Highland Burn (26 page)

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Authors: Victoria Zak

Tags: #Dragon, #Dragon Shifter, #Dragon Shifters, #Dragons, #Highlander, #Historical Paranormal Romance, #Historical Romance, #Love Story, #Medieval Romance, #Medievel Romance, #Paranormal Romance, #Romace, #Scotland, #Scotland Highlands, #Scots, #Scottish Highland, #Scottish Medieval Romance, #Shifters, #Warrior, #Warriors, #Highland, #Highland Warriors, #Highlanders, #Highlands, #Romance, #Scotland Highland, #Scottish, #Scottish Highlander, #Scottish Highlands

“Nay lass, trust me. We’re just fine,” Magnus reassured her.

It seemed like a fortnight had passed, as she waited for James. She missed him and was concerned why it was taking him so long to get to the cave. Had those creatures returned after they left? God, she prayed not. Maybe he wasn’t coming back at all.
Nay, he’ll be here soon,
she kept telling herself while she raked her fingers through her hair. Before long, she vowed if he didn’t show up soon, she would go out looking for him herself.


At that time a very naked and wet James strode into the cave, his eyes intently searching for Abigale. He saw her drying her hair by the fire, wrapped up in a plaid. His heart seized as the flames from the fire flickered across her bare shoulder, making her the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. His cock hardened knowing she was naked as a new-born bairn under that plaid. As their eyes met she smiled and that was his undoing.

James strode over to her with purpose and one purpose only; claiming his woman here and now. He’d been warned long ago, that when mated Dragonkine shifted back to human form, an animalistic urge to claim their woman would consume their every thought. That was exactly what he was experiencing now.

Abigale rose to her feet, but before she could say a word, James fisted the plaid and pulled her close claiming her lips. His hands frantically touched every inch of her body, yet he yearned for more. He broke their kiss long enough to explain. “Sorry love, I need to be inside ye right now.”

With a sly grin, Abigale took a step back and dropped the plaid, leaving nothing between them, but hot skin on skin. Pressing their bodies together, he plunged his hands into her damp hair and captured her neck mercilessly with searing kisses and nibbles. Abigale leaned her head back, giving him full access to her; meanwhile her hands roamed his body.

James picked her up so that she straddled him. As soon as his cock brushed against her sex he growled and pushed her up against the cold cave wall. By the saints, he could barely contain himself. The urge grew stronger, pumping through his veins. Abigale’s sweet moans wrecked his self-control, the little he had left, and with one hard thrust James entered her.

Abigale’s body tensed as she inhaled.

“Did I hurt ye? I’m sorry, love but I can’t control it,” he panted.

Abigale shook her head no. “Dinnae stop.”

James buried his face in her hair, rocked his hips forward and took her fast. He pumped into her with force. She matched every thrust he gave her until he could feel her walls tightening around his shaft. The sweet sting of her nails dug into his back and set him a blaze. “Och lass, what ye do to me.” James pumped faster bringing them both over the edge and into sweet orgasmic bliss.

Sweat slid from their bodies as they stayed propped against the wall of the cave. James’s legs threatened to shake and give out, but there was no way he was letting her go… not yet. Hell if it was up to him they would stay like this forever. Nothing came close to the feeling of being deep inside her. He thought this is what Heaven must feel like. He was ready to take her again just thinking about it.

He felt Abigale shiver. “Ye’re cold. Let’s move closer to the fire.”

She cupped his face and smiled. “Nay, I’m not cold.” Looking down between them she could feel how much he wanted her. She arched a brow and looked back at him. "So soon?”

James smirked. “Well, there are some advantages in being a dragon.”

“That so?”

James moved them next to the fire and laid her down on a plaid. He positioned himself between her legs and covered her body with his. “I can go as long as ye need me to.” He brushed his fingers through her auburn hair. He gazed from her hair to her deep blue eyes and knew questions were brewing in that pretty head of hers.

Abigale blushed at the thought, then suddenly got serious. “What happened to Marcus?”

