Hot & Enchanting (De La Cruz Saga) (43 page)

“Mi Reina you’re not playing fair, you know that we have to leave to the airport. Now you have me all worked up,” moans Ricky pulling her close for a hot beso.

They arrive a few minutes before the plane finished boarding the passengers. With relief Ricky and Jacki board the plane.

“Baby, I’m so feliz that we’re finally in our room. I’m tired,” says Jacki walking over to the bed. She takes off her shoes to take a nap.

“Okay mi Reina, I will take a walk to get a Corona. I will return in a while,” says Ricky leaning down to give her a beso.

“Si Baby, I will only take a short nap,” replies Jacki falling off to sleep.

Well, that’s just great. I think mi Reina is tired from the pregnancy. I need to relax and be patient. She will feel better in a while. We will go out to dinner and to the clubs. Si, I’m going to enjoy our time here
, ponders Ricky walking out of the room.

Oh yeah, my Baby fell for this
, thinks Jacki giggling.  She quickly stands.
I need to order everything so it will be ready. I’m taking a shower and I will dress in my nice black sexy evening gown that I bought especially for him. I know that he will love it

Jacki makes her calls to set up the romantic dinner on the balcony. She schedules to have a group of mariachis to play in the evening during dinner. She orders some
for Ricky. She also has fresh strawberries and whip cream delivered.

Jacki quickly answers the door to get the scented candles,
, and fresh strawberries and whip cream from room service.  She instructs them to bring her a nice container full of ice with Corona’s.

She takes the candles, strawberries, and cream to the bathroom to arrange it all around the Jacuzzi.

Si, I know that I could have had room service do this, but I want to make sure it’s perfect. I wanted to do this all of my life. It’s my fantasy
, thinks Jacki sighing.
I’m glad that they put the strawberries and whip cream in a container that will keep them fresh

Si, this is a dream that I had for a long time. Now I’m going to live and enjoy it with mi Baby
, thinks Jacki applying the lipstick.
I’m so feliz that I had Jessy help me select some awesome sexy outfits for this trip. I feel sexy and hermosa for my Baby.

Ricky returns and walks over to the bedroom to check in on Jacki
. I wonder if she’s feeling better. I’m ready to spend some time with her. I miss her,
thinks Ricky walking into the room carefully.

Jacki rushes into his arms as soon as he steps inside the room. “Baby!” yells Jacki beaming.

“Mi Reina, you’re feeling better. That makes me real feliz, because I was not happy spending time alone. I missed you,” moans Ricky hugging her close. He buries his face in her hair inhaling her scent. “Jacqueline I love you.”

“Si Baby, I love you,” replies Jacki pulling back to gaze into his hermoso green eyes.

The music starts to and Jacki pulls him out onto the balcony where the mariachis are playing outside on the beach. The dinner table is arranged beautifully. There’re several hurricane lamps and
around the balcony.

“Baby te amo!” says Jacki pulling him down for another hot beso. 

“Mi Reina, this is incredible and
amo mucho,” says Ricky holding her close listening to the mariachis. “Jacqueline tu eres mia only mia for all eternity.”

They hold each other close under the amazing huge moon enjoying the music and the waves. Ricky gives Jacqueline a hot beso bestowing his
and amor for her.





Abuela – grandmother

Adios – bye

Agua – water

Alegría – happy

Alma – soul

Amiga – female friend

Amigo – male friend

Amor– love

Ano – year

Appoyo – support

Avisos – notices

Aye – yes

Ayuda – help


Bano - bathroom

Bastardos - bastards

Bebe – baby

Bella – beautiful

Belleza – beautiful

Bendicion - blessings

Beso –kiss

Boca - mouth

Boda – wedding

Bonita – pretty

Bota – boot

Brazos – arms

Caballero - gentleman

Cabessa – head

Caliente – hot

Calma - calm

Calmate – calm down

Cama – bed

Cara – face

Carne asada – grilled beef

Carro – car

Casa – house

Cerveza – beer

Chicas – girls

Chicos – guys

Chingada – cuss word, vulgar, to hurt

Chiquita – small (female)

Cinco – five

Claro – of course

Cocina – kitchen

Comadre – child godmother or

Como – how

Compadre – child godfather or

Compania – company

Consejos – advise

Contenta – happy, (female)

Corazon – heart

Corona – crown or the brand of

Cosas – things

Cuarto – room

Cuerpo – body


Del - of

Derecha – right

Despertar – wake up

Diablo – devil

Diablo – devil

Dias – days

Dice – said

Diez – ten

Dime – tell me

Dinero – money

Dios – God

Disgustado - mad

Divina – divine

Dolor – pain

Dos – two


El – the

Enojado -mad

Es – is

Esposa – wife

Esposo – husband

Estan – here they are

Este – this

Estos - these


Familia – family

Fantasías - fantasy

Fantastico –fantastic

Felicidad – happiness

Feliz – happy

Flautas– rolled up tacos

Forzar – to force

Fuerzas – the forces


Gente – people


Guey – jerk

Gusto – pleasure


Hecho - done

Hermana – sister

Hermano – brother

Hermosa – beautiful

Hola – hi

Hombre – man

Hora – time


Idiota – idiot

Imbecilie – imbecile


Juego – game

Jugar – play

Juntas – together - feminine

Juntos – together -masculine


La – the

Loco – crazy

Los – the


Madrina – godmother

Maestro – teacher

Magnifico - magnificent

Mama – mother

Mañana – tomorrow

Mano – hand

Mata - kill

Matrimonio – marriage

Mente – mind

Metas – interfere

Mi – me

Mia – mine – (female)

Mio – mine (male)

Mis – my

Mujer – woman


Nieta – grand daughter

Nieto – grand son

Nietos – grandchildren

Niña – girl

Niño – boy

Nota – note

Novia – girlfriend, fiancée

Novio – boyfriend, fiancé

Nuestro - ours

Nunca – never


Ojos – eyes

Otra – other


Pan – bread

Papa – dad

Para - for

Pasando - happening

Patron – boss

Paz – peace

Pelo – hair

Pequenos - small

Perfecto - perfect

Piso – floor

Poder- power

Por – for

Por favor – please


Princesa – princess

Problema – problem

Pronto – hurry

Pueblo – town

Puta – whore



Quieres – want

Quince – fifteen

Quinceaneria –15th birthday


Raza – ethnic group

Razon – reason


Regalo – gift

Reina – queen

Ricos – wealthy, rich

Rosas - Roses


Sabado – Saturday

Sabes – know

Santos – saints

Si – yes

Siempre - always

Sobrino – nephew

Soy – I am

Suegros – in laws

Sus – their


Taco – food –corn tortilla and

Tamale – corn and meat type pie

Tambien – also

Tengo – have

Terco - stubborn

Tesoros – treasures

Tia – aunt

Tiempo - time

Tienen – have

Tio – uncle

Toda – all- feminine

Todo – all – masculine

Tortillas – flat corn type of bread

Trabajo – work

Tranquilo – calm

Tres – three

Tu – your


Vamos – go

Vato – man

Vida - life

Vida –life

Viejas – women

Vister - dress

Voz – voice


Y –and

Ya – that


Zorro – skunk










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