Her Three Protectors [The Hot Millionaires #3] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (9 page)

Troy and Adam roared with laughter.

“What’s so funny?”

“You are.” Troy gently massaged one of her breasts. “You sound like a school teacher, all prim and proper, thanking a student for turning in a good assignment.”

“Instead of which,” Adam added, “you’ve just taken three huge cocks in various parts of your body, given us the ride of our lives, and

“We didn’t make you feel humiliated?” Troy asked anxiously. “If there’s ever anything we do that you don’t like, you have but to say the word

“No, you made me feel sexy, loved, and wanted, but never humiliated, except in a nice way.” She lifted her head and grinned at them both. “I love taking orders from dominant men with cocks the sizes of yours.”

“Well, in that case, you’ve come to the right place, so to speak.”

“Bath’s ready.”

“Okay, ma’am, let’s get you cleaned up.”

Porcha sank into the warm, fragrant bubbles with a contented sigh and allowed her three hunks to wash her all over. Their hands were everywhere, and she welcomed their intrusion with a hunger that wasn’t in danger of being satisfied any time soon. This was a thousand times different from the way she’d felt with Sal. He wanted to emphasise his control over her by humiliation. These guys just wanted to fuck her, giving at least as much pleasure as they received.

“Can we do that again right away?” she asked.


Troy’s answered was definitive
In spite of Beck’s assertion that they didn’t have a leader, when Troy said she’d had enough after taking all three of them for the first time, none of the others argued.

Beck wrapped her in a fluffy towel and carried her down the stairs to the room that had been assigned to her. It seemed she wouldn’t be allowed to walk anywhere when they were playing their games with her. Still, who was she to complain? Each of them had a torso that would make even the most dedicated bodybuilder sit up and take notice. How bad could it be to get up close and personal with each one of them?

Once they reached her room, the other two guys following along, Beck removed the towel whilst Adam pulled back the covers.

“You get to sleep on your own tonight,” Troy said, brushing the hair from her forehead when Beck placed her between the sheets. “That’s because you need to get some rest. But after this, one or two of us will join you for some or all of the nights. We’ll work something out between us. If all three of us decide to play then we go upstairs. That all right with you?”

She raised her arms and wrapped them round Troy’s neck. “Stay with me now. I’m horny again.”

The guys exchanged an amused glance. “So are we, babe, but anticipation is half the fun.”

“Anticipation sucks!”

“So do you,” Troy said, kissing her. “Damned well, too. I’m betting these two can’t wait to find out just how well.”

“Damned right,” Beck agreed.

“They don’t have to wait.”

“Don’t argue with your masters,” Troy said, tapping her thigh through the covers. “When it comes to fucking, we call the shots.”

“Hmm.” She wriggled down beneath the covers. “You shoot good and deep, too. Oh well, if you won’t help me out.”

With a dramatic flourish, she threw the covers back, spread her legs, bent her knees, and went to work with her fingers. All three guys groaned as they watched her sink them deep inside her waxed pussy and ride against them.

“You realize,” Troy said, his voice thick and hungry, “that this will get you punished.”

She blew him a kiss. “That’s the general idea.”

“What are you think about while you finger fuck?” Beck asked.

“I’m thinking about the feel of your fat cock inside my cunt,” she responded, increasing the pace of her fingers. “I’m thinking about Adam’s shaft ramming into my ass, and I’m savouring the taste of Troy’s gorgeous prick fucking my mouth.”

“Jesus!” Beck ran a hand through his tousled hair. “What have we got ourselves here?”

“I’m real close to coming, guys. Sure one of you doesn’t want to help me out here? I really like having my pussy sucked, just so you know.” She glanced at them, all still naked, all three of them with massive cocks standing rigidly to attention. It was a sign of their discipline that when Troy shook his head, no one moved. “Okay, suit yourselves.” Her entire hand disappeared inside her pussy and her hips rotated against it at a frenetic pace. “Here it comes. Arghhhh! Geez, that feels good.”

Porcha’s body stilled when the tremors finally ceased. She removed her hand and waved it in the air. “Anyone want to taste me?”

Beck groaned but manfully resisted the temptation.

“Go to sleep!” Troy pulled the covers right up over her. “We’ll talk about your punishment tomorrow.”

“Good night,” she said sweetly, turning on her side and offering them a sultry smile. “I get the impression that I shall sleep a whole lot better than you three.”

“Damned right,” Beck grumbled as they closed the door on her. “Since when did a sub get to run the show?”

“Since the lovely Porcha came into our lives,” she heard Troy say. “I don’t know about you guys, but no matter how disobedient she becomes, I’m not about to evict her from it any time soon.”

“Me neither,” Adam said. “There’s just something about her.”

“Yeah,” Beck agreed, their voices fading as they made for their own rooms. “She’s more than enough for me.”



Beck was alone in the living room when Porcha emerged the following morning. She was wearing a tight pair of white shorts and a pretty pink top. Beck wanted to tell her that she needn’t have bothered. Anything she wore in this house was never going to stay on her for long.

“Hey,” he said, getting up to kiss her lips. “Sleep well?”

“Like a dream. Where is everyone?”

“Adam’s running errands, and Troy’s in the gym.”

“The gym?”

“We have one in the basement behind the garage.” He patted his naked torso, giving her a graphic reminder of the impressive six-packs they all sported. “How do you think we maintain our beautiful bodies?”

Porcha laughed. “The same way you keep your modesty in check, I imagine.”

“What, we have something to be modest about?” He gaped at her. “You sure know how to wound.”

“Someone has to keep your collective egos in check.”

“Yeah, babe,” he said, pinching her cheek. “But that someone sure as hell ain’t you.”

