He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) (6 page)

Read He's Captured My Trust (Captured Series Book 2) Online

Authors: Karen Frances

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Romantic, #Romance, #Contemporary

“Fine,” Alex answers with a frown.

“Oh, Libby, don’t work him too hard—”

“Good-bye, Michael,” Alex says, cutting him off. Turning his full attention to me, he says, “Sorry, baby. If I didn’t have to go, I wouldn’t. You could always come with me.”

“It’s fine. You have an expanding empire to run. I’ll be fine here. I’m not going to come to work with you, especially when I can relax here.” But I do know I will miss him when he’s gone.

His phone rings again. “Hi, Mom. I have you on speaker.” He mouths ‘sorry’ to me.

“Perfect, because it’s Libby I want to speak with.”

“Now that the men in our lives are otherwise engaged tomorrow morning, how about you and I go shopping?”

I look at Alex, who shrugs.

“That would be great,” I say. “I need to get a dress for Saturday night. I can only presume you would know more about that than Alex.” I grin at the man lying beside me as he gently slaps my arm.

“Of course, and I know the perfect little place to get an original dress—something that will capture your natural beauty.”

“Sounds great.”

“Okay. I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Are we all still on for dinner tomorrow night?” Alex asks.

“Of course. Are you sure you don’t want to go out?”

“No. Here at my place is perfect. See you then.”

“So a family dinner here tomorrow?” I ask when he hangs up, raising my eyebrows.

“It was all I could do to ensure I had you to myself today and tonight. It seems you’ve made quite an impression on my mother as well,” he says, smiling.

What can I say to that? His mother is a remarkable woman who took great care of me when I needed it the most. We’ve stayed in touch with a few e-mails back and forth. I like her. “As well?” I ask.

“Baby, you’ve certainly made an impression on me.”

“So tell me, who will all be here?” I want to know what I’m getting myself into.

“Just my parents; my sister, Sophie, who can’t wait to meet you; Connor; his fiancée, Emma; and Michael, of course,” he says with a shrug.

“Of course. But I thought it was just family.” I gaze into those eyes that I adore so much.

“I’m closer to Michael than I am Connor. He gets treated the same as Connor and I from my parents. My mom says she has three sons.”

I knew that would be his answer. A bit like Kirsty and I, even though we’ve only known each other a few years, she’s part of my family too. “So here’s what I’m thinking.”

“What are you thinking?” he asks as he playfully bites on my ear. I moan and lean closer to him.

“I should make the most of you now, because with everything going on tomorrow, there won’t be much time for us.”

I can see him mulling this over. The expression on his face is priceless when it suddenly dawns on him. “
I should call and cancel.”

I laugh.

He sits up on the bed and adjusts the pillows behind him. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me toward him. Our eyes lock, and there it is—all the desire and hunger from earlier staring straight at me.

“What did you say about making the most of me?” His voice is low.

“Oh, I think we can take care of that,” I tease. The smile that appears on his face is promising.

I move and straddle him before he has time to think. His eyes widen in excitement.

He reaches both arms around my neck, pulling me closer to him. I close my eyes. I can feel his breath against my skin. I am already breathless. Breathless and wanting so much of him. I can’t get enough of him. I feel his lips soft against mine, brushing lightly. I return his kiss with more force than he does, making him aware of what I want-—him, again.

He moans softly. “Are you sure you’re ready again?”

I nod.

“You know, you could be the death of me.”

“Wouldn’t it be a good way to go?” I try to hold my laughter, but it doesn’t work.

“You mocking me?” He raises his eyebrows. “There are other ways I can punish you, Miss Stewart, without physically hurting you. You should bear that in mind.”

At that, the two of us burst out laughing at the same time, wordlessly sharing the memory of the pain and pleasure conversation we had, when I took what he had said the wrong way. When he said pain, I thought he wanted to hurt me. We stop in unison and our eyes meet. The connection is made. I draw in a deep breath. There is no hesitation about what I’m about to do now. None at all. I lift myself slightly to move into a better position.

Then we both become completely lost in the moment.

be out of that bath,” Alex’s loud voice echoes up the stairs.

