Hidden Threat (21 page)

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Authors: Sherri Hayes

Watching his eyes darken even more, she saw his grip tighten on the fork in his hand. Cali knew she would pay for her teasing. She was counting on it.

Alvin seemed oblivious as he continued to talk about his recovery. His doctor confirmed that it would be eight more weeks before he’d be able to return to work.

Eight weeks, Matthew thought, once again reminded of his short time with Cali.

As he watched her eat and take every opportunity she could to tease him, he vowed to make those eight weeks count.


The ride home in the car was full of tension. It was very different from the tension that had filled the car the last time they’d made this trip. The rest of the afternoon at the lake house had gone by very slowly as far as Matthew was concerned. It seemed everything Cali did made him want her more. The knowledge that he could act on his desires just heightened his need for her. He was never more aware of a woman in his entire life.

By the time they reached the Stanton estate, he was about to burst. Matthew took a deep breath before exiting the car to follow her inside. He needed to calm down. He didn’t know if she liked being a tease or if this was what she wanted.

Cali had left the door open for him but she didn’t go far. Tossing both her coat and her purse off to the side, she watched as he walked in and closed the door behind him. He paused before he turned to face her.

Their eyes met. His were a dark blue. She stepped toward him. Matthew met her half way and devoured her lips with his own as she sank into his embrace, unable to keep their careful distance any longer as desire took over.

His hands were everywhere, finally able to touch what he’d denied himself for so long. Matthew’s lips pulled and sucked on hers, his tongue trying to take more of her in. It was almost too much, and he broke apart long enough to gasp, “I want you.”

“I want you, too,” she answered.

He took a good look at her. Her eyes were filled with the same longing that he was feeling; that need to be with her. He didn’t understand it, but didn’t care to anymore. She filled him with a passion he’d never known. There was nothing but Cali, making him wonder if he’d ever felt real passion before, and he wanted her, wholly, completely.

After a few stumbles, they made it up the stairs. She responded to every touch, every kiss. His heart felt like it was going to burst. Cali wanted him as much as he wanted her. Nothing compared to that, and he wasn’t sure anything ever would again.

They finally made it to his room, bypassing hers. There would be no going back.

Was he ready to do this? Was she? He looked down at their joined hands intertwined together. They looked right. They felt right. His eyes traveled up to her face. One look at her gave him his answer. Yes!

Closing the distance, he kissed her again, this time with gentle passion. He was nervous, but determined. She was the one he wanted, and he was finished denying it. She sighed, a blissful sound that caused him to harden even more.

Slowly, they removed each other’s clothing, leaving them in just the thin barriers of lace and cotton as they tumbled onto the bed. He was careful with her, always trying to remember that she wasn’t completely healed from her injuries.

Matthew looked down at her. She was flushed and beautiful. His eyes moved lower to the soft curves of her breasts hidden behind the black lace of her bra. He traced the outline of her nipple through the fabric and was rewarded when her back arched up in response. He continued to tease her, thrilling every time she gave him the reaction he wanted.

“Matthew,” she moaned.

That was it. That was the sound he’d been waiting for, and it sent a rush of pleasure through him. There was nothing more perfect, and he wanted to hear it every day. It was so much better than his dreams. They didn’t even come close.

He kissed and nipped her breast through the fabric until she was writhing beneath him. He loved the way she responded to him, and he wanted more, but he stopped when she cupped him in her hand, stroking right where he needed her the most.

“Cali…,” he moaned against her shoulder.

She only paused a moment before doing it again. His hand reached down, holding her wrist firmly. Their eyes locked, hearts pounding in their chests.

The rest of their clothing disappeared, and his lips met hers again with all the passion he was feeling. He needed her, needed to be inside her, to claim her as his.

His hand trailed down her body. She felt so perfect beneath his fingers, and she was ready for him. “Please, Matthew,” she pleaded, moving franticly against him, trying to get closer.

Something low in his stomach tightened when he heard his name like that from her. It made him want to find ways to get that type of response from her over and over again. His mind and his body couldn’t take much more. He needed her now.