“Really?” She flashed what he guessed was supposed to be a deliberately flirtatious glance. “Then what am I doing here?”

He growled at her and bit her neck. “Like you don’t already know the answer to that one. Want some breakfast?”

“Just fruit and coffee will be fine.” She headed for the kitchen. “I’ll help myself.”

“What happens now?” she asked, wandering back into the living room, a half-drunk mug of coffee in her hand.

“About your situation?” Beck shrugged. “Let’s wait until the boss joins us. I dare say he has a cunning plan already figured out.”

“How do you spend your time between assignments?” she asked. “I gather Adam enjoys his kitchen and Troy has his computers. What about you?”

“Oh, I’m into wheels. Unlike Adam, I didn’t come from a privileged background. I was stealing cars before I was old enough to see over the steering wheels and drive them away because that’s what
men did.” He shrugged. “I guess I’ve always been a speed junkie.”

“Didn’t that land you in trouble with the law? ‘Grand theft auto’ they call it on this side of the pond, don’t they?”

“Yes, they do, and yes, it could have. Fortunately, I joined the army before it got out of control, got into a brawl with Troy over something stupid, and that’s why you see me here today.”

“You and Troy hit it off straightaway?”

each other straightaway,” Beck said, laughing at the memory. “Over a woman, I think it was.”

Porcha rolled her eyes. “Figures.”

“The next day he sought me out to apologise. Not that he had anything to apologise for.” He flashed her a grin. “Boys will be boys. Anyway, we got chatting, found we got along, and have been buddies ever since.”

“I see.” Porcha put her cup down, wandered over to the window, and stared out at the sparkling water. “Another lovely day,” she remarked.

Beck didn’t answer. His gaze was focused on her ass confined in those tight shorts, and he was too busy admiring what he saw to bother with words. He’d spent one hell of a night not sleeping a lot, too wound up by thoughts of their sexy little sub to get any rest. He and the guys had a kind of unspoken agreement not to masturbate anywhere other than the playroom, which meant they never did it in private. It was the sort of control issue that Troy was tough on. His discipline, his ability to wait longer than most people could stand in dangerous situations, had kept them all alive on more than one occasion. It was fun to run that sort of control into their sex games.

Or had been until this little minx happened into their well-ordered lives and turned them on their asses.

He walked behind her and wrapped his arms round her tits. Adam went for legs, but Beck was a breast man. Troy…well Troy liked variety and went for the whole package. Beck’s hands sank into the ample flesh, kneading and caressing until she leaned back against him and softly moaned. Her sweet ass agitated his erection, and this time, alone with their tempting little sub, he had no intention of holding back.

“Take your shorts off,” he said gruffly, “and submit to me.”

Without hesitation she turned to face him, unzipped, and let her shorts fall to the floor. He ran his gaze lazily down the length of her body. She was wearing another of her tiny thongs but didn’t remove it because he hadn’t told her to. That was okay. Beck would fuck her with it on. Her bra, too. He’d pull those big tits out of the cups and torment her nipples while he fucked that sassy ass.

“Do you wanna be fucked, sugar?”

“Yes, master.” She licked her lips and then lowered her eyes. “Very much.”

“Take your top off.”

When she did so, he wasn’t surprised that her bra matched the thong. She hadn’t brought much stuff with her in the bag she hastily packed, so a lot of it had to have been underwear. Not that it mattered much. One of Adam’s errands was to pick her up a load more, but of their choosing this time.

“Pull your tits out the top,” he said. “I wanna see those big nipples get hard for me.”

She did as he asked, expectancy and excitement radiating from her expression.

“Come here.”

He sat down and pulled her across his knee. “You wanna be spanked?”

“I want to do whatever it takes to please you.”

Beck chuckled. “I know you do, babe.” He brought a hand down fairly hard on her backside, at the same time reaching beneath her, pushing the front of her sodden thong aside and finding her clit. “Can you feel my prick pushing into your gut?” When she nodded, he carried on tormenting her with his hands and his voice. “It’s that big ’cause you make me crazy. I wanna fuck you so much that I’m in physical pain. Will you let me fuck you senseless, sweet Porcha?”

“Yes, sir.” She panted the words. “I need you to do that, if it’ll please you.”

“I can’t decide whether to fuck your ass, your cunt, or your mouth.” He tilted his head and ran his gaze along the length of her body, trying to decide. “Which would you prefer?”

“All three.”

Beck roared with laughter. “I’ll see what I can do.” He spanked her again, harder this time. “Adam’s getting some surprises for you.”

“What are they?”

“Well, if I told you that, they wouldn’t be a surprise, would they now?”

“No, master.”

“Kneel on the floor.”

She did so, and Beck shed his shorts. He wasn’t wearing anything else, and his erection sprang free—proud, angry, and pulsating like crazy—as soon as he lowered his zipper.

“Suck me off, babe.”

She slid to the floor and attached her lips to his cock, her hand joining the party as she skilfully massaged his testicles and sucked him deeper into her mouth.
Fuck it, Troy’s right to say she’s good at this!
He didn’t want to think about the bastard who’d taught her or how he’d made her do it in front of his guests just to humiliate her. All he could think about was the cataclysmic climax building deep inside his core.

Adam didn’t have much to say about the women they played with as a rule, but he’d droned on endlessly about how special Porcha was, right from the moment they first met. That he’d taken matters into his own hands yesterday, instigated matters in the playroom, and spoken so highly of her afterward sealed the deal. Troy had expressed similar opinions after fucking her in Tampa, indicating that they were, as usual, singing from the same song sheet. What would come of their joint obsession, Beck had no idea. The farther she sucked him into her mouth, playfully running her tongue repeatedly over his slit, the harder it was to think about anything else, so he gave up trying.

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