Hidden Obsession (The Club #2) (6 page)

              Chapter Twelve             

Work is the last place I want to be, but the only place I can be.

I’m disgusted at what he’s done, but what messes with me even more is that I haven’t reported him. I try and tell myself that I’m still in shock, and once I process everything that’s happened I’ll call the police, but I can’t even convince myself.

I don’t want the police involved because I’m hoping there is a small chance that we can work this out. At the very least, I alerted security about him and requested he not be allowed in the club. That way I can figure this out knowing I’m safe from running into him. I sigh and rub my temples, frustrated with myself. How can I be into someone who has done what he’s done? What kind of person does that make me?

I trudge around the club, barely able to keep my mind on doing my job. I arrived pretending I thought I was scheduled, and by coincidence someone had called in sick. I’m probably not in the right frame of mind to be working, but it’s a distraction. A permanent frown is fixed to my face, except when my managers walk by and I plaster on a smile. I feel like I’ve been here for hours, but the reality is my shift isn’t even half over.

People filter in and out of the VIP rooms, which I’ve been assigned to cover for the night. It’s taken to this point for me not to jump at every little sound, convinced it’s him and he has somehow gotten in. I’m finally calming down, though I’m far from being okay.

This whole time it was him. He was always there, watching me. He befriended me and let me believe he was someone else. Yet, in spite all of that, I’m not sure I’m ready to let him go. I let out a laugh, which earns me an odd look from a passing member. I’m completely fucked up. The guy I’ve gotten to know over the last few weeks couldn’t have been a complete lie. But what do I trust more—my judgment over the last two years or that of a guy I’ve known for less than a month?

“You left your phone.”

. I freeze as his fingers trail up my arm.

He tilts my neck upward, pressing his forehead against mine. I’m trying to fight the urge to respond the way I so desperately want to, but I can’t. No matter how fucked up I feel about it, I can’t deny how glad I am to see him.

“How did you get in here?” I ask, my voice trembling. I hate my body for responding to his voice. I grab my phone as he holds it out, shoving it in my pocket.

“Let’s just say I have my ways,” he chuckles. “You didn’t have to run from me, Rave. I just wanted to talk.”

“I needed time to think,” I whisper, breathing in his scent.

His grip on my neck tightens slightly, but I’m not afraid. I can’t explain why, but I
he won’t hurt me.

“And I needed to be able to explain,” he replies, his voice a low growl.

“What’s to explain?” I ask, turning around to face him. I search his eyes. “What could you possibly tell me that makes all of this okay? You lied to me, Conrad. Do you have any idea what you’ve put me through these past two years? Stalking me, pretending to be a detective, and then making me fall in love with you—”

“I didn’t pretend to be anything,” he interrupts, his dark eyes piercing mine. “I am a detective. I’m on leave at the moment for…something that happened that was out of my control, but I am a detective.”

I laugh and try to push him away. “I called the precinct, Conrad. Is that even your real name?”

He reaches into his pocket and retrieves his wallet. My eyes widen as he pulls out his license and his badge and shoves them into my hand. I tremble as I drop my gaze to the cards.
Conrad Livingstone. Senior detective, LAPD.

“How did you know I’d called the cops that night?” I ask, shaking my head.

“I was in the hall when you arrived home,” he admits. “Once you finished the call, I called and canceled the complaint.”

“You can do that?” I laugh. I shake my head. “If this is about wanting to be with me then why…why not just approach me like a normal guy? I don’t understand why you would do all of this. I don’t get what you were hoping to achieve.”

“I fucked up. I know I fucked up, but by the time I realized it, my chance was gone. I was obsessed with everything about you. I convinced myself you’d never give a guy like me a chance.” Those deep green eyes penetrate my soul, almost taking my breath away. “I’d do anything for you, Raven.”

“I could have you fired. You know that, right? I could have you thrown in jail for what you’ve done to me.”

“But you won’t, will you?” he says, his thumb caressing my cheek.

I close my eyes and swallow hard,
that he knows me that well, because he’s right: I won’t do that.

won’t I do that?

