Hold Me (26 page)

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Authors: Susan Mallery

The living room of the suite was bright and nicely decorated. A happy combination of sophisticated and comfortable. Beyond the open door, she could see into the bedroom. Technically, all she could see was the bed, but that was enough. Because she knew what was coming next.

The price of her one moral misstep gleamed on her left hand. A simple gold band. One Kipling had surprised her with during the ceremony. Because she hadn’t thought about rings. Or much else. In fact, since saying yes to his proposal, she hadn’t thought much at all.

He caught her gaze and walked over to her, then took her left hand in his. “I want to get you a different ring,” he told her. “But I’ll need your help in picking it out. I figured this would be a good start. Classic usually works.”

“This is fine. I don’t need anything else.”

He smiled. “It’s not about what you need, Destiny. It’s about what’s right.”

Nothing was right, she thought. Sure, she was married and pregnant and she had her sister, so she was well on her way to the perfect family she’d always wanted. But everything was oddly distant. As if she was experiencing her life through a thick pane of glass. Or underwater. Or from another planet. She could see what was happening, hear it, even touch it. But it wasn’t real.

Her attention shifted to the large bed and how it loomed in her future. Dear God, they were going to have to do it, weren’t they?

“If we do the sex thing now, can we let it go for the next couple of days?” she asked, not quite looking at Kipling as she asked the question.

“Would that be better for you?”

“Yes. Then I wouldn’t be so worried thinking about ‘is it now?’”

His mouth twitched. “Sure. Let’s get it over with.”

Which sounded way too easy, she thought. “And then we’re done for a couple of days?”

He nodded. “I promise I won’t ask for sex while we’re staying at the hotel. If you want it, you’re welcome to tell me and then we can do—” he released her hand and made air quotes “—the sex thing.”

“Very funny.” As if she would be the one initiating
. “Okay, give me a couple of minutes, then come in.”

She picked up her duffel and walked into the bedroom. After closing the door behind her, she moved around the bed without looking at it then went into the bathroom.

Once there, she wasn’t sure how to prepare. She brushed her teeth, then changed into a simple cotton nightgown. The only one she had. She was more of a T-shirt over panties kind of sleeper.

She agonized over her underwear then figured that leaving them on was wishful thinking on her part. She tucked them under her other clothes then returned to the bedroom. After folding down the covers, she stretched out on one side of the bed and rested her head on the pillow.

“Come in,” she called.

The door opened. Kipling walked in and paused to look at her. One eyebrow rose.

“Ready to make the ultimate sacrifice?” he asked.

She couldn’t quite read the tone in his voice. Humor, maybe. Although she couldn’t figure out why he thought this was funny.

She nodded. “I am.”

He moved toward the bed. He’d taken off his shoes and socks but left on the rest of his clothes. Which was nice. Seeing him naked would have been jarring.

His dark blue eyes locked onto her face. She noticed he needed a haircut, but that he’d shaved recently. Probably for the wedding, she thought. He was the kind of man who would shave for his wedding.

He got in on his side and moved toward the middle. After patting the center of the big bed, he waited until she slid a little closer.

She’d thought he might say something or maybe simply get on top of her and do his thing. Instead, he brushed his fingers across her cheek before gently kissing her.

The feel of his lips on hers was both familiar and arousing. She knew about the kissing—liked it, in fact. So it was easy to close her eyes and relax. His mouth moved against hers. Back and forth. He settled one hand on her waist, which momentarily distracted her, but when he didn’t move it, she could focus on the kissing again.

The room was quiet, the bed comfortable. They were alone, and no one would be bothering them. Not that she was looking forward to what they were doing. Only she couldn’t help thinking about having his hands on her breasts. That was the part she liked.

His tongue brushed against her lower lip. She parted to let him in then sighed when she felt the first quivery spark ignite in her belly. She wrapped both arms around him, resting her hands on his back. He was broad and strong, she thought absently. Masculine. He would always keep her safe.

Their tongues danced and teased, touching, retreating, stroking. Her breasts began to ache, and she felt her nipples straining against the fabric of her nightgown.

Kipling shifted slightly, moving to kiss along her jaw then down her neck. He brushed his lips against her collarbone then dipped lower to the scooped neckline of her nightgown, but didn’t go beyond the fabric. The hand on her waist stayed exactly where it was. He returned his attention to her mouth and kissed her again.

