Read His Reluctant Lover Online

Authors: Elizabeth Lennox

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction

His Reluctant Lover (2 page)

Georgette practically forgot she had asked her grandfather a question.  Her whole focus was on the man, trying to ignore what she knew was an inappropriate stare.  And that smile was really making her angry!  What was he thinking?  Why couldn’t he stop staring at her?  Didn’t he know the rules of society?  He should be looking at her grandfather who was speaking.  People of her acquaintance might not listen, but they at least created the pretense that they were interested in what was being discussed. 

Philip watched his beloved granddaughter try to ignore his guest.  A more obvious sign that she was interested, he’d never seen.  Well, perhaps not interested, but Dylan Alfieri riled her.  And in his mind, that was a far more positive reaction than the bored politeness his granddaughter had shown all the other men who had come through her life recently.  Including that dullard, Charles, that kept sniffing around her.  A positive sign indeed.  Because he had plans!  Big plans!  He had to just get rid of the idiot she called a boyfriend and Philip knew she would be much happier with Dylan Alfieri.  The fact that she was intensely aware of his presence was proof that the two would spark fire off of each other. 

“Your mother and grandmother are both out at that dinner party hosted by the Beauchamp’s tonight,” he explained.  Turning to Dylan he said, “Now that’s a family that you should get to know.”

Georgette didn’t even acknowledge the idea that the offensive stranger should interact more deeply with her friends and acquaintances.  Her grandfather entertained business connections regularly, so she knew she’d just need to get through tonight and she wouldn’t ever have to see this Dylan character again.  “Why aren’t you there tonight?” she asked of her grandfather, still trying to exclude the other man from the conversation.  If he was going to be rude and continue to stare at her, making her shiver like a silly school girl, she didn’t feel that she needed to obey the strict rules she’d grown up with either.

Philip almost laughed.  “Oh, you know that your grandmamma and I don’t socialize together,” he said, unaware of his granddaughter’s sudden tension.  “Besides, your mama needed the escort.”  He grimaced at the old stubbornness of his daughter.  “Lord knows there are plenty of men out there willing to escort her anywhere she’d like.  She’s just being silly.”  He sighed, and shook his head.  “Anyway, I have a special guest tonight.  Which is also why I asked for your help.”

Georgette barely looked at the younger man, refusing to be polite to a man who had the manners of a donkey.  “Of course.  You know you only need to ask and I’ll help in any way I can.”  Georgette just hoped that her grandfather’s request was simple and short-term.  She didn’t like the idea of being around this enormous man any more than necessary, but she wouldn’t turn down a request from her grandfather.  He might have his vices and weaknesses, but she loved him anyway.  He was a sweet, kind man who spoiled her. The very least she could do was help him out when he asked for assistance. 

Philip perked up to that.  “Exactly what I was hoping you would say.  And you mentioned you were in between projects right now, correct?  I mean, you’ve caught up on the spring and summer designs, right?”

Georgette had a horrible inkling.  Surely her grandfather wasn’t going to…no, he couldn’t possibly suggest anything so vile.  She had a small but internationally renowned boutique of ready-made gowns as well as clients requesting her help in designing their perfect wedding dress.  She loved her job but had purposely kept her business small so she could manage it herself.  She didn’t need to be the biggest or most well-known designer in the industry, she thought as she looked over at Dylan Alfieri with growing irritation.  She knew of his business and his philosophy was the complete opposite of her own.  “Next year’s designs are finished and the debut is less than a month away,” she replied, referring to the line of wedding and evening gowns she designed. 

“Perfect,” her grandfather replied, slapping his hand on his thigh.  “So you’ll have plenty of time showing Dylan Alfieri around to all the appropriate families and the events over the next few weeks.  He’ll need your tender hands to guide him through the intricacies of the New Orleans social whirl.”

