Read He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) (37 page)

There’s a rather unlikely couple sitting opposite me flirting with each other, but it’s good to see—Stephen and Sally. He’s hardly taken his eyes off her since we arrived. I smile, happy for him. “You okay?” Alex squeezes my thigh.

“You know what? I’m more than okay” I lean into the comfort of his arms.

He smiles at me before kissing my hair. He keeps me locked tight beside him as he did last week at his brother’s party. I try not to dwell on how that ended.

Now that I have taken in the conversations at the table, I join in. Sally is happy again after her arse of an ex-boyfriend dumped her and is full of energy. Stephen seems quite taken with her. Wait until I tell Ethan. He won’t believe it. Sally, Francesca, and I talk about everything from shoes to shopping, and it has me thinking that Kirsty would’ve loved tonight.

Alex tries to keep up with the boys’ hot topic of conversation: Scottish football. This can only lead to arguments, given how divided the table is. My dad and Stephen are both Celtic daft, Karl still loves his beloved Rangers, and Kieran is a Saint Johnston fan. I hope we don’t have to listen to football talk all night. Alex surprises everyone with the fact that he knows some of the most recent results.

“How do you know those?” I whisper.

“I told you before—I do my homework. I knew this would likely come up, so I prepared.” He squeezes my hand. His touch sends a trail of shock waves to my core, and my thoughts go to last week when we excused ourselves from dinner to head to his office. That is one of my more interesting memories from last Saturday night.

“So, my beautiful Libby, you have a rather interesting look on your face,” he says, rubbing the pad of his thumb gently across my cheek. “The red suits you, but I would rather not see you blush when I have no idea why.”

The others continue talking, unaware of the quiet conversation Alex and I are having.

“I am thinking back to last Saturday night, in your office,” I whisper. I move my hand and put it on his leg. He doesn’t flinch, but his look says it all.
I dare you.

So we’re playing, are we? I can’t believe I’m even thinking about this, considering I’m seated at a table with valued members of my staff and my father. I move my hand slowly up his leg and he resumes his conversation. My hand travels farther, and I feel him strain against his trousers. I steal a glance at him, but still there’s nothing, no emotion. I move my hand, but who the hell am I kidding? There’s no way I can do this in my father’s company.

I pull my hand away, but Alex catches my wrist. He pulls my hand to his mouth and kisses it softly. I can feel my face turn a thousand shades of red as I look at him. A cute smile forms at the corners of his mouth. I squirm in my seat under his intense gaze, but he looks happy and relaxed, and, for the first time in a week, carefree.

“You do know you and I are leaving here at the first available opportunity?” he whispers.

“Really? Why would that be?”

“Because I made a terrible mistake in not waking you up earlier, and now I’m paying the price.”

I laugh at him. This is the side that I alone get to see. Playful and relaxed. I’ve seen his angry side, but I’ve yet to see him in full business mode. I suppose I could get a glimpse into that side of him on Monday. “You and me both,” I add.

The rest of the dinner goes well with lots of chatter, laughter, and drinks. It’s a great combination for a fantastic night out, and Alex and I fall into an all-too-familiar routine, his arm draped around me, holding me in place right beside him. Kieran and Rob look relaxed and, dare I say, comfortable with each other.

As soon as dinner is finished, it’s announced that there will be a fifteen-minute break before the main event of the evening. Sally and I head off in the direction of the bathrooms, but there is a long queue.

“Have you got anything you want to tell me?” I ask her.

She looks flustered. “Like what?”

“Oh, like what’s going on with you and Stephen?”

She blushes a fine shade of red. “I don’t know. Tonight’s the first time we’ve really spoken. He seems nice. I like him. I know you and he are close, though.” She frowns slightly.

I need to sort this girl out. “Sally, Stephen is like another brother to me. He’s Ethan’s best friend. We’re all close. If you want to know if Stephen and I have ever been together, the answer is most definitely no. I don’t think of Stephen like that. And anyway, there’s only room for one man in my life, and that spot is well and truly taken.” I smile, thinking of Alex.

“That’s obvious. So what do you think I should do with Stephen?” she asks.

“I don’t know—maybe wait and see what happens. There’s chemistry between you, and if he doesn’t act on it, he’s a fool.”

Sally and I arrive back at the table just in the nick of time, as they are starting with the proceedings. Last year’s top hotel has the honour of hosting tonight’s event, and they’ve done a great job so far. The excitement builds in the room. There are lots of awards, and everyone is warmly welcomed. The formalities take some time at these events, but I sit back and watch in awe.

It’s the first time our hotel has been nominated for any of the awards, and I’m extremely grateful just to be here, but I know the award we’ve been nominated for means a lot to Karl. We’ve been nominated for best restaurant in the hotel sector. It’s the second-to-last award of the night. He is an amazingly talented chef, and I hope we get to hang on to him for a good while.

“Do you think he’s nervous?” Alex asks, nodding at Karl.

“If his knee shaking has anything to do with it, I would say yes.”

The room’s almost quiet as the awards are read out. The only sound is when the winner for each category is announced, and the room breaks out in a unanimous round of applause.

“Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are near the end of our evening. Just two more to go, Best Restaurant and Best Hotel in Scotland. As there are a lot of chefs in the room, I think we should get on,” the announcer says as he takes a deep breath. “The winner of the best restaurant goes to . . .”
Oh please, just spit it out.
“Stewart . . .” I don’t get to hear the rest before Karl has picked me up from my seat and wrapped me in his arms.

