Heroes In Uniform (313 page)

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Authors: Sharon Hamilton,Cristin Harber,Kaylea Cross,Gennita Low,Caridad Pineiro,Patricia McLinn,Karen Fenech,Dana Marton,Toni Anderson,Lori Ryan,Nina Bruhns

Tags: #Sexy Hot Contemporary Alpha Heroes from NY Times and USA Today bestselling authors

He was debating with himself over how best to take advantage, when he heard a rustling noise behind him. Whipping his head around, he saw Maggie's silhouette carefully approach the blind on her hands and knees. Moonlight glinted off a knife as she eased the hand holding it through the tangle of branches. Moaning a little to cover his movement, Coop scooted around and backed as far into the branches as he could. First order of business was cutting his bonds.

Flesh touched flesh. He felt her grope for his hands. He closed his eyes when the knife dropped to the ground and her fingers found his, gently lacing with them, her thumb stroking back and forth along his. There was so much love and promise in that small gesture that for a moment he forgot she didn't want him. With a small squeeze, she let him go, picked up the knife, and sliced the tape between his wrists.

Before he had time to turn, she had pressed the knife handle into his hand and retreated into the darkness.

Tucking it carefully under the T-shirt tied around his wound, he crawled to the opening of the enclosure and scoped out Greasy.

The moon clung to a violet horizon, nearly full. The air was thick, and perfectly still. Earthquake weather, they called it in California. An earthquake would be good about now. Coop could use the diversion. Definitely better than wolves.

Greasy leaned against a tree, cradling the shotgun in his lap, scanning the darkness. Suddenly, he stiffened, then leapt silently to his feet, cocking his head to a noise.

Coop heard it, too. The unmistakable rustle and shuffle of boots on pine needles. Working himself into a position less agonizing for his leg, he crouched just inside the opening of the blind.

He watched Greasy's shadow creep stealthily behind the nearby thicket of bushes, and he prayed Maggie was safely hidden somewhere well away from there. The bootfalls came closer, almost on top of them now.

Suddenly, a branch snapped behind the thicket. A gunshot exploded into the night. Greasytail howled like a dying animal. Another shot rang out. There was a
and Greasy went silent.


A man in camouflage ran past Coop, slinging the strap of a 30.30 rifle over his shoulder, drawing a long hunting knife as he went. His other hand held a radio receiver, and a fireman's ax hung from his belt. A low-slung hunting cap hid his face and hair as he plunged into the thicket.

Cooper vaulted out of the blind, drawing Maggie's knife.

The hunter gave a strangled gasp when he found Greasy's body. Backing out of the thicket, his spine ran right into the point of Coop's blade.

Coop caught him in a throat-lock. “Drop your weapons.”

The man hesitated.

He pressed the blade into the side of his neck. “

He dropped them.

“I didn't mean to kill him,” the man pleaded. “I was hunting. The transmitter said a bear was in there! For God’s sake, you've got to believe me.”

“Oh, I believe you, Justin. Too bad poaching in a national forest is a felony. Which means you’ll go down for felony murder.”

Coop turned him around roughly, not feeling the slightest sympathy for the man.

“Cooper!” Justin spat disgustedly. “I
you were a goddamned cop. How did you know it was me?”

“Your first mistake was not throwing those boots away after leaving prints at two different kill sites. The second was claiming not to know about the ear tags.”


Maggie appeared a few feet away, obviously recognizing her fellow firefighter. She looked astounded.

“Maggie. Pick up his weapons,” Coop ordered softly.

A harsh voice sounded right behind her. “I don't think so.”

Coop swung around and saw Raiders come forward out of the darkness.


The scumbag pointed his pistol at the back of Maggie's head. “
drop it.”

Barely Dangerous: Chapter One Hundred and Fifteen



Maggie's heart sank. Cooper had no choice. He dropped the knife to the ground.

This was it, then
. They were done for.

She shot him a look.
I’m so sorry

“Thank God,” Justin murmured as he stepped away from Cooper, massaging his neck where the knife had stopped just shy of breaking skin.

“Don't be stupid, Justin,” Cooper growled. “This guy’s a coldblooded killer. You really think he’ll let you live?”

