Her Rebellious Heart: A Scottish Historical Romance (16 page)

All recriminations and misunderstandings gone at last, the wonder of their love engulfed them. Loathe to let her go, he said quietly, “We better go back, my love, Robert might be wondering about you, but tell me first, did I dream it or did you actually come to my bed last night?”

She blushed a deep red as she raised her gaze to him. “Yes, Aidan, I actually came to your bed last night. I couldn't stand to see you in that condition, and when I realized what you needed most at that moment was love and comforting, I got into bed with you. Robert was shocked, but I had to do it.   Your well-being was all that mattered.”

He chuckled. “And was it your concern for me that partly brought your memory back?”

Ignoring his amusement, she cried, “Aidan, it was the torturing thought that you might be drowned and I would lose you forever that must have done it.

She pulled him closer as she said, “I love you, Aidan. You are the only thing I want in this whole world.”

Eyes shining with emotion, he gazed on her fondly for a long moment and wondered how he had gotten so luckily as to finally win her heart. He kissed her gently and said, “Let's go home, love.”



The End

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