Highlander's Beloved 02 - A Highlander's Passion (20 page)

“But it wasna, was it? It never will be. Ye will always attract the women. I will either put up with it or leave.”

“ ‘Leave’?” His voice rose. “Leave,
tis it? Walk away from the vows we’ll be saying in a couple weeks as if they mean nothing? Lower this damn railing and get in this bed with me.”

Let him simmer. She took another bite. “I didna realize how hungry I was. Maybe I should have gotten two burgers fer me too.”

His hand grabbed her upper arm and jerked her to her feet. “Get. In. This. Bed. I ken you, sweetheart, and how yer mind works. Yer thinking leaving Mathe Bay will keep Fauste away from me and the family. I dinna give a rat’s ass about Fauste. Only ye, and ye willna leave me. Not before and, for damn sure, not after the wedding vows have been said. A promise to keep yerself faithful to the other person forever is just that—a fukin’ promise I gladly make. I never looked at another woman after I pledged meself to Miranda and I willna with you either. Now get in this bed and give me a proper kiss.”

She slipped off her sandals. Having frolicked with him since they were young kids, she kent he played to triumph. Even bedfast with a thigh full of stitches and hooked up to machines to monitor his vitals, he meant to win the argument. She set the drinks on the bedside table, lowered the railing, and crawled into his open arms, lying across him so they were chest to chest.

He cupped her cheek and scowled into her eyes. “Now I ken why God gave me a willful daughter who at times demands me tender attention and responses. He was preparing me fer ye, fer damn if ye dinna try me patience, lassie luv.” He nibbled at her lips, making her insides quiver.

“But I’m thinking ye are worth every exasperating moment, so I welcome them with a small degree of patience and a fukin’ hard-on, damn thankful they removed the catheter a couple hours ago.” He kissed first one corner of her mouth and then the other, which somehow scattered all rational thoughts from her mind. “Now, where’s me hello kiss, luv?”

She shifted to make sure her weight was off his abdomen and leg, then slipped her hand under his neck, her fingers curling into his long, soft hair. “Who unbraided your hair and washed it?”

“Davina. One side was matted with blood. Yers, I’m guessing, since I had no head injuries. I did hold ye close a time or two after ye were hurt. How are ye faring? Are ye having much pain? I’ve been worried about ye.”

She peppered kisses across his face. “As ye can see, I’m doing much better after a few hours’ sleep. Me head isna hurting like it was. As for how me blood got in yer hair, ye did hold me close. I needed ye to keep me grounded, to keep me strong, and ye were there to take care of me.” She covered his lips with hers and, with all the love she had in her for this man, she kissed him, slowly. She trailed her lips down his jaw and bit his neck. Strong arms slipped around her back and a male groan made her thongs wet.

“Now, that’s what I call a proper hello kiss.” A hand slipped down and cupped her arse. “Ye will remember how
tis done from now on, right? Not with scowls and attitude, but with soft lips.”

“Yer a pain in me arse.” She laughed, and he reached fer the bag of cheeseburgers.

“Ronan told me what ye did fer Colleen, and
tis deeply grateful I am. He praised how ye calmed her with just the sound of yer voice and a wet washcloth. Yer idea about the books made me love ye all the more, if that’s possible. He also said ye threw up earlier and then fainted. Was that from yer concussion or being pregnant?” He had one of the sandwiches unwrapped and nearly to his mouth. “I hear some women get morning sickness right away. Davina told me while she washed me hair that with her second bairn, she started throwing up the morning after she conceived.”

“What? I dinna believe it. She was teasing ye. Believe me”—she kissed him again—“pregnancy doesna work that way. Now, after we visit fer a little while, I need to go see Effie. They shaved her head.”

His eyes widened. “No. Is she okay? She had a lot of blisters and burns. Man, she was one bitchin’ karate fighter. Did ye ken she had a heart condition?”

“Nay, she had a double mastectomy from breast cancer, but she never mentioned a heart problem. I called Paisley. Creighton ordered her to stay away from the hospital for twelve hours and to spend ten of those twelve hours in bed. I canna believe she listened.”

He crumpled the wrapper of his first burger and shoved a hand in the bag fer his second. “Of course Paisley listened. She ken he adores her and would only order her about when he was scared fer her health. He’s her husband, and she is his guiding star, his beloved.” He chewed and moaned. “Thanks fer these, by the way. They fed me soup, a slice of bread, and Jell-O fer supper.
Twasn’t enough fer a pup.”

He shoved the wrappers into the bag, crumpled it in his big hand, and raised his head enough to toss the whole works into the trash can. “Give me yer hand, luv.” He intertwined his fingers with hers, staring at them fer a minute before bringing them to his lips fer a kiss. “Tell me, when ye walked in here and saw the other women hanging around me, why didna ye shout and scream and order the bitches to leave? Instead, ye acted like the interloper. Christ, fer a few minutes, I thought I was going to lose ye. I feared ye were going to storm out and never come back. Me heart nearly stopped beating.”