She rolled toward him as she ran her fingers up and down his back. The kiss deepened. With every stroke of his tongue against hers, she felt herself melting. At the same time a particular tension emanated from various points on her body. Her breasts, which ached more each second, and between her thighs. There was an odd heaviness. An almost pulsing.

Images filled her mind. Of how he’d touched her before. Of him pushing inside her. She wanted that again, she thought hazily. She’d said she would do the sex thing, so why was he taking so long?

He broke free for a second time and kissed his way down her neck. This time he moved past the edge of the nightgown. He hovered over her breasts for a heartbeat, then two. Anticipation filled her, making her want to grab him by the shoulders and pull him down.

At last he lowered his head and took her right nipple into his mouth.

She exhaled sharply as she felt the warm, moist heat of his mouth envelop her through the thin cotton. His tongue swirled against her tight, sensitive skin. Nerve endings danced with joy and sent ribbons of heat shimmering down to her belly.

She was still in her nightgown, but the gauzy fabric didn’t get in the way at all. She felt the flick of his tongue then pulsing pleasure when he sucked, the coolness of the air on the damp material as he shifted to her other breast.

She wasn’t sure how long he went between them. First one then the other. When his mouth was on one breast, his hand was on the other. She learned there was a difference between what he could do with his tongue and his fingers, but both were very, very nice.

At some point she’d rolled onto her back, although she couldn’t say when. She’d moved her hands from his back to his shoulders and head. She trailed her fingers through his hair, and when he sucked a nipple in deeply, she groaned and dug into his shoulders.

The room had become very warm. She stirred restlessly, feeling the need for something more. She moved her legs against the sheet, squeezed her thighs together, but nothing helped. Relaxed muscles tensed, although she wasn’t sure why.

Kipling moved on the bed. She opened her eyes and saw he was removing his white long-sleeved shirt. She watched greedily, wanting to see his chest. He tossed the shirt away and, without thinking, she put his hands on the sculpted muscles.

His skin was warm and smooth. She saw his nipples were slightly raised.

“Does it feel the same?” she asked as she brushed her fingers against one of them.

He grinned. “I don’t know how it feels for you, but I like it.”

The anatomy was interesting, she thought. Similar but different.

He leaned in and kissed her as he tugged at her nightgown. She pulled it up to her waist, then he drew it off her.

Funny how a few minutes ago the thought of being naked would have made her nervous. Now all she could think about was that he was going to touch her without the impediment of fabric, and how good that was going to be. She sank back onto the mattress and wrapped her arms around him. He smiled then kissed her.

Her eyes closed as she lost herself in his mouth on hers. His hand returned to her breasts. She sighed as he cupped her curves. This was so nice, she thought. She could—

His hand was moving. Down her rib cage, across her belly, before settling on the top of her thigh. Because he was going to touch her

Destiny wasn’t sure how she felt about that. She was still kind of tense and hot, but also nervous. But the kissing was good, and when he didn’t move right away, she relaxed. Because so far everything he’d done had felt nice. Not earth-shattering like everyone said, but still pleasant. If this was sex, and it was important to him, she could certainly see doing it every month or so.

He let his hand travel up her thigh, back to her stomach then make the return trip. So slow and easy, she almost didn’t notice. The second time, he went all the way to her breast, where he stroked her nipples. The restlessness returned, and she shifted.

When he went back down again, somehow her legs opened a little, and he rested his fingers against her girl parts. Not pushing or actually touching, just kind of resting.

He broke the kiss.

“I want you to tell me if you don’t like what I’m doing,” he said softly. “If it hurts or makes you uncomfortable.”

She opened her eyes and found him watching her. His dark blue gaze was intense.

“If you want to tell me to go faster or slower, that would be good, too.”

“Why would I do that?” she asked.

He smiled. “There will be a point when you’re going to want to give instructions.”

“I doubt that.”

The smile turned into a grin. “Trust me.”


He moved his hands against her, pressing down some. Warmth seemed to radiate from wherever he touched. An odd warmth that made her want to strain toward him.

“What do you know about anatomy?” he asked. “About this area in particular?”

“The usual stuff.”

He lightly kissed her. “Close your eyes.”

She did as he requested. His fingers parted her, then he touched her intimately.

