Highlander's Bride (Heart of the Highlander Series Book 1) (15 page)

Monique's laugh sounded relieved. "The great
hall is fit for a king. There is enough food and ale there to feed half of
Scotland for a sennight. You will have a grand wedding feast to remember. And
as to Alexander, no, I haven't seen him, but I did hear his man-at-arms shout
for a servant to bring his lord a loaf and a jug not long past. It seems he
hasn't lost his appetite."

Her mother smiled reassuringly and continued.
"I know you two haven't known each other long, but you are well matched. I
have seen you look happy in his company and at times he looks at you as if he
grows fond of you."

Katherine glanced warily over her shoulder and
whispered. "Do you truly think so? I was against the marriage when I was
first told of it and my reasons haven't changed. I hope Alexander and I will be
happy together, but I still have doubts."

"Darling, what you hope for will come in time
if you and he both wish it. Do not be impatient. Remember as new as this is to
you, it is also to him. You must not expect too much at first." Her mother
patted her hand. "You both need time to accustom yourselves to each other
and married life. Follow your heart and all will be well." 

, what if I give my heart
to him and he doesn't truly wish it?  Perhaps he cares for another."

mon cheri
. You are fanciful with
worries carried on the wings of your wee fairies. Alexander is an honorable
man. He would not betroth himself to you if there were another who held his
heart. Now, I must go tell your da you are ready. Smile, this is a day to be
glad in." Monique kissed her cheek and left.

Katherine walked back to the window and stared at
the garden below. She thought of the conversation she had overheard between
Alexander and his da on the night of their betrothal. Silently, she sent a
prayer upward. Sweet Mary, please let
be right.




Chapter Ten

A knock at the chamber door brought Katherine's
head up with a snap.

Gillian walked over, opened it, and spoke quietly
with someone in the corridor. Closing the door and returning to Katherine, the
young girl curtsied. With a smile, she handed her a small wreath of fresh
heather. The delicate lavender blossoms were lovely and gave off a sweet

"My lady, 'twas Sir William. He bid me tell
ye these bonnie flowers were from yer betrothed as token of yer happiness
together in years to come." The servant placed the delicate wreath in
Katherine's hands.

The flowers looked like the ones Alexander had
picked for her when he found her sleeping on the hill. Suddenly her heart began
to pound anew, but now its erratic beat called forth a different emotion. She
smiled and pressed the wreath to her face, inhaling the sweet fragrance.
"Mmm, they smell bonnie indeed."

She gently removed a sprig of heather from the
wreath and tucked its stem beneath the silver brooch she wore over her heart.
Alexander's thoughtfulness had touched her and she wanted him to know it.

"Will you help me, Gillian?"

"Aye, m'lady."  The young girl gently
placed the heather wreath on top of Katherine's head. The tiny purple flowers,
intertwined with green leaves, formed a lovely crown. "Oh, m'lady, ye are
beautiful! The bonnie flowers bring out the blue of yer eyes."

With the gift of the flowers having calmed her,
Katherine sat on the carved stool before the window. She looked out over the
private garden, and allowed herself to dream. She would wed Alexander. Of that,
she had no choice, but perhaps one day she would have more than just a dream of
a happy future with him.

It was strange, but she didn't even know if he
wished for a large family with many bairns, or not. Growing up as the only
child in her home, she had decided long ago she wanted many children.

She sighed and whispered to herself. "Ah, I
will know in time. Until then, I will just have to be patient, as

A short time later, a firm knock on the door drew
her from her daydreaming. She stood and slowly turned toward it, waiting.
Gillian opened the door and Angus walked into the room.

Da had come to escort her to the chapel. Sweet
Mary, 'twas time. Katherine raised a trembling hand to the brooch and sprig of
heather pinned to her gown. With one, love was assured. With the other, there
was hope. She touched them both and smiled tremulously.

Angus looked at Katherine and stopped short.
"Och, Katy, I dinna know where the years have gone since first I beheld
you. By God, you've grown into a verra bonnie lass." His bright smile
beamed with love as he walked over, grasped her shoulders gently, and kissed
her cheek. He cleared his throat before he spoke again. "'Tis time, lass.
Everyone awaits us outside the chapel steps. You and Alexander must be the
first to enter and receive God's blessings."

Katherine looked up into his loving face and his
moisture brimmed eyes. Her throat constricted and she forced herself to

When a slight shiver caused her shoulders to
tremble, Angus squeezed her arm gently as if in reassurance. He frowned
slightly. "Och, look at me. If I crease your fine gown, your mother will
ne'er let me hear the end of it." He winked at Katherine and gently
smoothed the sleeve of her dress.

