Hounded (Shifter Town Enforcement) (12 page)

Read Hounded (Shifter Town Enforcement) Online

Authors: Sadie Hart

Tags: #Romance

Tegan muttered a low curse. “No.”

“What if he’s trailing us?” Kanon glanced in the rearview mirror, like he’d done a thousand times since taking the wheel. Lennox was still out, and outside of the soft snores and occasional whimpers, she hadn’t woken since her head had hit Tegan’s chest hours ago. “I don’t want to bring danger to her friend.”

They’d already lost three people Tegan and him had held dear, he wasn’t about to let some madman take her friend too. Kanon’s grip tightened over the steering wheel. They were going to get this bastard. No one was hurting Lennox or anyone she cared about.

He’d make sure of it.

“Then just pull over.”

He glanced back at Tegan. “Stretch?”

“No. I’m going to drive. Five hours is a long time behind the wheel, buddy. Suck it up, pull over, and let me drive.”

“I’m still good.”

Tegan grunted. “Well I’m not. My leg’s asleep and she’s rubbing against me to the point where if you don’t pull over I’m not going to be responsible for my actions. It’s your turn to take a shift.”

“Well, when you put it like that,” he angled the car away from the exit ramp, laughing at Tegan’s rough growl. “Fine, fine. I’ll take one for the team. Oh, the hardship.”

Turning off the highway, he pulled into a gas station. “Needed gas again anyway.”

Kanon passed Tegan a twenty. “All I got.”

“Better than I had. Should we wake her?”

“No. We’ll see how far twenty bucks gets us first.” Kanon’s stomach gave an irritated rumble but he ignored it. The parking lot was quiet; only one other car at the pumps, and it was rusty hatchback with a blonde woman pumping gas. Human, according to his nose. No threats.

The road had been quiet too, only the occasional pass of headlights. They got gas, and Kanon wiggled his way under Lennox, cradling her gently in his lap while Tegan turned the car back towards the highway.

“Any ideas?”

Kanon toyed with a strand of her hair. She had light freckles over her nose and he ran a thumb across them. Lennox shifted against him, snuggling closer. Her hand fell over his thigh as a sleepy groan slipped from her. Kanon rolled his head back against the headrest on the seat with a grunt.

“Told you, she’s a killer.”

“Yeah. And no, I don’t have anything. When the fuck did I piss off a witch?”

“You sleep with one?”

Possibly. He wasn’t exactly celibate, and while he had standards, he didn’t normally care much about whether or not they were lion, witch, snake...it didn’t matter. If they had a wicked smile, a mean dance, and could make him laugh...

Grand criteria right there.

“Didn’t exactly check their magickal history. Unless you’re telling me you teeth checked yours.”

“Gift horses and all,” Tegan said with a laugh. “And no.”

“Besides, didn’t we decide it was male?”

Tegan lifted both eyebrows as he glanced through the rearview window and Kanon flipped him off. “Contrary to popular belief, you’re the only guy I fuck.”

“Always makes me so damn proud too.” Stark possession claimed Tegan’s voice and it drew a satisfied laugh from Kanon.

“Yeah,” he said, his voice every bit as rough with claim. “But maybe a brother to someone? Though I tend to try not to break hearts.”

He shrugged.

“Maybe someone scorned?”

Yeah, because Kanon had never told a woman no before. “And how long do you think that list is?”

“Well, witch and male isn’t exactly narrowing it down.”

“Nor is the list for those probably pissed at me. I’m not always likeable. I grin and people take it the wrong way.”

Tegan laughed. “It’s not your grin that pisses people off. It’s the leer you give their wives when you turn down their sister.”

Lennox cuddled closer, her hand sliding higher and Kanon snatched it before she could reach the point of no return. He gave her fingers a gentle squeeze. She looked so small sometimes. Fragile. She’d kick his ass for thinking that too.

“You’re not exactly innocent up there,” he told Tegan. He ran his thumb across her knuckles. “Who’d have thought this though, right?”

