Read Her Hollywood Daddy Online

Authors: Renee Rose

Tags: #Hollywood, #anal, #submission, #spanking, #dominance, #otk, #age play, #ageplay, #daddy dom

Her Hollywood Daddy (15 page)

A sound bubbled out of her—half laughter, half scoff. “Is
how you show you’re sorry?”

The corner of his mouth tugged up in his famous lop-sided grin. “Sometimes.” He stroked her face. “I’m really sorry. You shouldn’t have had to deal with a surprise drop-in from my ex-wife. And if you would’ve just talked to me about why you were upset, I would’ve told you that things are over with Allie. Forever. Our divorce is final and I’m never taking her back. We may be amicable, but that doesn’t mean there’s any chance of a reconciliation.”

Her lips trembled. She could think of no words to say. Joel had made things right again for her, as usual.

He pulled her hips toward him, wrapping her legs around his waist and picking her up to carry into the bedroom. He stood her in the center of the floor and pulled off her shirt. She moved to help strip but he caught her wrist, bringing it to his lips for a kiss. “Daddy’s doing it,” he told her. She stood docilely as he moved behind her. He unhooked her bra and dropped it to the floor, cupping and circling her breasts with his palms. He slid a warm hand down her belly, which she immediately sucked in.

“Don’t,” he whispered. “Daddy loves your tummy the way it is.” He kissed behind her ear. “Daddy loves you the way you are.”

Her knees buckled. Had he just said he loved her? But no, he’d said before it’s a state of mind, not a promise. Still, her body had gone weak. She leaned her head back on his shoulder as he unbuttoned her shorts and slid his palm inside, gliding over her mons, one finger teasing her swollen outer lips. Her pussy was wet, almost embarrassingly so and he spread her moisture up to her clit, alternately circling and flicking.

“Daddy…” she breathed.

“What do you need, little girl?”

“I need you…”

He slid one finger inside her and she moaned, wanting more.

“I need you inside me, Daddy. Please, Daddy.”

He maneuvered her toward the bed, shoving her panties and shorts down her thighs at the same time. They dropped to the floor moments before he turned her, picked her up by the waist and tossed her back onto the bed.

She giggled and waited, catching her breath as he stripped. Dear God, his muscles! Adonis had nothing on him. Her sex leaked in anticipation. He slid a condom on his beautiful cock before he climbed over her. Grasping her wrists, he pinned them over her head.

 “What happens if you’re mad at Daddy?”

She arched a brow to cover the flush creeping over her face at discussing their fight so soon after it happened. “I get spanked?”

He quirked a smile and touched her nose. “Very funny. No, little girl. You got spanked for shutting me out. Try again. What should you do if you’re mad or upset with Daddy?”

Her face burned and she tried to look away, but found it impossible with him holding her wrists pinioned overhead, his face just inches away from hers.

Out of nowhere, the tears that hadn’t come all day, that hadn’t come when he whipped her, popped into her eyes. “I’m sorry,” she choked.

“Sweetheart,” he murmured, his voice a caress. “You’re long forgiven. I’m making sure you understand the lesson.” His knee settled between her legs, in the place she wanted his cock. She rubbed her mons over it, greedy for stimulation. “Tell me what you should do,” he murmured, the tenderness in his voice nearly breaking her.

“I’ll talk to you, about it,” she said, her voice breaking a little at the beginning.

“That’s my girl,” he said, shifting to position with his sheathed cock between her legs. She arched, straining against his hold.

He bent to suckle one nipple, his teeth grazing it, torturing her with waves of heat rippling down to her core.

“Please,” she whimpered.

He seemed unhurried, moving to her other nipple and giving it the same treatment.

“I need you,” she cried. “Please, please, please, Daddy.”

He buried his face in her neck, biting her shoulder as he slid into her.

“Yesss,” she breathed.

He made a rumbling sound, almost a purr, except the kind that comes from a lion, not a housecat.

For a second he didn’t move, and she wriggled impatiently beneath him, until he chuckled. “You want Daddy’s cock?” He withdrew and shoved it deep inside her, forcing her up the bed by at least five inches. He repeated the action, taking her hard, the way she wanted it.