He knew she would want to know what had happened and she deserved to know, but to what extent? “Abigale, let it be.” Dread filled him when he thought of what he’d done. Destroying a Dragonkine’s dragon was not to be taken lightly. James and the other Dragonkine would feel the loss of Marcus for some time to come.

“It’s just… oh James, that man killed Marcus’s sister."

“She’s dead? Ye know this how?”

“Marcus told me. James, he was blackmailed. It seems to me that the man at the campsite, the one who was in charge, had promised Marcus that he would bring his sister back to him if Marcus lured ye to him. That’s why Marcus did what he did. He was trying to save his sister."

“The poor lass. I didnae know his sister well. That’s a shame. But Marcus should have let me know about his situation. I could have helped, but he chose to betray me instead. He didnae need to keep secrets.”

“That’s just it, my love, he blames ye for all his misfortune.”

“James rolled off Abigale and lay on his back. “Me?”

“Aye, that man wanted his revenge on ye for the brutal way ye killed his men.” Abigale shrugged her shoulders. “Well, that's what Marcus believes.”

“Since he was in such a truthful mood did he tell ye he too is…” James corrected himself, “was a dragon?”

Her eyes widened, “A dragon?”


Silence fell between them for a while as James decided just how much to tell her when he didn’t have all the answers himself. Once back at the castle he’d call counsel and try to figure things out, but now too many questions lay unanswered.

“So, what happened to him?” Abigale fiddled with a strand of James’s hair as if she dreaded his answer.

Aye, the question he didn’t want to answer. Self-doubt began to gnaw at his gut. Perhaps he’d acted too hastily. In a way he did mourn for him. If he had known beforehand that his sister was dead, most certainly he would have shown mercy. "Abigale it’s best no to know all the details. I didnae kill him, but he has been exiled from Scotland.”

Abigale closed her eyes and sighed in relief.

“Our world is complicated and it seems it just got more so. I do no have all the answers ye seek. But I can tell ye this, Abigale Bruce, I love ye and I will be the husband ye deserve. I will give ye all the wee bairns yer heart desires. I will give ye the family ye have always wanted. Will ye stay with me, lass?”

Abigale opened her eyes in surprise.

“Och lass, ye dinnae have to look like a deer about to meet an arrow.”

A giggle escaped her mouth and a tear threatened to fall. “I love ye too James Douglas… even the Black Douglas.” No longer holding back her excitement, she threw herself on top of him and kissed him deeply.

Everything James could ever want in his life was right here in his arms and he silently vowed that he would spend every moment showing his
bel ange
from the loch just how much he loved her.


After Abigale fell asleep, James donned his trews and walked out toward the entrance of the cave. The rain had finally stopped. Rory and Conall were propped up against the cave’s wall sleeping as Magnus stood watch.

The whole situation with Marcus kept replaying in his mind. Furthermore, Magnus’s words had made no sense to him. Not spilling blood and Scotland being destroyed continued to be a puzzle to him and the only way to solve it was to speak with Magnus.

Magnus was sitting down leaning up against the cave’s outside walls with his long legs stretched out in front of him. “I thought ye might come looking for me, lad.”

James crossed his arms over his chest. “Did ye know?”

Magnus stared off into the distance. “Nay. I can no explain that one, my friend. ‘Tis no an easy task to cloak one’s dragon, especially in the company of other dragons.”

Thank the Gods Magnus didn’t know. One man’s betrayal had been enough to swallow; he couldn’t bear to believe Magnus would betray him as well. "I think I might have over reacted, I should no have taken his dragon. He told Abigale that his sister is dead and he blames me for it. In fact he blames me for all his misfortunes. That’s why he took Abigale from me. He knew I would come for her then he could hand me over to Rickert."

Magnus was stunned. “I can no trust my ears lad, the Black Douglas has a conscience?”

Aggravated, James shifted his weight on his heels and shot Magnus a scowl.

Magnus smiled at the distress. “Every old bone in my body tells me that Marcus had the plan all along. Aye, Rickert was blackmailing him but Marcus knew where the holy ground lay buried. Why else would he have tried to kill ye, here? The lad is up to something wicked.”

“Holy ground?”

“Ye felt it, the magic?” Magnus said.

“Aye, both me and Conall.”