Tegan made a sound low in his throat. “Yeah. Ridgeback. Of all the women on the planet. Protecting your ass too. I always thought we’d have to kill a Hound one day and go into hiding.”

He’d actually thought that when he’d seen her ready to face down Tegan in his living room. Tegan would never let some dog drag him off to get shot, and she hadn’t looked like the kind of woman to take no for answer. Neither of those had changed, she’d just joined their side.

For now.

“Still might.” It just wouldn’t be her. They’d tie her up and leave her somewhere, but that was it. But he also didn’t think for one second she’d let them kill another Hound, not even to save themselves.

“Yeah. Maybe. Hopefully not. Don’t think she’d forgive us if it turns that sour.”

Kanon looked down at her, her red hair spilled over his jeans, her face lax with sleep. It made her look soft. Kissable. His. Lifting her hand, he brushed a kiss over her knuckles.

“Get some sleep,” Tegan said. “Got a bit of a drive ahead of us yet.”

Kanon nodded, but he didn’t drift off. Instead he held Lennox’s hand against his chest, watching the rise and fall of her breathing. However this ended, he just didn’t want her hurt. Stupid, silly. She was a Hound, and one who might very well change her mind and turn him in.

But he wanted her safe. Tegan safe. Everyone
. He twisted in his seat and stared out the back window, looking for tails. When they made it to Colorado, no one would be after them.

He’d make sure of it.


They were a few hours past the Colorado border when Lennox stirred awake, stretching against him. She felt incredible. Even as she froze for a second before pulling away. She rubbed her eyes. “Could have sworn I fell asleep with the other one.”

“That a problem?”

“I wouldn’t dare wound your ego.” A smile hitched one corner of her lips up, teasing, as she slumped back against him. Kanon felt the tension in his chest ease away. He didn’t know why, but that mattered. Her not favoring Tegan. Not favoring either of them.

Probably because she wasn’t
either of them, let alone both of them.

A fact he could get better at remembering. She wasn’t theirs. Never would be.

“How far out are we?”

“Just a few minutes. Been in residential for a half hour, about ready to stab something,” Tegan muttered.

“He’s just pissed because I’ve seen the same white car four times now.”

She stiffened against him, but Kanon pressed a hand to her shoulder, holding her down. “Female driver, but we’re being careful.”

Lennox laughed then. “White Ford Fusion perhaps? SONG4EV as the license plate?”

Kanon slid her a look. She grinned up at him, smug.

“Well I didn’t see the plate, it’s always behind us.”

“It’s Mel. She takes the freeway home from work. She hits the burger joint every night, which is why she’s not behind us now.” She nudged the back of the driver’s seat with her foot. “Just go.”

Arguing was futile and they both knew it, so Kanon wasn’t surprised when Tegan turned back down the residential street. Sure enough, a white car sat in the drive. “Damn, she even knew the plate.”

“I helped her pick it out.”

“What kind of job does she work where she dresses like that?” Cause whoa. Those clothes could have been painted on. Kanon swallowed and leaned forward in his seat to get a better look at the mirco-mini skirt. And what he wouldn’t have given to be that artist. Drool pooled in his mouth when an elbow rammed into his gut.

“Excuse you.” There was no mistaking the growl in Lennox’s voice.

He grinned. “Couldn’t help it.”

“Can’t blame a man either,” Tegan said. “Two healthy, hot blooded men and damn...”

Lennox pursed her lips, but before she could do anything unreasonable Kanon looped his arm back around her waist. He pressed a kiss just behind her ear. “Still want you,” he whispered.

“Not what I was worried about.” Her elbow knocked into his chest again as she pried herself free. “More concerned with the two of you jumping my best friend.”

Tegan grinned, putting the car in park. “And here we were thinking you were jealous.”

“Not on your life.” Lennox let herself out and bolted up the walk. Mel had turned, milkshake in one hand, leopard print purse in the other, but the moment she saw Lennox she stuffed them both on the roof of her car and scurried to meet her.

