Hooker to Housewife (16 page)

“So that means you'll help me?” Chantal warbled with an ounce of hope in her voice.

“Let's just say I'm going to help myself, which in turn so happens to help you, too. Or better yet you can take a trip to New York and we can brainstorm together.”

Chantal quickly pondered T-Roc's invitation. Two devious minds collaborating together were much more powerful than one. Plus Chantal was lonely. After her embarrassing encounter with Andre, being in the company of T-Roc would be fun. “I'll be there first thing in the morning. See you soon.”

T-Roc hung up the phone with a grin on his face. He immediately began contemplating his next move. If what Chantal said was true then he knew exactly how to get the part he felt he so rightfully deserved back. If Andre had it bad for Tyler, then all he had to do was get them in a compromising position and bring it to the attention of William. William would no doubt flip out and fire Andre for coming anywhere near his precious Tyler. That would leave William no choice but to cast T-Roc, and he would get the part and eventually get the girl. Even though he had his game plan mapped out and doubted Chantal could come up with anything better, it couldn't hurt having a woman's input, particularly from one as manipulative as Chantal. On top of that, T-Roc always enjoyed the company of beautiful woman and especially a feisty one like Chantal.


When Chantal's flight landed at JFK, she was pleasantly surprised that T-Roc had his driver waiting for her.

“I'll be taking you to the Four Seasons hotel. T-Roc reserved a room for you there.”

“Sounds good to me,” Chantal replied. Chantal had made her own reservations at a midtown hotel but why would she turn down a free one at the Four Seasons? After checking in to her room and relaxing for a while, Chantal thought it was time to place a call to T-Roc.

“Hello,” she heard him.

“Hello to you. I've been in New York for almost three hours. I
must say I'm surprised you haven't called me yet. Especially since you had me picked up and got this beautiful suite for me. I have to admit, you really are a class act.”

“How can I give you anything less? I mean you are Andre Jackson's girl, I'm sorry, I mean

“T-Roc, don't try ruining what was starting off as a very pleasant day. And the reason I made this little trip is so we could make sure the ‘ex' part is deleted.”

“But of course. I apologize. How about we meet for lunch, say in the hotel restaurant in about an hour?”

“Perfect.” Chantal took the time she had to take a quick shower and freshen up. She was anxious to hear if T-Roc had come up with any sort of plan to divide Tyler and Andre and then conquer her nemesis.

After stepping into a red wrap dress, brushing her hair and dabbing on some lip gloss, an hour had sneaked up on her. Chantal made her way downstairs and when she stepped off the elevator she saw T-Roc coming in. Chantal didn't know if it was because she had been sexually deprived for the last few weeks or if she was just thirsty, but T-Roc reminded her of a tall, delicious root beer float gliding through the hotel lobby. His smooth brown skin glistened against the off-white shirt and slacks he was wearing. The fist-size rock in his ear was so clear it was blinding her, even though they were on opposite sides of the lobby. Chantal slowly strutted toward T-Roc, wanting to take her time so she could continue to size him up.

“T-Roc, as always it's a pleasure to see you.”

“Stop with the formalities, we're old friends.”

“If you say so.” After they were seated and ordered their food, Chantal didn't waste any time quizzing T-Roc. “So what's your plan?”

“Excuse me?”

“What is your plan to get that thorn in my side out of Andre's life?”

“Oh, you must be speaking of Tyler. Can we at least wait until our drinks get here before we start discussing business?”

“Here comes the waiter now. Drink up, so we can get down to it.”

“Get down to what?” T-Roc asked in a flirtatious tone. Chantal simply smiled letting him know she welcomed it. “Let's toast, to great minds thinking alike.” Chantal raised her glass of champagne and their glasses clicked.

Five glasses of champagne later Chantal found herself savoring every stroke as T-Roc filled her insides. She pulled him in deeper, wanting to feel each thrust. How Chantal went from sitting across from T-Roc at the table sharing crème brûlée to him twisting her out in her hotel suite was still a bit blurry for Chantal. She somewhat remembered them tonguing each other down on the elevator ride up as his fingers made their way up her dress to the insides of her thong panties. Now here they were in a full fledged sexual embrace and she was loving every minute of it. T-Roc was laying down the pipe with the same finesse he used to charm the world.

