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Authors: Katie Allen

Katie Allen

“Better not.” He didn’t want to discuss Trevor’s safety—and the damage an assault case could do to their cover stories—in front of Len and Danny, so Pete just gave Rhodes a meaningful look. The other man nodded back, understanding.

“What’s your problem, asshole?” Trevor demanded, stalking toward Len. Pete grabbed Trevor and yanked him back.

“Let it go, Trev,” he muttered warningly. “Why don’t
,” he nodded at Len,

“head into your house and we’ll go back across the street to ours.”

“Don’t you want to fight, you fucking fairy?” Len taunted. Wash gave him a shake. “It’s four against one, you dip. He doesn’t want to fight and we’re not going to let you get another swing in, so why don’t you just listen to the nice man?”

Len scowled but didn’t say anything. Rhodes and Wash escorted him to his stairs. Shaking off his captors, Len stiffly climbed the steps as Danny stood back to let him pass. Stalking into his house, Len slammed the door behind him.

“You okay?” Pete asked Danny.

“Fine,” the kid said flatly, sitting down and pulling his skateboard across his lap.

“You’d better go.”

Frowning, Pete reluctantly left the yard with the other three. He glanced back to see the kid staring after them.

* * * * *

They moved their chairs inside while Trevor grabbed a bag of frozen peas for Pete’s sore jaw.

“Thanks, sweetie,” Pete said absently, taking the bag. It wasn’t until Trevor did a double take that he realized what he’d said. “Sorry,” he told him with a wry grin. “Too mushy?”

Trevor blushed. “No.” He ran gentle fingers over the red spot where Len’s fist had landed. “I like it.”

Pete turned his face to kiss Trevor’s fingers.

“C’mon, you two,” Wash told them with a long-suffering, very loud sigh. “Save it for later. We have a case to solve.”

Trevor snorted. “Okay, Velma from

Rhodes laughed.

Wash looked offended. “Why Velma? Why can’t I be Fred, at least?”

“Because,” Trevor explained with put-on patience, “Velma was always cockblocking Fred and Daphne.”

It was Pete’s turn to laugh. “Wash is right though,” he said. “About the case part. Before you guys had to ride to the rescue, Danny told me Terrance and Greg were having an affair.”


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“Told you!” Trevor crowed. “I knew Abby wasn’t hooking up with Greg. She’s too nice for him.”

“What about Len, though?” Rhodes asked. “He seems a little unstable.”

“Beyond being just ‘homo-scared’?” Wash asked.


Pete nodded. “He was panicked about something. He just jumped out of the car swinging.”

“Could he have been worried Danny was going to tell you something?” Wash suggested.

“What, that his dad chopped up the neighbor?” Trevor asked, skeptically. “What’s Len’s motive?”

“He was awfully quick to think the worst of you,” Wash reminded Pete. “Could Greg have been sniffing around Danny?”

Pete winced. “Hope not. Kid seems to have enough on his plate without having to deal with Greg.”

“Are we back to thinking anyone could’ve done it?” Trevor sighed. Pete’s laugh didn’t hold much humor. “Pretty much.” He stood up. “I’m going to jump in the shower then.” He returned the peas to the kitchen, wrote “Cold Pack—

Don’t Eat” across the bag with a permanent marker and tossed them back into the freezer. Climbing the stairs, he poked at his developing bruise.

“Ow,” he grunted, feeling very sorry for himself.

* * * * *

Eyeing Pete’s form through the fogged curtain, Trevor dropped his clothes on the floor. He pulled the curtain over enough to step into the shower. Pete watched him and smiled slowly, his gaze flicking up and down Trevor’s naked body. Despite the warm spray and the heat that flowed through him at Pete’s perusal, Trevor shivered.

“Cold?” Pete asked, stepping close and running his hands up and down Trevor’s arms as if to warm him. He definitely was doing that.

“Not anymore,” Trevor said huskily. “You mind if I join you?”

“Does it look like I mind?” Pete laughed, gesturing at his swelling cock.

“I can’t really tell from here,” Trevor teased. “I’d better get a closer look.”

Crouching until he was face-to-cock with Pete, he brushed his rough cheek lightly across the hardening erection.

Pete hissed out a breath, all his laughter gone.

“Did that hurt?” Trevor asked, doing it again.

“Yeah, a little,” Pete gasped out. “Don’t stop!”


