Read Hot As Blazes Online

Authors: Dani Jace

Hot As Blazes (11 page)

She looked up at him.

Feet drummed on the stairs.

She retreated with a final lick. “Damn.”


Bobby had impeccable timing. Ray popped to his feet, reaching for his jeans. Jo had already fixed her clothes. He gave her a quick kiss and she hurried from the room.

* * * *

“Where’s Ray?” Bobby hung his coat on the hall tree beside the door.

“Sleeping.” She cleared the dining table of her books. “He drove over after his shift. He was out on calls most of the night.”

Sarah grabbed her apron and offered a cat-ate-the-canary crooked smile. Not fooling her.

Bobby poured them wine while Sarah removed the turkey. The housed filled with a heavenly aroma like on holidays past.

She’d finished setting the table when Ray emerged pulling off a sleepy look with his sexy blues. His jeans appeared congested in the crotch, but then they usually did. Now she knew why. If the way he rode in his jeans didn’t make her want to lick him up with a spoon, then the army green fatigue sweater bulging in all the right places did the trick. Too bad she hadn’t gotten more time to explore.

After shaking hands with her brother, Ray gave Sarah a peck on the cheek.

Jo snagged Ray a glass and poured him some vino as Bobby carved.

“To Dad.” She raised her glass and all followed. The raw sorrow in her brother and lover’s eyes had tears stinging the back of her lids.

“Salute.” Ray downed the wine in one swallow.

His obvious love for her father only strengthened her love for him.

After they sat to the table, Sarah offered a prayer.

Bobby began passing the food and marveling about Sarah’s dishes he’d had previously.

Jo had to agree. The butter sweet potato casserole melted in her mouth. Although their father had been a good cook, Bobby’s woman rivaled most professional chefs. He had better marry this woman.

“Everything is delicious.” Ray took another bite of turkey.

“Jo helped.” Sarah smiled.

Bobby snickered.

Jo frowned at him.

“What are you going to have to cook when you get on at a station?”

“After a couple of meals, they’ll probably sentence her to waxing one of the rigs.” Ray teased.

“Careful.” She pointed her fork.

“More wine, anyone?” He made a quick exit for the fridge. After returning, he refilled everyone’s glass then raised his. “I’d like to toast to Jo coming home.” Leaning over, he kissed her full on the lips.

He loved her and didn’t care that her brother knew. The gesture made up for his cooking slur. After years of waiting, his words filled her with anticipation, lust and near panic. He far outranked her in sexual experience. She hoped she’d be able to satisfy him.

After the heat faded from her cheeks, she raised her goblet. “And to Sarah. Welcome to our family.”

“Don’t believe Jo when she says I only love you for your cooking.” Bobby followed suit with his glass. Sarah smiled and thanked them.

Ray took Jo’s hand. His warmth and latent strength filled her with peace and love.

After eating, they migrated to the living room, where Bobby and Sarah promptly fell asleep on the sofa.

Ray tugged her onto the oversized recliner with him and flipped through the college football games. All the times she’d wished to be in his arms. Snuggled against him, her world seemed perfect. If Bobby and Sarah weren’t there, she’d brave her fear and usher him to her bedroom.

At half time, he drew them from their comfortable seat. “Let’s walk.”

Afternoon autumn light painted the beach in shafts of gold as the sun edged the dune ridge. Lazy waves rolled to shore, lathering wet sand.

“So what was the deal with Tami on Sunday?” He grinned and bumped his shoulder against hers.

She relayed how she’d found them stuck in the parking lot at the beach.

He laughed so hard his eyes filled with tears. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

“You can’t breathe a word of it, or she will know I snitched.”

He cocked a brow. “Okay, but she’s already got a reputation.”

“So, are you afraid she’ll rub off on me?”

He slipped an arm around her waist, snuggling her against him. While he nibbled her ear, a strangled sigh escaped her. “Dahlin’, I’ve got bigger plans for you.”



Chapter 15


“Are you doing anything special tomorrow night?” Harley whispered against Jo’s ear as she tapped a beer the next night. She’d offered to work a full night since Ray was on shift.

“What’s up? If you’ve got something going on, I can hold down the fort on Saturday.”