Pushing himself up and across the bed, Matthew opened the drawer to his nightstand praying the condoms Jason had teased him about were in fact there.

He sighed with relief as his hand found the string of foil packets.

Not taking the time to see exactly how many “presents” his brother had left him, Matthew grabbed one. He couldn’t take it anymore. She was what he had longed for, dreamed about, and agonized over for the last month. He needed her now.

Before she knew it, she was on her back staring up at him, her legs open, Matthew pressing against her. It felt so good. He made her feel things, things she could never have imagined before this. Her body wanted him, yes, but so did every other part of her. She needed as much as he was willing to give her. That knowledge made her head spin.

Matthew captured her lips again. Gripping his shoulders, she arched into him letting him know she was ready.

She felt his right hand leave her body and brush against her hip. Then—then he was inside.

The sensation caused both of them to break their kiss as a strangled cry of relief left their lips. She felt full, complete, but she needed more of him, to get closer. It had never been like this before. She never wanted it to end.

Cali arched her back, pushing her breasts up against him silently begging him to do something, to satisfy this new ache inside her. He moved against her, holding her as close as was physically possible.

The world around them melted away. They were no longer Cali Stanton and Matthew Andersen. They were just Cali and Matthew. No company, no threats, no titles. Just the two of them, as one.

Their eyes met and held as both neared climax. Matthew leaned in and took her nipple into his mouth, teasing her as he had earlier. She reacted just as she had before giving him another surge of masculine pleasure. He wanted to be the only one who ever made her respond like this.

Cali began moving wildly beneath him, and he knew she was close. Her breath hitched. “That’s right, Cali. Let go for me,” he whispered against her skin.

A second later, a scream tore out of Cali’s throat as her nails dug into his back. It was enough to bring him right along with her as he released a deep primal sound from his throat.

Neither moved as their breathing returned to normal. Matthew was still inside her. He didn’t want to move but knew he must. His worst fear was that she would regret it, but Matthew didn’t, not at all.

When he couldn’t justify it any longer, he rolled over. Closing his eyes, he took a deep breath and turned to face her. She was smiling, and he couldn’t help but smile back. Cali didn’t regret what they’d done, at least not yet.

Reaching out, he pulled her into his arms, and she came willingly. It was only eight o’clock, but after the emotional ups and downs of the last two days, it didn’t take long before they both started yawning. It was then that Cali’s demeanor changed, and she started to move away.

“Where are you going?” Matthew rose up on one arm.

She didn’t meet his eyes. “We’re both tired. I’ll let you sleep.” 

His fingers brushed lightly against the skin of her arm. “Stay,” he whispered. Her eyes came up to meet his, and he placed a soft kiss on her lips. “Stay,” he said again, holding her gaze and pulling her back down with him.

Her only response was a small nod before she laid her head back on his chest.

Matthew reached over and pulled a sheet over them. He pushed her hair back from her face while resting his cheek against her head. Rubbing her arm, he listened to her breathing even out in sleep.

It took him a bit longer to drift off, still overwhelmed by what had happened. The kiss in the kitchen, in the car, the flirting over lunch, and finally, making love to her—he wasn’t going to be stupid anymore. This wasn’t a casual fling for him no matter how she saw it, and he had no idea what he was going to do when she returned to Africa.

Chapter 30

The first rays of sun streamed through the curtains when Cali rolled over and opened her eyes. Reaching above her head, she went to press her hands against the headboard for a full body stretch. When her hands met spindles instead of solid wood, she froze, and her eyes darted quickly around the room.

Where was she? Why wasn’t she— Before she could complete that thought, the events of yesterday filled her mind. Matthew.

Cali closed her eyes for a moment and relived every memory—his kisses, his hands. She sighed. He had the most magnificent hands.

And when he’d been inside her, it never felt like that in the past. Granted it had been a long time, but still. Her body had responded to him in a way she’d never imagined possible.