“Daddy’s going to take you until you cry, little girl. Have you ever been taken so hard you cried?”

She rolled her head on the bed, her eyes already glazing over with pleasure.

He continued to thrust deep and hard, propelling her to the head of the bed, then dragging her back down to the center of the bed. In one deft motion, he flipped them both over, so she now lay on top, their bodies still connected. “Ride me, Marissa,” he said, his voice thick.

She pushed herself up to sit, cowgirl style, and rode, finding her own rhythm, gliding her pussy over his cock, grinding her clit against it.

He cupped her sore bottom, squeezing and kneading it, pulling her hips over his to help her rhythm. Just as she began to lose her breath with exertion, he flipped them back over, pinning her hands beside her head, interlacing his fingers over the tops of each palm.

“Look at me,” he commanded, moving with slow, deep strokes. “I only have one baby girl.”

She moaned, ready to explode.

“...and she’s you. And when I take a baby girl, she’s my whole universe.”

She shattered, lights dancing before her eyes, the tears he’d promised squeezing from the outer corners of her eyes as she cried out. Her vaginal muscles squeezed his cock, her body shuddered and she shoved her pelvis up to keep him as deep inside her as she could.


Chapter Eight


Joel craned his neck around the kitchen doorway to look at the television. Marissa had just turned up the volume on
Hollywood Gossip

Joel Sutherland was seen with Marissa Sparks at a showing of Cirque du Soleil in Vegas, this past weekend. Photos of the couple were posted on Twitter and Facebook and Sparks was reportedly seen on Sutherland’s lap before the show.  What do you think, Ryan, is this the next Hollywood “It Couple”?

Well, I don’t know. Marissa Sparks has certainly been making the rounds. Just a few months ago she was reportedly engaged to rock star Billy Foxx, but of course that ended when—

“Turn it off, Marissa,” he called out. “What did I tell you about following the tabloids?”

The television clicked off and Marissa unfolded her long legs from the sofa and walked to her room without answering. He turned back to the kitchen, but stopped when he heard a sniff. Was she crying?

He started to follow her then stopped. If it was about Billy Foxx, he wouldn’t be much comfort to her. That thought settled in his stomach like a heavy stone. Was she still heartbroken over Billy Foxx? He needed to know.

He followed her into the bedroom, where he found her blowing her nose. He leaned against the doorjamb. “What is it, baby?” he asked softly.

She jumped and turned around. “Oh!” She tossed the tissue in the trash. “Nothing.”

“Were you crying?”

She rubbed her eyes. “No,” she said, but her eyes drifted to the side.

“What’s bothering you? You know it’s my job to take care of you and I can’t do that if you don’t let me know what’s going on.”

She gave him a weak smile. “I know. Nothing’s going on.”

His chest tightened. “Okay,” he said, returning to the kitchen. He couldn’t force her to confide. Well, if he went into full dominant mode he could, but something held him back. Maybe he feared her answer. If she still pined for Billy Foxx… He shook his head as if to erase the thought. He needed to remember they had a short-term arrangement. Just because she played his game didn’t mean she wanted a permanent role in his life.

He finished preparing their morning smoothies and they drove to the studio in relative silence. Marissa stared out the window, as if absorbed in thought.

They went to the editing room, because Antonio said he wanted to show them something.

He met them with a huge grin on his face. “Come and see this,” he said mysteriously.

They sat down and he hit play. Images from their lovemaking splashed across the screen, spliced with dialogue and action sequences, with a fast-paced musical score playing behind it all. Goosebumps stood up on Joel’s arms.

“How’s that for a trailer?” Antonio asked when it ended, a satisfied smile stretched across his face.

Marissa peeked at him, as if looking for his approval. For a moment, her needy innocence—her submission to his authority—took his breath away.

He returned Antonio’s grin, squeezing Marissa’s knee. “It’s brilliant.”

will sell movies,” Antonio said with full authority. “That was what this film was missing. You two brought it to life.” He slapped Joel on the shoulder. “Okay, now back to work. Actually, today I just film Marissa’s fight scene with Lee Rogers, so you can go home if you like.”