“There’s this thing I need to attend and I can’t take, well, you know, the type of chick I usually hang with. I need someone refined for this occasion.” Taking her hair in his beefy fingers, he twisted it up, and held it there. “Yeah, looks chic.”

Her stomach shifted nervously as she cut him a glance.

He winked a brown eye.

Shit. “Calling in your favor now?”

“We’ll cut out by nine or ten o’clock. You can have the rest of the night off unless you have something else in mind?”

“Ahh. N-n-no,” she stammered. “It’s not a SEAL party is it? Tell me it’s not at a hotel?”

“Dress fancy and meet me at The Casino at four.”

She decided not to mention their business date to Ray. The two alpha males had possessive tendencies and a history she’d yet to decipher. Besides, her man was busy paying his captain a favor while she pulled her Saturday shift.

They had plans for Sunday together in bed. Her stomach felt like butterflies were dancing a chorus line. She wanted to be with Ray more than anything, but the label given by her previous lover made her apprehensive. He’d always blamed her for not being able to come. Maybe she only needed a caring and conscientious lover.

Saturday afternoon, she took her Harley’s suggestion and dressed in a short, hunter green number with spaghetti straps and a beaded bolo vest. She donned black hose, pumps, and a bit of make-up.

Before leaving, she texted Ray, hoping he’d to be free to come over after helping his captain. It was also an out if Harley turned on his bad boy charm.

The former-SEAL stood outside the nightclub, styling in a double-breasted charcoal suit that complimented his dark wavy hair. Mafioso. He was probably packing heat, too. She giggled under her breath. At least eight inches from what she judged. Who had a bigger gun, Harley or Ray? After a mental head slap, she straightened her shoulders and approached.

“Babe, you’re sexy as hell in a French bun.” He cleared his throat and lightly toyed with a wispy tendril beside her ear.

She bet he’d charmed many a woman during his time as a SEAL with his mocha latte stare that made her nervous tonight. “Come on, boss, I need a drink.”

A multi-tier cake with figurines atop signaled a wedding reception. She followed him to a table, away from the bride and groom’s but convenient to the bar.

“Jack?” He stated more than asked.

She nodded. While he was gone, a voice mail chimed on her phone. She started to check the message when the wedding party strolled in. Harley followed in their wake with their drinks.

She took a long swill of her drink and felt Harley tapping her thigh beneath the table. She glanced up and froze.

Dark, stormy blue eyes pierced her with a stare that could have melted steel. She must have looked like a deer caught in halogens.
Her stomach dropped to her toes and then some.

Ray’s icy tone chilled the air. “What a surprise.”

It would have taken an arctic blast to remove the guilty heat from her cheeks. She fumbled with her glass. And damned if he didn’t looked better in a suit than a man should. Beside him, Nurse Nancy, she assumed, smiled with her elbow locked inside Ray’s arm. Her tight, bright, yellow shift was out of season even to a non-fashionista.

Jo’s body flooded with adrenaline as she fought for control. Her inner bad girl threatened to rip heads.

At least Harley had mind enough to be mannerly. He rose with an extended hand. “Ray, how’s it going?”

Ray raised a brow. “It’s going, Harley. You?” A knuckle-breaking handshake ensued.

Jo worked to keep her face neutral but was sure she failed miserably. Harley grinned and motioned to empty seats beside them, clearly enjoying the train wreck.

Ray’s date introduced herself as Tina while he continued to scold Jo with his eyes.

“My date, Ray.” Tina smiled.

“We went to school together,” he said in clipped words, pulling out a chair for her.

He would never believe her reason for being here with Harley, but it didn’t really matter since he was on a date too.

Captain’s favor her ass. At least the sight of his jaws grinding his molars to dust tickled her.

The DJ called for the bride and groom to the floor for their first dance while she and Ray alternated death stares between sucking down liquor. Cold fear lanced her gut, while the knot in her throat threatened to suffocate her.

The next song started on a fast beat. Harley glanced at her then turned to Ray. “Mind if I ask your date to dance?”

“Not at all.” A tight smile thinned his lips.

As soon as Harley and Tina were grinding against one another on the parquet floor, Jo grabbed her bag and hauled ass for the ladies room. On the verge of murder and tears.

“We need to talk.” Ray caught her elbow.

“Ya think?”

