His Fair Lady (46 page)

Read His Fair Lady Online

Authors: Kathleen Kirkwood

Tags: #france, #england, #romance historical medieval crusades knights

The King eyed the French knight. “Sir
Rennart, give my tidings to Philip when you return to his Court.
Meanwhile, if you are the lady’s kinsman as you claim, I encourage
you to make peace with her husband. ‘Tis the Christmas season after

Nearly purple with rage, Friston gave a curt
bow and quit the chamber, casting a venomous look over the lord and
lady as he did. The legate followed him out, his face set in grim

Tis time for more celebrating, do
you all not think?” The king’s beard parted with a wide grin. “Lady
Juliana you’ll wish to prepare.” He motioned for one of the
attendants to lead her away, a curious gleam in his eye. “You
he tossed to “Lord” Royce who stared after the
lady as she disappeared through the chamber’s rear door.

Tupper bowed low, as did the rest, when King
John abandoned his throne and quit the room, saying something of
finding his queen.

As the friar rose, Lord Royce joined him,
clamping a hand to his shoulder. “Thank you, Friar. You have my
endless gratitude. You have saved Lady Juliana from a direful fate
this day.”

“Truly, my lord? I’m happy to be of help.”
Tupper chuckled. “And here I feared being cast in the dungeon.”

Lord Royce’s brows shot up. “Why so? Is
there something you have done?”

Tupper gave a small shrug. “Filched a bit of
stone from my lord’s castle wall to build Beckwell a new

“Friend, you may keep the stone. You have
well earned it this day.” Lord Royce smiled in earnest.

“Thank you, my lord. You’ll not regret it.”
Friar Tupper paused and rubbed his jaw. “About your vows with Lady
Juliana, I sense there are more that yet need be spoken between the
two of you — after Twelfth Night, mayhap?”

“Hopefully so, good friar. ‘Twill all depend
on the lady.”

Chapter 23


Royce headed for his chamber, the enormous
relief he felt lightening his steps, his desire to rejoin Juliana
hastening them.

After leaving Friar Tupper, he’d dispatched
two of his men to watch Friston’s movements and assure he left
Guildford. With the Frenchman’s plans foiled, his claims denied,
there was naught for him to do but depart for France. Yet Royce did
not trust Friston and would not rest easily until certain the man
was gone from this place.

Royce’s thoughts circled back to Juliana. He
would change for the evening’s revelries and then seek her out. He
intended they should celebrate the night through. With matters
decided in their favor and Friston no longer an impediment, naught
stood between them. Except convincing Juliana to marry him.

Arriving at his chamber door, he shoved it
open and crossed the threshold. He came up short as he discovered
Juliana within, wrapped in a silken robe and sitting on a stool.
Luvena tended her hair, combing through its length so that it fell
like a silvery waterfall over Juliana’s shoulders and past her

On seeing him, Juliana rose at once, their
gazes meeting, coupling, across the silence. Royce’s heart swelled
with love and pride for his lady. So many trials had brought them

“Congratulations, my lord!” Luvena bubbled,
bustling forward and patting his arm. “I told Lady Juliana the
same. Such secrets to be keeping! Wonderful ones, though. Surely
God smiles on Penhurst that you should be its lord and she its
lady.” Her smile filled her round little face. “My lady’s trunk is
moved in beside your own,” she chattered on. “His Majesty’s
command. You are to share the chamber together now.”

“Thank you, Luvena.” Royce’s gaze dropped to
the maid then returned to Juliana. “Could you give us a

“Of course, my lord. Call should you need
me.” Luvena glanced between the two. “But of course, you won’t.”
She tittered then slipped out the door, closing it behind her.

Consuming Juliana with his eyes, Royce
started toward her, but she quickly joined him halfway, her arms
slipping around him. As she lifted her face to his, a tide of
emotion broke through Royce. He sought her lips and possessed them,
so great was his relief, so intense was his love. To Royce’s joy,
Juliana met his kisses with equal ardor, their mouths suddenly
afire with want of one another. When their lips parted at last, and
he drew back to gaze on Juliana, he found tears wetting her

“What’s this, my heart? ‘Tis no time for
tears, lest they be ones of joy.” He brushed them away,

Her hold on him only tightened. “Royce, I
was so frightened. I feared I’d be taken from you. Friar Tupper was
clearly at a loss, unsuspecting of our plight when he arrived. Then
the legate appeared—”

“Shhh, my darling. ‘Tis over.” Royce kissed
her cheek, her brow. “Friston departs even as we speak, and the
legate is satisfied, thanks to Friar Tupper’s quick thinking. You
are safe, my darling.”

