Read Her Rugged Rancher Online

Authors: Stella Bagwell

Her Rugged Rancher (4 page)

“Why not?”

“Used up all the vaccine we had. Me or one of the boys will have to go into town tomorrow for more.”

“After I sent Bella home, I ended up being swamped with work today, but I would've found a way to go by the feed store and picked up the vaccine for you,” Jett insisted.

“I thought about calling you. But we need a roll of barbed wire and a few more things anyway. Better to get it all at one time.”

Besides working on selected days at his law office in town, Jett also acted as the lawyer for the Silver Horn Ranch, a position he'd held for years. Since his wife Sassy was a member of the Calhoun family, who owned and operated the notable ranch, Noah figured Jett would keep the job from now on.

“Well, there's no urgency about the branding. Whenever you and the boys can get to it will be soon enough. I don't plan to sell any of the calf crop on the western slope, anyway. I've given them to Sassy.”

It wasn't surprising to hear Jett had given the calves to his wife. The man was always giving or doing something for her. On the other hand, Sassy deserved her husband's generosity. She'd given him three beautiful children, worked hard to make the ranch a success, and most of all she adored him. Jett was a lucky man and he knew it.

“I—uh, ran across your sister today,” Noah said as casually as he could. “She'd gone riding and her mare had thrown a shoe.”

“Yes. I spoke with her earlier over the phone. She was very grateful for your help. Thanks for lending her a hand, Noah. You know, she's very independent. I'm surprised she didn't tell you she'd take care of the mare's shoe herself.”

Noah rose from the chair and walked over to the open door. If he looked to the southwest, he could see the lights from Bella's house, twinkling faintly through the stand of pines. Now that he'd been inside her home, it was much too easy to picture her there.

“She didn't put up a fuss,” he replied.

Had Bella told her brother that she'd invited him inside for pie and coffee? Noah wondered. The memory of his brief visit with her still had the power to redden his face. Looking back on it, Bella had probably thought he was a big lug without enough sense to paste two sentences together. Even now in the quiet of his cabin, he couldn't remember half of what he'd said to her.

“Speaking of fussy, I wish you'd stop being so damn hard to please and try to find yourself a woman,” Jett said.

“That isn't going to happen,” Noah muttered. “Not ever.”

“Never say never, Noah. You don't know what the future holds for you.”

“My future damned sure won't have a wife in it!”

His outburst was met with a moment of silence, then Jett said, “Well, I'm glad to hear you're feeling like your old self tonight.”

Noah swiped a hand over his face. When he'd first responded to Jett's ad for a ranch hand, he'd expected him to ply him with all sorts of questions. That was the nature of a lawyer, he figured. But the only facts Jett had seemed interested in was whether Noah had experience taking care of cattle and if he was wanted by the law. It wasn't until time had passed and a friendship had developed between the two men that Noah had confided he'd left a bad situation behind him and it had involved a woman. Jett had seemed to understand it was a matter that Noah wanted to keep to himself and he'd never asked him to elaborate. Still, that didn't stop his friend from urging him to find a wife.

A wife.
The idea was laughable.

“Why wouldn't I be feeling like my old self?” Noah asked grumpily.

Jett said, “Oh, I don't know. One of these days you might soften up and be a nice guy for a change. Miracles do happen.”

Before Noah could think of a retort, Jett went on, “I got to go help Sassy. She's trying to get the kids to bed. If you need me tomorrow, call me.”

“Yeah. Good night, Jett.”

Ending the conversation, Noah slipped the phone into the pocket of his shirt and stepped back outside. The night air had cooled and the clear sky was decorated with endless stars. A gentle breeze stirred the juniper growing at the corner of the cabin and somewhere in the canyon he could hear a pack of coyotes howling.

Normally he savored soft summer evenings like this. But tonight he was restless. Being near Bella has stirred up dreams and plans that he'd pushed aside long ago.

This job was all that he wanted and his friendship with Jett was too important to let a woman ruin it, he thought grimly.

I wish you'd...try to find yourself a woman.