“I wish I had recognized this place sooner. I had hoped to have never come back here.”

“What do ye mean?”

“This is our kingdom.” Magnus tapped his hand on the ground beside him. “This is where it all began and ended for Dragonkine. Our king waits to be awoken."

James couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Underneath them lay their long lost kingdom. A kingdom he had only heard of, yet he knew he followed a long line of warrior ancestors.

Magnus continued. “Dragon blood can no be spilled on holy ground, it will awaken the seven and our king. And if our king rises,” Magnus shook his head, “his vengeance will rain down upon every human. I can feel it, James. If ye love yer wife, we must no let this happen.”

Now what Marcus had done was all making sense to him. James began to pace with his hands on his hips. “So killing me here… tonight… would have awakened our king. But why? Why would he want the king to return?”

“I wish I knew.” Magnus grew dark like a cloud ready to storm.

“When Conall and I were in Rickert’s campsite we felt and smelled the death dragons –“

“Death dragons?” With alarm Magnus jumped to his feet. “’Tis no good, no good at all. Are ye sure, lad?”

“Aye, there’s no mistaking that stench nor the destruction they left behind. At least one hundred men slaughtered and Rickert’s head on a spike."

Magnus whistled for his horse. “I must leave.”

“Magnus, what’s going on here?” Something had to be terribly wrong for Magnus to leave suddenly. This left James unnerved.

“I must talk with the elders immediately. If the death dragons didnae kill Marcus, we might well have a bigger problem on our hands then we think.” Magnus hopped up on his mount and reined in the feisty steed. “In the meantime I think ye’ve done enough damage to Marcus that he won’t be a threat for a while, but hear my words, lad, don’t take yer eyes far from him. Keep yer lass safe until I return.” With nothing more said Magnus took off deep into the glen, racing with God speed.

James was left dumbfounded. Aye some questions he sought after were clear, but now a whole new puzzle piece had been found.


Abigale was cleaning up after seeing her last patient of the day. Her little stone dwelling with a thatched roof was easily accessible located in the clan’s village. Nicely placed along the east side, the bright morn sun gave it a welcoming feeling. At first, James wasn’t keen on the idea of his wife and the lady of the castle working and furthermore being away from the protection of Black Stone on the Hill.

“Idle hands are the Devil’s tools,” she’d told her husband.

“Och lass, yer hands dinnae need to stay idle.” He’d wriggled his brows. “Ye can do the Devil’s work on my body any time ye want.”

She remembered that sly sexy grin of his and smiled as she tucked the corner of the sheet under the cot’s mattress.

But the point was made, even though he tried to distract her; clan Douglas needed a good surgeon/healer and she was the best.

In time, James granted her her own place to practice, but there was no debating about the guards who would stay outside her hut, another ten that patrolled the village and the five placed next door at the cordwainer. Once Mac, the shoemaker, found out who was next door to him, he made sure to deliver a pair of beautiful shoes for Abigale and the girls at least once a month. He claimed that a beautiful woman should have beautiful shoes.

As Abigale finished putting clean sheets on one of the cots, her assistant pulled the linen sheet curtain back that partitioned the room off from two other rooms and announced, “My lady, I’ve cleaned the other two rooms and rinsed out the wash basins. Is there more ye would like me to do?”

“Nay, Anna. I thank ye kindly for yer help today.” Abigale stood and placed her hands on her swollen belly. “I dunno what I'd do without ye.” She smiled.

“How much longer until the wee one arrives?” Anna reached over and touched Abigale’s belly.

Abigale didn’t mind the occasional belly rub. In fact it reminded her of how much she loved the wee one already.

“Oh Anna, I hope soon. The babe must be a boy, for his kicks are strong.” Abigale laughed.

“Shall I wait until ye’re done? I’m in no hurry.”

Abigale walked past Anna out into an open area where she could look out a small window. Shelves of glass containers filled with herbs and concoctions framed the window. Adjusting one of the jars, Abigale looked out the window and saw James approaching the village. A brilliant smile spread across her face and instantly her hands began to rub her belly again. “Nay Anna, go home to yer family and I’ll see ye in the morn.”

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