“Safe in your arms as ever I’ve been.” She
lifted her hand to his cheek. Her emerald eyes darkened with a look
of longing, but also of worry.

“What is it, Juliana? Does something trouble

Her gaze dropped to his lips, and she traced
them lightly with her fingertips. When she raised her eyes again,
they were filled with a piercing sadness.

“If only we could leash time itself and
remain in this moment forever. But ‘twill not last.”

“Why do you say that, my heart? Time is no
hindrance. Our future lies clear before us.”

An even deeper sadness pervaded her eyes.
“Indeed, the future waiting before us is clear, as is all required
of us.” Her look of sadness turned to one of urgency. “Love me,
Royce. Before this moment is lost to us forever, love me once

Slipping her arms about his neck, she drew
him to her, pressing her lips to his. Royce felt her tremble as she
gripped him close. ‘Twas as though she feared he would vanish.
Giving himself to her kiss, he deepened it. Whatever her concerns,
he’d not deny her this moment, nor any other. God willing, they’d
enjoy a lifetime of loving.

Juliana opened her mouth beneath Royce’s,
urging his invasion, her tongue boldly seeking his. If she must
tend her days in a nunnery then she wanted to make love with him
one more time — wanted to touch Heaven with him just once

As their kisses caught fire, Royce gathered
her up into his arms and carried her to the bed. She pulled
impatiently at his clothes, trying to free him of them. He obliged,
shedding them hastily before returning to her. Equally impatient,
he pushed aside her robe, found her already naked and ready for
him. Juliana smiled as she heard him groan and felt him harden
against her. She gloried then in the feel of his lips moving over
her, his tongue tasting her and trailing patterns over her flesh,
gloried in the heat of his mouth upon her breast.

Juliana explored him eagerly as well,
daringly so, wishing to know and memorize every detail about him,
wishing to hold them forever in her heart.

Anxious that they should be joined, she
wrapped her legs about his. Indulging them both, Royce pressed
forward, penetrating her depths, uniting them as one. Slowly,
rhythmically, he began to move against her.

Juliana arched against Royce as he rode her
steadily. Once more, he captured her lips, seducing her thoroughly
before turning to ravish her breasts. His tongue wrought delicious
sensations — sensations that turned to ones of molten heat,
spreading from the tips of her breasts downward to center between
her legs.

Tension coiled inside her as she rocked
against Royce, the feeling building, expanding, into a thousand
tiny points of desire, aching for release. Suddenly, raw need
overtook her and she surged against Royce, rushing toward an unseen
precipice. He guided her hips with his hands, matching her pace and
taking them both over the edge.

Juliana shattered against Royce, and he
against her, as their passions exploded, hurtling them out of time
and place. On and on, together they strove, their love blazing so
bright as to rival the stars.

Spent at last, they drifted slowly back to
earth. Feeling a deep peace and happiness, Juliana molded herself
to Royce, wondering how she would ever exist a single day without


Juliana and Royce paused at the portal of
the Great Hall, arriving belatedly, having made love yet again.

She’d brought on the moment, Juliana
realized, still glowing with satisfaction and the lingering
pleasure of it all. They’d been both nearly dressed, Royce sitting
upon the stool drawing on his boots, when she asked him to lace her
gown. Instead, he grinned wolfishly and drew her down atop his lap,
prompting her to straddle his legs. She felt him fumble with his
chausses, then him filling her. Drawing her gown off her shoulders
to her waist, he laid siege to her in earnest. Juliana sank her
hands in his hair as he took her — a quick, primal, breathtaking
possession that left her shuddering against him.

“You are beautiful flushed with love,” Royce
whispered, dropping a kiss to the curve of her neck.