That one night at the bar had been different. He’d been inside her, but he hadn’t touched her. Not like this. Not with fingers that seemed to find every nerve ending she had and set it tingling.

He pushed a single finger inside her, and she instinctively pressed her hips toward him. She liked the feeling of fullness. The in-and-out motion made her strain a little. She parted her legs even more. He stroked inside her, pushing up, and in and—

The good became great as he found some nerve knot or something. Her breath caught as he moved his finger back and forth against sensitive inner skin.

“G-spot,” he murmured.

“I thought that was a myth.”

He moved his finger again. “You tell me.”

She would if she could breathe, she thought, tilting her hips to give him more access.

He pulled out, and she nearly whimpered. But before she could complain, he placed three fingers on the very center of her and moved in a slow circle.


She would have said something, only she couldn’t speak. Nothing they’d done had prepared her for the waves of heat and need rushing through her.

She was helpless, she thought, sinking into the sensation of him circling and circling, the pace not changing, yet the tension inside her building.

She wanted to whimper. She wanted to beg. Every part of her only cared about that small core. About what he was doing to her body.

Her breathing increased as he touched her over and over. He moved a little faster. She strained toward something she couldn’t see, couldn’t touch, couldn’t—

She exploded, flew apart into a zillion pieces, into the very essence of what she had always been. She might have gasped or screamed or been totally silent. She had no way of knowing. She could only be lost in the powerful waves of pleasure reducing her to base metal before allowing her to reassemble into a metamorphosed version of herself.

When she could think again, when she could breathe and speak, she opened her eyes and found Kipling watching her. One corner of his mouth turned up.

would be an orgasm.”



. Two stories with a partially finished basement. Four bedrooms upstairs, lots of windows to let in light and a big backyard. Destiny knew she should be checking out storage space and the size of the kitchen. Did the layout work for her, and would the place need paint? There were considerations when one purchased a home for the first time. But honest to God, she simply couldn’t think straight. Not with her body still quivering and tingling with aftershocks.

Someone should have been a lot clearer about the whole sex thing.

Kipling walked back into the kitchen and smiled at her. “The yard is nice. Big enough for a swing set and a dog to run around. There’s a big tree with good-size branches. What do you think about a tree house?”

He had such a nice mouth, she thought, watching him as he talked. And the way he moved. Every now and then there was the slightest hesitation. From his accident. He had scars, too. On his legs and hips. One circled halfway around to his back.

She knew that now. She knew other things, too. Like the scent of his skin and how his gaze sharpened when he entered her. She knew that he liked it when she made noise when she came. She knew the sound of his voice as he urged her on.

He walked over and pulled her against him. “Tired?” he asked.

“A little.”

Neither of them had slept. They’d spent the night making love. After her first climax, she’d been stunned. Blown away. Pick your description, she thought, still amazed by what had happened. Then he’d slipped inside her, and she’d climaxed again.

They’d gone to dinner, then returned to their room to make love over and over again. She hurt everywhere, but the ache was worth it. Every step reminded her of what they’d done. Of how he had pleased her.

He stroked her hair then lowered his mouth to hers. She leaned into him, parting her lips immediately. As his tongue tangled with hers, she was already unbuttoning the front of her shirt. When it was open, she unhooked her bra then grabbed his hands and put them on her breasts.

His kiss turned greedy, then he pulled away. “Hold that thought. I want to check the front door.”

Because they were alone in the empty house. The local real-estate agent had simply handed them keys to the handful of houses that were vacant and for sale. Apparently, word that they were looking for something they could close on quickly had spread.

Kipling hurried out of the kitchen. Destiny put the time to good use. She unfastened her jeans and toed out of her shoes. By the time he returned, she was naked.

Kipling took one look at her then shook his head. “You’re going to kill us both.”

She grinned. “I doubt that.”

He crossed to her and grabbed her by the waist, then settled her on the built-in desk. She reached for the fly of his jeans and freed him.

He was already hard. She parted her thighs, and he pushed home. She wrapped her legs around his hips and drew him in deep.

It only took them a thrust or two to find the right rhythm. Even as he returned his mouth to hers, he was also cupping her breasts. She ran her hands over his chest and back, then shifted closer, pulling him in deeper.