He threaded his hands into her curls, bringing her face to his. “How will I ever make ye believe how much I love ye? Sometimes yer willingness to walk away makes me feel as if I mean nothing to ye. As if I’m worthless in yer eyes.”

Dear God, was that how she was making him feel? Truly? “Nay, Bry. I have never loved anyone but ye. Never. I guess I dinna think I’m good enough fer ye.” She shrugged. “Pretty enough. Smart enough.”

He laughed. “Smart enough? Hell, luv, in some circles, I’m not much more than a gardener. Never been to college. We both ken I barely finished high school.” He kissed her gently, as if her lips were fragile sweetness itself. “Ye were always the talented one. The artist. The one who could see beauty everywhere. The tigress to protect Mother Earth and those ye care about.” He blinked a few times, and his eyes turned glassy. “All I ask is that I be at the top of yer list. I want to be yer guiding star.”

Her arms encased him and she snuggled her face against his neck. “Me handsome man, canna ye tell? I feel as if me world centers around ye. Yer happiness, health, and safety are of primary importance to me. I love ye more than me next breath.”

Chapter 19

Bryce spent several minutes kissing and whispering words of love to his beloved. He kent her well, kent she was giving serious thought to leaving town. His bear could smell her fear, as he had during the battle with Fauste.

Convince her. Mate her. She’s ours. Our da gave her to us.

Kenzie was partially on top of him, and he untied the straps of her dress and pulled it down so he could look at her naked breasts. His fingertips slowly trailed over her flesh, and her nipples rose to meet his touch. “I have never seen anything so beautiful, sweetheart, except for your shaved pussy. Pull the sheet up to yer waist in case a nurse comes in. Right now I have a need to suck yer nipples while I touch ye and make ye come with me fingers.” He gave what he hoped was his most charming smile. “Maybe ye’d like to touch
freshly shaved parts too.” He waggled his eyebrows and she rolled her eyes until he plucked one of her nipples between his thumb and index finger, then gave it a slight pinch.

“How long ago were ye operated on? Twenty-four hours? Thirty? Ye canna be thinking about sex.”

“Och, luv, with ye, I’m always thinking about sex.” There was no turn-on as great as her keening gasp when he drew her nipple into his mouth. Well, except when she threw her head back and cried his name in climax, and she’d do that too before he was done with her. God, his woman was responsive to him.

He pressed her closer to him with one hand, while his other sought her wet heat. Her panties were damp, which nearly drove him mad. “Take them off or I will tear them from ye. Yer choice.”

She looked at him as if he’d lost his mind. “There’s not enough room in this bed to—”

Silk being torn off her ass was a fukin’ turn-on too. His thumb found her clit and circled it while first one finger and then two slipped inside her. He set the pattern he kent she liked before he ran his tongue over her other nipple and drew it into his mouth.

So, she thought she’d leave him, huh? No fukin’ way. Aye, her intentions were somewhat honorable. But it was a man’s job to keep his woman safe, not the other way around. He’d keep her close and well satisfied, fer he loved her with a passion so colossal, he could never describe it. He only kent he needed this calico-eyed woman more than his next breath.

She stiffened in his arms and trembled at the same time. “Come for me, luv. Let me take away some of the tenseness ye feel.” He shifted to her other nipple, kept up the pace with his thumb and fingers, and then scraped his thumbnail over her clit. Sweet heaven, she came apart in his arms, her mouth against his neck as she moaned his name over and over. She panted against his skin and her wetness poured over his fingers like love honey.

He fisted his other hand in her hair and brought her lips to his. “I love ye, Kenzie. I will always love ye.”

“Bry.” She choked a sob and trembled in his arms.

“Dinna cry, luv.” He ached fer her. Needed release to ease his nerves a bit. The shock of Fauste’s strutting onto his family’s estate, big as ye please, and grabbing his woman was something Bryce wouldna soon forget. Nor would he fail to recall the battle waged afterward and seeing the evil wizard’s sword slice Kenzie’s throat. Dear God, he needed to be inside her, if only one feckin’ inch.

“Straddle me, luv. Take the head of me cock into ye and move slowly.”

“Nay, I’ll hurt ye.”

“Spread your legs wide and stay on yer knees so yer weight is off me thigh. I need ye, sweetheart.”

She shifted, carefully lifting her knee over his thigh and sliding it closer to his hips. Wrapping her hand around his cock, she allowed just his tip to enter. “Pull the sheet over us.” He entwined his fingers with hers and laid them on the pillow on either side of his neck. She bit her lower lip as she set a slow pace of coming off and then setting on his bulbous head again. What sweet torture. A man could die like this—one breath and five inches away from heaven. With their gazes locked, they exchanged “I love ye’s” with each small stroke.

