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Authors: Katie Allen

“Nothing,” Trevor snarled, clinging to the tattered remains of his defiance. “Just shut up and fuck me!”

Pete shoved against his body, flattening his chest against Trevor’s back so he could whisper in his ear, “Don’t push me.” He nudged his hips forward, burying his erection in the crease of Trevor’s ass. It felt so good, Pete’s eyes almost rolled back in his head. He forced himself to focus.

Working his hand between the counter and Trevor’s hips, Pete discovered the rigid cock trapped there. Leaving it pressed against the hard edge of the counter, he rubbed a teasing thumb over the tip, sliding across the slippery head.

“Please…” Trevor groaned, pushing his ass back against Pete’s erection. Laughing breathlessly, Pete nipped his earlobe. “Sure, now you’re all obedient, when my cock’s on your ass.”

Trevor’s only answer was a moan and another wriggle of his hips. Pete had to clench his teeth to keep from spilling all over the other man’s ass cheeks. With a final 89

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stroke of his thumb over Trevor’s slick cock head, Pete moved his hand and eased his body back.

“Wait!” Trevor begged, sounding panicky. “Don’t go. I’ll be good!”

Grabbing the lube off the counter, Pete purred, “I know you will.” He uncapped it and nudged the nozzle into Trevor’s clenching hole. “Unless you need another reminder.” Stroking a recently abused ass cheek with his free hand, he squeezed a generous amount of lube inside Trevor.

Trevor sucked in a breath and let it out in a moan. Pete tossed the lube on the counter and shoved in two fingers.

“Yes!” Trevor grunted, not seeming to mind the rough entry. On the contrary, he drove his hips back, impaling himself even farther on Pete’s fingers.

“Door’s open,” Pete warned. “Better be quiet or all the neighbors’ll hear how much you like my cock in your ass.”

Trevor groaned, obviously trying to muffle the sound. Pete drew out his fingers and thrust back in, twisting them as he pulled out completely. Trevor gave a choked-off sound of protest.

“Shh,” Pete warned. He didn’t really care if everyone in Honeysuckle heard—Pete loved how noisy Trevor was. Those moans and sighs drove him crazy. Watching Trevor try to hold back, especially since he was failing so miserably to be quiet, drove Pete to the edge of what he could stand.

He rolled on a condom and grabbed the other man’s hips with both hands. Pete worked the tip of his cock into Trevor’s opening and tunneled ruthlessly inside, too far gone to take his time. Once he was fully lodged in Trevor’s ass, Pete paused, clinging desperately to his control, knowing he was barely a thrust away from coming. Trevor fought his hold, trying to force him to move, and Pete growled and held him still. He withdrew and plunged back in with a shudder, the squeeze and stroke of Trevor’s body so incredibly good, better than anything he’d ever felt. He drove inside even as he felt the last threads of his control snapping. His thrusts grew rough and wild, yanking Trevor back against him as Pete hammered his cock deep into the tight depths of his ass, his entire world narrowing to the pistoning strokes that sent shockwaves of pleasure radiating out from his groin. One hand slid around to fist Trevor’s erection. He’d barely closed his fingers before Trevor came, his body tightening around the invading cock and driving Pete over the edge. His final thrusts were jerky, short shoves of his hips as he buried his cock as far as he could inside Trevor’s trembling body. His orgasm ripped through him, gutting him with ecstasy until he was raw and bare and shaking inside. Wrapping an arm around Trevor’s hips, Pete yanked him even more tightly against his body, folding his chest over Trevor’s back. He pressed his face into the side of his neck, sucking in breaths of dark, warm air that tasted like Trevor. Pete touched the damp skin with his tongue and felt Trevor shiver in response. 90

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With a final, lingering kiss beneath his ear, Pete shifted back, slipping free of the hold of Trevor’s body. As he tossed the used condom in the trash, Trevor straightened and turned to face him.

Trevor’s eyes were shuttered and murky blue as he leaned back against the counter, crossing his arms across his chest, watching as Pete ran warm water over a paper towel and squeezed out the excess. His expression turned even more wary as Pete moved to stand in front of him.

Eyeing that full bottom lip, now held so cautiously tight, Pete had to kiss him. He felt Trevor’s inhale and then his mouth softened. Trevor pressed into the kiss with a small sound that vibrated against Pete’s lips. Breaking the contact, Pete stared down at him but didn’t even try to speak. Even if he’d known what to say, he knew he wouldn’t get anything coherent out anyway.