“How do you know I won’t?” I ask, my voice cold.

“Because you didn’t call the cops when you left my house.”

“You had my phone. I couldn’t call them,” I shoot back, and he smiles.

“True, but you came here and not to the police station. Or you could have called them from here.” He’s right, but I don’t want him to know that. “I’ve let you down. It’s going to take a lot for you to trust me again and I know that. All I want is that chance. Think about us before you throw us away.”

He takes my hand and pulls me toward him. I let him, exhaling as my body hits his. I’m so confused. Is this really what I want? He brushes the hair away from my face, his green eyes burning into mine.

“Can I kiss you, Raven?” he asks, his voice thick.

I nod, closing my eyes as my heart pounds.

His soft lips meet mine, sending tingles through my body. As we fall deeper into the kiss, I can’t deny what I feel for him. As fucked up as it is, this being with him feels so right. Does it make me weak that I
to forgive him, or stupid that I might? His fingers creep around my neck as his forehead presses against mine. He stares into my eyes and I don’t look away. My heart races with every glance he offers me, my skin jumps with every touch. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Part of me can’t believe what I’m about to say.

“I can’t promise you anything,” I begin, the words sticking in my throat. “But I’m willing to give you a chance. To give
a chance. But I swear to God, if you lie to me again I’ll slice your balls off and feed them to my dog.”

“You don’t have a dog,” he chuckles, planting a kiss on my lips.

I narrow my eyes at him and I swear I see him shiver. “Then I’ll get one.”

“I promise you won’t regret this, Rave,” he whispers, wrapping his arms around me.

“I hope I don’t,” I mutter, closing my eyes. “I really hope I don’t.”


The End

The Club

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Other books by Missy

See full backlist, links and full blurbs at



Wildcard: A three part serial (see over page for chapter one)

Has the bad boy of tennis finally met his match?

Volume One:


Always You

A sweet student/teacher romance that will make you appreciate love.



Wicked Innocence

He’s a twenty-five year old rock god who thinks I’m twenty-one. I’m only seventeen…



The Tease Series

Male escort. That got your attention.



Out of Reach (see over for excerpt)

My best friend is dying and I’m in love with his girl.




Mace is hiding something. What would you forgive the man you love for?


Wildcard: Volume One excerpt

Chapter One


“Ryder, you’re becoming more well-known for your behaviour off court than your actual career. Do you have anything to comment on that?”

I raise my eyebrows at the reporter. Flashes from cameras are going off everywhere, as you’d expect in a post-match press conference—especially for a game I’d been
lucky to win.

“Not sure what you mean there, Stan,” I say, reading his nametag. It’s been less than two minutes, and I’m already sick of where this is going. “I came here to play tennis—that’s it. It’s a damn shame that reporters like yourself having nothing better to do than focus on what I do in my private time.”

“But is it private time when you’re out until three a.m. the night before a big match?” he persists.

I shrug, and wipe my mouth in an attempt to hide my smirk. “Players prepare for matches in different ways. I’m sure for some a good night’s sleep does the trick, but for me, I’ll take an evening of rough and sweaty sex over a quiet night
day of the week.” I ignore the glare of my manager, Matt, and nod at the next reporter.

“Ryder, do you think your pre-match actions showed disrespect for your opponent today?”

“How?” I fire back. “I treated the build-up to this match just the same as I would if I were playing Nadal or Federer. You all seem to want to focus on my life outside of the court. Does anyone here have any questions about my actual tennis?”

I cross my arms over my chest as Matt bows his head and sighs. A murmur rises through the crowd before someone puts their hand up. I nod, my eyes locking onto hers. She’s a pretty little thing with long, dark hair and stunning blue eyes. I can tell she’s feisty, and I find myself wondering if that attitude carries over into the bedroom.

“You play the number two ranked player in the world tomorrow, and your fellow countryman, Jason Dillard. Will you be having an early night tonight?” she asks. Her full, red lips curve into a grin, and I can feel myself harden.

