Hero Book 3 - The Battle: Military Romance (17 page)

Read Hero Book 3 - The Battle: Military Romance Online

Authors: M. S. Parker

Tags: #Romance

Fortunately, the door opened before anything could happen to embarrass either of us. Without a word, I disentangled myself from Haze and climbed off the bed, stretching my sore muscles.

“Well, you certainly have more color in your face,” Dr. David said with a teasing smile. “You weren't looking so great yesterday.”

“What's my timeline like, doc?” Haze asked as he held his hand out to me.

“If you're careful not to overexert yourself and reopen the wound, it should heal fine. You'll have a small scar unless you want to speak to a plastic surgeon.”

Haze shook his head, his eyes darting toward me and then back to the doctor. “I'm proud of how I got it.”

“You should be,” Dr. David said. “People talk about taking a bullet for someone else, but you actually did.”

I squeezed Haze's hand. “Idiot,” I muttered.

Dr. David laughed. “Come back in a week so I can check on the stitches and then we'll see if we can get a date to have them removed.”

“When can I get back to work?”

My heart skipped a beat. I felt safe with Haze, but I didn't want him to be my bodyguard anymore. I didn't want him putting himself in danger because of me.

“I would tell you that you should take it easy for at least three or four weeks, but I have a feeling that wouldn't do any good.” The doctor gave Haze a stern look. “I know your type.” He looked at the chart and then back at Haze. “You know your body, Soldier. But I don't want you pushing it.”

“Understood,” Haze said.

To my surprise, Dr. David looked at me. “As for you, I'm prescribing at least two days rest before you come back to the center. The men are all worried about you and they'll have my ass if I don't make sure you're okay.”

“But he can go home?” I asked.

Dr. David nodded. “I'll get the paperwork.”

Less than an hour later, Dallas pulled up in front of the guest house where Haze lived. The police had a squad car parked in front of the gate, but inside, Grandfather's security was taking care of everything.

Everything except Haze. He was mine to care for.

While we waited to be discharged, I'd been busy on the phone, making arrangements. A bag of my clothes was already in the guest house and Shandra had a refrigerator full of food that only needed to be put in the oven. Since Haze couldn't drink alcohol with the painkillers he was taking, Shandra had also gone out and bought all of his favorite energy drinks. All Haze and I had to do was walk inside.

“Do you want something to eat?” I asked, suddenly nervous as we entered the kitchen.

“No.” Haze's eyes were dark as he looked at me. He reached out and pulled me to him with his good arm. Our lips met and a sigh escaped. I kept my hands around his waist, afraid to be too rough, but his mouth was far from gentle as he bit my bottom lip. His hand tangled in my curls, holding my head firmly as his tongue explored my mouth. I could feel the tension in his body and it matched my own.

“I want you,” he said finally, his voice rough. “I need you.”

“I need you too.” I put my forehead on his chest. “I just don't want to hurt you.”

“Let me worry about that,” he said, tugging on my hair until my head tilted back. “I need to be inside you, sweetheart.”

Fuck me. How was I going to argue with that?

And, to be honest, I didn't want to. I hated the idea of him hurting himself, but I trusted him to make this happen and make it good for both of us.

He brushed his lips across mine, and then released me, only to take my hand a moment later.

“I want to do this right this time,” he said as he led me up the stairs and into his bedroom.

When he turned toward me, my heart twisted at the expression on his face. There was fierce hunger, but also the sort of tenderness that one wouldn't have expected from a muscled, tattooed Special Forces veteran.

He cupped my chin and bent his head, taking my mouth in a sweet, gentle kiss. “That should've been our first kiss,” he murmured against my lips. “How I should have kissed you the moment I pulled you from the pool.”

He took a step back and reached down to grab the bottom of his shirt. He frowned even as I realized what the problem was.

“Let me,” I said.

