Read Honor Bound Online

Authors: Michelle Howard

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Science Fiction

Honor Bound (19 page)

Chapter 20


Twenty warriors
mounted on hapfe thundered through the open gate. Kaban warriors by the look of
them. The odds eventually would shift. The skill of his men could not match the
sheer numbers.

Vaan jerked at the
shout behind him. When he turned, a warrior fell to the ground, an arrow
protruding from his throat. The Raasa raise their fists and cheered from high
upon the gate. Vaan gripped his sword, practically vibrating with energy. He
braced his weight, prepared to meet this new wave when he spotted Thenl.

The Warlord
grinned and curled his hand in Vaan’s direction. “It is true, you still walk
the grounds of Taka. I thought for sure I sent you to the Hills.”

Vaan wasted no
time on words and launched himself, sword leading toward Thenl. He hacked and
slashed, sending Thenl backward.

The Warlord
regained his footing as Vaan came to a halt before him, mere feet separated
them. The Warlord had not faired well through the years. His face bore a long
slash across his temple to his chin. His body around the middle sagged with a

If he still
trained under Vaan, he would never have fallen into such bad shape. “Give it
up, Thenl. You have lost.”

The blond spit on
the ground. “I have not lost. All is never lost, Overlord.” He sneered and
backed up a step, his sword gripped tight in his fist. “You will fall as did
your uncle and the Raasa will follow my lead.”

“Your plan is a
weak one. You will never lead them with me standing in the way. The Desani will
crush you, Thenl. My uncle chose his ally poorly.”

“Your uncle,”
Thenl blustered, “would not let me lead. If not for him and the Council, I
could have ruled all of Kaban.”

“You killed Dakar
because you are cut from the same cloth. Evil can not reside and work
together.” Vaan’s taunt hit its mark and the Warlord swung wildly with his

  Van parried the
blow and smiled. “Your training is lacking. You must not have stayed on level
with my standards.”

Thenl reacted with
anger and attacked. Back and forth, their swords met. Metal screeched and
clanged. “When I am done with you, Vaan, you will wish you stayed dead.”

Vaan chose not to
respond. His arm swung in a controlled arc and cut deep into Thenl’s thigh. The
Warlord’s scream satisfied something deep within. Battle rage bubbled to the
surface. This Warlord sought to take Mikayla from him. Thenl would destroy her
tender spirit without a care as he almost had.

“I am going to
destroy you, Thenl. Your time is at an end.”

Thenl’s eyes lit
with rage. He lunged and Vaan blocked the blow. Thenl swung back muttering
curses when Vaan’s sword met his every attempt.

“I will kill you,

“You can try.”
Vaan followed the taunt with a powerful swing and ducked low. Thenl blocked but
Vaan shoved an elbow into his soft belly and dodged back.

Thenl staggered
back, his hand massaging his mid-section. Vaan went on the offensive his sword
a blur of motion. The other Warlord served as no match. In a flurry of moves,
Vaan pinned Thenl to the ground. Lying on his back, breath coming in pants,
Thenl’s glare burned a hole in Vaan’s chest.

Vaan kept the tip
of his sword at Thenl’s throat. “Your time has come to an end. You have defiled
the title of Warlord.”

Thenl’s lips
curled in a grin full of malice. His blue eyes alight with an inner fire. “Kill
me, Overlord, if you dare.”

“Do you hear that
sound?” Vaan asked, tipping his head to the sky.

Thenl tried to
mask his confusion but curiosity won out. “I do not hear anything but the sound
of battle. My warriors will not give up the fight.”

“Odd, I hear the
sound of your men dying. I hear cries of satisfaction from the men and women of
Anane, Sokal and Mulei.” Thenl sneered but Vaan continued. “Your death will not
be mourned.”

Thenl pushed his
neck against the edge of Vaan’s blade. “Be done, Overlord. I will be
remembered. I destroyed any chance of an alliance with the Desani.” A laugh
sounded. Broken and mixed with gloating happiness. “The Queen’s death served a
greater purpose and I regret not my actions. The Desani will never unite with
Kaban now.”