I shift in my seat and lean forward, resting my elbows on the table in front of me. “Well, that depends.” I smirk.

“On what?”

“On whether or not you’ll give me your phone number.”


“What the hell, Ryder?” Matt groans and drags me out of the room. I’m sure it’s a preventative measure—before I can get myself into any more trouble.

“What?” I protest, a gleam in my eye. One of my favourite hobbies is stirring him up. He makes it so damn easy. “You’re the one who insisted I go up there and answer some questions. I told you I wasn’t feeling it.”

“You’re going to kill me. My other ten clients put together cause half the trouble you do,” he mutters, running a hand through his short hair.

“Yeah, and I probably make you more money than all of them put together,” I smirk.

He glares at me, but he knows I’m right. “You do understand it’s a requirement that you do a post-match press conference? You know, being the
player you are, and all.”

Matt is in his late fifties, and one of the best managers in the world of tennis. He worries too much and always focuses on the negative, but I guess that’s part of what makes him so damn good at his job. He is my complete opposite.

“Oh, calm the fuck down. They love me. Everyone does. I’m the bad boy of tennis, right?” I laugh, not concerned in the slightest by his bad mood. I know he won’t stay mad at me; he never does.

“Yes, but you don’t know when to pull it in,” he says. The frustration in his voice is obvious. “Propositioning a reporter? Not a good move, Ryder.”

I laugh. It might not have been a smart move, but it hadn’t stopped her slipping me her number as I walked through the crowd.

“Settle down, Matt. Go out and watch some tennis or something. Don’t you have any other clients here you can hassle?”

“I feel like I need to watch you,” he grumbles, scowling at me.

I reach up and pat him on the back, a laugh escaping from my lips. As if that would make any difference to my behaviour. “Tell you what: just for you, I’ll head back to the hotel and have an early night, okay?”

“Yeah. Sure,” he mutters, shaking his head. “I’ll believe that when I see it. Just remember, it’s your career you’re fucking with. Not mine.”

I laugh again and walk off, leaving him standing outside the pressroom. He just doesn’t get it. Not many people do. With the exception of my little sister, Hailey, and my training partner, Josh, no one really gets me. This isn’t an act. I’m not trying to impress anyone; it’s just how I am. Why pretend to be someone I’m not?

I love tennis, I really do, but the fact that I’m good at it doesn’t mean I want it to consume my life. I’m smart enough to understand that I was born with a hell of a gift, and I’ve used it to my advantage. Because of it, I’ve built a life for myself and my family that most people could only dream of.

But there are a lot of people who think I’m wasting my talent by not reaching the level I can. I’m the fucking number one ranked player in the world. I have twelve grand slams under my belt, and I’ve lost count of how many titles. How much better can I really get?

That’s not meant to sound cocky, either—though I know I sometimes come across that way. Imagine your life is Monopoly, and that every time you play, you win. There
to be a point when you think
why do I keep playing this when I know I’m always going to win?
Where’s the incentive? Where is the drive?

The late nights, the partying—it’s all
way of pushing myself, believe it or not. If I can win with the world’s worst hangover, exhausted after God knows how many orgasms, then that’s gotta say something about my natural ability, right?


Leaving the stadium, I
go to my hotel—to grab a quick shower and a change my clothes before I pull the hot journalist’s number from the pocket of my jacket. I grin as I punch the digits into my phone and wait for her to answer.

she will, because they always do.

“Anna speaking.” Just the sound of her voice makes my cock twitch.

“Hello, Anna,” I murmur. I help myself to the small bottle of scotch that sits on top of the fridge, pouring it into a glass along with three cubes of ice.

“Who is this?” Her voice is coy. She asks in such a way that I
she knows who it is, but I play along.

“You’re in the habit of handing out your number to random guys, are you?” I chuckle and take a sip of my drink, resting on the arm of the chesterfield sofa that faces the fireplace. “It’s Ryder. I was wondering if you had plans tonight.”

“I do have plans, I’m sorry. But I’m not busy right now,” she adds.