He was quiet as I undressed him, but I could feel his eyes on me. I could almost feel the electricity between us. When he was naked, he sat on the bed, using his good arm to push himself back until he was resting against the headboard. His gaze was hot as I quickly stripped, my need to feel his skin against mine suddenly more urgent than I'd ever felt before.

I climbed on the bed, deja vu washing over me as I moved to straddle his lap.

“Just like the first time,” he said, as he put his hands on my hips. “Except I'm not going anywhere in the morning. Or ever.”

I reached down and took him in my hand, stroking the firm flesh even as it swelled. I raised up on my knees and moved over him. “And this time, I don't want anything between us.”

He reached up and cupped the side of my face, his thumb moving across my bottom lip. “Do you have any idea how long I've wanted this?”

I couldn't wait any longer. With a long moan, I took him deep inside, letting each inch of him stretch me too fast. He swore as I came to rest in his lap, his fingers flexing against my skin.

“How long?” I asked, breaking the silence.

“What?” He looked confused.

“How long have you wanted this?”

He hesitated, as if there was something about his answer that he wasn't sure he wanted to share. I saw it on his face as he made his decision.

“From the first moment I held you in my arms,” he confessed as he started to move my hips ever so slightly. “If you hadn't kissed me that night, I still would've wanted you.”

My heart thudded in my chest. He wanted me then? Back when I'd been nothing but a spoiled child?

“And I've wanted you every day and night since.” He leaned his head forward to flick his tongue across my nipple. “Dreamed about you.”

I moaned as he began to suck on my nipple, and I moved against him, with him, feeling the taut slide of him, the exquisite friction. I wanted Haze, all of him and I wanted to feel every heavenly millimeter. His injured arm stayed low, his wide hand tugging at my waist, while his other hand reached up to tangle in my hair.

“You dreamed about me?” My voice was breathless, but I wanted to know more.

He nodded. “You kept me sane over there. Thinking about you.”

“While you weren't hooking up with the locals,” I teased.

He still, his expression serious. “I didn't do that.”

I frowned. “I'm sorry. I didn't mean...”

“I wasn't with anyone over there,” he said quietly. “And anyone I was...with when I was on leave, it was never anything...”

I put my hands on his face. “You're here with me now. That's all that matters.”

He gave me a soft smile. “You don't get it, do you? From the first moment I saw you, I haven't been able to get you out of my head. It's only you, Leighton. It's always been only you.”

I leaned forward, taking his mouth in a fierce kiss as I started to move again. I wrapped my arms around his neck, dug my fingers into his hair. How could he have wanted me after all I'd done? After I'd made Haze stand outside while Ricky and I...

He had to know how I felt. It was all I had to give him.

“I love you,” I pulled my mouth away long enough to gasp the words.

The words were his undoing. I felt Haze's climax as he lost himself inside me. He pulled my lips back to his.

“I love you too.”

As he took my mouth again, his arm slid around my waist, holding me tight even as the motion rubbed my clit almost too hard. I cried out as the near-painful pleasure pushed me over the edge. He held me as I shuddered in his arms, and I knew I was safe.

The past didn't matter.

He'd never let me go.


Chapter 21


woke up tucked into the crease between Haze's heavy arm and his warm body. As soon as I stirred, he pulled me close, his wide hand flexing on my bare hip. I wriggled closer so I could press my lips to the relaxed pulse in his throat and licked my lips when his stubble made them tingle. I studied the strong lines of his face, a swell of desire and pride going through me at the thought that he was all mine.

Then my gaze moved down to his body and bolted upright. “Haze!” I punched him in his good arm.

“What? Where?” His eyes flew open even as he moved to put himself between me and danger. He frowned when he realized we were alone. He looked at me, confused. “What's wrong?”

“Your bandage is all bloody.” I climbed out of bed and started pulling on my clothes. “We've got a full first aid kit up at the house. I'll go get it.”