“Ah, T-Roc, fuck me harder! I want to feel every inch of you.” The provocative pleading in Chantal's voice made his dick even harder. T-Roc lifted his upper body from Chantal's clenches wanting to see the pleasure in her eyes as he went deeper and deeper. Her warm juices were drenching his dick and T-Roc was about to explode.

“Damn, baby you feel so good.”

“So do you. Oh gosh, I'm almost there,” Chantal sighed. T-Roc kept hitting that delicate spot over and over and Chantal could feel herself building up to the ultimate release. Before she knew it she was lost in her orgasm; her screams of ecstasy were only drowned out by the groans of T-Roc cumming. They both exhaled after their intense sex session.

When the nostalgia of the moment wore off, Chantal immediately regretted two things. First, having sex with T-Roc with no protection. They were both so tipsy neither thought twice about
wrapping it up. Second, that she had sex with him at all. It was true T-Roc had given her the sexual healing she was in desperate need of, but no matter how shaky her relationship was with Andre, he could never find out she had slept with his enemy.

“You were incredible, Chantal. I understand why Andre keeps you around.”

“Speaking of Andre, he can never find out about this, T-Roc,” Chantal said seriously.

“I got you. Your secret is safe with me. I have no intentions of destroying your plans of locking Andre down.”

“Wonderful. I mean, what's wrong with mixing a little business with pleasure as long as it stays between the two of us?”

“My sentiments exactly. Now enough talking. Get back over here.” T-Roc pulled Chantal closer to him and they were at it again. Chantal couldn't get enough of T-Roc but even in the midst of getting twisted out, Chantal was calculating how she could get one up on T-Roc. She didn't trust him or his promise to keep their sexual encounter a secret.

T-Roc finally left a few hours later. They both fell asleep after going at it, but T-Roc made it clear before he left that he'd be back later on that night. Chantal didn't mind; she enjoyed his company. She also hoped to use it as an opportunity to get the leverage she needed on T-Roc. Not wasting any time she placed a phone call to her girlfriend Arlene. Chantal tapped her fingers impatiently, willing her friend to pick up the phone.


“Arlene, girl, I'm glad you answered.”

“Chantal, is that you?”

“Yes, the one and only.”

“I haven't spoken to you since I called about Andre being in 40/40 with that video chick. I hope that girl didn't fuck things up for ya.”

“Honey, I got much bigger problems than that silly hofessional Arisa.”

“Like what?”

“We'll get into that another time. Right now I need your assistance with something else. Do you still talk to that chick Tina?”

“Uptown Tina?”

“Yeah, her.”

“We still cool. I speak to her every now and then. We get our hair done at the same spot.”

“Is she and her sisters still the same?”

“You talking about her little sisters, the hot-ass twins Rosalyn and Merita?”

“Uh-huh, that's them. How old are they now?”

“Sixteen going on thirty-five. You know them grown-ass little girls been fucking since they was ten. Why you asking about them no good hoes?”

“I haven't seen them since they were twelve. Do they still look the same? They were fast, but they were some real pretty girls and well developed to be so young.”

“They still pretty and got even more body, so they really out of control now. Tina told me they little asses be tricking and everything. But because they so young minded they be fucking for bull-shit like sneakers and tennis skirts. By the time they get eighteen they'll be so used up they won't even be able to make no paper selling their worn-out pussy.”

“Well, today is their lucky day. I need you to locate the twins and let them know they can make enough money to buy sneakers for the rest of the year.”

For the next hour Chantal sat by the phone waiting for the call from Arlene to see if she'd gotten in touch with the twins. Right when she was about to leave her room to get some fresh air the phone rang.

“Girl, Tina finally tracked down the hot boxes. They were hanging out in front of Juelz Santana's new soda shop trying to pick up some potential customers. When Tina informed them
about a possible gig to make some loot they hurried they fast asses home to see what was up.”

“Tell them to stay right there. I'm on my way.”