Katie Allen

Trevor chuckled. “Wasn’t planning on stopping.” Steadying himself with a firm, two-handed grip on Pete’s ass, he touched his lips to the tip of the cock in front of him, his tongue darting out to taste it. Pete’s fingers were already laced through Trevor’s hair, not holding him still but just there, ready to grab on and direct his movement. With another shiver of delight, Trevor licked the cock again. He raised his head to touch his chin against the sensitive head, giving a low laugh at Pete’s sharp inhale, the tightening of his fingers against Trevor’s scalp.

“Devil,” Pete growled. “Get up here.”

Trevor got in a last teasing flick of his tongue across the tip of his cock before standing up. Yanking him into a kiss, Pete nipped at his mouth, a tiny punishment for the handling of his cock, and then licked away the small pain. Trevor melted, loving the combination of rough and sweet, strong and soft.

He clutched at Pete’s ass, pressing closer so their cocks were trapped together between them. Breaking the kiss, Pete grabbed the liquid soap and poured some into his hand. Delving between their bodies, he grasped both of their cocks in his soapy hand. Trevor sucked in a breath. There was something about Pete feeling the same grip and slide along his cock he was feeling that intensified Trevor’s pleasure. It was almost as if Trevor really could feel through Pete’s skin, experience what was shooting through the nerve endings of his cock.

His hand still moving, slipping up their lengths to squeeze the cock heads together, Pete found Trevor’s lips again. His mouth took over, claiming Trevor’s as his own, as his hand moved faster, his grip became rougher.

Trevor moaned into Pete’s mouth as he came, spilling over Pete’s cock. His lover’s hand milked his climax, drawing it out with each pull of his fist, until Trevor was shaking and wrung dry.

Pete came just seconds later, his cum mixing with Trevor’s as his hand continued to move. Trevor took over the kiss as Pete convulsed, giving him what he’d given Trevor, sucking and licking and nipping at his mouth. Pete groaned, the sound vibrating against his lips.

He clung to Pete, not sure if he were holding his lover or himself up and not really caring. Trevor just wanted to be close, to extend the moment in the wet and steam, not knowing if he was feeling Pete’s heartbeat or his own.

It ended too soon. Pete pulled back to smile at him, tucking a strand of hair behind Trevor’s ear.

“Have I mentioned I love your hair?” Pete asked.

“Only about a thousand times,” Trevor told him.

“Oh.” He turned them both so Trevor’s back was to the showerhead. “Sorry.”

Closing his eyes, Trevor tipped his head back so the water turned his hair into a heavy curtain. “It’s okay,” he said, a smile touching his lips. “I don’t mind hearing it.”

Pete licked his exposed throat. “Then I’ll say it,” he said roughly. “Over and over.”


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Chapter Thirteen

“Aw,” Wash sighed as Pete carried the air mattresses up the stairs, followed by Trevor with his arms full of sleeping bags. “No more sleepover?”

Rhodes wrapped his arms around Wash from behind. “Privacy,” he rumbled in his partner’s ear, although Pete heard it halfway up the stairs.

“Right,” Wash said, sounding much happier. “Not that your show wasn’t great, guys, but that bathroom is tiny.”

“Thanks?” Trevor said and Pete laughed. As hot as it had been last night, performing for the other two men, he was dying to get Trevor back into a bedroom. They put Wash and Rhodes’ things in the guest room and set up their own bed.

“So,” Trevor said quietly, ducking his head.

“Yeah?” Pete tried to hide that Trevor’s shy look burned straight to his cock.

“We’ll be alone tonight.” He shot a glance at Pete.

Stepping closer until they were almost touching, Pete said, “Yeah?” This time his voice was lower, almost a growl. He saw Trevor’s excited shiver and Pete’s eyes just about rolled back in his head.

“So do I get to fuck you tonight?” Trevor asked, peeking up at him again. “Like you promised?”

Putting his mouth by Trevor’s ear, still not touching, Pete whispered hoarsely,

“Yeah, you can fuck me.” He could hear Trevor’s breathing speed up. “Any way you want.”

“Jesus,” Trevor breathed and Pete pressed back a smile. This was fun, turning Trevor on with just words.

“You can tell me to get on my hands and knees to fuck me,” Pete went on. “Or you could fuck me face-to-face. Or maybe you want to fuck me against the wall. Any way you want, my ass is yours to fuck.” He pulled back and saw Trevor’s eyes were glazed with hunger. Pete would’ve laughed if he weren’t so turned-on himself. The doorbell rang.

“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Trevor sighed.