For the first time, Georgette turned to look at the man she knew had been staring at her profile the entire time.  She didn’t want to look at him.  In fact, she would have continued to ignore him if her grandfather hadn’t specifically referenced him in the conversation.  There was nothing she could do now but turn and acknowledge the man.  “Mr. Alfieri,” she said, testing the man’s name on her lips.  “Why do I know that name?”  She also wasn’t committing herself to showing this man around.  No way!  He was too big for polite society anyway.  And the way he looked at a woman?  Well, she’d be laughed out of the best parlors before they even opened the door!  No, this ruffian was not going to be around long enough!

Dylan was almost struck dumb by hearing his name pronounced with her lilting accent.  Most people pronounced his last name with two or three syllables, depending on how much they slaughtered the Italian surname.  But Georgette’s deep, southern drawl extended that to about six or seven syllables and seemed to add a few extra vowels as well.  While most people said “Alfeearee,” which was correct, this woman said, “Alfeeayareee”, her lips almost moving in slow motion.  Again, his imagination kicked into overdrive, his mind starting to picture other things her lips might do in slow motion. 

Shifting slightly in his chair, he took a sip of the scotch, watching as she did the same.  “Georgette.  An interesting, southern name,” he came back.  “Do most people just call you Georgie?”  He almost laughed out loud when her eyes lit up with horror at the idea of anyone shortening her name to something so…male sounding. 

“Never,” she replied, but because of her lovely accent, the rejection wasn’t harsh at all.  “Never” came out sounding like “Nevah,” and she even smiled at the end of her admonishment. 

Dylan almost laughed.  She drank scotch and smiled while she put you down with a single word.  Hot!  As his precocious, eight-year-old niece, Ella, would say, “Smokin’ hot!”

“What brings you to our fair city, Mr. Alfieri?” she asked, turning her shoulders only slightly, as if to silently say that she was trying to be polite, but Dylan wasn’t quite up to her standards so she wouldn’t make the full effort.

Dylan looked towards Philip, not sure if the older man had discussed the sale yet.  It wasn’t public knowledge, but since there weren’t any stockholders, there wasn’t a silent period during which people couldn’t speak of the sale. 

“I’m selling those old warehouses and abandoned houses down on the waterfront to him, dahlin’,” Philip replied, relieving Dylan from breaking the news. 

Dylan was fascinated by the emotions flitting over the young woman’s lovely features.  Surprise, shock, horror and then a carefully placed mask, hiding everything but genteel, polite interest.  “How interesting,” she replied through tight lips.  “When is this sale going to take place?”

“Over the next week,” Dylan answered, still watching her face.  She was fighting to cover up strong emotions.  Her face might show the world that she was only mildly interested, but her hands were about to break the crystal glass.  She was obviously holding onto her emotions with a very tight rein. 

“I see.” 

Philip nodded. “Dylan has been moving through the business world impressively over the past ten years.  He’s positioned himself extremely well.”

Georgette nodded.  “I’ve read of Mr. Alfieri’s business dealings,” she replied, barely glancing in his direction.  “His business is thriving from all reports.” 

Philip smothered his chuckle, surprised by the sparks flying between these two people.  He had to tread carefully, though.  His granddaughter was not the fling type of woman and he had to be careful that Dylan Alfieri knew that.  Philip thought that his Georgette was the loveliest person, both inside and out.  He also suspected that these two would be perfect for each other. 

Besides, he wanted a great-grandchild.  Soon! 

Patience, he warned himself.  Everything had to go off perfectly.  Mistakes with this kind of electricity could be fatal to his plan.  “This is where I need your help.  Our discussion this afternoon…”

The sharp intake of breath was a surprise but Dylan had no idea what was going on.

“Grandpapa, surely you don’t mean…”

“I do,” he interrupted.  Turning to Dylan, he said, “My granddaughter knows everyone who is appropriate to know,” Philip explained.  “She has agreed to escort you ‘round Naw’lins and introduce you to all the people who can help you realize your plans.”

Dylan almost laughed out loud at the horrified expression on the lovely and sultry Ms. Georgette’s features.  He lifted his glass and took a sip, trying to hide his amusement. 

Behind his glass he said, “That’s very generous of you, Georgette.  I’ll be very grateful for your help and insight into New Orleans society.”  He couldn’t help poking the bear slightly.  She was just so much fun to poke!  “It will be a great pleasure to get to know…everyone,” he said, implying something much more personal. 