Dropping his gaze to Trevor’s cock, he ran the damp paper towel over it, wiping away any trace of semen. He cleaned the other man’s stomach and thighs and then stopped thinking about doing anything useful as he played with Trevor’s balls.

“Okay,” Trevor half-laughed, sliding to the side to wet his own paper towel at the sink. “Don’t think we have time for round two.” He wiped Pete’s cock, starting off with brisk efficiency before beginning to linger.

Pete laughed, the sound still a little rusty. “Now who’s teasing?” he asked, happy his words were working again. Trevor flashed him a look that sent an electric pulse straight to his cock. With a final hard squeeze that made Pete gasp, Trevor released him and tossed the paper towel in the trash.

“Wait,” Pete said, preparing yet another paper towel. “Turn around.”

Trevor snorted but obeyed. “Last time I did that when you told me to, I got majorly fucked.”

“Like you didn’t enjoy that,” Pete scoffed, squeezing the paper towel into a ball as he held it against Trevor’s tailbone so a trickle of water ran between the cheeks of his ass.

“Jesus Christ!” Trevor hissed, his back arching. “Watch it or you’re going to get me going again.”

Pressing back a satisfied smile, Pete shook out the wadded towel and stroked it over Trevor’s ass, delving into the crevice and lingering around the well-used opening. He pressed his fingertip inside and Trevor reached back and grabbed his wrist.

“Seriously,” he said. “Rhodes and Wash could walk in any minute.”

“Yeah?” Pete tossed the paper towel into the garbage and pulled Trevor back a step so their bodies touched, wrapping his arms around Trevor’s waist. “Think they’d get off on seeing me fucking you?” Dropping one hand, Pete caught Trevor’s cock in his grip. The man was almost completely erect again.

“Fuck!” Trevor’s body shook against his. “Didn’t think you were such a perv.”


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Pete grinned. “I’m not saying we should do it. I just like getting you all hard and bothered by talking about it.”

“Asshole,” Trevor grumbled, although he didn’t try to escape Pete’s grip. In fact, he nestled back against him.

“Speaking of that…” Pete paused, trying to think of a way to ask his question casually.

Trevor twisted his head around to get a glimpse of Pete’s face. “Speaking of what?

You being an asshole?”

With a teasing growl, Pete tightened his hand around Trevor’s cock just hard enough to make his point. Trevor grunted.

“No,” Pete told him, giving up on being casual and deciding to just ask straight out.

“Have you and Rhodes or Wash ever…?”

“Ever…?” Trevor asked innocently and Pete jerked his fist up and down the teasing man’s cock just once. Trevor jolted against him. “Oh that,” he gasped. “Not really.”

“What does that mean?” Pete pressed.

Trevor shrugged. “Kissed Rhodes a couple times but he’s so nuts for Wash, there wasn’t much point in it.”

“Yeah?” Pete slid his thumb over the head of the cock in his hand.

“They’re…together then?”

With a snort, Trevor nodded. “They act like an old married couple. Wash had a few issues but even before they worked that out, I knew I never had a shot.”

“Did you want one?” Pete didn’t know why he asked. He didn’t really want to know the answer to that question.

Tossing off a casual shrug, Trevor told him, “Sure. Wouldn’t anyone?”

“Right.” Sucking in a breath was suddenly painful. His lungs felt too tight.

“’Course,” Trevor ducked his head as the back of his neck darkened to red, “that was before I met you.”

“You’re just saying that because I have your dick in my hand,” Pete teased, lightheaded with relief and excitement.

“Well duh,” Trevor shot back. “Speaking of my dick in your hand, would you mind…?”

Pete smiled. “Would I mind…what? Letting go?” He slid his fist to the tip and off.

“No!” The word popped out quickly, as if Trevor had no control over his response.

“No?” Pete closed his fingers around the straining cock again. “Then maybe you meant would I mind doing this?” He tightened his grip and then softened again, loving how Trevor’s body melted back against him, even as his cock hardened in his hand. “Or this?” Running his hand to the very tip, he teased the head with his fingertips. “Or maybe you want me to get on my knees in front of you and—”

A scream from outside cut him off.


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Chapter Nine

Trevor jerked away. “What the fuck?”

Pete yanked up his jeans and carefully fastened them, mindful of his swollen erection. His gun was upstairs, damn it. Condoms, lube, gun… He was going to have to start keeping important things on the main level.