“No, I’ll stay,” he said.

Marissa lifted her eyes and beamed at him, once more stealing his breath. More and more, it seemed he would do anything for that grateful smile.

He accompanied her to make up, knowing she had some issue with her artist. He stayed to watch and they readied her, then found a place near the cameras when they began to roll. The scene involved a fight up on a catwalk. He sat back to watch Marissa’s lithe form move through high kicks and dodges. No stunt double would be necessary for this scene—Marissa had the moves and she approached the scene with a ferocity that made her impossible not to watch.

Antonio’s attitude had turned to pure glee, even with her, and he moved the filming around her, making love to her with the cameras. “Yes, that’s it!” he called out every so often as they repeated the sequence several times.

On the last run, Marissa lost her footing, missing her choreographed dodge out of Rogers’ way. His kick caught her on the hip and sent her flying backward, into the light tree, which toppled onto her when she landed. She screamed as she fell and his heart flew into his throat. He charged onto the set to rescue her.




Pain exploded in Marissa’s head and something hot burned her arm. The lights blinded her. Someone pulled them off and she blinked up, trying to focus on the sea of faces crowded around.

“Get back. Give her some room.”

She exhaled. Joel was there.

“Hey, baby,” he said softly, kneeling beside her.

“Joel,” she croaked.

“Tell me what hurts, sweetheart.”

“Ugh. I’m so embarrassed.” She looked around at all the people staring at her.

“More space. Step back, out of the way.”

“I’m calling 9-1-1,” someone said.

“No,” she said, turning pleading eyes on Joel. “I’m okay.”

“Just hold off on 9-1-1,” he said.

Again, she exhaled. How did he always know exactly what she needed?

“What hurts, baby?”

She pushed herself to sit up and rubbed the back of her head.

“Come here, let’s go in your dressing room and take stock and then we can decide what kind of help you need.”

That sounded wonderful to her. She nodded and he helped her to her feet, wrapping a strong arm around her shoulders and leading her to the dressing room. Her legs shook, but she didn’t feel that hurt, just embarrassed by all the attention.

Joel shut the door to her dressing room and lifted her to sit on the counter. “Let’s take a look at you, baby girl. Let me see your head.”

She turned and he gently palpated the back of her head.

“Yep, you have a goose egg there. What else?”

She twisted her arm to look for the burning sensation. A red mark had already raised. “I think one of the lights must have burned me.”

He inspected it, then kissed the skin below it. “A little aloe vera would come in handy right now. Anything else?”

She shook her head and smiled wryly. “I think I’m fine. Just embarrassed. Thank you for rescuing me from the ambulances.”

He chuckled. “All right, I’m going to get you some ice. Do you want to see a doctor?”

“No. Definitely not,” she said.

“Do you want to wait here alone, or should I find you company?”

“Alone. Thanks.”

He went to the door and opened it.  Becky, her make up artist stood outside, her knuckles raised as if she were about to knock.

“Oh! Uh, sorry. I just wondered if I could get her anything?”

“Yes. Ice and aloe vera, if you can find any.”

“Sure thing,” Becky said. “I know exactly where to find some. I’ll be right back.”

Joel shut the door and turned back to her. “Looks like you get to wait with me.”

She tried to steel herself against his devastating smile. There was a reason this man had won the heart of almost every woman in America—he had the rugged good looks to make females swoon. And he was as manly as the roles he played, not like the pretty-boy actors who cried over hangnails.

That morning when
Hollywood Gossip
had reported about the two of them, it brought back all the gossip about her and Billy. How many more weeks until the reports were about her breakup with Joel?  Or about Joel’s new girlfriend? She couldn’t handle it. Not again. Not with him. Joel was different. What she had with him was different. She could be herself, she could be less than herself—her most vulnerable, child-like self, and he still treated her like the most special girl in the world. How could she live knowing he was giving that to someone else? The thought literally made her cry. And of course he had noticed, because he always seemed in tune with her.

He sauntered over and stood between her knees, dropping a kiss on the top of her head. “How do you feel now?”