Raiders grabbed Maggie’s dress and she let out a screech when he hauled her in front of him as a shield while he circled the area to get at the three scattered weapons, still pointing his gun at the two men. “Get back! Both of you!”

Justin hesitated. “But—”

All at once, something came crashing out of the forest.
Something huge

Everyone turned.

Maggie screamed.

Raiders shoved her away, scrambling to escape the giant bear that bore down on him like a vision from hell. He pointed the pistol at it, and she covered her ears as the sound of wild shots shattered the air. The bear roared and struck out with a vicious swipe of his paw.

Amidst a spray of red, Raiders flew against a tree and slid limply to the ground.

A blood-curdling scream caught in her lungs and refused to come out. She watched in terror as the bear stopped and swung its massive head toward her, saliva drooling over its teeth in long strings.

Oh. Migod!

Both Cooper and Justin lunged for the rifle that lay a few yards away. They tumbled and grunted, jockeying for possession. The bear shifted its red-limned gaze to them and reared up on its haunches. Maggie could see Cooper reach the rifle, only to have Justin grab onto it and refuse to let go.

The bear growled as it landed. And charged toward them.

Maggie didn't have time to think about what she was doing. She just worked on instinct.

!” she yelled. The bear halted and glanced over at her.
Oh, God
. She had its attention.
Now what?
“Brother! It's me...your sister!”

Cooper and Justin stopped fighting and lay perfectly still, mouths open in stupefied disbelief.

The bear roared, snapping its jaws together with a gnash of its teeth, but otherwise didn't move.

She lowered her eyes to the ground. “Would you harm your brother-in-law, the man I love?”

She didn't know whether it was her words or her soothing tone of voice, but the bear took one more step toward the men, then sat down, cocking its head and studying them.

Her eyes met Cooper's. He glanced uneasily between her and the bear. “Let go of the gun,” he quietly ordered Justin, a peculiar look on his face. “

Justin reluctantly released his hold on the rifle. He made a gurgling noise when Cooper carefully aimed it at him instead of the bear.

, I will see him punished. Go and tell Memekwesiw .”

The bear blinked a few times and turned its enormous bulk, gazing at Maggie, then back at Cooper. It huffed and grunted, shaking its head so fur and saliva went flying. Abruptly, it rose and lumbered toward her.

She saw Cooper raise the rife, sighting on the bear.

“No!” she told him with hushed urgency.

The bear halted right in front of her and extended its muzzle toward her trembling body. She wanted to close her eyes, to shut out the beast, but she was hopelessly paralyzed, unable even to blink. She could see its black eyes and nose coming closer, beads of spittle hanging from its whiskers. Irrationally, the thing that struck her most vividly was how delicately human its eyelashes looked.

A blast of its hot breath jetted into her nose, nearly gagging her. The gamey scent of its fur suddenly struck her as oddly familiar. She shivered. For one horrible moment she thought it was going to lick her face into its waiting jaws. She clutched madly at her dress behind her back, crushing the fabric into a tight ball around her fingers, but she didn't move. The bear lowered its head to her abdomen and gave it a sharp nudge with its quivering nose. Her stomach lurched violently, and she was sure she was going to be sick all over it.

Then, just as suddenly as it had come, the bear turned, lumbered into the forest, and vanished.

At a nearby movement, Cooper barked out, “Don't even think about it, Justin.”

Justin groaned softly, and leaned against a tree.

A single sob rose from Maggie's throat, and her legs gave out. Cooper was there on one knee in less than a second, his strong arms crushing her to him, his sweet mouth kissing her face, whispering words of comfort.

“Oh, Wolf.” She felt herself being enveloped by his power and protectiveness, and by his love. The fear shuddered out of her, and she exhaled deeply in relief. “Don't ever let me go,” she murmured, her voice hitching. “Not ever.”

“I won't, baby. Not even for a minute.” His hand stroked gently over her hair.

She felt the tears pressing at her eyes. “That horrible bear.”

. It's over now.”

“I was so scared. And those awful men. They were going to kill you.”