Noah's jaw tightened as Jett's remark echoed through his mind. Even if he wanted a wife, it would be impossible for him to find one. Ever since he'd first laid eyes on Bella, he'd not been able to see any other woman but her.

Feeling something move against his leg, he looked down to see Jack sitting on his haunches, peering up at him.

“Yeah, Jack, I know I'm a fool of the worst kind. But you're not in a position to be pointing fingers. You do enough womanizing for the both of us.”

* * *

The remainder of the week was a busy one for Bella. Between two heated divorce cases, an adoption case, plus a custody trial, she'd hardly had time to eat or sleep. And it didn't help matters that Noah had continued to pop into her mind at her busiest moments, playing havoc with her ability to focus on her work.

Ever since he'd stopped on Tuesday afternoon to help her with Mary Mae, she'd not been able to push the man out of her mind. Now it was Sunday afternoon and as she sat on the back porch listening to the lonesome sound of the wind whistling through the pines, she could only wonder if he was at his cabin and what he might think if she showed up on his doorstep.

You're thinking about him because he's a mystery, Bella. Because he's lived alone in that line-shack for all this time and you don't understand why he's such a recluse. That's the only reason the man is dwelling in your thoughts. That's the only reason you want to see him. Just to satisfy your curiosity.

The mocking voice in her head caused her to sigh with frustration. Maybe Noah's solitary life did intrigue her, yet there was much more about him that played on her senses. If she'd been more like some of her daring girlfriends, she would've already made an effort to try to catch his attention. But she wasn't the type to pursue a man. Besides, how did a woman go about garnering the attention of a man as cool and distant as Noah? If she knew the answer to that she might have tried years ago.

The other day when he'd helped her with Mary Mae, she'd caught quick glimpses of what was hidden behind his blue eyes and rugged face. And those few peeks had been stuck in her mind, tempting her to see him again.

Tired of fighting a mental battle with herself, Bella rose to her feet and hurried into the house. Mr. Noah Crawford might as well get ready for company, she decided, as she stepped out of her skirt and into a pair of riding jeans. Because he was about to have a visitor, whether he wanted it or not.

Less than a half hour later, Bella reined Casper, her gray gelding, to a stop beneath the shade of a tall cottonwood and slipped from the saddle. After she'd secured the get-down rope to a strong limb, she approached the cabin.

Although there were no sounds coming from the log structure, the door was standing wide open, as were the two windows facing the front yard. Not that the space could actually be called a yard, she thought. It was mostly a thick carpet of pine needles with patches of bramble bush and Indian rice growing here and there.

At the doorstep, she shoved her cowboy hat off her head. A stampede string caught at the base of her throat, allowing the headgear to dangle against her back. After running a hand through her hair, she rapped her knuckles against the doorjamb.

“I'm here.”

Jerking her head in the direction of his voice, she spotted Noah standing a few feet away at the corner of the cabin. One look at his tall, dark image was enough to push her heartbeat to a fast, erratic thump.

Unconsciously, her hand rested against the uncomfortable flutter in her chest. “Oh, hello, Noah! I didn't see you when I knocked,” she said.

“I was at the back of the house,” he explained. “I heard you ride up.”

Heard her? Casper hadn't neighed or even kicked over a small stone. He must have superhuman hearing, she decided.

“I was out riding and thought I'd stop by to say hello.” The explanation for showing up on his doorstep sounded lame, but it was the best she could do. She could hardly tell him she'd purposely invited herself.

His sober expression said he didn't believe a word she'd just said. Yet she found herself smiling at him anyway. Mostly because something about him made her feel good inside.

He said, “At least you're not riding down in the canyon.”

She smiled again. “No. But that doesn't mean I've marked that riding trail off my list. It's too beautiful to resist.”

He looked different today, Bella realized, as her gaze took in his faded jeans and gray T-shirt. The few times she'd been in Noah's presence, he'd always been dressed for work with long-sleeved shirts, spurs strapped to his high-heeled boots, and a gray felt on his head. She'd never seen his bare arms before and the sight had her practically gawking. She'd not expected them to be so thick and muscled, or his skin to be nut-brown.

