Read Her Twisted Pleasures Online

Authors: Amelia James

Her Twisted Pleasures (19 page)

Another idea flickered deep in my hopeful mind. “We’ll talk.

We’ve never talked.”

“Talk is overrated.” A devious smile touched his lips.

My stomach fluttered. No!

You can’t want him anymore.

“Seven. If you’re late, I’ll punish you.” A promise he couldn’t refuse.

He tugged on my arm and pressed his lips against my hair.

“Don’t threaten me unless you intend to carry it out.”

Damn it. Can I pull this off?

Or will he see right through me?


“What do you want to talk about, baby?” Alex poured the wine while I stirred the Alfredo sauce.

“I’m not going to do the talking. You are.” A hesitant knock rattled my front door as I set a third wine glass down. I couldn’t have planned it better.

“And so is he.”

“Who?” Alex eyed the

dining room table suspiciously.

“Why are there three plates?”

I was already at the door.

“Hi, Will, it’s good to see you.”

“Hi, sweetheart, I missed you.” He smiled and touched my cheek. As he caressed me, his warm hand feeling like it belonged on my skin, his fingers suddenly turned stiff.

“Alex,” he said, peering over my shoulder.


Alex’s eyes burned into my back.

“Will, come in and sit down.” I took his hand and closed the door behind him.

“Alex, behave.”

Will glared back at Alex. I tugged him toward the dining room, but he planted his feet firmly into the floor. “What is he doing here?”

“I was thinking the same thing.” Alex finished filling two glasses, and set the bottle down, leaving the third empty.

I pulled Will’s arm, but he didn’t budge. He crossed his arms over his chest, and Alex followed suit—sizing up one another like rival gunfighters.

I’d feared Will would bolt out the door as soon as he saw Alex, but a Wild West standoff hadn’t occurred to me.

“I was here first,” Alex growled.

“I’m here now,” said Will.

“Stop behaving like two make-believe cowboys waving toy guns!” I shoved Will to the table and grabbed Alex. “Sit down and play nice.” The oven timer buzzed, but I hesitated to leave them alone. “Dinner’s ready. I’ll be right back. Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Yes ma’am.” Will’s eyes still narrowed in Alex’s direction.

I’d keep a close eye on them from the kitchen. “You two need to talk to each other.”

Of course, they sat in silence. I served the pasta and finished pouring the wine while my obstinate boys seethed quietly. The first part of my plan had worked. They’d managed to sit in the same room without hitting each other. Now, how the hell could I get them to talk?

Neither seemed to want to say the first word, so I pulled my chair between them like a mediator. “We were wondering how you’re doing, Will.”

“We?” Alex argued, but my swift kick shut him up.

“I’m doing all right.” Will ignored Alex, his eyes softening when he turned to me. “I wanted to call you, but I thought I should give you time to… um… calm down.”

“Thank you. I appreciate that.” I turned to Alex. “How have you been?”

“Busy. Lonely.” He reached for my hand, and Will bristled behind me. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there for you. If I’d known he’d been ignoring you….”

Will’s fork clattered off his plate. “I never ignored her.”

“Then why did I have so much time to fuck her?”

Chairs scraped the

hardwood floor as they leaped to their feet, fists clenched, muscles tensed.

I nearly choked on all the testosterone in the room. “Sit.

Down. Now.”

Will hung his head, and Alex whispered a hurried ‘sorry’ as they took their seats.

“No fighting. You’re

supposed to talk.”

“I have nothing to say to him.” Alex stabbed a helpless piece of chicken.

“Same here.” Will speared his pasta.

God, I could strangle them.

“All right then.” I drank half my glass of wine in one swallow.

Whoa. Don’t do that again. “Talk to me. Tell me why. Why?”

Will let his fork fall and sat back, glaring. Alex took a deep drink of his wine as Will avoided eye contact with him, and me.

I let the silence hang.

“It was supposed to be about you.” Will leaned forward and reached for me, his fingers falling short of my hand.

“Yeah.” Alex put down his empty glass. “He thought… we thought… you wanted more excitement.”

“I knew you didn’t want to be in a relationship,” Will said, “but I took that as a challenge.”

“You never could resist a challenge.” Alex shook his head.