Watching his big rough hands ease over the fabric
was almost her undoing. Dear sweet Da. Always trying to make aught right.

He extended his arm to her and patted her hand as
she hesitantly placed it on his forearm. "Dinna look so skittish, lass.
'Twill be fine." Angus escorted Katherine from the room and headed toward
the stairs.

Her stomach clenched into a tight knot. Awkwardly,
she reached down to lift the front of her skirt to keep from tripping as they
descended the winding stone steps. With her other hand, she gripped tightly to
her father's arm earning her a worried glance from him. She knew he felt her
trembling, but she didn't have the power to stop. If not for his support, she
would surely end up in a tangled heap of silk and lace at the bottom of the

 As they approached the chapel, she looked out
across a sea of silent, expectant faces. Some she knew; most she did not. There
were so many. Sweet Mother Mary, where had they all come from? There had not
been enough time to send distant messages. Yet, here was a gathering large
enough to more than fill the chapel. Angus squeezed her hand gently. When they
reached the crowd, the people separated, allowing them a clear path. Ian, his
sons and Monique waited on the chapel steps.

Katherine looked across at Alexander and her heart
skipped a beat. How handsome he was. Never had she seen a more entrancing
sight. He looked the ultimate Highland Scot draped in his MacGregor plaid. Heat
warmed her face. She looked down hoping to hide her inner feelings from so many
curious faces and calm her emotions. It didn't help.

Her gaze came to rest on Alexander's shining black
leather boots then on to muscular calves encased in snug tan hose that fit his
legs to perfection. It was impossible to look away or to keep from glancing
upward. Brawny legs led up to his kilt, every pleat of which lay in stiff
folds, in line with his taut body and straight back.

His pale linen shirt had long full sleeves and
wide cuffs pinned with the MacGregor crest beautifully wrought in silver. They
glistened in the sun. But the wide sleeves couldn't disguise the thick chiseled
upper arms that had held her close. The end swath of his tartan plaid wrapped
past his thick sun bronzed neck and draped boldly over his left shoulder, above
his heart. It was pinned in place by a large silver brooch with an amber
cairngorm in its center.

His tanned face glowed in the morning sun. The
cleft in his chin lay shadowed but those full lips that had kissed her so
warmly were set in a smile. And his eyes… Sweet Mary. Those wondrous deep green
eyes only had to look at her as he was doing now to drive her to distraction.
Katherine's mouth went dry and she stumbled.

Angus brought his hand up to cover hers where it
lay forgotten on his arm. With his steadying touch, she dared to let her gaze
remain on Alexander's face. 

His pleasant smile called attention to a slight
nick that reddened his cheek. It seemed his shave had been a wee bit too close.
Or could it be that he'd been as nervous as she? The thought brought a sense of
relief. Silly, but there it was. The mental image of his hand shaking, nicking
him, perhaps even prompting him to utter an oath in exasperation, eased some of
her jitters. He was only a man after all.

When they reached the bottom step, Monique hurried
over to them. Hugging Katherine, she smoothed back a stray lock of her hair and
whispered, "We love you,
mon cheri
. Be happy." Then she stood
beside her.

Alexander, followed by Ian and William, walked
toward Katherine as she stood between her parents. The mere sight of him as he
approached started her legs to shaking. Angus tightened his hold. She stared
into the fathomless green depths of Alexander's eyes and her will floated away.

For one long moment, everything dimmed and the
world disappeared. There was nothing, no one but him. Would he accept her? Care
for her? Would her worries prove unfounded?

The silence drew out. She watched a play of
emotions cross his face before a bemused expression settled there. He nodded
once, and then as her parents stepped back, he took his place beside her and
wordlessly turned to face the chapel doors.

As if naught had passed between them, the two
families followed, climbing the steps together stopping at the threshold to
kneel and genuflect. The crowd fell in behind them in a quiet procession. 

Young men dressed in the tartan of the MacGregor
clan, stood just outside the doors to take each man's weapon as he entered the
chapel, making sure they could be readily handed out if the need arose. Only
Alexander and Angus would wear their swords inside.

Katherine trailed her glance past the young men to
the inside of the chapel, aglow with dozens of costly beeswax candles. Sprigs
of heather, mixed with grains of wheat and barley were strewn down the center
aisle signifying the promise of health and plenty. A large candelabrum filled
the altar with light. It shone down on the spot where Alexander and she would
stand to be joined in marriage.

Following custom, Alexander, Ian and William left
Katherine and her parents just inside the building's portal. They walked to the
front of the chapel and turned to face the entrance.

