HerCreed-ARE-epub (8 page)

Read HerCreed-ARE-epub Online

Authors: JenniferKacey

Okay, maybe more than a bit, if the woman’s scream was any indicator. Her other hand hit the mat in rapid succession signaling KC’s first…official…win…as…a…Raper.

The noise in the stadium as she removed her self-imposed filter would have knocked her on her ass if she hadn’t already been prone.

It was like nothing she’d ever experienced.

What a rush.

The ref pulled KC off the other girl ‘cause apparently she didn’t move fast enough. She may have dallied a tad, but not a huge amount. The other girl coughed and wheezed as the doors to The Cage were opened. The Cage normally stayed in place for the victory lap, so the participants were protected while they fucked. KC just thought it was hot.

Layla’s trainers entered the ring to check on her, and she shook off their hands. She was pissed.

Hell. Yeah.

Which was gonna make KC’s reward even that much sweeter.

Then KC was lifted into the air. “You won. You won,” Boomer yelled in her ear as he twirled her around.

She laughed as she looked for Creed, more than a little panicked that he’d left. That he’d missed it.

But there he stood. On the other side of the bars.


He was proud of her.

His smile. A slight nod in her direction. Of respect. Pride that she fought for him.

“I am Spartacus!” she yelled to the heavens.

“Spar-ta-cus! Spar-ta-cus!” the crowd chanted all around her.


Boomer stopped spinning her, and it took her a second to focus on the woman smiling up at them. It was her slave, Meghan. The woman who’d undressed her for the crowd at the beginning of the match.

“I’ve brought what you told me to when you won.” The bag with her clothes hung over her shoulder, but she held up a strap-on with a good-sized dildo attached to it, a bottle of lube and her Gladi-Raper shoes.

“Hell yes,” Boomer answered for her as he lowered KC to her feet. Before she could reach for her new weapons of choice, Boomer grabbed her hands and unwrapped the tape protecting her knuckles. “Trust me. You’ll thank me later. You’re gonna want to feel every inch of this victory, if you know what I mean.”

“Fuck,” she growled, glancing over her shoulder at the other woman.

The Torturer stood mouthing off to her trainers, looking more than a little pissed off. There was pacing and hand gesturing as she bitched to the two men glaring at her.

KC had done her homework on the other woman.

She never lost. A few times when she first started fighting a few years before. But not recently. Not in more than a year and a half.

Until now.

Taking away her winning streak made KC’s pussy wet. KC could only imagine how the other woman felt.

No worries.

KC was about to take and redirect her attention to something quite…different.




Chapter Six


“Meghan?” KC turned her attention back to her attendant, who was dressed as a slave from Roman times. Small in stature suited her bare-breasted attire.

“Yes, Miss?” Her simple straight skirt hung nearly to the floor with slits almost all the way up to her waist. Metal cuffs at her wrists with a matching metal collar were so hot. Dark hair pulled up into a high ponytail, along with simple makeup, highlighted her nubile persona. But the attire didn’t look like a costume. She truly fit the role. Her gaze kept cutting to Boomer and a blush tinged her chest.

“Put my shoes on me, please. And the strap-on. Then the rest of my Gladi-Raper gear. But you can keep the lube. That girl’s about to learn exactly what happens when she’s beaten by a Raper.”

Meghan’s eyes expanded, and a wistful look flitted across her face. “Would you like me to remove your underclothes now or after I get your shoes on?” The girl glanced at her tits and her cloth-covered pussy, licking her bottom lip before she looked back up for the answer.

“Before.” KC pulled her sports bra over her head, and Meghan needed no additional encouragement to hit her knees, drop all of KC’s gear, and draw her boy shorts down her legs.

“Oh, fuck,” Boomer cursed. “I’m getting out of the ring now, or I’m going to get in huge fucking trouble. Enjoy yourself out there.” He kissed KC on the cheek and whispered into her ear. “Cause everyone else in the stadium has eyes for no one but you. Including a certain owner, pacing at the edge of the Cage.”

KC glanced Creed’s way from beneath her lashes, and her pussy spasmed at the sight of him pacing. Like an animal. Fuck.

“And he said to take your time. You’ve earned it.”

“Thanks, Boomer. For everything.”

With a wink he turned to leave.