A small smile curled Will’s lips. “Nope. But after a while I knew you were craving something different, so I thought if I let you stray, you’d come back to me.” He wrapped his fingers around my hand.

“It worked for a while. You and I had a great time.” Alex grinned at me, then over to his former friend. “You had fun watching, and we shared some hot stories over beer.”

“That night you took her to my place… oh man.” He sat up and adjusted his pants.

“Hell yes, and after

Spencer’s party when she tackled me in the bathroom.”

“Mmm.” Will’s eyes

sparkled. “I got it good that night.”

I fought the temptation to peek under the table to see if they had hard-ons. My panties were damp. Their glasses emptied; the wine bottle emptied. Good thing I’d bought more than one bottle.

“And that first night…

Jesus.” Will leaned back in his chair and his thighs fell apart. I glanced over the edge of the table at his bulging jeans.

“In my office?”

“No, after your party when you made her come alone in the bathroom.”

“Oh yeah.” Alex laughed. “I have skills.”

“I had no idea you could do that.”

“Neither did I. Damn, that was sweet.” Alex leaned on the table, hiding his crotch.

Damn it. “So after Alex fucked me, you two got together and went over all the details?”

“Oh yeah.” Alex grinned.

Will nodded. “We had rules.

I didn’t always need to know about it before, but he always told me everything after.”

While Will downed his wine, Alex looked at me, put his hand to his throat, and shook his head. We’d never tell Will about that one night.

“And you enjoyed that?” I asked.

Will flinched at the venom in my voice. “Yeah. I think we enjoyed it more than you did.”

The attorney slipped into his defender role. “This whole thing became about us instead of about you—his problems, my fantasy.”

“Your fantasy?” My abs fluttered and I parted my legs.

Alex smiled.

Will cleared his throat and moved closer to me. “I knew how much the forbidden appealed to you. I wondered if you’d enjoy having something you knew you shouldn’t.”

So many times, I’d left a short-lived relationship to pursue something different…

someone forbidden. Will hated rules as much as I did, and pushed boundaries that shouldn’t have been crossed.

That’s why I loved him.

“She did. She enjoyed it like a dirty slut.” Alex caressed my thigh under the table, grabbing my hand to rub it against his stiff cock.

And that’s why I still wanted Alex.

Will groaned. “I should be pissed, but watching you grope my woman still turns me on.”

“You’re fucked-up, man.”

Alex’s fingers wriggled under my skirt.

Will stroked my hair. “I know.”

“We all are.” I reached for Will’s thigh.

His gaze met mine and his lips fell a breath apart. I’d seen that look so many times. He wanted to kiss me, but wouldn’t do it in front of his friend. Oh sure, he could watch Alex eat my pussy, but wouldn’t give me a simple kiss with another man in the room.

Will’s fingers caressed my shoulder, making slow circles while he squirmed in his chair.

Alex moved in. He found the top of my stocking and pulled it down, stroking my bare thigh with both hands. His touch brought back wanton memories of secret kisses and bold caresses. I tore my gaze away from Will to focus on Alex. His soft laugh and wandering fingers parted my legs, and then another hand stroked my knee.

Three hands on my body.

Two men wanting me. One more glass of wine.

“All right.” I stood up, escaping their stroking hands. I needed to confess my sins before we could go on.

“Don’t stop us, babe,” Alex begged.

“You pushed her too hard, man,” Will complained.

But I would maintain

control of this affair.

“I did enjoy it. Oh my fucking God, you have no idea how much. I loved having two lovers, and while you boys were sharing nasty stories over your beer, I lay alone in my bed getting off to memories of sweet, wicked, forbidden sex with Alex, and hot, guilty sex with Will. But my best orgasms came….” I laughed at my own dirty joke. “…when I imagined fucking the two of you.

Together. At the same—


I flashed a dirty smile and let my words sink in.

Will broke the silence first.

“Oh, hell no.”

A slow, naughty smile spread across Alex’s face. “Why not? It’s all about her.”

“True, but I don’t want to see you naked—not that close.”

Will cringed and pushed his chair back.

“Forget about me,” Alex said.

“I’d like to.”

“Do it for Talia. She’s worth it, right?” Alex and I stared at Will, waiting for his answer.