Those words sealed
the Warlord’s fate if Vaan had been tempted to spare him. Queen Maliya Sabarn
deserved better than death by this mad man. With a mighty thrust, Vaan’s blade
sliced through Thenl’s throat. The Warlord’s eyes rolled and he died instantly.
“The Blessed One would not welcome one such as you.” Vaan murmured and stepped

 Argan dispatched
the warrior he’d engaged and ran toward Vaan. He spared a dismissive glance for
Thenl’s dead body and spit on the former Warlord.

Argan slapped Vaan
on the shoulder, his eyes bright and face flushed. “It turns friend.”

Vaan nodded,
unwilling to concede defeat. “I will not fall.”

Argan shook his
sweat dampened head. “No Vaan, you mistake me. The new warriors fight with us.”

“What?” He studied
the battles around them. The invaders struggled to maintain their hold. Slowly,
the new warriors, not tired from fighting, pushed them back. Men fell with
screams and none of them Vaan’s.

Vaan tried to
decipher their leader. He focused on a dark haired man swinging his sword
enthusiastically and laughing. “Who is he?”

Argan lowered his
weapon until it pointed to the ground. “I believe it is Saran.”

Impossible. “What?
Why would you say this?” Vaan continued to study the young man. The invading
warriors started to retreat. Their numbers reduced to ten and no match.

“He entered the
gates with his battle cry. A kala fir Galip randala!”

All fear a
Galip warrior
. His little brother. “Signal the men,” Vaan ordered. “Let
them know, no harm to the newcomers.”

Argan nodded and
took off yelling Vaan’s message. Vaan noticed the Raasa aiming their bows. He
shouted drawing their attention. “Stand down.” Their puzzled frowns met his
gaze. When he didn’t look away, they lowered their weapons, trusting his

Quiet seeped
through the air. The sudden silence loud in the absence of fighting. The last
of Thenl‘s warriors escaped while a few of the new warriors broke off and gave
chase. It was over. The tall warrior, Argan identified as Saran, walked boldly
toward Vaan.

Vaan hesitated
before sheathing his sword. If this indeed was his brother, Vaan hadn’t seen
him since he was a youth and his mother had gone to live with her sister,
severing her ties to live a nomadic life.


The man smiled and
extended his arms. “Well met, brother.”

Vaan could only
stare. Fenal waned slowly as the reality of his victory set in. With a grunt,
he pounded his brother‘s back. “Saran, is it really you?”

Black eyes met his
and the warrior grinned. “Yes. It is good to see you again at last.”

Vaan wanted to say
more. He had so many questions but faltered on where to start. His Warlords
gradually made their way over. The looks on their faces clearly showed they‘d
all received the news. The expressions ranged from neutral to doubt. Vaan could
not blame them.

“Let us go in the
hall and continue this conversation.” He wanted to assure himself of Mikayla’s
safety and needed time to adjust to this news.

Saran raised his
arm high and shouted to his warriors. Laughter soon poured forth and there was
much back slapping and roars of victory. A smile tugged at Vaan’s lips.




Mikayla paced
nervously in the hall, twisting her hands. She ignored the shooting pains in
her knee and glared when Kavan tried to force her to sit. Her throat locked
when Vaan entered, followed by his Warlords and men she didn’t recognize.

A few of her
servants froze in place. Assa ran near Balal. Mikayla could care less. She
hobbled toward her mate, relieved to find him unharmed and alive. “Vaan.”

He caught her in
his arms and lifted her high against his chest. “You and I will talk later of
your penchant for ignoring orders regarding your safety.”

Mikayla shivered.
Though he kissed the top of her head, his words were threaded with anger.

“Allow me to
introduce you to my brother, Saran Galip.”

Mikayla frowned at
the younger version of her mate. The warrior crossed to her side and bowed low.
“Sister,” he murmured as he straightened.

She remembered
Ashaya’s journal and mention of another son. “Welcome.” She wanted to ask
questions but noticed the weary warriors. The smell of sweat and blood scented
the hall. Glancing around, she took a mental tally of the increased numbers.
Blessed One, she had nowhere to put them all.

Miki tugged her
mate’s wrist. “Vaan.”