Chosen friends also filed past and quickly seated
themselves on benches to observe the ceremony. Since the chapel was small, the
majority of the onlookers had to content themselves to listen from outside.

With great gentleness, Angus removed Katherine's
hand from his arm. Silently, Monique and he stepped away. Their movements were slow,
almost hesitant. Katherine gripped her hands to her sides. Were her parents'
thoughts as torn as hers? When would she see them again?

A shadow passed over her as Angus slowly raised
his sword above her, pointing it toward the heavens. Sunlight shone through a
stained glass window and arced over the gleaming blade. Hues of the rainbow
flashed in brilliance across the chapel. Then he sheathed his sword again,
seeming to draw the very light away with it.

Katherine's pulse began to race. Cold dread rose up
within her. Once again, her fears of marriage to a man without love froze her
into immobility. Her frightened gaze darted about the chapel. Then she looked
into Alexander's eyes.

They appeared to glow with simple warmth and
tenderness. A feeling of hope seemed to flow from them, melting the icy chains
that held her fast.

Taking a deep breath for courage, she gathered up
her skirts and walked the length of the chapel, followed by her parents, never
once looking at anyone but him.

The heather and grains of plenty crushed beneath
her slippers, emitting a rich fragrance. When she reached Alexander, she knelt
at his feet and stretched out her arms, palms up, as a token of wifely
obedience and acceptance.

Silence reigned inside the chapel as Angus stepped
forward and once more raised his sword, holding it above her. He cleared his
throat and called out in a firm voice. "Before all, Lady Katherine Gordon
comes to be joined with Sir Alexander MacGregor. If anyone seeks to claim
otherwise, let him answer to my blade now." 

His fierce scowl raked across the people in the
chapel. An eerie silence lent an echo to his words. Nodding, when no one spoke
in challenge, he gently laid the wieldy blade across her palms and stepped back
to stand beside Monique.  

It was difficult to remain upright in her kneeling
position with the heavy weight of her da's sword across her arms. Katherine
drew a deep steadying breath. She must not show weakness. Straightening her
shoulders, she lifted her face toward Alexander and watched as Ian and William
approached him with the symbols of her new status.

Ian placed a newly woven MacGregor tartan across
his son's right shoulder. William handed his brother a silver ring carved with
the family crest. After they stepped back, Alexander withdrew his sword from
its sheath. He knelt before Katherine, and placed the claymore on the chapel
floor in front of her.

His voice was sure and strong. "Lady
Katherine, on my sword, I pledge to take you as my wife, to keep and protect
you from this day forward for as long as I live."

Katherine looked from his handsome, sun-bronzed
face and solemn green eyes to the large broadsword lying before her. Delightful
warmth flowed through her at his nearness and his words. Surely a man such as
he would keep his vows. 

Still kneeling, she turned toward her parents
allowing Monique's trembling hands to take the Gordon sword from her and return
it to Angus.

A mixture of emotions surfaced in Katherine as she
gave up the sword. No longer weighed down, she felt a lightness of body and
spirit. While filled with hope that they could forge a pleasant future despite
their bad start, she also suffered a sense of loss. She now gave up her claim
to the Gordon clan. With a physical effort, she chased the small fear of
uncertainty from her mind.

For a moment she drifted, lost between two worlds.
Then Alexander slipped her wedding ring on the third finger of her left hand
above the betrothal ring. When the shiny silver band encircled her finger, she
let out a relieved sigh and smiled.

Alexander and she knelt face to face.

Angus walked over, picked up the MacGregor sword
and, with a bit of a flourish, placed it across her palms. He spoke in a voice
loud enough for all to hear. "Daughter, no longer shall you follow the
Gordons. From this time forward you shall cleave to the MacGregors. Be obedient
and honorable to your husband and loyal to your new clan."  Then he
stepped back again beside Monique.

A tight lump formed in Katherine's throat as she
heard her da's words. She could do no more than nod her thanks to Alexander as
he draped the new MacGregor tartan over her left shoulder. A shudder rippled
down her spine as she watched him grasp his sword by its razor sharp blade and
hold it above her.

As he stood, continuing to wrap his fingers about
the deadly edge, she knew her first moment of fear for him. The weapon could
easily slice his hand. She looked up into his face and tried to appear calm.
But his words, coupled with the intensity of his gaze, left her breathless.

"I, Alexander James MacGregor, vow to be your
husband and protector till death parts us. Let all here know you to be
mine." Turning toward the guests, he called out, "Before all, I now
claim the right of protector for Lady Katherine MacGregor. She bides by the
strength of my arm and the MacGregor might. Let none dare bring her harm."

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