He pressed his lips together.

“That’s not the point.”

“What is the point?” Alex smacked his hand on the table.

“I don’t want to share her anymore.”

Alex rolled his eyes. “You never had a problem with it before.”

“I do now. I don’t want to share her with you.” Will stalked into the living room, running his hands through his hair.

Alex followed him. “So that’s it, huh? You’re afraid of letting me touch her.”

Will rounded on him, his fists clenched. “I’m not afraid of you.”

“Bring it on.”

“Grow up already!” I

smashed my fist on the table, and plates and silverware rattled. “I did not invite you over here so I could play mommy to a couple of selfish children.”


No idea which man had said that, but no matter. “If you really want this to be about me, shut up and listen to me!”

They shut up.

“That’s better.” I picked up the wine bottle and scowled.


As I turned toward the kitchen for another one, Will took my arm and pulled me into the living room. “What do you want, Talia?”

Alex put his hand on the small of my back and guided me to a spot on the couch between them.

“I want you two to stop fighting.”

Alex looked at Will, who nodded. “Done.”

Too easy? “I want you to be friends again. Fighting over me is just stupid… and it hurts to see you hating each other.”

Alex put his arm around my waist and kissed my throbbing temple. “We never meant to hurt you.”

Will rubbed my back. “I’m sorry… for all of this.”

I leaned against Will’s strong shoulder and let his warmth seep through me. The two of them holding me felt even better than I’d imagined.

“You haven’t answered our question.” Alex nudged my leg with his knee.

“What question?”

Alex picked up my hand.

“What can we do for you?”

“What do you want?” Will’s lips touched my hair.

I want you both. Now. The thought ran wildly through my mind. Am I crazy? Fucking both of them would solve nothing.

Reckless sex with no thought to consequences had gotten us into this mess. But the only two things I wanted for certain sat on either side of me.

I sat up, shaking my head.

“No. Forget about me. Just go.”

“I know what you want.”

Alex tugged at my slipping stocking.

I expected to see that familiar devilish sparkle, but his eyes were serious.

“I do too.” Will stroked my hair, and I searched his face for doubt or regret, but found only determination.

“It won’t help. It’ll make things worse.”

“I’ll take the chance.” Alex sighed. “Maybe one last fuckedup fuck is what we all need to end this and move on.”

Will leaned close and whispered, “I don’t want us to end.”

I kissed him, and the loneliness from the past two weeks disappeared, chased away by lust so powerful I needed two men to satisfy me —the two men I sat torn between.

Will slid his hand up my thighs to my hips, pulling me close while he made love to my mouth with his tongue.

Alex grabbed my ass and bunched up my skirt, shoving his fingers between my legs.

I moaned and tipped my head back against his chest while Will nibbled down my neck.

Alex snaked his hand

around my ribs to cup my breast, his voice behind me asking, “Are you sure?”

Will scowled in his

direction, then turned to me and smiled. “Yeah.” He unbuttoned my blouse and pulled it open, allowing Alex to shove my bra down and roll my nipples between his fingers. He knocked one of Alex’s hands away and claimed a breast for himself.

Alex circled my neck with his free hand, squeezing lightly as he forced my head back to kiss me.

Will bent down and kissed my nipples.

One mouth assaulted mine, while another attended my breasts. Two! Oh God. My brain was too overloaded to make my hands return the favors. I languished between them like a lioness on a rock, sunning myself between two blazing heavenly bodies.

Alex shoved Will out of his way and yanked my shirt and bra off, latching onto my naked breasts.

Will’s eyes flashed as if he was thinking of throwing a punch at Alex, but instead he slid to the floor, easing my stockings down while he kissed my legs.

Alex’s erection brushed my hip, and I opened his belt and zipper, then grabbed his hard cock and stroked it. He groaned on my nipple, and Will moaned inside my thigh while he explored my flesh, making slow, maddening circles around my aching pussy. A finger touched my clit and I gasped.

“Wait your turn.” Will threw Alex’s hand aside and covered my mound with his mouth.

Alex laughed and slipped his wet finger between my lips.

“Taste yourself.”

“Mmm….” Salty sweet with a little spice. My tongue circled his finger, and he licked my ear, his breath hot and ragged.

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