perimeter of her butt, from hip to hip, slapping, stroking, and smacking without any sort of rhythm.

“Wade, damn it,” Rebecca groaned.

“Such language.” With one big palm, he spread her cheeks and lightly slapped directly on her asshole.

Rebecca stiffened like a two-by-four. Her head snapped up and her mouth was a welcoming “O” of surprise. Her nostrils flared and she gripped Wade’s thigh with a talon-like grip.

“Oh, my God. Oh, my God.” She turned her head very slowly.

Wade’s expression was both wary and determined. Tag squeezed the base of his cock and slid his hand slowly upward with as tight a grip as he could stand. He flicked the head then pulled downward.

“Yes?” Wade asked her.

“Would you do that again?”

Tag shivered at the husky question. He loved the unabashed plea in her voice. The way she so easily expressed her desires.

Wade nodded and she dropped her head. Her entire body was tense with anticipation.

Tag pumped faster on his cock. Wade pulled his hand back and slapped the inner crevice of her ass cheeks, circling closer and closer to her winking rosebud. Each contact made her toes clench and shoulders bunch. Tag figured she was going to blow as soon as Wade ended his teasing spanks.

Wade winked at him as he landed the final blow right to her asshole.

Rebecca went off like a firecracker. She screeched and yelped and bounced up and down on Wade’s lap all the while babbling mostly incomprehensible words. The only two Tag understood was coming and yes.

The rest were a blur of orgasm.

Finally she shuddered to a stop and hung limply over Wade’s wide-spread knees.

Tag stroked his stiff cock a few more times then forced himself to let go. He didn’t want to come just yet. They had more plans for the delectable lawyer’s body and coming now would disrupt the flow.

Wade had pulled Rebecca fully up on his lap and cuddled her close to his chest. His hands swept up and down her back and along her flank down to her knees. Her head tucked against his shoulder and her eyes were closed. The tender look on Wade’s face as he gazed down at her made Tag’s breath hitch. He had not seen his friend so enraptured in a long, long time.

His heart thudded as elation swept through him. The whole situation just felt right.

But she’ll leave as soon as the case is wrapped up.

Tag closed his eyes against the unwanted thought.

“You okay?” Wade asked softly.

Tag nodded. Rebecca stirred and slid languidly from Wade’s lap. She approached Tag and knelt in front of him. Her hands settled on his thighs and he absorbed her soft touch like it was manna.

“Tag?” Her sweet voice held concern.

He smoothed a strand of blonde hair from her face. “I’m fine. I promise.” Then he lowered his voice and trailed his fingers down her neck. “You ready for more?”

She grimaced as she rose. “I don’t know if my butt can take much more.”

Wade appeared behind her. His big hands cupped her shoulders. “We’ll take it easy on your lovely bum, sweetheart. I’m not promising
will happen to it, but we’ll take it easy.”

She smiled. “Then I guess I’m ready.”

Tag stood. He scooped up the rope. Wade reached around and cupped her tits. Rebecca’s head fell backward and her eyelids drooped.

“That feels nice,” she murmured.

“Nice is not what we’re going for,” Tag said. He motioned to Wade, who steadied Rebecca as he stepped back. “Arms up and out to the sides.”

She obeyed and watched with a curious eye as he and Wade began wrapping her tits into a breast harness. The blue rope stood out starkly against the creamy whiteness of her perfect skin. Tag couldn’t resist caressing her stiff nipples as he laid the rope flat to her torso and around to Wade. They finished the harness in short order and he stepped back to admire the effect. Even without the support of a bra, Rebecca’s tits stood tall and proud on her chest. The breast harness forced them higher and squeezed the masses into tight, reddening balls.

“How does it feel?” he asked her.

Her arms lowered as she studied the contraption. “Amazing,” she said. “I can feel every pulse of my heartbeat. My nipples are tingly.” She gave a lopsided grin. “I’ve never noticed my nipples like that before.”

Wade reached onto the bed and grabbed the crops. Tag caught the one he tossed over and tapped her right hip with the flat leather tip. She jumped.

“Not too bad, right?”

Wade stepped next to him and tapped her left side.

She didn’t jump but Tag noticed she held her breath.

“It’s fine,” she said.

“Good.” He studied the bed. “I think we should have her stand in the center of the room,” he told Wade. “That way we can get to all parts of her.”