She smiled up at him. “Fine. I’m so glad you were here today. Thank you for staying to watch me.”

He lifted her chin. “Of course I stayed to watch you,” he said, a fond smile curling his lips.

A tap at the door sounded and Becky came in with an ice pack and the stem of an aloe plant. She bustled over and split the aloe leaf, applying it to the back of her arm. Marissa held the icepack to her head.

“I’m going to let Antonio know you’re all right. Do you think you can return to filming today or do you want to go home?”

“No, I’m okay to keep filming.”

He gave her a wink. “That’s my girl,” he said and left.

She bit her lip, wondering if that sounded odd to Becky.

“Um, Ms. Sparks, I wanted to apologize for offending you the other day,” the makeup artist said. “I realized it sounded really bad, but I promise I didn’t mean it that way. I’m a huge fan of your work. I mean, you’re the reason I was so excited to get this gig. And…” She stopped and picked a thread off Marissa’s costume. “I was just worried about you. And the way things were going. But I shouldn’t have said anything and I know it sounded critical—”

“It’s okay,” Marissa cut in. “Thank you.”




“Marissa,” Joel said, kissing down the back of her neck. “Do we need to get you a gown to wear for the opening of
my picture that’s releasing this week?”

She twisted around to peer at him with her wide blue eyes. “Do—am I going? You want me to go? I mean, with you?”

He lowered one brow. “Yes, little girl.” He turned her to see her face. “Do you not want to go?”

“No, I do…” she had blushed and appeared flustered. “Aren’t you taking your ex-wife?”

“What? No. Did she say that? Absolutely not. I thought we were clear about her being out of my life.”

Marissa bounced on her heels an impish smile appearing on her face. “So we’re going shopping?”

He smiled indulgently. “Yes, my dear. Go grab a sweater.”

She lifted up on her tiptoes and pecked his cheek, her Little coming out. “I’ll be right back,” she said, skipping off the bedroom.

On the drive to see her stylist, Marissa’s phone buzzed. “It’s Bev,” she said. “Is it passive aggressive if I don’t answer?”


She hit answer. “Hey Bev.”

He heard her sister’s voice speaking.  Marissa sighed. “Well, I don’t know. I can ask.” She lowered the phone and looked at him. “Bev and my mom would like to come to your opening.”

“Of course, no problem. I’ll put their names on the guest lists.”

“You don’t have to,” she whispered.

“It’s my pleasure, Marissa,” he said firmly.

She sighed and put the phone back to her ear. “Yes, he said he’ll put your names on the guest list....No. Just the two of you. Well, I don’t know, but I’m not going to ask—”

“They may each bring a guest.”

She frowned at him. “Okay, he said you can each bring a guest,” she said grudgingly. “All right, I’ll see you there. Love you, too.” She hung up and slumped back in her seat.

“What’s with the attitude, Roo?”

Her eyes lifted at the endearment. “They’re just such mooches. It’s embarrassing.”

“They’re your family and I’m happy to have them.”

“Don’t you think they’re mooches?”

He hesitated, not wanting to wade into dangerous waters. “I know you want me to side with you where your family comes in, but I really think it’s best if I remain a neutral party. That way I can be a sounding board for you when you’re making decisions.”

She leaned across the center console to lay her head on his shoulder. “I like you,” she said with a sigh.

“I like you too, sweet girl,” he said. After a moment of silence, he asked, “So did my ex say she was going with me?”

“Yeah,” Marissa said.

He squeezed her hand. “Sorry for the misunderstanding.”

She shot him a naughty grin. “Does this mean I get spanked again?”

“Would you like that?”

A blush colored her cheeks and she chewed the inside of her cheek. “No,” she said at last, and he realized he’d been holding his breath.

“Too bad you’re not in charge,” he teased, touching her cheek before turning his eyes back to the road. “And just so you’re prepared, I get to pick your dress today.”

She sat back in her seat, beaming, her eyes on him. This couldn’t all be an act. She had real feelings for him, he knew she did. But did she know that? He wished he knew how to broach the subject.


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