He filled her completely. Nerve endings were already screaming for the hot friction. At minute one, she was breathing hard. At minute two, she was nearing her climax. At minute three she opened her eyes to find him watching her.

In and out. He moved hard and fast, pushing her closer and closer.

“Yes,” he breathed, his gaze locked with hers.

He could see her getting closer. They’d both figured that out last night. As she strained toward her release, he went deeper. It was just enough.

She felt the first telltale internal shudders. Her orgasm swept over her, claiming her. She shook and groaned, all the while looking into his eyes. Letting him see it all.

He didn’t break rhythm, not even once. She felt him shaking as he held back until she was done. When she’d quieted, he squeezed her butt and pushed in one more time. She watched his face tighten as he climaxed inside her.

They stayed like that—connected and united—until their breathing slowed. They kissed each other slowly, lazily, letting their bodies return to a more resting state. He withdrew and then helped her dress.

After fastening her bra, he reached around and cupped her breasts. Wanting shot through her. She could never get enough of him, she thought, not sure if that was good news or bad news. Something about his body and her body created an irresistible dynamic.

She pulled on her T-shirt then faced him.

“I am turning into my parents,” she murmured, stepping into his embrace.

“I’ve yet to see you throw a plate, so I don’t think so.”

She laughed. “I’m sure the plate throwing will be next. But the sex thing. I had no idea.”

He touched her chin. “It’s not usually like this,” he admitted. “Usually it’s less intense. And less frequent. Even at first.” He smiled. “This is unexpected for me, too.”

For a second she wondered if it was more than that. If her reaction to him were as much about her brain as her body. Because when she thought about all the things good in a man, Kipling checked every box. But he also scared her. He was a really good guy,
he made her blood race. Kind of an irresistible combination. Which was exactly what she’d been trying to avoid.

He put his arm around her then turned her so she was facing the kitchen. “Want to talk about the space?” he asked.

She laughed. “I like the built-in desk.”

“It’s convenient.” He kissed the top of her head. “Okay, we’re going to be adults about this. We’re house hunting. Does this one work for us?” He motioned to the open area just beyond the island. “There’s room for a table and chairs there. The playpen could go there.”

Playpen? Kipling continued talking, but Destiny couldn’t listen anymore. She pressed her hand against her stomach and let the reality settle over her. She was pregnant. Yes, she’d known that before, but it hadn’t been real. It probably still wasn’t. But here she was, married, looking for a house with her new husband. Because they were having a baby together. Plus, she was responsible for her teenage sister.

It was a lot for anyone to take on. She could have staggered under the weight of all of it, only she wouldn’t because she wasn’t alone. She had Kipling at her side.

* * *


walking into Jo’s. While she usually looked forward to her standing weekly lunch date with her friends, today she was more than a little apprehensive. She had a feeling that announcing her recent and very unexpected marriage was going to shift the focus of the conversation.

Still, there was no avoiding what had happened. She’d gotten pregnant, and now she was married. Not exactly her master plan, but she was dealing. Being responsible and adult, if one ignored hot sex in an empty house. Fortunately, she was as good at ignoring the obvious as the next person.

She drew in a deep breath then pushed open the door and smiled when she saw several of her friends sitting at a table.

Shelby and Dellina waved her over. Madeline turned and grinned then pointed to the empty chair next to her. Cassidy was there, as well. A couple of empty chairs remained, indicating they were expecting a big crowd.

“I’m trying to convince everyone to come with me Friday night to see the new Jonny Blaze movie,” Madeline admitted as Destiny took her seat. “Say you’ll come. It’s going to be great.”

Shelby wrinkled her nose. “Violent movies aren’t my thing.”

“This isn’t real violence,” Madeline told her. “It’s cartoony. Death is very tidy, and then we move on.”

“You’re weird,” Cassidy said cheerfully. “I like that about you.”

Madeline beamed. “Thank you. How are you enjoying Fool’s Gold?”

“It’s great. Everyone is friendly.” Cassidy wrinkled her nose. “Maybe too friendly.” She turned to Destiny. “I’ve had to tell your friend Miles to back off a couple of times. Hello, married, and so not interested in anyone but my hunky husband.”

“I’m sorry,” Destiny murmured and glanced at Shelby. The other woman had gone pale.

Now Shelby stood. “I’ll be back in a bit. Order without me.”