He clasped her upper arm, drew her against his solid torso and stalked for the exit. Outside, they passed smokers puffing, as he towed her toward his Hummer. Glaring, he wrenched open his passenger door and gestured.

Her days of being pushed around by a man were gone. Forever.
She crossed her arms and stood her ground.

His shoulders relaxed and his eyes softened. He left the door open and marched around to the driver’s side.

Clumsy in her tight dress, she hoisted herself onto the leather seat and closed the door.

“What in the fuck are you doing here with Harley?” He shouted hoarsely and gripped the wheel like he wanted to ripped it from the steering column.

“Whoa! It’s just a favor, since he’s been letting me leave early on Fridays. So, what about Nancy Nurse?”

“She’s my captain’s daughter!”

“Fucking great.”

“I’d already promised her back in the summer and didn’t think it was right to renege. I knew you’d make more out of it if I told you. It’s not like I’m fucking my boss!”

She drew her hand back to slap his face, but flipped him off then opened the door.

He seized her wrist. “I didn’t mean it, Jo. I’m sorry.” His fingers trembled.

She paused and then launched across the seat and grabbed his burgundy and navy tie. “Nice tie. I should choke you with it.”

Looking GQ in his dark Armani suit, he dropped his head against the headrest. “Go ahead. Put me out of my misery. Please.”

She cinched the silk tighter, glowering at him as he rolled his head to one side, stuck out his tongue and played dead.

The sight made her snort. He’d always been able to make her laugh. Even when she wanted to kill him.

His stomach rippled as he laughed under his breath.

Straddled across his lap, with her dress hiked to her panties, she had no doubt about his thoughts. She ground against his hard-on in punishment.

“Hmmm.” He moaned. “Make-up sex before sex.” Strong hands kneaded her ass. He grinned. “How long before I have it bare beneath me?”

She covered his mouth with hers, slipped her tongue inside and teased. He tasted like scotch and aroused male. Ending the kiss, she nipped his bottom lip.

“You’ll pay for that later.”


His eyes flashed brightly before his gaze wandered to her exposed thighs. “Aww God, Jo. Garters? You’re killing me. Tell me you didn’t wear them for him.”

She dug her hips against him. “Check your phone. I sent you a text asking you to come over later. Obviously, you had plans.”

“Check your voicemail before you go accusing. Why are you really here with the SEAL?”

“He needed a date for the wedding. Nothing more.”

“You know I’m going to have to punish you for not telling me.” He scored her neck with his teeth, then soothed it with his tongue.

She was caught in his snare. Any more foreplay and she’d be riding him in the front seat. She attempted to migrate to the passenger’s seat. “If anyone’s going to be punished―”

“Careful, Dahlin’.’ With a flick of my wrist…” He tugged her thong.

They locked gazes.

* * * *

Her amber eyes dilated. Ray fought the urge to rip the lacy strip between her thighs. Primitive thoughts clouded his judgment. He wanted to toss her onto the backseat and spank her for coming here with Harley. Then he’d show her what it meant to be his.

Instead of playing caveman, he slid his fingers between her soft folds. Christ
Her juices coated his fingers. He drew her mouth to his enjoying sweet whiskey flavor. She moaned in his mouth. He deepened his kiss, stroked her tongue like he wanted to taste her pussy. His cock thrust against his slacks aching to join in the play.

Thankful for having parked in the back lot and the tinted windows, he focused on pleasing her. Tonight, he’d break whatever barrier kept her wavering in their relationship. He suspected she was afraid, but he’d need to uncover why.

She buried her face against his neck, trembling. In pleasure, he hoped.

“You’re so soft, baby. I can’t wait to have you under my tongue and in my bed.”

She slid from his grasp, her breasts heaving. “Then you better figure a way to pawn your date off on Harley.”

Reluctantly, he led her back to the festivities. Tina and Harley were grinding hip to hip on the dance floor. Several empty glasses cluttered their table.

As Jo and he finished their watered drinks, he hoped they’d already made plans leaving him free to take Jo home.

The music slowed and he laced his fingers through hers, “Dance?” He stood and dragged her from the table before she could say no. She melted into him as he swept his arms around her waist.

He never wanted a woman more, adventurous, independent, and unaware of her natural beauty. Only her stubborn streak drove him to anger, competing with his own headstrong ways. He smoothed his fingers over her back, bringing their hips together.

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