“Boomer? Can I ask a favor?”

He looked down her body, not even trying to hide his interest. “Anything in that get up. Or lack thereof.”

“Will you stay, but in the corner.” She nodded toward the one she preferred. “I’m going to need help with something in a minute.”

With nothing else spoken, he backed into the corner, crossed his arms and waited.

No questions.

Turning her attention back to her slave, she nodded for her to continue.

With a hand on her calf, Meghan drew one of KC’s shoes from the bag. She slipped it on, lacing it up to right below her knee. She grabbed the next, again leaving a hand on her other bare leg. It was sexy. Indulgent.

KC stepped up onto the first heel, allowing her slave to guide her other foot into the second of her strappy shoes.

“Very sexy, Miss,” Meghan told her in a hushed tone.

“Agreed,” KC told her while looking right at her. “Very, very sexy. Now grab the strap-on. I’m so ready to fuck an asshole.”

Meghan smiled, turning to grab the strap-on from where it had fallen on the mat. Her hand this time rode high on KC’s thigh, her fingernails digging into her skin just a bit. For leverage or from arousal, KC didn’t know. So hot.

Dragging her fingers across her skin, Meghan finally had to let her go to unbuckle one of the side straps on the harness.


“Yes, Miss?”

“You see the two smaller dildos in the middle of the harness?”

“Ye-s-s-s, Miss.”

“Get them good and wet before you put them inside me. I like the idea of coming on your spit when I fuck her.” KC nodded in the general direction of the loser she was about to take, but didn’t spare her even a glance. Which she was glad for, or she would have missed the rosy color filling Meghan’s cheeks at her instruction.

Meghan unbuckled the other strap and brought the dildos to her mouth, one at a time. She licked them, sucking them between her lips.

KC pivoted around and held onto the ropes, tilting her pelvis back as she widened her stance. Over her shoulder, she spoke to Meghan. “Spit on the one going in my ass.” She licked it again, and then spit on it. “Good girl.”

Meghan’s smile was radiant as she crawled beneath KC’s spread legs.

“Both at the same time, and ease them in. Not too fast, or I’m going to come. Understand?”

“Perfectly.” The word whispered across the tiny crease where her thigh met her ass. Meghan’s warm hand held where her breath left off.

“And, Meghan?”

She stilled. “Yes?”

“Get my ass wet, too. For the simple reason I want to know what your tongue feels like before the plug stretches me open.”

The girl needed no more encouragement. She pulled her ass open with one hand, zeroing in on her puckered rear with divine accuracy.


“Fuck,” they spoke together.

Her tongue. Perfection. Soft as she licked her, and then hard and pointy as she pushed it inside her. Not far. Not deep. But enough to tease her, tempt her, seduce her into the role of victor. As if she needed any help.

KC finally spared a glance for Layla who stood on the other end of the mat, transfixed. “Naked,” she called to her.

After several blinks, the other woman focused on her.

“I want you naked and kneeling in the middle of the ring by the time I’m dressed.”

She scowled at KC who just smiled, and then gasped as Meghan spit on her ass. Her eyelids fluttered closed as the tips of the dildos touched her holes.

Oh, so, deliciously slow, Meghan pushed them inside. Then retreated. Push and retreat. A little further each time. They weren’t huge, but stretching her simultaneously made her burn in the most addicting way.

“It’s like you’re swallowing them, Miss.” Meghan’s voice was shaky but her thrust was steady and sure. Her tongue licked across the top of her thigh. “And you’re so wet.”

“Take them out. Clean them off. Both of them.” KC waited until Meghan had slid them out. “With your mouth. I want to see you use your mouth.”

“So. Dirty.” The slave-girl huffed the words out, and then sucked one of the dildos into her mouth. The whole thing. The one that had been in her ass.


KC had to concentrate not to come. And that was saying a lot since it normally took a shit-ton to get her off, and it normally involved power tools.

Meghan licked the other dildo clean and moaned, then spit on the one going in KC’s ass.

While her slave put the thick cylinder up to her slit, KC tilted her pelvis back, exposing her ass to the arena. “Slow. Slow.”

Meghan followed directions to a T. And this time, she never pulled them back out. One steady thrust seated both toys inside her. The one in her pussy was curved toward the front, riding her g-spot as she straightened to her full height. Turning to face the middle of the ring, KC watched a naked Layla kneel a few feet away.