Haze looked down at his bandage, his crooked smile clearly saying he wasn't concerned about the blood soaking through. He tugged at the wrapping experimentally. “It’s not bad. Probably just pulled at the stitches a bit during last night's, ah, celebration.”

“I'm so sorry,” I said as I came around the bed and took his hand. “I tried to be gentle.”

“Why don't you try again?” Haze tugged me down onto him, his lips immediately finding mine.

I let myself give in to the heat of his mouth, the scrape of his teeth across my lips, but when his hand slid down my back to my ass, I sighed and rolled off of him.

“No, Haze. I volunteered to be your nurse and I'm going to do it right,” I said, trying to make my voice as stern as possible. I headed for the door despite my body's protests. “Don't move. You're getting breakfast in bed.”

When I returned to the guest house twenty minutes later with the first aid kit and a breakfast tray Shandra had made, Haze was pacing his bedroom like a caged tiger.

I frowned at him. “I wasn't gone that long, was I?” I set the tray down on the dresser.

“It's not your nursing, sweetheart,” Haze said with a tight smile. “I'm not a good patient. You should've volunteered for an easier post.”

I poured us each a cup of coffee and led him to the balcony table. “I'm happy right where I am, even if you prove to be difficult.”

He sat down and gave me a strange look. “Speaking of volunteering, is that what you were doing at the center? You mentioned something about a project before...”

“We don't have to talk about that day,” I said quickly before I took a sip of my coffee.

“Dr. David said the men were asking about you. I got the impression it wasn't from some one time visit,” Haze continued. His tone took on a lighter note. “I have to admit, you would've made physical therapy a lot easier to deal with.”

I looked down at my plate and picked apart a cherry tart. “A couple days ago, I went there to talk to someone about...an idea I had. The guys reminded me of Ian, so I started talking to them. I didn't see it as volunteering.”

“That's why you're so good at it,” he said. “Plenty of people volunteer because they want everyone to recognize how good they are. You're there for them.”

“That's true, but I get something out of it too,” I said. “It makes me feel closer to Ian.” And because I didn't want to lie to him, I added, “And I have to admit, I love the attention.”

Haze reached over and caught my hand. “That's not a bad thing, Leighton. And, honestly, I'm jealous. I'm gone for a few days, and you find where you belong.”

I squeezed his hand, emotion welling up inside me. I wanted to tell him that it was because of him I'd even wanted to find myself in the first place. But I didn't. I had a couple questions of my own.

“Speaking of being gone,” I kept my voice casual. “Where have you been going lately? What kind of work does my grandfather have you doing?”

Haze sat back and chewed his chocolate eclair for too long. I knew he was trying to decide how much to tell me. At least I knew he wouldn't lie to me. Not anymore.

Finally, he said, “I had a lead I was following.”

I set down my coffee cup so my shaking hands wouldn't spill anything. “You mean a lead about my kidnapper?”

He nodded. “Your grandfather wasn't happy with the slow rate of progress the police were making, so he asked me to look into things. I had a lead.”

“Did it pan out?” I asked.

“Not yet,” he said. “But it will.”

I didn't like the sound of that. I shoved my plate aside and crossed my arms over my chest. “You're not going to turn it over to the police, are you?” When he didn't answer, I continued, “Don't you think it's a little dangerous now that armed men are attacking us in broad daylight?”

Haze took my hand again, turning my palm so he could press his lips against it. “Yes, I'm going to turn it over to the police, and yes, I think it's too dangerous now.” He smiled at me. “I'm not crazy.”

“Well, you’re the guy who lunged at a man with a loaded gun,” I countered.

Suddenly, he stood up and came to kneel next to my chair. “Let's get one thing straight, I only did that because of you, sweetheart. I'm crazy for you.”

I took his face between my hands and kissed him, a firm, sweet kiss. His lips parted, tongue teasing as he kissed me through a smile. When he finally pulled back, I sighed. I'd seen him hundreds of times before, but today every glance was a new thrill.

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