Read Holy Blood, Holy Grail Online
Authors: Michael Baigent,Richard Leigh,Henry Lincoln
Tags: #Religion, #Christianity, #General
Nicea. Council of, 388, 408 Ese;henbach
Nilus, Sergei. 199 Pavillon, Nicolas, Bishop of Alet,
Nodier, Charles. 133, 154-8, 180 461-2, 463; A History of Paten family, 442
Secret Societies in the Army Payee, Hugues de, 61, 63, 64, 65, under Napoleon, 157; The 80, 86, 113, 116, 118, 483. 486,
Napoleons, 462 490. 491
Nostradamus, 176, 494-5 Peguy, Charles, 431
Peladan, Josephin, 160
Cher, jean-Jacques, 180 Pepin the Fat, 263
Oman Mosque of, 160 Pepin III, King, 266, 267-8,
Ordenstaat, 69 414-15
Order of the Catholic Rose- Peraud, Hugues de, 486
Croix, the Temple and the Pereille, Raimon de, 57
Grail, see Catholic Rose-Croix Perlesvaus, 302-5
Order of the Crescent, see Peter. Gospel of, 389-90
Crescent, Order of the Peter the Hermit, 114, 117, 489
Order of the New Templars, see Philadelphes, 157, 492
- 532 -
New Templars, Order of the Philadelphians, 150 Philip, Gospel of, 404
Radclyffe, Charles, 133, 148-50.
Philippe, Monsieur, 198 456, 458
Philippe II, King of France, 121 Rahn, Otto, 483
Philippe IV (Le Bel), King of Ramsay, Andrew’ Chevalier
France, 70-1, 73, 76 150-1, 456
Pidoye, Guillaume, 128 Razes, Comte of, 33, 271, 276
Pierre 1”Hermite, see Peter the Razes, Giselle de, 260-1
Hermit Razes. Guillem de Gellone, Count
Pilate, Pontius, 339, 375 of, see Gellone, Guillem de
Pinchon, Abbe (Francois Iron), Remy, Saint, 255, 256 249. 505 Rennes-leChateau: Pitois, Jean Baptiste (Paul general description in 1885,
Christian), 155. 194, 497: His24; Church of Marie-Made tory and Practice of Magic, lei ne 25, 27, 29-30, 204; Tour 155 Magdala, 28, 30, 204; Villa
Pius X’Pope,197Bethania, 28. 31, 170, 204,
Plantagenets, 316 361; map, 31; history, 32-3;
Plantard family, 107, 184, 188, Rhedae, 33,257.261; Un 189, 271, 279, 434, 496 Tresor merovingien a Rennes
Plantard, Hugues de, 279, 419, leChateau,seeAntoine 508 1”Ermiie Plantard, jean des, 443 Rennes-les-Bains, 156
Plantard de Saint-Clair, Pierre, Rhedae, seeRennes-leCha 96, 212, 224, 230-7, 501 teau
Plantavelu, Bernard, 271, 273 Richelieu, Cardinal, 176
Poher, Alain, 213 Revue de 1”Orient Latin, 195
Poher, Arnaud de, Count, 213 Rey, Emmanuel, Baron, 195
Poher family, 107 Richard I, King of England, 122,
Pontifical Biblical Commission, 484 197 Ridefort, Gerard de, 68.
Poor Knights of Christ and the 490
Temple of Solomon, Order of Roman de 1”Esto ire dou Saint the, see Templar, Knights Graal, see Boron, Robert de
Poussin, Nicolas, 27, 38, 185; Roman de Perceval, Le, see “Les Bergers d’Arcadie’, 27, Chretien de Troyes, Le Conte 39. 143, 186, 188, 191 del Grua]
Proces des Templiers, Le. see Roncalli, Angelo, Cardinal, see Michelet, Jules John XXIII, Pope
Prophets of Cevennes, see Rose + Croix, Salon de la, see
Camisards Salon de la Rose + Croix
Protocols of the Elders of Sion, Rose-Croix, see Rosicrucians 199-203, 431. 499 Rose-Croix Veritas, Ordre de la.
Provins, Guiot de. 308 124-5
Public Safety, Committees of, seeRosenkreuz, Christian, 125, 144; Committees of Public Safety Chemical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreuz, see Andrea,
- 533 -
Queste del Saint Graal, 322 Johann V. Rosicrucians (Rose-Croix), 125-Septimania, 412-18 6, 134, 182; “Rosicrucian Serpent rouge, Le, 100-1
Manifestos’, 144-8; see also Sforza’Francesco, Duke of
Catholic Rose-Croix, Order of Milan, 447
Rosslyn, 190. 441 Sforza, Ludovico, 449
Roussillon,Solomon, Count of, Shugborough Hall, 191 see.