When she caught KC staring, her mauve nipples tightened.

Meghan attached the straps around KC’s hips, tightening the strap-on.

KC grabbed the thick dick jutting from her hips and ran her hand over it a few times.

“Clothes, Miss?” Meghan asked her, still from her knees.

“Torturer,” KC called to the other woman on her knees, wearing nothing but a sneer and a tiny triangle of hair decorating her soon-to-be abused snatch. “Spread your legs. More. There. Now spread your pussy lips open with one hand, and get your fingers on your clit with the other. Don’t you dare come, or you’re going to regret it.” The loser hesitated, gritted her teeth, and then followed her orders.

“You’ll thank me later. Or not.”

Facing Meghan, she stroked her hair and lifted her chin. “Yes. All of it. And there’s two somethings in the bottom of the bag I want too.”

Quickly, KC stood fully dressed in her battle gear. She’d taken her hair out of the braid as Meghan had dressed her. She removed a detachable front flap on her skirt so her cock wasn’t impeded by the garment. Handing the extra piece of leather back to Meghan, she traded her for the two items she’d asked for earlier, which she hooked on a loop from her skirt.

“Anything else, Miss?”

“Rise.” She took Meghan’s hand and helped her to her feet. Lifting her chin, KC bent and spoke against Meghan’s lips. “Thank you for your help.” She kissed her softly and stood again.

“May I assist you again, Miss? When you fight next…” Her voice trailed off, and she averted her eyes.

KC tipped up her chin, forcing her to look at her again. “I’d like that very much.”

Meghan’s smile lit the room and she curtsied. ‘Thank you, Miss.” She curtsied again and gathered the bag to leave the ring.



“I need you to do one more thing for me.”


KC closed the distance between them and whispered in her ear.

Her slave glanced at the woman behind KC on her knees. “Yes, Miss. I know the very one.”


KC twisted back around, approaching the woman she was about to take.



She sure as hell liked the last two.

As she approached, Layla’s eyelids fluttered open. KC stepped close, reveling in the moment. A beautiful naked woman at her feet, so close to coming she could scent her pussy as she stared downward. “Stop, and put your hands behind your back.”

A bit of a growl came from the other woman, and it took her a couple seconds to comply.

“Tsk, tsk.”

“I stopped,” she grumbled.

“But you also closed your legs, and I don’t remember telling you to do that.” KC waited, staring her down.

Layla finally moved her legs apart. A couple inches.

“Take too long next time…and you won’t like the consequences.”

“Get on with it,” she snarled.

“No.” KC unclipped one of the things from her skirt and wrapped it around Layla’s throat. “A collar, so you know exactly who you belong to for the next bit.”

The muscles of the other woman’s jaw flexed, but she remained quiet as KC buckled it to its smallest notch. Several large rings hung from the leather equidistant around her throat.

“Here are the rules,” KC told her as she circled behind her.

“Rules,” the other woman scoffed.

KC snatched a handful of her hair and wrenched her backward, off-balance.

The other woman yanked her hands out from behind her back, latching onto KC’s wrists.

“Rule number one,” KC snarled in her face as Layla opened her mouth to bitch some more. “You’ve officially lost your right to speak. Except in one instance. When you’re ready to come, you will beg me to let you come. Beg. Me.”

After a few seconds Layla opened her mouth, and KC simply raised her eyebrows.

The other woman closed her lips and nodded with a frown.

“Rule number two. You will not close your legs to me.” She yanked her back up and onto her knees so she could face the other side of the ring where Meghan was stepping into the space through the open section of bars. She held two more items, and KC’s pussy and ass sucked on the dildos inside her as Meghan approached. “Slave, put the spreader bar between her thighs.” KC squeezed Layla’s hair hard enough to hurt, but the woman finally learned some manners because she remained silent.

As Meghan knelt before her, she handed a single strap of thin leather to KC, and then set to affixing the spreader bar with wider straps around Layla’s thighs.

Not an ankle spreader bar. She didn’t want her having any ability to rub her pussy lips against her clit to get off. Coming would only happen when KC had her fill. And only then. KC also wanted nothing to impede her ability to get as close as possible when she was fucking Layla’s puckered hole.

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