Destiny followed her to the doorway. “Is it Miles?”

“Yes. I need to talk to him about a broken promise.”

Destiny kind of didn’t want to know what that was about. “Should I come with you?”

“No. I can yell at him all on my own.”

Larissa and a very pregnant Taryn walked in and joined them. Destiny hesitated, but Shelby turned and waved for her to go back to the table. Destiny walked with Taryn, eyeing her, wondering if she would look as uncomfortable when she was that far along.

From the back, Taryn looked sleek and slim, but from the side and front, she was huge. Just her stomach—not her face or shoulders or legs. Other women Destiny had known had gotten heavier all over. It was a more balanced look, but would require more weight loss later.

She supposed her doctor would tell her what was the healthy amount to gain. Speaking of which, she needed to find a gynecologist and schedule a visit.

Cassidy pulled out a chair for Taryn. “How are you feeling?”

“Huge. It’s awful. Biology sucks.”

Cassidy patted her arm. “That’s my brave little toaster. Always keeping your feelings to yourself so you don’t upset those around you.”

“Bite me.”

Cassidy laughed.

Jo came by and took drink orders.

“You taunt me, and it’s mean,” Taryn said, glaring at the specials board on the wall. The first one was a berry margarita. “I swear when this kid is born, I’m going to get drunk for three days.”

“You’re not,” Cassidy said cheerfully. “You’re going to be breastfeeding.”

Taryn glared at her. “Don’t start with me. You think you’re all skinny and tough, but I could take you.”

Cassidy’s amusement grew. “Like I’d take on a pregnant woman.”

Taryn sighed. “Fine. Four months after this kid is born, I’m getting really, really drunk. Until then, make me that stupid herbal iced tea drink. It’s not completely gross.”

Jo glanced at her. “Love the endorsement. I’ve been thinking of doing some TV advertising. I should have you as my spokesperson.”

“Very funny,” Taryn grumbled. “And I’m sorry. I’m huge. I can’t sleep. My feet are swollen, and none of my good shoes fit. Kill me now.”

Everyone laughed, then continued with their drink orders. Destiny glanced at Taryn then back at Jo. “She made the herbal iced tea sound so good, I’ll try one.”

“You’ll love it,” Jo assured her then turned back to Taryn. “I have a new salad. Fresh, organic and locally sourced. High protein with some quinoa.”

Taryn made a gagging sound. Jo chuckled and walked away.

“It’s her way of expressing love,” Madeline said. “Jo takes care of people, and we love her for it.”

“I know,” Taryn said with a sigh.

“The salad sounds delicious,” Larissa admitted. “I think I’ll get it.”

“You would,” Taryn grumbled.

“I agree with her,” Cassidy added.

Destiny had a feeling she was saying that to bug Taryn. The two women seemed to have made good friends fairly quickly. Not a likely friendship, but one that seemed solid.

Conversation swirled around her. Talk about upcoming festivals, the great weather, the crazy things tourists had done. The usual stuff. Jo returned with the drinks, took their lunch orders then left. Destiny knew she was running out of time.

Not sure what to say, exactly, she put her left hand on the table. Light glinted from her gold wedding band. She stared at the ring, searching for the right words. In the end she figured she would just blurt it out. Simply say—

“OMG, is that real?” Madeline asked. “Destiny Mills, are you wearing a wedding ring?”

The table went silent as everyone turned to look at her. Or, more precisely, her hand.

She felt herself flush. “I, ah...”

Taryn poked at the ring. “It feels real to me.”

Destiny cleared her throat. “Kipling and I got married a couple of days ago. I know it’s quick, but there are reasons. One reason. I’m pregnant.”

Everyone stared at her. Eyes widened, a couple of mouths dropped open.

“That was fast,” Taryn said, then winced. “Sorry. I meant that to sound less judgmental.”

“Good for you,” Cassidy said. “Kipling’s a great guy. When did this happen? And where?”

“Yes, we need details,” Larissa added.

“Congratulations.” Madeline gave her a hug. “He’s dreamy, and you two are so cute together. And a baby! That’s wonderful. Does Starr know? Is she thrilled?”

“She says she is,” Destiny told them. “She keeps going on and on about being part of a real family. Plus, she’s super excited about having a baby niece or nephew.”

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