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Authors: J.W. Phillips

He flipped her around and held her. “No one
is ever going to hurt you. You’re my mate. I know you don’t fully
understand that but they do.” He touched her hair, her face, and
then her shoulders. She once again was at his mercy. “My other side
is one of the most powerful forces out there. They don’t want to
piss me off . . . Angel, the safest place on earth for you is with
me.” He clasped her jaw and traced her bottom lip with the pad of
his thumb. She slowly and passionately nodded her head. “My room.”
He twirled her around and unlocked the door. “Hope you like it, we
decorated it with you in mind.”

She tried to take it all in, it was smaller
than his other room but still impressive. The walls were hand
painted in a blue and green plaid pattern. “Blue and green?” she

“Yeah, for me and you.” He smooth a finger
under her eye socket.

A smile crept up on her shocked face. She
glanced around to see he had a seating area, a wet bar, and she
could get a glimpse into his luxurious bath from the open door. It
was tailored with a modern flair. She loved it. “It’s perfect.”

He took her by the shoulders and shifted her
towards the bed. It had a seafoam green comforter with blue sheets.
“Look at the pillows.”

Julie saw amongst the sea of pillows there
were two shams, a blue and a green one. The blue one was exactly
the same color as Truckers' eyes and had Trucker monogramed on it
with green thread. While the green one was exactly the same shade
as Julie's eyes and had Julie monogramed in blue.

“I want you to feel like you belong here. I
want you to feel safe and like this is your place too.” He paused
and let her take it all in. “The only demon that can come in here
is me and Ruby with my permission to clean.”

“A safe place for us?” she questioned. Julie
looked around the room.
Oh Truck, this is too much.
didn’t realize she was chewing her bottom lip until Trucker flicked
it with his thumb.

“You don’t like it?” He held her, tilting her
head so they were eye to eye with each other.

“No baby, it’s just . . .:” Julie tried to
find the right words, without hurting his feelings.

“Odd,” he said, giving her his sad puppy dog

“Not odd, just too much.”

“Angel, I don’t know how to be normal, never
had to be. I just want you to feel special and that you belong in
my world.”

“I do. It’s . . .” She shrugged before taking
another look around.

“I never even bought my own drink till the
day I followed you in that convenience store. I still find little
things like that strange but exciting. You’ve opened a new world up
to me. I just want you in my world too,” Trucker explained.

Julie threw her arms around him.
Baby, I
love you and all your odd ideas too. I want you to feel normal but
most of all loved.

“My sweet man, I love you and your room


She nodded her head. “Really, I do feel at
home with you.” She did. Maybe not necessarily in that house but
with him.

“Enough with the heavy, did you have a fun
normal day?” He was biting the tip of his tongue and had a sneaky
little grin on his face.

“Yes,” she answered. His expression made her

“You ready for some me and you fun, before
tonight?” He leaned into her and pressed his forehead against

“Do I have a choice?”

“No. There’s a bathing suit for you in the
closet,” he said, licking his lips.

“A bathing suit? Have you noticed that it’s
kind of chilly outside?”

“Of course, remember my senses are keener
than the normal persons.” He growled with a friskiness that turned
Julie’s inside to jello. “The hot tub is almost as hot as you

Julie was ready to see what he had up his
sleeve, so she rushed to his closet. His closet was lined with
perfectly pressed clothes. It reminded her of one those fancy
boutiques her mom liked to visit; only his closet was more colored
coordinated. Laying across the center island was a red skimpy
bikini. She picked it up and examined it. There was no way she
would ever parade around in that thing. She walked out of his
closet doors, and saw him standing there in a pair of swim trunks.
She had to catch her breath. He was without a doubt the most
beautiful man she had ever seen.
Too beautiful for me, but
luckily he doesn’t believe so because he is mine.
She held up
the scrap of material he called a bathing suit. A slow, loving
smile spread across his face.

“Your mom bought this?”

He raised both eyebrows twice, giving her a
wicked smile. “Nah, I did. You like?”

“You really expect me to wear this?” She
couldn’t help but smile at him.