He leaned in her
direction even as he laughed at a jest by one of his men. “There aren’t enough beds.”

Saran heard her
frantic whisper.

“Do not worry,
little sister. We stay not.”

A dark frown
creased Vaan’s brow. “Where are you headed?”

Lips identical to
Vaan’s curled and Miki couldn’t help noticing his appeal. “We go to your
compound to reclaim it in the name of the Overlord.”

An unexplainable
look crossed Vaan’s face and faded. “You honor me, Saran.”

Saran wrapped an
arm around Vaan’s shoulder and whispered. “Mother would be proud.” He stepped
back and announced, “We ride to Kaban. All must know the Overlord lives.”

The hall erupted
in cheers and shouts. Miki winced and Vaan picked her up to cuddle close. She
sighed against his neck, relieved for so many reasons but most importantly
because her mate held her in his arms.

Chapter 21


Vaan waited patiently
until his mate drifted off to sleep in his arms. Carefully, he angled from the
loving hold she had on him. It took more work to remove her fingers from their
grip in his hair. A crooked smile graced his face when she grumbled and rolled
deeper into the covers.

Balal and Kavan
met him on the other side when he closed the bedroom door behind him. “Stay
until I return, Kavan.” Vaan received an abrupt nod and turned to Balal.

“I have him in the
basement in an unused storage room.” Balal answered the question Vaan couldn’t
force through his lips.

His steps marched
without hesitation behind Balal as they headed to the basement. Argan stood
outside the wooden frame, his sword at the ready when they arrived. He stepped
aside to allow Vaan to enter. Argan followed Vaan in, leaving Balal to assume
his position as guard outside the door.

Vaan entered the
dimly lit storage room. Unused shelves and crates sagged in the middle from
their place against the wall. Vaan inhaled deeply and centered his emotions.
The sight before him should have brought pleasure but instead it ignited a
small kernel of anger. Tesai’s arms stretched high above his head in the
bindings Argan used to suspend him from the sturdy ceiling beam. The lack of a
shirt left his torso bare.

Tesai’s upper half
bore multiple knife wounds across his torso and abdomen. Blood streaked his
middle from the deep gashes. Wounds, Vaan’s men made in retaliation for the
Raasa’s betrayal of Mikayla. Vaan grunted at the sight and walked closer. It
seemed his Warlords ignored his instructions to leave Tesai unharmed but
Mikayla made an impression and they all cared for her.

When Vaan neared
the center of the room, he grimaced at the sour odor emanating from the coward.
A glance down revealed a large wet spot on his tan pants where Tesai had pissed
Vaan withdrew the knife from his thigh sheath and the
Raasa jerked in his bindings.

Green eyes
widened. “She will never forgive you if you harm me.”

The crack in his
voice on the end of the boast proved Tesai lacked assurance on how Mikayla
would respond to Vaan’s actions. Argan leaned back against the wall in a casual
stance in clear view of the Raasa. He’d let Vaan lead the questioning unless he
sensed his Overlord faltering.

Vaan would not
falter. “Mikayla need not know. You think I would let her suffer for the
betrayal you have dealt her this day?” Because come morning she would replay
the events of this day and her heart would tear in two.

Tesai paled and
scrambled on his toes as much as the slack in his wrist would allow. For once,
fear darkened his green eyes and he shifted his bald head in Argan’s direction.
“I didn’t do anything.” Sweat dotted his forehead.

Argan sneered at
Tesai but remained silent.

“You opened the
gate to those that would bring harm,” Vaan countered, drawing his attention
back on him.

“You’ve no proof
of this. Anyone could have done it.” Tesai twisted left and right seeking

Vaan slashed his
blade across the Raasa’s side. “You stink of lies.” The cut drew more blood in
a deep diagonal line ending at the waist of his pants.

Tesai screamed but
it gave Vaan no pleasure. This man who professed to care for Mikayla brought
enemies within their gates. Betrayed her without a care and dared to attack

“You raised a
blade against her.” Vaan’s knife flashed again leaving a gash on Tesai’s
straining torso. Blood ran from the new cuts to blend with the earlier ones.