I smile. I know exactly where this is heading.

“I’m staying at the Royal, in room forty-six. Come over and we’ll go out. Or stay in,” I add for effect.

“Okay, give me half an hour and I’ll see you there.”


I’m standing in front of the door, half naked, when she walks in. I narrow my eyes, wondering how she got inside. I was sure I locked the door. She grins and holds up a swipe card.

“I convinced them that you had meant to leave a key out for me.”

I shake my head, not sure whether I should be feeling impressed or concerned.

She walks over to me, throwing her bag onto the couch as she passes it. “Are you dressing, or undressing?” she asks me.

I breathe in as her hands run over my bare chest.

Her fingers trail down to my crotch, and she smiles at my erection. “Because I’m really hoping for the latter.”

“You don’t mess around. What if I’m not that type of guy?”

She laughs and shrugs off her jacket. “I think we both know that you are.” She reaches behind her back and unzips her dress. I raise my eyebrows. I’m so fucking turned on by her confidence. She knows what she wants, and how to get it. She’s like a female version of me.

“I’m not interested in dating you, Ryder.” She wraps her arms around my neck. Leaning in, she whispers in my ear, “I’m only interested in

I smile, my hand creeping around her narrow waist. I pull her toward me and press my mouth hard against hers, caressing the back of her head. My fingers rake through her dark tresses. She smiles and pulls away from me, rolling her tongue over her lips as she reaches behind her back to unclip her bra.

I watch, amused, as she tosses it to the floor. He breasts are perfect, just like the rest of her. They’re round and perky, and I admire them as I run my finger around the outside of her nipple. She smiles, a moan escaping from her lips as my finger trails down the centre of her stomach.

“Were you this wet while you were watching me during the press conference?” I tease her as I trace my finger along her bare pussy. My other hand curves around the back of her neck as I pull her toward me. She exhales, her eyes widening as I plunge two fingers inside of her. She is so fucking wet that my fingers move inside her with ease. Her back arches as I kiss her neck, my throbbing cock pressing against her thigh.

This was supposed to be all about her, but right now all I can think about is being inside her tight, wet pussy. Fuck being a gentleman. I’ll make it all about her for the next one. Turning her around, I position her over the back of the couch. She moans as my fingers continue to tease her. I reach into my pocket and pull out a condom, then I unbuckle my pants and shrug them down.

My cock springs out, hard as fuck, and I’m ready to go. I roll on the condom and push her a little further over the couch, spreading her legs in the process. She’s moaning as I gently touch her arse.

Lining up, I thrust myself inside of her. My fingers grip her shoulder as I push her back against me. She gasps and lifts her leg so it sits on the top of the couch, allowing me to drive even deeper. I close my eyes as my cock slides in and out of her pussy. She’s so damn wet. Grabbing her arm, I spin her around. Her eyes widen as I lift her onto my cock. I turn and slam her back against the wall.

Her thighs clench as she moans. I lift her arms above her head and grip them with one hand, my other hand supporting her weight. I’m so fucking close. I groan, pounding into her as I come. My whole body is shaking and I can’t even think straight. Her body slides down against mine until her feet touch the floor. She’s panting and her cheeks are flushed. I chuckle and reach out, my finger circling her erect nipple. She smiles and pulls me in, her arms wrapping around my neck as she kisses me.

“Holy fuck.” She shakes her head. “Now I see what all the fuss is about.”

I laugh, thinking how wrong it would sound if I said those words to her. But, I’m known for whoring myself around and I’m okay with that. Especially when it lands me great sex with hot journalists.

She sighs again and walks over to the entry, where she picks up her discarded clothes. I smirk, watching her dress.

“I hate to fuck and run, but I have a meeting,” she says as her dress slips down over her nakedness.

I bite my lip as I watch it pass her bare pussy. “I’m feeling used,” I tease. I walk over to the bar fridge and grab a bottle of water.

“I’m sure you’ll cope.” She grins and shoves her underwear into her purse. “I had fun. Call me.”

Volume One:



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