He needed more. Wanted more of himself inside her, so he released her hands and cupped her arse, pushing her harder over his cock.

“I’ll hurt ye.”

“Nay. I need this…sweetheart…luv me…me beautiful…calico-eyed darling.” He spoke each endearment in tandem with each thrust as the burning surged down his spine, stung his balls, and shot out in sweet release so strong he imagined bells and alarms went off.

The door to his room flew open and half the medical squad on the floor charged in, shouting orders and pushing a machine. Six pairs of feet froze to the spot.

“Get the bloody hell out! Canna a man have a fukin’ climax without an audience?”

One of the nurses pointed to the monitor. “Yer heart rate, sir.”

“Me heart and all me other body parts are just fine. Now please leave me and me fiancée alone so we can start round two.”

Kenzie slapped his shoulder, her face hot against his neck. “Ye are a heathen, a sex-starved heathen.”


Footsteps scurried, except fer one idiot who weakly proclaimed, “We dinna allow sex here on the surgical floor.”

“Does that mean ye willna try to fook me over when ye send me the bill?”

The door squeaked shut.

Visiting hours were over by the time Kenzie eased the door open to Effie’s room to peek inside. She didna want to waken the old woman if she was sleeping. She barely contained her gasp. Effie wore a platinum blonde wig with short, sexy curls and a ruffled pink bed jacket. Perched on the edge of the bed, holding her hand and stroking it as if it were precious china, was the sleuth’s veterinarian, Earnan Matheson.
Well now, looks like Effie has a male admirer.

“How’s the patient this evening?”

Effie beamed a smile. “Sparrow, come in. Let me see how you’re doing.”

“I should go and let you two ladies talk.” Earnan brought Effie’s hand to his lips and kissed it before turning it over to press a longer kiss to her palm. “I have a lynx to check on yet tonight. Fauste hurt him pretty bad, but he’ll recover. Aye, I’ve got him stitched up proper.”

“We call him Paws, Earnan. He’ll respond better if you call him by that name.”

The old man spared Effie a smile and a wink. “I will, me dear. Whatever ye say.” He stopped in front of Kenzie. “Have ye been to see Bryce? Is he asleep?”

She was afraid to look him in the eyes fer fear he could tell she’d just had three mind-blowing orgasms, so she nodded. “Yes, sir.”

Earnan tugged on the bandage at her neck just enough to get a quick look. “Keep this on fer another twenty-four hours, then take it off so air can get to it. Use vitamin E cream on it three times a day. Some regular doctors pooh-pooh that idea, but I’ve seen how it reduces scarring.”

His cell phone chirped and he answered. “What? Slow down. Slow down, fer heaven’s sake, I canna understand a word ye say. Take a breath and tell me again.” His gaze popped to Kenzie, and one corner of his mouth lifted. “Och, did he now?” He made a fist and coughed into the end of it. “Twice? Bloody hell. Take him off the monitors. He obviously doesna need them. Young men heal faster, especially young men in love.”

The old coot had the nerve to wink at her. Sweet Lord, the call must have been about Bryce and their setting off his monitor alarms—twice.
Dear Lord, let the good Scottish earth open up and swallow me now.

“I think
tis time we get the patient out of bed. No walking until tomorrow, but get him out of bed and have him stand fer two minutes every hour. No, I changed me mind on that. If he has the stamina to fook twice in one hour, have him take a few steps, with help of course. I’ll be up directly to sign the change in care orders.”

After slipping his phone back into his belt holder, Earnan smiled full-on at Kenzie. “Child, ye are a miracle worker.” He blew a kiss to Effie. “Sleep well, angel.”

He ambled out and Kenzie took his place on the edge of Effie’s bed. “ ‘Angel’?”

“Don’t you try to change the subject with me. What was that conversation about? Why did he call you a miracle worker?”

“I’ll tell ye after ye answer me question. What’s this about his calling ye ‘angel’?”

Effie waved a hand. “He’s enamored of me. The men just won’t leave me alone. Young. Old. It makes no difference.” She giggled like an excited teenager.

“Och? And how about ye? How do ye feel about him?” She could barely keep from laughing. This was the verra last thing she’d expected.

Effie fluttered her eyes. “Well, I haven’t seen him in a kilt yet. That might be the deciding factor.”

“Och, ye are awful.” This old American was so lovable, with her enthusiastic spirit.

“I know, but I’m so good at it.” Effie winked. Her blisters were healing nicely and she looked refreshed. She patted her wig. “Look what my sweet Creighton bought me at a little wig boutique in Mathe Bay. He calls it my ‘Marilyn Monroe look.’ It certainly made Earnan’s eyes light up.”