Crooning softly, he bent and tenderly claimed her lips. “You weren't the only one scared. I don't know what I'd have done if they had caught you. You were crazy to come after me. What were you
, pup?”

She hugged him closer. “It was all my fault, and I couldn't let them hurt you. And when they shot you... I— You needed me.” She swallowed, tears welling up.

Gently, he gathered her face in his hands. “In that case, you'll have to stick around for a long, long time. I'll always need you with me.”

Tears spilled over her lashes. Dared she hope? She was filled with a deep longing, joyful that he seemed to want her, yet infinitely sad because she couldn't quite believe it could happen. She looked up into his eyes, yearning to say the words she really felt, but couldn't summon the strength. “I'm yours, Wolf. For as long as you want me.”

She heard the breath catch in his throat and felt his fingers strengthen their hold on her. “Woman,” he choked out, “I love you so much I don't know what to do with myself.”

She looked up at him in surprise, thinking her heart would burst from sheer happiness.

His thumbs caressed her cheek. “Tell me what you told the bear. Say you love me, too.”

Before she could gather her exploding thoughts, Justin's impatient groan spit the air. “Do I really have to stand here and listen to this mush?”

Cooper glanced over at Justin. “Shut up.” Then he turned back to her. His hands didn't budge. “Tell me.”

Another tear brimmed over. She summoned all her courage. And nodded. “I... I do.”

Justin pushed off the tree he was leaning against. “Oh, for chrissake, Cooper. Any fool can see she's in love with you.” He looked around nervously. “Can we
get the hell out of here? I didn't like that bear's attitude.”

Cooper planted a hard kiss on her lips, making her knees weak all over again. “We'll finish this later,” he promised in a gravelly voice. “When we're alone.”

Barely Dangerous: Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen



As they hiked back to the truck, Maggie thought about saying those three words.

She thought about it, too, at the sheriff's office while Justin was charged with poaching and felony murder and taken to jail. And as the doctor patched up Cooper's gunshot wound. She thought about it when Jack arrived with Lori in handcuffs, a box of take-out cartons filled with frozen bear parts under his arm, and a warrant in his back pocket. And she thought about it as she watched Lori being arraigned for trafficking in illegal wildlife products. And again while she, herself, answered questions and filled out papers, waiting for Cooper to get back from leading the sheriff and the coroner to the two dead men.

She was still thinking about saying those three fateful words when she finally pulled up under the tower and parked behind Cooper's camper.

She looked over at him on the seat next to her.

I love you

Barely Dangerous: Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen



Red-streaked clouds floated on top of a tequila sunrise. Tearing his eyes from the sight, Coop glanced over at Maggie, wondering vaguely what she was thinking. She’d been pretty quiet since that bear nearly mauled her.

Coop hadn't slept in two days, and the medication for his leg was finally kicking in, making his head spin with wooziness. Yet, all he could think of was climbing inside her, rocking himself to sleep in the cradle of her body and her sweet, sweet love.

He'd get her to admit she really did love him, if it took his last ounce of strength to convince her. He leaned back on the bench seat, rubbing his eyes with weary fingers. And it just might be his last ounce, at that...

His door opened, and she was there, waiting to help him down from the truck. His heart melted a little seeing her face look up at him, so filled with concern. No one had worried about him like that since his mom used to tuck him in at night. It felt good. Real good.

“Don't worry, I won't pass out on you,” he said, and slid off the seat. “Just put your arms around me and I'll be fine.”

She slipped an arm around his waist and gave him a hug, then pulled him out and slammed the door shut. “Come on, cowboy, almost there.”

He allowed himself to be led to the tower stairs, then gazed up. And up. And all the way up.

He groaned. “It makes my leg hurt just looking at all those stairs. Let me catch my breath first.” He steered her over to his camper, which he’d parked here earlier in preparation to break camp, and leaned back against it, pulling her into the vee of his legs.

“Come here.” He angled his mouth over hers. “I've been wanting to do this all night.”

Softly, gently, he kissed her. This time, he would show her how tender and loving he could be. Make her forget the way he'd lost control before. He'd take it nice and easy and slow. His brain rotated leisurely around in his head, turning on the axis of their mating tongues.
Nice and easy

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