“So you're riding the gelding today,” he remarked. “Is the mare okay? Any problem with her foot?”

“No problem. I just thought it was Casper's turn to get out for a while.”

He didn't say anything to that and Bella figured he was waiting for her to say she needed to mount up and finish her ride. Well, that was too bad. She wasn't going to let him off that easily.

“Uh, am I interrupting anything?” she asked politely.

He hesitated, then said, “I was just putting some meat on the grill. On Sunday I usually make myself an early supper.”

“Mmm. I don't suppose you'd have enough for two, would you?”

His brows shot up, but Bella was determined not to feel embarrassed by her forward behavior. It wasn't as if she was asking him to kiss her.

“It's only hamburgers,” he said.

“I love burgers. Especially when they're grilled. Are you a good cook?”

“I can't answer that. I'm the only one who ever eats my cooking.”

She chuckled. “Then you really need for me to give it a try. I'll give you an honest review.”

His attention lifted away from her to settle on Casper. Bella was glad to see the horse already understood he'd reached his destination. His head was bowed in a sleepy doze, his hind foot cocked in a relaxed stance.

Noah said, “Bella, I think—”

Bella quickly interrupted, “If you don't have enough food to share, that's fine. A cup of coffee will do me.”

He grimaced. “It's not the food. I—”

“Don't like my company?” she asked pointedly.

Dark color swept up his neck while the frown on his face deepened. And watching his reaction, Bella could only wonder if she'd gone crazy. The man clearly didn't want her around. Any sensible woman would proudly lift her chin and walk away. But there was something in his eyes that made her stand her ground. A bleak, desperate look that called to her heart.

He blew out a long breath. “I wasn't expecting you, that's all.”

She stepped off the porch and walked over to him. “I apologize for showing up unannounced. But it's a lovely afternoon and I was getting very tired of my own company.”

* * *

Then why didn't she drive down to her brother's house, where she could find plenty of company? Noah wanted to ask. Why didn't she get on her horse, ride off and leave him alone?

If Noah was smart, he'd do more than ask her those questions. He'd tell her outright that he didn't want her around here messing with his mind, making him feel things he didn't want to feel. But he couldn't bring himself to utter any of those things to her.

Just seeing her again was making his heart thump with foolish pleasure. Hearing her sweet voice was like the trickle of a cool stream to a man lost in the desert. He couldn't forbid himself those pleasures. Even if they might eventually hurt him.

“Well, it just so happens I have enough food to share.” He gestured toward the open door. “If you'd like to go in, I'll see about making another patty for the grill.”

“Thanks. I would like.”

Noah followed her inside the cabin and moved to one side as she stopped in the middle of the room to glance curiously around her. He could only wonder what she thought about the log walls, low-beamed ceiling and planked floor, much less the simple furnishings. But then, he'd not invited her up here for a visit, he thought. She'd invited herself.

“This is cozy. And so much cooler than outside,” she commented, then glanced at the short row of cabinets built into the east wall of the room. “Those are nice. Did you help build them?”

Did she actually believe he might be that talented? The idea very nearly made him smile, but he stopped himself short. What the hell was he doing? He didn't smile at women. He didn't even like them. Not after the hell Camilla had put him through.

“I helped measure and hammer a few nails, but not much more than that. When it comes to carpenter work I can do a few repair jobs, but nothing major.”

She said, “I made a little doghouse once with the help of my grandfather. It turned out pretty good, but the darned dog never would get in it. Probably because Grandmother kept letting him in the house.”

The main ranch yard of the J Bar S sat just across from Jett's house. While Bella had lived there, Noah had often spotted her going to her car as she left for work in the mornings. And sometimes late in the evening as he'd dealt with barn chores, he'd seen her return. She would always be wearing dresses and high heels and carrying a leather briefcase. With that image fixed in his mind, it was hard enough to accept she was a competent horsewoman, much less imagine her using a hammer and nails.

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