“It looks bonnie on ye, so it does. I was just starting to get used to the pink hair, but this almost makes ye look younger.”

Effie’s finger touched the bandage at Kenzie’s neck. “No one will tell me and I’ve been so worried. How many stitches did you need?”

“Nineteen on me neck.” She pointed to her forehead. “There are only four on me forehead. Me head’s too hard to crack open. I had a slight concussion, but the headache is almost gone.”

“The glow on your face tells me Bryce is recuperating nicely.” Effie spared her a mischievous grin. “That’s what that call was about, wasn’t it? Time to fess up to Effie.” She squeezed Kenzie’s hand.

By the time she finished telling Effie the story of the medical staff’s rushing in when Bryce’s monitors went all bonkers over his rise in heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing, Effie’s hand was over her mouth and she was shrieking with laughter. “Oh, sweet Lord! I hope you had your ass covered. It reminds me of the time, back in the seventies, Morris and I took a used Oldsmobile on a trial run. One of those banana boats from the sixties.”

“A ‘banana boat’?”

“Oh, I’m sorry. It’s an old American expression for a big, long, and wide car. While we were on the test run, Morris got frisky.” She glanced off. “Or was it me? Anyhow, I straddled his lap and my skinny ass got stuck between the steering wheel and the bar containing the horn that ran across its middle. Once we realized every stroke he made honked the horn, my heavy-hung Morris told me we had to put the sex on hold until we got home.” Her lower lip pouched out in a pout.

“Thing was, I couldn’t get my ass out from between the top of the big luxury steering wheel and the horn bar, he had me jammed so far in with all his powerful thrusting. I must admit, I had started to get a fondness for the horn, if you catch my drift.” She winked. “Anyway, we had to drive back to the used-car lot like that, my arms tight around his neck and my face buried in his broad shoulder. Two mechanics had to pull me out. Morris was so embarrassed, he bought that old Oldsmobile eighty-eight and referred to it as his ‘pussymobile’ from that day on.”

To Kenzie’s surprise, tears rolled down Effie’s cheeks. “What is it? Are ye in pain?”

“No. I just loved that man so much. Damn him for going before me, for leaving me with nothing but an empty bed and a heart full of memories. I’ve dated a few guys, but for all my teasing, I’ve taken none to bed. I doubt anyone could measure up to my Morris. Lord, how I loved that man.” She reached for a tissue.

“I understand. At least you have a passel of memories to cling to. Ones that make you laugh and cry.” If she left Mathe Bay before the wedding to protect Bryce and his family, she’d have only a few sweet remembrances to carry her through her empty life.

Effie wrapped her cool hand around Kenzie’s. “What are you planning, Sparrow? I can read you pretty good, you know. Do you think going on the run will make Fauste hunt you down and leave Bryce and Colleen alone? That they’ll be safe?
do it. You cannot hurt that wonderful man by deserting him. He won’t see it as you taking care of him. He’ll see it as out-and-out rejection.”

She tilted her head and stared at Kenzie. “I don’t think he’d ever get over it. Your acceptance of his duality is more important to him than you can imagine. I’ve watched how he looks at you when he’s in bear mode.” She waved her open hand. “Not in a sexual way, but in an adoring way, like a dog does with its owner. He loves that you accept him for
that he is and he accepts you for all that you are, human and Wiccan. You two were meant for each other.”

Kenzie’s chest tightened with both fear and longing. “I fear fer his and Colleen’s safety. Yet I love them so. My mind alternates from staying to leaving. Och, Effie, I’m so confused. When ye love someone as much as I do Bryce and little Colleen, how can ye deliberately put them in harm’s way?”

“If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my short time here in Scotland, it’s that men do the protecting. The Highlands can be harsh, so the men have had to be harsher still to survive. They cherish their land, their children, and their women. Yes, there are a few assholes, and you found one in Duncan. But Bryce? Bryce has a deep need to take care of you and the kids. He’s a family man.”

Kenzie stood and walked around Effie’s room, admiring her flowers. “We’ve been having sex.”

“Well, I should hope so.”

She glanced over her shoulder at Effie. “Unprotected sex.”

“Then give up this crazy idea of leaving him. It’s lunacy. You say you love him.”

“I do. More every day.” Leaving him and Colleen would tear her soul apart. She couldna do it. “Aunt Una is making me bridal outfit. She had a funny gleam in her eye. Claimed she’d gotten a vision of how it should look. I canna wait to see what she makes me. If ever there was a woman confused about what was the right thing to do,
tis me.” She lifted opened hands and let them fall. “I canna give him up, not now. Not after all the years I’ve loved him.”

Tears pooled in her eyes so badly she could barely see Effie’s arms open wide fer her. She leaned over the old woman, who held her close, the smell of her baby talcum powder comforting.

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