“Wait up here,” Pete told him, immediately in caution mode. Grabbing his gun, he hurried out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

“Someone who wants to kill me is not going to ring the doorbell,” Trevor told him, right behind him as usual.

Rhodes and Wash were already flanking the door.

“Who is it?” Pete asked quietly as the bell rang again. 133

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“Can’t see from the window,” Wash told him.

With a short nod and a mental note to have some security cameras installed—or at least a peephole—Pete slid the chain closed and unlocked the deadbolt. He opened the door a crack, holding his gun out of sight behind the door. His shoulders relaxed. “Hey Danny,” he said to the kid slouching on his front porch. “Just a sec.” He closed the door and undid the chain before opening it again.

“What’s up?”

Shifting uneasily from foot to foot, Danny finally raised his head. There were tracks down his cheeks where his tears had smeared his black eyeliner. Pete frowned. “What’s wrong? Is your dad okay?”

Scowling, Danny shrugged. “The asshole’s fine.”

“Watch your mouth,” Pete warned, but he opened the door wider and stepped aside, shoving his gun into the back of his jeans. “Come on in.”

Danny hesitated for a second and then stepped inside and looked around. “Where’s all your shit?”

“Mouth,” Pete reminded him, eyeballing Wash, who turned his laugh into a cough.

“And we don’t have any furniture yet except these camp chairs, which you don’t get to sit on unless you quit swearing.”

Rolling his eyes, Danny muttered something unintelligible and flopped down in one of the chairs.

“This is Rhodes, Wash, Joey and I’m Pete, as you know.” He took one of the chairs next to Danny. “You have a fight with your dad?”

“Yeah.” Danny frowned fiercely at his shoe.

“What’d you guys fight about?” Pete asked.


Pete blinked. “What about me?”

“You’re gay.”


“He hates gay people.”

“Oh.” Pete still didn’t get it. “So what was the fight about?”

you.” Danny gave a long-suffering sigh. Pete restrained the urge to smack the kid. “No, you didn’t. You said I’m gay, which I knew, and he hates gay people, which I suspected. Why don’t you tell me something I

“He wants to talk to you.”

That is something I didn’t know.
Pete’s eyebrows shot up. “Your dad?”

“Don’t worry,” Danny reassured him. “He won’t try to hit you anymore. He’s just embarrassed now.”


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“C’mon, kiddo,” Pete told him, standing up.

Danny looked at him. “Seriously?”


With a heavy sigh, the boy stood up and slouched over to the door. Pete rolled his eyes at the other men and followed Danny. As all three of the others filed out the front door after him, Pete stopped.

“Nope,” he told them.

“You’re not going by yourself,” Trevor stated, crossing his arms over his chest.

“The guy tried to jump you.”

“If he does try something again, I think I can take him,” Pete assured him.

“Unless he has a shotgun pointed at the front door right now,” Rhodes said flatly. Pete sighed. “Fine. You two,” he pointed at Rhodes and Wash, “stay here on the porch. You,” he jerked his head at Trevor, “come with me.”

“Why does Trev get to go?” Rhodes asked, looking a little offended.

“He’d come anyway,” Pete told him, resigned. Trevor grinned and nodded.

“C’mon, Petey,” Wash complained. “We’re going to miss all the fun!”

Pete snorted. “Yeah, fun.”

“Coming?” Danny asked from halfway down the walk.

“Yeah.” Pete headed toward the house across the street. At Len’s porch, he stopped. “Why don’t you tell your dad to come out here.”

Although he hadn’t said anything, the idea that this was an ambush had already crossed Pete’s mind before Rhodes’ shotgun suggestion. Tugging on Trevor’s arm, he pulled him to the side, out of range of anyone in the house. Pete was careful to keep his own body between Trevor and the front door, as well.

“I know what you’re doing,” Trevor told him.

Pete blinked at him innocently. “Waiting?”

Trevor snorted. “You’re in protect-o-matic mode.”

“What?” Pete asked him, amused. “Am I Robocop?”

“Well,” Trevor drawled. “Some of your parts are as hard as metal.” He pinched Pete’s ass.

Pete’s teeth clicked together. “What was that for?”

“Putting your body between me and danger—

“That’s my job,” Pete reminded him. “Plus I’d rather not see you full of bullet holes.”

“Oh and they’d look so good on you,” Trevor said sarcastically. “You know, you…”

Pete didn’t get to hear what he said next, since Danny emerged with his father in tow.

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