“Yes. I’ll be down in a minute.”

I am standing in the bathroom in only my underwear, trying to towel dry my hair. Today’s events have been eventful to say the least. Honestly, the only reason we’re both out of bed is that I’m hungry. Alex was thrilled about that. When I told him, he couldn’t get out of the bed quick enough. He has it in his head that I need to put on some weight.

I haven’t told him how much weight I’ve lost—nine pounds in all. He blames himself, but it’s not his fault. He had to come home to sort out business. But he thinks that his leaving left me more vulnerable. God. The stress I’ve been under these last few weeks. Stress that I’ve put on myself. I didn’t have to work all the hours, I chose to. That’s what I blame. Myself. Certainly not Alex

I brush my hair before rolling it and pinning it in place. I leave the bathroom and head to his closet. I want to wear something that smells of him.

Bloody hell.
He owns more shoes than I do. The closet is full. There is no way one man can possibly wear all these clothes. Suits, shirts, jeans, T-shirts, sweaters—everything is in order, and nothing is out of place, right down to his ties. I take a white shirt from the rack and slip it on, leaving the top two buttons undone. I roll the sleeves up to keep them from flapping about. There. At least I’m presentable.

Alex assured me I could walk about in my birthday suit if I wished, saying Murphy and his wife won’t disturb us this evening. But as much as his face lit up when he said it, there’s no way in hell I’m taking the risk. Before closing his closet door, I move a few things about. I can picture his face when he sees what I’ve done.

I head down the stairs barefoot. I find him sitting in the living room with soft music playing. He’s not wearing a T-shirt and, boy, does he look good. All he’s wearing are a pair of jogging pants that I know for a fact, sit low on his hips. He turns when he hears me, the smile on his face growing by the minute.

“Oh, Libby.” His voice sends my pulse racing as I walk toward him. “We’re supposed to be down here eating. How do you expect me to look after you when you come down here looking like that?”

“Who says we need to eat straight away?” My voice is suggestive as he pulls me down onto his lap.

“This feels good,” he says softly.

He wraps his arms around me, and I rest my head on his shoulders. It doesn’t matter where I am. As long as his arms are around me, I feel safe, happy, and content.

“You are so beautiful, Libby. So fucking perfect.”

“I think you and I both know I’m not perfect.” I sigh, dropping my head again.

“Elizabeth Stewart, look at me.” His voice is commanding as he tilts my chin so our eyes connect. “You are perfect for me in every way possible. Don’t doubt that. And don’t ever doubt how I feel about you. I love you, and I won’t ever tire of telling you that.”

He’s again taken my breath away. He’s repeated those three little words on a daily basis since the night he left. The same words I’m too afraid to say—fear that this will all go horribly wrong. I open my mouth to speak, but he kisses me quickly. He stops when we hear coughing. We both turn.

Murphy is standing there with a slim, beautiful blonde I know is Katherine Hunter. She has a look of thunder on her face.

How long has she been there? Long enough, I can only guess.

“Mr. Mathews, sorry. She was rather insistent when we met her downstairs. I did try to tell her you weren’t having visitors,” Murphy says. Joan is now standing beside him, watching Alex closely.

“Alexander, baby, if I had known you had company . . .” Katherine doesn’t finish her sentence as she walks toward us. “Katherine,” she says, holding out her hand to me. She has a slight smug look as she runs her eyes over me. Maybe trying to intimidate me. “You must be Libby.”

I start to lift my hand, but Alex won’t let me. He’s holding it firmly in place, much to Katherine’s amusement. He is furious. I can only nod in acknowledgment to her.

“Is there a reason for this impromptu visit?” he asks dryly. “We were about to make some dinner.”

Joan moves into the kitchen and starts going through the fridge at the mention of supper.

“I haven’t seen you in a while and thought we could catch up,” Katherine says, sitting down on the other couch.

Alex shakes his head.

“I’ll go and make a start on supper,” I say, getting up from his lap. He places a small soft kiss on my lips as he releases my arms.