“I tried to
protect her,” Tesai screamed. Tears ran down his eyes and his lower lip

“Enough with your
lies, hapfe dung,” Vaan roared and got up and close in Tesai’s face. He pressed
his knife to the Raasa’s straining throat. Digging deep enough to cause a thin
trail of blood, Vaan demanded, “tell us why.” Vaan wanted to know what it took
for this piece of hapfe dung to sell Mikayla out.

Tesai choked and
begun to snivel. “Thenl promised to set me up in my own house. The plan wasn’t
to harm Mikayla. She would have been fine with him once you died.”

Vaan snorted. “My
mate deserved a better friend in her life than you. It is because of her that I
will make your death a quick one.”

Tesai’s eyes
widened. “No, no, no, please.”

Vaan pressed his
blade deeper until Argan interrupted, “Overlord, allow me. Think of Mikayla.”

Vaan paused and
lowered his head. Breath escaped in heavy pants. He wanted to drag his knife
deep and watch death take the coward but Argan’s words held truth. His mate
would be hurt enough by her friend’s actions. Vaan would not add to the pain by
ending this fool himself.

He stepped back
and the Raasa’s head slumped to the side, his pleas turning to meaningless
cries. Thoughts swirled through Vaan’s head from this night. He knew what
needed to be done. Had planned for it before Mikayla’s head ever hit the

“She will forgive
you. Her heart belongs to you.” Argan came up on his side and placed his hand
on Vaan’s shoulders.

Argan’s words did
not bring peace to Vaan. His mate was ever sensitive and she liked the foul
Raasa. “Mikayla will not understand.”

“Trust in her,”
Argan countered and Vaan nodded again and turned for the door.

“Wait! Don’t leave
me, Overlord. Stop!” Tesai began to shout obscenities.

Vann closed the
door on the meaningless words. The scream he heard in his wake was silenced a
beat later. Balal bowed in his passing. Vaan made his way back to the bedroom
with heavy steps. He didn’t regret his actions but he regretted how his mate
would respond.

He dismissed Kavan
from the door.


Mikayla’s cry
caught him off guard. He spun on his heels and caught her in his arms. “Why are
you not in bed?”

She ignored his
question to wrap her arms around him. Vaan stiffened then slowly relaxed in her
embrace. The woman in his arms had the power to bring him to his knees. “You
should be resting,” he murmured though he reveled in her touch.

The need for the intimacy
she spoke of grew within Vaan every day. Moments like now, he savored the scent
of her, the feel of her and the sound of her gasp as she pulled back to stare
at him.

“I woke and you
were gone. Kavan wouldn’t let me leave the room.” Her defiant glare warned that
she would address his Warlord later.

Vaan felt his
mouth twist up in a smile. Her ire and odd ways were part of the reason he
cared for his mate. Her affectionate nature and love made up the rest. “I will
be sure to commend him on following through on my orders.”

She snuffed and
green eyes rolled in his direction. When she tried to stomp away, he caught her
wince and lifted her in his arms. Instead of protesting, she curled into his
chest and rested her head there. His heart predictably softened. Vaan carried
her to the bed and lay without loosing his hold on her.

She shifted to her
side and ran a stroking hand through his hair. “Tell me what darkens your eyes
tonight. Thenl is defeated and your brother has returned.” Her hand paused and
slid to cup his jaw so he had to face her. “Tell me.”

Vaan sighed and
pressed his forehead to hers as he told her. “Tesai is dead.”

A deep shudder
rocked her frame and then she placed her face in the crook of his neck. The
dampness from her tears tore him in two.

“Mikayla…” He ran
his hand up and down her back, unsure how to proceed.

“Shhh.” Her hand
reached up and covered his mouth. “I understand.” Her mouth touched his neck in
a soft kiss and it was Vaan who fought a shudder.

“You honor me,” he
murmured in her hair and held her as she mourned her friend. This was but a
small hurdle in their life together. With his sword and strength behind her,
Vaan would do everything possible to prevent Mikayla from ever hurting again as
she did this night.

Gradually her tears
waned and her whispered, “love you,” soothed his soul.


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