With contentment, she hummed, reached out with both arms, and finished her stretch but quickly retracted. She was alone. The spot next to her was not only empty; it was cold. Her hand rubbed the sheets again, blindly searching in vain for any lingering heat, hoping he’d left use to the bathroom and just hadn’t yet returned.

A rush of sadness overcame her, and she closed her eyes in an effort to keep the tears at bay. Cali lay there for several minutes, trying to compose herself and listening, hoping to hear him near. Silence.

Forcing herself to get up, she wrapped herself in the sheet, picked up her clothes, and quickly scurried to her room. She threw herself on top of her bed and let the tears go. He’d asked her to stay last night, twice. Did she misunderstand?

Cali didn’t know how long she cried before her tears stopped. The knowledge that Matthew may not feel the same way about what had happened last night left her with an empty pit in her stomach. She’d dealt with heartache before, but she knew that if Matthew met her with that cold indifferent face on his this morning, it would be different.

Eventually, her stomach made her get up. Showering helped calm her a little and brought some logic back. Since he’d been staying at the house, Matthew got up before her every morning. She knew he used the gym. Maybe that was it. Maybe.

With a slightly better outlook than before, she walked down the stairs to find breakfast. And Matthew.


Matthew heard Cali long before he saw her. They’d ended up falling asleep rather early last night, much earlier than the hours they’d been frequenting lately. So, at four o’clock in the morning, he had found himself wide awake.

He watched Cali sleep. Her reddish brown hair against his pillows, the feel of his hands running through it as he’d kissed her, and his memories of their love making had him more than ready for her again.

His brain, however, reminded him that she’d been in an accident less than a week ago and needed her rest. So forcing himself out of bed, he’d pulled on some loose shorts and a t-shirt, and made his way down to the gym. The workout had been less than satisfying—clearly not the type of release his body wanted.

Matthew’s morning shower helped him to relax, but as he let down his guard, the images he’d been trying to suppress came back; and before he knew it, he was hard and ready again. He’d groaned in frustration, turned off the hot water, and steeled himself as the cold spray hit him like tiny hailstones.

Once his body was back under control, he went to his room to get dressed. Cali was still asleep. The sheet has slipped down, exposing her back to him, and he paused while dressing to marvel at her beauty. But when he felt those familiar stirrings return, he knew it was time to leave. Grabbing the rest of his clothes, he rushed out the door.

Now, in Alvin’s office, he could hear her moving about upstairs. Every cell in his body began to anticipate seeing her again. The sounds changed as her feet hit the stairs. Realizing he was holding his breath, he released a loud gush of air as he heard her call his name. “In here,” he responded.

Nerves took over at the thought of seeing her again, and he mentally kicked himself. This was Cali, the woman he’d spent the last three weeks fantasizing about. The same woman who made those fantasies a reality last night.

Before he could think about it anymore, the door of the study opened, and Cali walked in, leaving the door open. “Hi.”

She gave him a tentative smile, and he realized she was nervous too. Did she think he regretted what they’d done? Looking at her closely, he saw the opposite of the confident woman he knew she was. Her eyes looked bloodshot. Had she been crying? Without farther hesitation, he stood and walked to stand in front of her.

He wanted to drive all doubt out of her mind as to his feelings on the subject.

Reaching out, he ran his fingers along her cheek, sliding them through her hair.

Cupping his hand behind her head, he leaned in to bring their faces closer. “Good morning, Cali,” he said in a whisper before closing the remaining gap between them.

The kiss was slow but full of meaning. His lips lingered on hers, gently prodding until she opened to him. The moment their tongues touched, he felt her relax and lean into him. Her hands went to his waist, and she dug her fingers into his back, reminding him of their night together.

A moan left his throat, echoed by one from Cali. Before he knew it, he had her pushed up against the wall beside the door with both hands holding her face firmly to his. They were moving together, grinding against each other.

Cali’s hand moved to the front of his shirt and ran the length of his chest. As her palm made its way closer to his obvious need for her, Matthew came to his senses and pulled away enough for them both to catch their breath.

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