“Supper,” Katherine’s voice carries across the room. “Looks like I interrupted dessert. Oh, what a shame.” Her tone is off, as she speaks directly to me.

“No, Katherine,” I say as I look toward Alex, who can only smile and shrug. That’s all the permission I need. “If your intention was to interrupt dessert, you’re too late—been there, done that. We skipped the main course earlier and went straight to dessert.”

The gasp I hear from Katherine satisfies me, and the look from Alex is priceless. Joan is smirking in the kitchen when I enter. I have to admit I feel a bit uncomfortable dressed like this in front of strangers. I should go and put clothes on.

“Well said, Miss Stewart,” Joan says. “The look on her face was a picture. Mrs. Mathews said you were perfect for Alex. Now, can I make something for you both to eat, seeing as I’m here now?” She smiles.

“Do you mind if I help?” I ask. “After I go and change?”

“No, not all, but why do you want to change?”

“So I’m not making anyone uncomfortable, including myself,” I answer, knowing my face must be red with embarrassment.

“Now, Miss Stewart, there will be none of that. If I had a figure like yours, I wouldn’t care who saw it. This is your home for the weekend, and, as such, you should treat it as home. And anyway, you are covered up.” She glances down to the hem of the shirt, and I laugh because I have shorter dresses back home. Alex’s shirt goes down to just above my knees. “And Mr. Mathews would be extremely displeased if he thought you were uncomfortable in his home.”

I like her. Joan looks to be in her early forties. She has striking features, a petite figure, and beautiful, short blonde hair.

We set about making some club sandwiches, although to be honest I’m scared to touch anything in the kitchen because everything looks so new and unused. Joan assures me she uses the kitchen every day. She tells me Alex has been difficult for the last few weeks, but that the change in him as my visit neared has been overwhelming to witness.

We are both startled by the shouting coming from the next room.

“You knew damn well what you were doing coming here tonight,” Alex shouts. “Don’t try to deny it.”

“Alex, baby.” Katherine’s voice is softer. “I only wanted to see you. It’s been a few weeks. You’ve not returned any of my calls.”

“Don’t ‘baby’ me. And ask yourself why I’ve not returned your calls. You always seem to pop up and ruin things. Don’t you have someplace you should be?”

ruin things? Alex, don’t even go there. Do you want to talk about ruined lives?” Katherine screeches.

“Shall I go and help him out?” I whisper to Joan.

“No, but you can go and help her out. I think Katherine has outstayed her welcome.” From the look on Joan’s face I can see that she shares Alex’s mother’s feelings about the delightful Katherine. Sarah thinks Katherine uses Alex to gain exposure in the media. Joan points back in the direction of the living room. I put the knife down and she smiles.

I head back into the living room to find Alex pacing the floor, running his hands through his already messy sex hair. He looks at me and a smile breaks. He stops pacing and holds his arms out to me. I automatically go to him, but keep my back to him so I can face Katherine. He wraps his arms protectively around me, although I don’t think I’m the one who needs protection.

“Katherine,” I say firmly. “I think it’s time you were leaving. I don’t mean to be rude, but clearly Alex doesn’t want you here.”

She looks at me with sheer disgust. “Who the hell do you think you are?” she shouts angrily. “You’re just one of the many women who think they stand a chance of tying Alex down. You think you can hold his interest from across the Atlantic? There’s not a hope in hell. You’re not in love with him! You’re only out for what you can get out of him. Let’s face it. He must be good for business for both you and your father.”

What a bitch.
She sounds so cold

Alex’s whole body tenses at her cruel words. He’s about to speak, but I put my hand up, stopping him. I’m more than capable of holding my own with her, although I hope to do it with more grace and tact than she does. “Katherine, I neither asked for, nor do I value your opinion. Nor do you know me to judge me, but if that is your opinion, you are entitled to it. You are supposed to be his friend. If you have any regard for that friendship, you’ll leave and call him tomorrow to apologise for your behaviour. I had hoped we could be friends when we finally met, at least for Alex’s sake.” I say the last part looking at Alex, because I know he cares for her. But he is looking angrily past me, straight to Katherine.

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