“I was hoping. Put one of my shirts on over

In the confines of his closet, she slid into
the suit and was thankful she shaved that morning. She decided to
put on one of his white shirts. She buttoned it up, leaving the top
few buttons undone, so he could at least get a glimpse of the red
material that barely covered anything. She took a deep breath,
pulled the ponytail holder out of her hair, shook the curls around,
and then opened the closet door.

His heart sparked at the sight of her
standing there in his shirt, her curls wrapping around the collar,
her long legs exposed. She was his mate, and he couldn’t had been
more pleased with that. With his predatory swiftness, he raced over
to her in a very stalking matter. His eyes smoldered with a come
hither look.

“You look amazing.” He grabbed her suddenly
and yanked her up against him, one hand at her back and the other
fisting through her hair.

Julie blushed as Trucker kissed her from the
corner of her eye to her mouth. He picked her up and carefully
threw her on the couch. He was on top of her. Even with him
supporting his weight with his arms, his body was pressed firmly
against hers. She felt his weight on her body, his kiss getting
harder. Every muscle in his lean frame was evident as he moved
against her. She involuntarily wrapped her leg around him as he ran
his hand down her bare thigh.

A mist wrapped around them and spread
outward, taking on the shape of wings. The purity of his true form
threatened to blind her. Power emanated from him as he stroked his
hand up her bare thigh. Presented with his wings, what she felt was
not fear or even reverence but pure, sinful lust.

Trucker’s wings curved forming a shield
around them. He pressed his lips to her forehead. “I want to taste

Julie’s will melted the instant Trucker’s
mouth sealed over hers. The feel of his rock-hard cock pressed
firmly against her thigh made her breath catch. She never wanted
anything more than to feel him touch every inch of her body.
Trucker moved with a swiftness so fast that Julie never registered
movement until the air caressed over her exposed midsection as her
unbutton shirt puddled against the sofa cushions. The feel of his
touch as his fingers followed the line of her bikini top was
perfect. He cupped her tender, swollen breast causing her to

“My sweet kitten, do you like that?” he
whispered and flicked his tongue along the shell of her ear. He
caught her nipples between his thumb and forefinger, tugging

“Ooh, yeah,” she breathed, unaware she even

Trucker brought his hand around to the small
of her back, and Julie felt untold amount of power thrumming
through him. He was not evil at that moment. He was a normal man
who wanted to share tremendous joy with the woman he loved. He
supported her spine in a cradle with one of his oversized powerful
hands. One simple slip and that very hand could’ve crushed her
spine into splinters, but Julie didn’t care. She wanted Trucker to
dish out every ounce of passion he had flowing out of his body. He
pushed her bikini bottoms to the side and blew a stream of hot air
out over her groin as his wet tongue stroked over her folds. His
touch was soft and firm at the same time.

Julie felt the edge to his movements. Trucker
wasn’t use to being gentle and loving. His usual philosophy was to
conquer and devour but Julie was not his usual conquest; she was
special. She was his. For the first time ever, he cared about
someone else’s pleasure more than his own. “So sweet, my Angel.
You’ve ruined me.”

Julie’s eyes rolled back as he rubbed his
nose against her clitoris and worked his fingers deep into her.
Julie felt as if she would combust at any moment.

“So tight,” he said as he plunge two fingers
deep inside of her.

She cried out, “It’s too much.”

“It has to fit, my love,” he whispered. “I
need to know that I’ll be capable of fitting.” He grided his
oversized cock against her leg. Damn, he was built like a bull. He
continue caressing the opening of her body with feather-light
touches. He crawl back up, covering his body with hers, but not
before flicking his tongue over her hardened nipples. His wings
formed a shield around them, making her feel safe and

Julie stretched her fingers through the thick
strands of his hair. Lifting her leg, she threw it over the back of
the couch, opening herself further to him. “Don’t stop. Touch me,”
she grasped in a breathy tone.