Juliana smiled up at him, her skin
prickling, still highly sensitive to his touch. As she and Royce
entered the hall and found a place at a table, she suspected she
was pink from head to toe, their recent exertions apparent to

Servants quickly provided them with a
trencher and wine, the second course about to begin. Throughout the
hall, musicians entertained on harps, viols, tabors, and drums,
while one juggler balanced his sword by its point on his chin, and
another twirled plates on long sticks.

If only this happiness could last, Juliana
thought to herself. If only she could offer Royce all he required
to ensure his bright future, that he might remain with her always.
She’d not think on it now, she told herself, stealing a glance at
his fine features. She would savor every moment granted them,
knowing soon she must relinquish him to the countess.

As Juliana glanced about the chamber, she
felt comforted to not find Friston lurking anywhere. He was truly
gone from her life. Leastwise, she hoped so. Still, the question
remained, why had he sought to claim her?

When the horns sounded, the parade of dishes
recommenced. Juliana saw a great pie carried on planks into the
hall, braced on the shoulders of six squires. She recoiled at the
thought it might contain birds. Happily, tiny tumblers emerged from
the pie, to everyone’s surprise. As everyone dined and supped their
way through the evening, enjoying the endless Court spectacles,
Juliana reflected that she was far from the life she once knew in
Chinon. As for the time before that, she still had no clear memory
of it, but certainly she’d never experienced anything like this in
her parents’ castle.

As the latest course was cleared away, a
procession of mummers whirled into the hall, carrying torches and
dancing to the minstrels’ tune. Tonight their costumes were even
more elaborate and fanciful than before — monkeys and peacocks,
goats, swans, lions, and unicorns.

Juliana laughed and clapped at their
performance along with Royce, and when they invited her to partake
in their dance, Royce encouraged her to join in the play. The lords
and ladies formed a line on one side of the floor with the mummers
opposite, leading them in a series of steps. Enjoying herself,
Juliana turned round and round, laughing heartily. But her smile
died when she glanced toward Royce and discovered Lady Sibylla
engaging his interest.

She forced her feet to keep pace with the
others, her partner a seven-foot vulture, his disguise complete
with feathered wings and a mask having a large hooked beak. As the
dance ended, the mummers escorted the lords and ladies to the
fringes of the dance floor, then began leaping and twirling as they
headed toward the lower hall.

Juliana sought Royce, but found Lady Sibylla
had drawn him off to the side wall. Just as Juliana’s gaze alighted
on them, she saw the countess smooth her hand over Royce’s chest,
then raise on tiptoe and kiss him full on the lips.

Juliana turned away, the sharp horns of
jealousy goring her heart. Sibylla had obviously received her
letter and accepted its contents. Now Juliana must honor her own
words and see through her promise. But how could she bear to give
Royce up? How could she bear the thought of him making love to the
countess as he had to her?

Composing herself as best she could, Juliana
spied Friar Tupper at the lower end of the hall enjoying a tankard
of ale, steeped in conversation with his tablemate. Unable to face
Royce at the moment, she began to move toward the monk, wishing to
thank him for today. She would need speak to him of her betrothal
to Royce, and of dissolving it. Tomorrow, perhaps. Tonight was hers
and Royce’s to enjoy, thanks to the good friar. At least, it had
been, she thought, glancing to where Sibylla occupied Royce.

As Juliana stepped onto the edge of the
dance floor, the mummers swirled about her, playfully dancing
circles around her and carrying her along with them as they made
their way toward the hall’s portal at the lower end. She gave
herself to the diversion, allowing them to include her in their
fun, since they moved in the direction where the friar sat. As they
neared his table, however, she found herself swept on with the
merry group, past the archways and screens passages and out the
door. The colorful troop continued to frolic along the corridor,
leading her further and further from the hall.

“Please, I wish to go back.” Juliana tried
to elbow past a large frog and a camel.

As she pushed her way through the crush of
revelers, she came up against a wall of black feathers. Glancing
up, she discovered the vulture with whom she’d previously danced.
He towered over her, or rather, the mummer’s headpiece did. It
peered down at her with black pebbly eyes, tipping its head this
way and that, so that the raptor looked to be scrutinizing her as
if for its next meal.

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