“We did it, Libby. You and me. We are some team.”

“We are,” I agree as he releases me into Alex’s careful hands.

“Well done, baby! Go with Karl.” Alex kisses me, distracting me from what I meant to be doing. Everyone at the table is ecstatic about the award as Karl and I go to the stage to collect it. I’m so glad we don’t actually have to get on the stage and speak, because I am nervous enough without that. No, just a few handshakes, collect the award, and pose for a few photos. Easy.

We arrive back at the table and the pride I see in my father’s eyes is more than enough for me.
Don’t cry! Don’t cry.
Our table is abuzz with activity and noise. I have to tell the others to hush, because the ceremony is still going on.

“Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have just one award left. This award is based on everything your hotel has to offer, from your welcoming reception and great restaurant food to the cleanliness of your rooms, and, most importantly in our industry, to all the staff within each hotel. It is with great pleasure that I announce this year’s winner and next year’s host . . .” The room is silent. “Stewart Hotel and Country Estate on the banks of Loch Lomond.”

I sink into Alex’s warm arms as the room erupts and stands in a round of applause.

“Miss Stewart, your award awaits,” Alex whispers.

I stand slowly, and the first person I reach for is my dad. His warm body engulfs me in a tight embrace. “Well done, sweetheart. You deserve this.”

I walk slowly to the stage and take the stairs. I’m greeted by the manager of this hotel, whose job it is to make the presentation and official handover. He’s a much older man, probably close to my father’s age, with his salt-and-pepper hair.

“Well done, Miss Stewart,” he says, handing me the award. The flashing of several cameras only slightly startles me as I pose with him. “You have to make a small speech, Miss Stewart,” he tells me as we smile for the camera.

Not what I expected. I take a deep breath to compose myself in front of the mic and look at my father, who is bursting with pride. Oh, I wish my mum was here.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I stand before you humbled and deeply honoured to accept this award on behalf of the hotel. I would like to thank each member of our team, because we are a team, for all the hard work they put in every single day to ensure our guests are their number-one priority. We at Stewart Hotel look forward to welcoming you all next year.”

I leave the stage to a round of applause, but I don’t get to head to the table straight away. I am introduced to a few people. When I finally head back to the table, the photographer comes with me, telling me that all the staff members here have to have their pictures taken.

Kieran screams as I reach him, “I love you so much.” If this were anyone else, I’m sure Alex would have something to say about his words. “Sorry, Alex, but I do.” Kieran laughs.

I hand Kieran the award and go around the table.

Stephen takes me and squeezes me hard and kisses the side of my face, I can see Alex from the corner of my eye frowning. “Well done, Libby.”

“Stephen, this is more for all of you. You all do the hard part,” I tell him. I lean in and whisper, “She likes you. Just make sure you’re good to her.”

He smiles in response and releases me.

The photographer takes loads of pictures and tells us only the best ones will be selected for tomorrow’s papers. The papers again. At least this story is focused on the hotel and not on my love life. I speak to a few more hotel managers and swap numbers. Kieran is in his element, networking. I feel guilty for being away from Alex for so long, but our eyes have been on each other the whole time.

“How are you feeling?” Alex’s says softly into my ear as he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me tightly to him.

“I’m good. Great, even.”

“In that case I have a surprise for you. It’s time to say good night to everyone.”

I turn and face him. At first his face is totally unreadable, but then I see desire burning away.

“We’re leaving with my dad?” I ask looking toward my dad, who is deep in conversation, and doesn’t look as if he’s ready to go yet.

“Yes, we’re leaving, baby, and, no, not with your dad—just us. As I said, I have a surprise for you.”

We say our good-byes. They’re all surprised I’m leaving already, but then again, I’m the only one working tomorrow—the rest are off—so they seem to understand. I kiss my father good-bye, and he tells me to enjoy the rest of my night and that he will pop by the hotel at lunchtime tomorrow.

Alex takes my hand as we leave the great room, and I feel on top of the world. I have this amazing, hot man by my side who wants to stay there. He fell into my life when I least expected it and makes me feel alive and wanted. I know how much he loves me, because he tells me at every chance he gets.

We leave the hotel, and the cool night air hits me straight away, making me shiver. His warm arms turn me to face him and rest on my back. We don’t speak as we hold each other’s gaze. My heart rate kicks in as my desire for him shoots up another level, burning flames in the cold night air.

“Aye, here we are,” he says, taking my attention away from him to the car that has pulled up to the entrance. A limo.

“What’s this?”

“We didn’t get the limo ride home that I promised you last week, so I’m about to make up for that in more ways than one.” His grin is infectious.

The driver, not one of my dad’s usual, opens the door, and I slide in with Alex following closely behind. I note that the privacy screen is already up, and from the look on Alex’s face, that’s where it will stay.

Our lips meet with passion and force as his hands slide slowly over my body. “I love you with all my heart, Elizabeth Stewart.” He stops talking, and his eyes are firmly on me as he reaches his hand down at the side of the door and lifts something. I sense the enjoyment that will be had on the long drive back home as I look at what is in his hand. If I’m not mistaken, it’s the red silk scarf that we had some fun with last week. “Now the question is, how much do you trust me?”

“With all my heart.”


To be continued


He’s Captured my Heart
book 1

He’s Captured my Trust
book 2

He’s Captured my Soul book 3
Coming Soon

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