Georgette looked from her grandfather to the large man sitting opposite her, trying to take in the crazy turn of events.  Yes, her grandfather had asked her to escort a client around to the various social functions in the city and introduce him around.  But introduce a Yankee?  And a Yankee invader?  Someone who thought it was perfectly acceptable to undress a woman with his eyes?  Impossible!  Surely she’d misunderstood! 

She felt overwhelmed and…vulnerable.  She didn’t like that feeling one little bit.  Dylan’s gaze made her feel soft and…well, she just didn’t like it! 

“Grandpapa, surely you don’t mean that you wish for Mr. Alfieri to be my guest at all…”

“Absolutely,” he replied firmly.  “While we work on finalizing the details of the sale, you will take Mr. Alfieri to any important social event where he needs to be seen.  You will introduce him to all of your friends and acquaintances, ensure that he is properly received by the appropriate families and make him feel welcome.  If there is anyone who doesn’t accept Dylan, just let me know.”  He chuckled and raised his glass slightly in a salute.  “But I have seen you in action, my dear.  You are a force in the social world.  No one would dare to ignore Dylan once you’ve introduced him.”

Georgette’s mouth fell open as she listened to her grandfather.  She loved him to bits, weaknesses and all, admired all of his life’s accomplishments and would do practically anything to help him. 

But escort this man? Her eyes once again took in Dylan’s enormous, muscular body, his broad shoulders, black-as-sin hair and blue eyes.  Those eyes were sending her a message that she simply refused to receive because it was completely and unequivocally inappropriate!  Couldn't her grandfather see that this man was a barbarian?  He would never be allowed through the doors of the more exclusive homes in her fair city! 

Clearing her throat, she shook her head delicately.  “I don’t think I’m capable…”

“Nonsense,” her grandfather interrupted, his own southern drawl soothing the words and disruption.  “If anyone can get those annoying, hoity toity idiots to accept Mr. Alfieri into their midst, it is you.  Georgette, you know that you practically rule the social world around here.”  He turned to Dylan.  “She knows how to spin things around in our social circle so that issues, events and foibles are to our advantage,” Philip explained to Dylan.  “She gets people talking, she finds out information, things that could be very valuable to your business.”  He smiled with true appreciation at his granddaughter.  “And just about anyone who is important wants to be married in one of her gowns.  So no one messes with my granddaughter.” 

Dylan raised his glass in appreciation for her skills. “I will defer to your superior knowledge of New Orleans society.”  He already had his connections in place.  There was no doubt that he would acquire the properties he needed.  When he went into a business venture, he stacked the deck so that he came out the winner.  But he also knew there were many ways to get into the inner circles where business deals were made, so why fight the system when Philip was offering a simple and effective, and no doubt exciting, entrée into the business and social world?  He might not need the man’s assistance, but he would definitely appreciate the woman’s tender support. 

“Dinner is ready, ma’am,” the butler bowed slightly. 

Georgette stared at Fred, wondering if he was losing his mind.  Dinner?  Now?  Her world was falling apart and he was announcing dinner? 

After several long moments where Georgette looked around to both of them, then back to the butler, Philip knew that she was still reeling from his proposal.  “Shall we go in, m’dear?” Philip prompted, not relenting despite her obvious discomfort.  In fact, he was reveling in her discomfort!  No man had ever gotten under her skin.  It was a good sign!  A very good sign indeed! 

She looked up at her grandfather who was standing next to her chair, already offering his arm to escort her into dinner.  She looked at his arm, then at his expression and knew he was up to something.  There was mischief in his twinkling eyes! 

With a slight sigh, she forced a smile and took her grandfather’s arm.  “Yes, Grandpapa.  Let’s go into dinner,” she said, her eyes narrowing as her mind started working again. 

Dylan walked behind the two of them, admiring the woman’s perfectly round bottom encased in the fine silk of her black dress.  He didn’t mind being last as long as he had this view, he thought as his eyes followed the gentle sway of her hips. 

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