SolomonSigisbert, Saint, 432, 516
Roux, S.” 218-19, 500 Sigisbert IV, King, 100, 270, 271
Royal Society, 148, 492 Sigisbert VI, “Prince Ursus’, 274-6
Sacred Book of Abraham the Simonof Cyrene, see Cyrene,
Jew, The, 313, 430, 445 Simon of
Saint-Aignan, Archambaud de, Sinclair family, 100, 190, 434 116
Sinclair, Lord James, Earl of
Saint-Clair family, 107, 442 Caithness, 160
Saint-Clair, lean de, 133. 444-5 Sion (Switzerland), 252, 317, 330
Saint-Clair, Marie de. 133, 441 Sion, Abbey of Notre Dame du Saint-Clair, Pierre Plantard de, Mont de, 112-13 see Plantard de Saint-Clair, P. Sion, Mount, 112, 118
Saint Jean le Blanc, 119 Sion, Orderof, see Sion,
Saint John, Hospitallers of, see prieure de
IIospitallers of Saint John Sion, Prieure de, 106, 111-243;
Saint Lazarus, Order of, 127 founding, 112, 116; at Orleans, Saint-Maxent, Louis, 100, 102 119, 127; rift with Templars,
St. Omer, Bisol de, 116 120,126-7; “Ormus’, 123-4;
Saint-Remy, Jean de, 141
Saint-Sacrement, Compagnie du, GrandMasters (“Nauton 179-83niers’), 133-67, 219-20, 224,
Saint-Samson, Prioryof441-65; command eries 170; (Orleans), 119, 171
Protocols of the Elders of Sion,
Saint Sulpice, Seminaryof199-203; statutes, 210-12, (Paris), 180, 182, 196 225-8; membership, 210; hier
Sainte-Colombe, 223 archy, 210-12, 227; modern
Sainville, Thomas de, 127 schism, 228-9; political ideas,
Salic Law, 412 240-3
Salon de la Rose + Croix, 161Sion, Rock of, 193-4
Sannazaro, Jacopo (Arcadia), Sion, Saint Amatus, Bishop of, 143 see Amatus, Saint
Satanicum, see Stenay Sion-Vaudemont, 448. 451
Sauniere, Berenger,24-32, Sion-Vaudemont, Ferri,
Lord of, 204, 429, 481 see Ferri
Schidlof, Leo. 99, 216-I8, 238 Sir Gawain and the Green
Schonfield, Professor Hugh, 361 Knight, 297
Scotland, Templars in, 74, 152 Smith, Professor Morton, 334, Scott, Sir Walter (Ivanhoe), 59 357
Sede, G6rard de, 95, 111, 113, Societe de 1”Orient Latin, 195 501 Sol
- 534 -
Invictus 386-7, 513 Solomon, Count of Roussillon, Maurice de la, 178
411 Tour dAuvergne, Henri de la,
Solomon, King of Brittany, 411 Duke of Bouillon, 145, 454 “Solomon, Stables of’, see Jeru- Trencavel family, 44
Salem Trencavel. Raymond-Roger,
Solomon, Temple of, see .Ig4_ 5
JerusalemTr(,sor du triangle d’or. Le, see
Soloviov, Vladimir, 199 (:haumeil, J.-L.
Spalding, Gentleman’s Club of, Treesor merovingien ii Rennessee Gentleman’s Club of leChateau. Un, see Antoine
Spalding 1”Ermite
Steiner, Rudolf. 77
Stenay, (Saianicum), 106, 145, Troyes, 86; Council of, 63 170, 178, 263, 443 Troyes see Chretien de Troyes
Stuart dynasty, 146, 149, 434 True History of Saint Sigisbert.
Stuart, Elizabeth, 146 The, see Vincent, Rev. Father
Sulpice, Saint. 30 Turin Shroud, 80
Turmel. Abbe, 197
Tafurs, 488-9Tyre, Guillaume de, 60-2. 84, Templar, Knights (Order of the 115 Poor Knights of Christ and the Temple of Solomon), 59-93,
“Ursus’, 113
116-19, 120-2; treasure, 34, “Ursus, Prince’, see Sigisbert VI 72; in Jerusalem, 61; Council of
Troyes, 63-4; rules of conduct, Val d’Or, Hieron du, see 64; expansion, 64; wealth, 65, Ilieron du Val d’Or 67; international power, 65-7;
Valentinus, 400 links with Cathars, fig-70; Vermes, Dr. Geza, 346
attacked by Philippe IV, 70-3; Vespucci, Georges Antoine, survive outside France, 74-5; 448 occult powers,76-7;Vipers, Gerard de, 486
“Baphomet’, 79; bearded head, Villiers, Philippe Auguste, 79-82; foundation date, 85-6; Comte de I’Isle Adam (Axel),
Grand Masters, 129-32, 153, 159, 464-5 491; Le Proces des Templiers Vincent. Rev. Father (The True 195; in literature, 303. 309 History of Saint Sigisbert),
Temple, William, 197 432
Templecombe, 80 Vincent de Paul, Saint, 180, 181
Teniers, David, 26, 28 Vinci, Leonardo da, 133, 134,
Teutonic Knights, 69, 75. 127, 144 459 Visigoths, 34-5
Theodoric (Thierry), 272, 416 Voisins, Pierre de, 92
Thomas, Gospel of, 402
Torigny, Robert de, 189, 4f)6 Wagner, Richard, 34
Toscane, Mathilde de, 114 Wilfrid, Saint, 260-2
- 535 -
Tour dAuvergne, Frederic- Wilkins, Dr. John, 147, 454Willehalm, see Wolfram von Wurzburg, Johann von, 87
Wolfram von Eschenbach, 56, Yates, Frances. 125, 126, 489 76. 273.
296; Parzival. 76, 305-18; Lohengrin, 277. 295, Zealots, 341-2, 370, 389-99 315: Der Junge Titurel, 317; Zuckerman, Professor Arthur, Willehalm, 317 415-16
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