How she ran in those heels were beyond him, but hell. Heels like that could make a man want. “I don’t think Lennox wears heels,” Tegan said.

“Shame. A damn shame.”

“Lennie!” Mel caught Lennox and wrapped her in a hug, nothing but the moon and the street lamp overhead to cast them in light. “Jeez girl, you drive straight here? And you look like hell.”

Mel leaned back and took a good look at her friend, then she flicked her gaze towards them. Surprise flashed through her eyes as she turned her attention back on Lennox. She gave a soft cough but Lennox pushed her. “Don’t even say it.”


Tegan twisted in his seat. “Guess that’s our cue.”

“I was holding off for the mud fight, but this works too.”

The little house was cute, in that, he could tell it was owned by a woman kind of way. Flowers, baby blue siding, cutsie little yard decorations. Nothing like the sex in heels woman holding Lennox.

The moment both car doors shut the women turned. Lennox looking so out of place as she watched them. Awkward. As if she didn’t know how to introduce them. Her friend had no such qualms. “Melody Knight, you can call me Mel.”

She shoved out both hands, one for each of them. Cute. Kanon gripped her hand, trying to scent the air without looking conspicuous. She smelled canine. Another Hound perhaps, but for some reason, he didn’t think so. “Kanon Reyes.”

“You’re a

Every muscle in his body went stiff. He’d known coming back into Colorado that he’d be inching close to Boulder Pride and the man who’d sired him. But he’d checked the map. They were a half hour, maybe more, outside of pride territory. “Name only.”

“Can’t wait to see you in better light.” She gave a low whistle.

Lennox stepped up behind her. “Reyes?”

“Oh honey, I’ll have to take you to work with me this week. Half the boys in the pride all drop in. Hot guys, good food, and great dancing.” She turned back to Tegan. “And you?”

“Tegan Sharpe. You won’t have heard of me.”

Kanon wanted to knock him flat. He’d have liked the anonymity.

“Well come on, let’s go in. I need food and a story before bed.” She looped a hand through Lennox’s arm and dragged the Hound towards her car to fetch her purse and drink.

Lennox groaned. “Yeah. Drop it.”

“I think she’s ashamed of us.” Kanon nudged Tegan in the gut, drawing a laugh from his partner. Lennox stretched a hand out above her head and flipped them the bird.

“Or not,” he murmured. “I think that’s an invitation.”

Melody’s rich laugh rang out as she glanced over her shoulder at him. “I like them. We’re gonna get along just fine.”

Chapter Eight

She didn’t know what to do with them. They chatted with Mel like they’d lived here all their lives and known her just as long. Kanon straddled a bar stool at the island between the kitchen and the dining room, hovering over his plate as he shoveled in another mouthful of eggs.

Tegan sat at the table, feet propped up on another chair, his third plate already polished clean, and Mel ran around the house in stilettos making them feel at home. Lennox reached a hand out and caught her elbow. “Sit. Relax. We didn’t come here to enslave you.”

“Pfft. You sit, you eat, and you spill your sexy little guts out.” Melody spun out of range, her dancer’s feet quick in her heels as she headed for the kitchen just as the toast popped out of the toaster. “I never pictured you the type to date one lion, let alone two. Girl. Spill it now.”

Mel jabbed a red nailed finger at her and Lennox sighed. It wasn’t like that. They were... She winced. How was she supposed to explain? “We’re not dating.”

“She broke into my house.” Kanon stabbed his fork into a bite of sausage and jabbed it at her. “Figured she was a lioness in heat.”

Oh God. Lennox blushed. “Not even close. I was there to arrest him.”

“Sure honey, that’s why Kanon’s not behind bars,” Tegan said.

“He’s not behind bars because you two managed to convince me that he deserved a shot at innocence.”

Kanon grinned. “Because you like me.”

Lennox crossed her arms and turned to fix Melody a glare. She was not about to encourage this. “I agreed to give him a shot. Turns out they were right, it wasn’t his fault. Sadly, all three witnesses I spoke to ended up dead. Now we have no evidence.”

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