Wade flexed his crop. “I like it.” He gave her a few quick brushes with the crop and directed her to the middle of the room.

Tag’s dick twitched at the way her tits bounced in their bondage. Dark red streaks emanated from the ropes circling her breasts. The constriction of blood would heighten her sensitivity.

“Clasp your hands on top of your head,” Wade ordered her.

The position would increase the pull of the ropes. Tag nodded his approval. Her reaction to the tug was immediate. She squeezed her thighs together and squatted a little.

Wade tapped her left hip. “Ah, ah. None of that. Stand up straight. In fact, spread your legs. I want to be able to get to your pussy.”

She looked shocked. “You wouldn’t hit me there?”

Tag just grinned. “Begin.” He snapped the crop just below the binding around her torso. Wade tagged her butt just below her waist then up along her shoulder. His strokes were light and fast as they traveled up her body. Rebecca wriggled and leaned forward then back.

“Stand still,” Tag said. “The more you move, the more chance we have of hitting you where it’s not safe.”

Her eyes rounded. “Oh.”

Tag snared Wade’s attention and cocked his head. He moved from behind Rebecca, all the while tapping her body with the crop. Small splotches of pink squares erupted on her lithe body.

“Leather sounds good on you,” he told her.

“Wade, I bet her tits are pretty sensitive right now.”

His friend studied the tight and red flesh. “I believe you are correct. She said she wanted to be broken, didn’t she? Her control taken and shattered.”

“Yep.” Tag slapped her skin from the blue band down to her pubic hair. He slid the crop between her thighs and whipped back and forth like the pendulum in a clock. She rose on tiptoe but didn’t protest.

He nodded to Wade and together they brought the crops up and started lightly slapping her tits. The first blows didn’t seem to faze her. She blinked a couple of times and looked down to watch.

“Hm, a challenge,” Wade said.

“Accepted,” Tag replied with relish. Rebecca was proving to be tougher than he’d envisioned. He took a step back and lengthened the reach of his arm to snap the crop on the underside of her breast. Wade followed suit and within seconds Rebecca was hopping foot to foot. Her wide, green eyes filled with tears but she bit down on her lip and refused to ask for leniency.

Tag’s blood roared with a primitive rush that traveled to his cock and whip hand. He increased the pressure and speed of his blows. He caught her from all sides and traveled as close to her nipples as he could with actually striking them.

Wade changed whip hands and wiped his brow.

“Getting tired, old man?” Tag taunted.

“Fuck you,” Wade said. “Just trying to go easy on her.”

“Uh-huh,” Tag muttered. “That’s not what she wants. Is it?”

Sweat dripped down Rebecca’s face. Her blonde hair plastered to her skull and her jaw pulsed with her struggle to control herself. She shook her head and mouthed “no.”

“Nipples,” Tag said. Wade nodded.

Her areolae had darkened to a deep, dark red. All hints of her usually light-berry color were gone. The nipples stood stiffly out as if begging for attention.

Tag stepped up and fisted her right tit. He squeezed and molded the hot flesh. She groaned as she oozed from between his fingers.

Wade cupped her left breast and pushed it high on her chest. In tandem they began to swat her nipples. Tag used small, fast, and light strokes. Just enough contact to be annoying but not enough to satisfy.

Wade worked her over with hard, loud smacks. Rebecca bowed backward. Her eyelids slammed shut and the tendons on her neck stood out as she wailed.

“Don’t come,” Tag ordered. He lightened his blows and Wade followed suit.

She whimpered in muted protest.

“Do. Not. Come.” Each of Wade’s commands was punctuated by a sharp blow to her nipple.

Rebecca’s mouth opened and for a moment Tag thought she would stop them but she didn’t. Instead she keened wildly and cupped her pussy with both her hands. The position of her arms squeezed her tits even tighter.

They battered her fast and furious. Tag watched the strain on her face grow fiercer.

“Move your hands,” he said.

She hunched her shoulders but let go of her pussy and spread her legs without even being told to.

“Good girl,” Wade praised.

Her eyes fluttered open. Wild need tumbled in her beautiful green gaze. Her silent pink lips mouthed “please” over and over again.

“We’re going to stroke you three more times,” Tag said. His speed increased. “You may come on the third stroke.”

She nodded slowly. He wondered if she were going to make it to three.

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