“Trevor,” he snapped. “Don’t go out there.” Deciding not to take the time to run upstairs for his gun, he headed toward the front door.

Trevor pulled up his own jeans and followed. “But—”

“No.” Pete didn’t let him finish. “If you even step foot out that door before I say it’s safe, I will…” He couldn’t think of an appropriate threat, so he trailed off. He figured it was implied.

“You’ll what?” Trevor had his sulky, James Dean impression going again.
Guess it’s not implied.
Closing the six feet between them, Pete used his extra two inches to full advantage. “I will beat that sweet ass of yours so hard you’ll be glad we don’t have furniture, since you won’t be able to sit down anyway. Got it?” His voice changed as he spoke, his threat degenerating into a sexy promise by the end.

“Yeah?” Trevor’s smirk confirmed the uselessness of the threat. Glaring at him, Pete snapped, “Stay behind me and do exactly,
, what I say.”

“Don’t I always?” he purred. Pete tried to shut him down with his best icy glare. Trevor just grinned.

Giving up on his attempt at intimidation, he shoved open the front screen door. A quick glance showed all was quiet outside, so he crossed the porch and hurried down the steps. A pebble on the walkway reminded Pete he should’ve taken the time to put on shoes.


He whirled around. Marsha was standing on her front porch in a t-shirt and sweatpants, half-hidden by one of the posts. She peeked around it.

“Marsha,” Pete said. “Were you the one who screamed?”

She shook her head, her eyes huge, and ducked back behind the post. Pete eyed the other houses. It had definitely sounded like a woman and it had sounded fairly close. Since there was no woman screaming on the street, it had most likely come from one of the houses closest to theirs.

“What’s going on?” Iris and Morty were out on their porch, peering over the railing at him. “Did you hear a scream?”


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It hadn’t been Iris or Marsha, then. That left Michelle or Abby. Pete jogged toward Terrance and Abby’s house with Trevor close behind. Pete shot a glare over his shoulder but didn’t say anything. He was on the porch when the front door opened and Terrance stepped out in a t-shirt and boxers, his remaining hair sticking up willy-nilly in wild bunches.

“What the hell’s going on?” he demanded. “Who’s screaming out here?”

“Is Abby okay?” Pete asked.

“Abby?” he repeated. “Abby’s fine. She’s sleeping.”

Pivoting around, Pete passed Trevor and headed across Len’s front yard to Greg and Michelle’s place. No one greeted him at the door, so he pounded on it with his fist.

“Michelle?” he yelled. “Greg? Everyone okay in there?”


“Hello?” Pete pounded again. “You guys all right?” He tried the doorknob and it turned in his grip. The door swung open, revealing a darkened entryway. “Wait here,”

he told Trevor and then stepped into the darkness.

“Michelle?” he yelled again. “It’s Pete, your neighbor. Greg? You home?” He gave his eyes a few moments to adjust to the darkness and then moved farther into the room. It was a vaulted living room with stairs on one side. The kitchen opened up to the left and two closed doors were on his right.

A sound behind him brought Pete around as he reached for the nonexistent gun at his hip. Trevor stood behind him, hands raised in front of him as he took a step back.

“Wait outside,” Pete hissed at him.

“Fuck off.” Crossing his arms over his chest, Trevor didn’t move. “I’m not leaving you alone in here.”

“Then stay back.” Moving quietly to the first of the closed doors, Pete turned the knob and pushed the door open, staying flat against the wall next to the opening. He took a quick look and then pulled back. It was a half-bath, empty. Moving toward the next door, Pete repeated the process, opening the door as he stayed to the side. This small room was a coat closet, stuffed with winter coats and lighter jackets. Reaching in, Pete shoved the hangers, heavy with clothes, to the side and then jumped back.


Michelle huddled on the closet floor.


He saw Trevor moving toward him out of his peripheral and Pete whipped his head around. “Get back!” he snapped. Trevor actually obeyed this time, retreating to the front door. Trevor leaned out to yell at someone outside to call 9-1-1 and then hovered by the door to watch Pete.


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Crouching in front of Michelle, Pete took inventory, trying to see if she was injured.

“Michelle?” he said softly.

She looked up at him, her face and t-shirt pale in the dim light except for blotches and streaks that looked black. Pete knew they weren’t actually black. They were red. Michelle was covered in blood.

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