“I’m not, Angel.” Trucker kissed back down
her midsection. “I’ll never stop touching you.” Trucker pushed
three long, large fingers inside her. “Does my Angel like

She purred again, causing him to work his
fingers harder. She worked her hips, riding his fingers. His thumb
pressed against her clitoris, massaging it with every plunge of his
fingertips. He was worshipping her body.

At the point of her release, Trucker’s lips
parted over the throbbing vein in her groin. The moment his teeth
sunk in, Julie’s entire body felt as if it was floating in the most
pleasurable bliss. She arched her back, her eyes rolled back in her
head as a rush of adrenaline washed over her body. Climaxing
violently, she didn’t believe that another person could had given
her that amount of gratification. The delicate tissue of her sex
rippled along Trucker’s knowledgeable and wicked fingers. He curved
his hand around her groin and rubbed in a way that kept her

After moments of quivering around his
fingers, he rose back up and kissed her. She involuntarily licked
his lips, savoring her taste on them. His eyes stared into hers as
she started to come down from an unbelievable orgasms. Her heart
swelled as if she lived and breathed to have him look at her.

“My beautiful soul, I’ve never needed
anything like I need you, but not tonight. Not until you know
everything,” Trucker said and pushed up off her body. “Damn, Angel,
I’ve never seen anything more beautiful,” he uttered as he raked
his eyes over her exposed body. He cupped his hand around her
aroused breast. “You were made for me. Even your breast perfectly
fits in the palm of my hand.” He gave her another soft kiss.
“You’re my mate. I love you.” He slowly stroked her cheek then
helped her sit up.

“What do you mean I’m your mate?” she asked
and adjusted the bathing suit to cover herself. Her legs were still
trembling and groin quivering, and she wondered how Trucker could
be so calm and cool after everything they had just experience. Oh
yeah, this is nothing new to him.

He sat down beside her, and pulled her as
close to him as she could get. “Angel, my kind can’t love like
humans.” He interlaced his fingers through hers.

“You love?” She interrupted. She hated for
him to classify himself with them. He was special and belonged to
no group. “I know that was not as special to you, but I felt the
love you have for me.”

“Not special.” He raised her chin with his
thumb and forefinger. “To be able to touch you like that, have you
open yourself up to me, nothing could be more special.” He lightly
kissed the tip of her nose. “My human side loves you more than I
ever dreamed possible, but my demon side has claimed you. We mate.
It’s instant and never changing. When we see our mate, there’s a
pull in us. We are drawn to them. Baby, we mate with the perfect
person for us. You’re everything I want and need, and I can’t
change my feelings about you.” He pulled her firmly in his lap and
kissed along her jawbone. “I don’t understand it myself. We usually
mate with our own kind, maybe a guardian, or it’s rare but my kind
has mated with an angel.” He buried his face in her hair. “But
never a human, I guess I’m more unique than they imagined.”

“It’s always been you too,” Julie

“Uh,” Trucker said.

“You know when we first kissed I told you
that I’ve never kissed anyone before?”

“Yes, are you telling me now you lied?”

“No, I’m not. It’s just I’ve been on dates
with other guys.” She hesitated as he dug his nails into her side.
She caressed his face to relieve the discomfort that flowed from
his unbelievably beautiful eyes. “Usually only one date, but I’ve
had my chances to kiss. Had a few even be pushy about it,” Julie
explain. Trucker growled at her remark. “But it never felt right,
it felt wrong, because they weren’t you. It has always been you. I
think I’ve loved you since I first met you.”

“You ran from me.”

“Because I was scared. Not only of you, but
the feelings you stirred in me.”

“I love you, Angel, forever.”

“What’s not to love?”

“I agree.”

“But the term mate, it sounds so
animalistic.” She scrunched up her nose.

“How about my everything then?”

She turned so their faces touched, and
stroked his cheek with her nose. He was more than unique, he was
more than special, and she loved the idea that he felt that way
about her.

“I’m stuck with you.” She made a silly face,
but the concept was thrilling to her.

“Yeah.” He winkled his nose.

“So, you promised me some fun.” She got up
and pulled at him.

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