By the time T-Roc called Chantal later that evening she had everything in place. She was meeting him at Destino on Fiftieth Street and First Avenue. He offered to pick her up, but Chantal had to neatly tie up all the loose ends so her plan would go off without a hitch. When she arrived T-Roc was already seated, drinking a glass of wine. The Italian hotspot was packed with some of New York's most popular celebrities. Both Katie Couric and Dan Rather were dining there but at tables on opposite sides of the room, of course.

“Chantal, you look beautiful as usual.”

“It must be the glow I got from the amazing sex we had earlier today.”

“We haven't even eaten our dinner and I'm ready to go.” Every few minutes Chantal would casually glance down at her watch. At exactly eight-thirty her gift to T-Roc arrived. When Rosalyn and Merita paraded through the door, the Puerto Rican hotties had cleaned up even better than she expected. Chantal knew that T-Roc had seen his share of gorgeous women and for the girls to catch his eye, their hair, attire and all around look had to be extra tight. T-Roc could spot quality and if it was cheap he would immediately be turned off no matter how pretty the face and phat the ass. Chantal spent all afternoon doing her best to smooth out the rough edges on the twins, but luckily because they were so young their faces weren't reflecting the wear and tear they were inflicting upon their bodies.

Normally the twins wore their long black hair in pony tails and their gear consisted of tight jeans and sneakers. That look was cool for the thugs in Harlem but they had to step it up several notches to shine on the ritzy East Side. Chantal was able to squeeze them in at the hair salon she frequented whenever in town. The salon had the
twins' hair bouncing and shining like they were about to shoot a Pantene commercial. Of course both received an immaculate French manicure and pedicure. And to highlight their voluptuous bodies Chantal pulled out her platinum to drape them in designer duds by Louis Vuitton. If Chantal hadn't revamped them herself she would've sworn they were the wives of some foreign elite businessmen.

Chantal had already made arrangements to have the host seat the ladies at a table near theirs. It cost Chantal a pretty penny since the restaurant stayed packed, but the investment would be well worth it if all went as planned. T-Roc was too busy enjoying his meatballs that he hadn't noticed Rosalyn and Merita but Chantal knew when he did. He stopped his fork in midair when he caught a glimpse of the beauties. They had the sexy polished look that would instantly get T-Roc's dick hard. Their tailor-fitted dresses accentuated every curve perfectly. With just the right touch of makeup anybody, including their own mama, would swear that the two teenagers were at least of the legal age to drink.

“T-Roc, what has you so in awe?” Chantal questioned, as if in the dark. She then purposely turned in the direction of the twins. “Oh, now I see what has you all worked up. They are stunning if I say so myself.”

T-Roc eyed Chantal, trying to get a read on her comment. “Chantal, I didn't know you were also into girls.”

“I'm not. But I like to watch.”

“What do you mean?”

“It turns me on to watch a man that I've had sex with be intimate with another woman. It makes my pussy extra wet.” T-Roc felt his third leg standing straight up ready to walk out the restaurant and fuck the shit out of Chantal.

“You got me so aroused right now, I'm ready to go.”

“But what about those two lovely women sitting over there? I would love to watch you put your big cock down their throats.”

“Damn, so would I. But we don't even know them. They are probably waiting on their boyfriends or something.”

“You won't know unless you ask.”

“What? You want me to go over to their table and ask them to have a ménage with me and let you watch? You trying to get me slapped up in here?” T-Roc was looking at Chantal like she was crazy.

“Come on, you're T-Roc. When have you ever been scared to get turned down by a woman?”

“I didn't say I was scared. I just don't think this is the appropriate place to make that sort of proposition.” Right on beat, the twins turned around toward their table and gave a modest smile as if they were shy.

“Did you see that? They probably recognized you and have a crush on you like every other woman in this city.” Chantal was stroking T-Roc's ego enough to get him open to her idea.

“They did smile at me, didn't they?”

“Sure did. You should go over there and introduce yourself.”

“Nah, I wouldn't feel comfortable doing that. Maybe you should go,” T-Roc finally said, hoping Chantal would've made the suggestion.

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