Hounded (Shifter Town Enforcement) (32 page)

Read Hounded (Shifter Town Enforcement) Online

Authors: Sadie Hart

Tags: #Romance

“If not more.”

Lennox covered a laugh with a cough. Assured, she watched the doctor disappear out the door and laughed. “Neither of you were ever a Boy Scout.”

Tegan kissed her temple, her forehead, the tip of her nose. “Of course not. Doesn’t mean we didn’t mean every word.”

“Every word,” Kanon repeated softly.

Lennox closed her eyes on a smile. She could handle that.


Lennox sat on the back steps. The yard lit only by the glowing paper lanterns strung through the back yard. She could still see the pack laughing, Kanon and Tegan perfectly at home amongst the Hounds; then again they were on their own turf. Her pack on the other hand... Lennox stifled a smile, her gaze darting over the now empty yard.

She’d seen the wary hesitation on the Hounds as they’d walked around the edge of the house. Every damn one of them knew she slept at home with two male lion-shifters, but while they were willing to think her nuts for it, walking into her yard—their yard—and seeing both Kanon and Tegan in the flesh, the cold, hard realization had sunk in.

Their Alpha slept with the enemy.

At least, they’d been the enemy right up until Kanon had fired up the grill and Tegan had plunked down to talk the last football game with the crew. And when both men had managed to keep their fur under their skin after the first hour, her crew had decided they were okay after all. For lions. In the end, they’d circled the fire pit, poking marshmallows into the flames and complimenting Kanon and Tegan on the new house.

One ballsy ridgeback had even hedged to ask how they handled living with Lennox.
“Don’t you ever get tired of her bossing you around?”

Tegan nudged her from behind, jarring her out of her day dream and she tilted her head back to look at him. “You all right?”

“Yeah.” She reached up and grabbed the edge of his shirt, tugging him around until he was standing in front of her, the lean muscular stretch of his chest hers for the taking. Sliding both hands under the fabric she felt the muscles in his stomach clench, tighten. She leaned forward and nipped over the sensitive skin. She smiled, remembering Tegan’s slight shrug.
“Belly up for a Hound works pretty damn fine for me.”

Besides, she doesn’t make all the rules.”

Kanon’s hands landed on her shoulders as if summoned by her thoughts. He knelt behind her, his knees straddling her back, his head resting on hers as he watched her peel his partner’s shirt up, licking up the small trail of hair dusting from Tegan’s belly button, down below the edge of his jeans.

Blunt fingertips dug into her shoulders slightly and she smiled as Tegan swayed slightly, his hips arching to meet her mouth. A silent plea. She slipped one hand down to cup the swell building underneath his jeans. “Bet those are getting tight.”

She licked her lips against his stomach, purposefully tasting Tegan’s skin while she was at it. He gave a low groan. “We should take this inside, break in the bed.”

“But she started it on the stairs.” Kanon slid his hands down over her back all the way to her hips before hefting her up against him, holding her tight as Tegan reached to tug down her zipper.

Lennox grinned as she leaned into Kanon. She didn’t want to go inside. Out here, with the night air cool and wild against her skin, this was where she wanted them. “We won’t make it all the way upstairs.”

“This’ll do,” Kanon murmured against her neck. He shifted his grip higher, around her waist. There was nothing left of the injuries on her side but the faintest white line of a scar now, the wound healed weeks ago. Tegan pulled her jeans down her hips, all the way down her legs. Slowly. Taking his time, pausing every few inches to taste and nip softly over the skin. He traced small spirals on the backs of her knees, the undersides of her calves.

She squirmed in Kanon’s arms, bucking. Her head rolled back to rest in the crook of his shoulder, her breath growing shorter. Desperate. “Stop getting distracted.”

Tegan nipped over her thigh, before slipping fingers beneath her underwear. “But I like you like this. Spread out like a fucking buffet.”

“Not yet she’s not,” Kanon said into her skin, but Lennox knew without looking that he was staring at his partner. He gave a slight jerk of his head. “Off.”

Tegan didn’t hesitate. He peeled the thin, cotton panties down, slipping them off her legs, only to pause as Kanon hefted her up higher. One hand at a time, he reached under her thighs, holding her by the backs of her legs, he spread her wide.

“Shit,” Tegan breathed. “That’s better. Much better.”

He leaned in to taste her, one sweeping heated stroke of his tongue and Lennox arched between them. She reached back, hands wrapping in Kanon’s hair, she writhed against the pressing exploration of Tegan’s tongue. The slick dive of it slipping inside her.

Lennox glanced down at him, met the hot gold of his eyes as he stared up at her. His grin was wicked in the dark. He leaned up and laid a kiss against her belly, his knuckles brushing the very core of her. Kanon’s zipper whirred softly in the quiet, crickets the only lingering song in the night. Under the pallid light of the moon, Tegan stood, nibbling his way up her stomach, nipping at the twin peaks of her breasts under cloth.

“Let me have her,” he said, even as he plucked her from Kanon’s arms. She wound her legs around his waist and shivered against the hard press of denim against her skin.

Without another word, Kanon slipped past them and into the yard, the moonlight tracing his jeans in shades of silver. Looping his thumbs into his pants he dragged them off his hips, boxers and all, and shucked them aside. His shirt trailed next, a flutter in the wind. Lennox buried her face in Tegan’s shoulder, whimpering as Kanon took her from Tegan’s arms, only to have him reach past her.

She felt the light-hearted shove, heard Tegan’s surprised laugh.

“Belly up, big boy,” Kanon teased, but there was no missing the warmth in his voice, or the content rumble from Tegan as he shimmied out of his jeans and stretched out on the grass.

Then she was falling, slowly, Kanon’s arms wrapped around her, until her knees brushed the soft tendrils of the grass and Tegan slipped deep inside her, filling her right to the core. “Tegan,” she whispered, but her hand tightened around the back of Kanon’s neck, only to have him pull it away.

She felt him then, one hand touching her chin as he tilted her face back, his thumb slipping between her lips. Lennox grinned and drew him in between her teeth, nipping over the pad of his finger. “I’d rather have the real thing.”

Kanon grinned down at her. “As the lady commands.”

He edged the words in pure, teasing sin, but the moment his cock brushed her lips she swallowed him down, tongue and lips exploring every inch of his shaft. Her fingers ran small circles over his balls. Just as Tegan began to move beneath her, Kanon thrust softly into her mouth. They both started slow. Somehow, amazingly in stride with one another. She felt Kanon tense just as Tegan pulled free beneath her.

Kanon’s back arched, his balls tightening under her fingertips and Lennox drank him down deep as he came, spilling down the back of her throat. He gasped as he pulled free of her mouth and slipped down to the ground beside her. She turned, watched as he leaned forward, running the pink tip of his tongue up Tegan’s cock, the other man bucking under the touch.

Lennox scrambled around and leaned down, her lips finding Tegan’s shaft just as Kanon took him softly into his mouth. Tegan cried out between them both, thrusting upwards and she felt him stiffen as he came, ripping grass up in fistfuls as Kanon licked him off.

They lay there for a moment, the rough pant of their breathing in time with one another. Lennox stretched out on the grass next to Tegan, laying one hand over his stomach and she caught Kanon’s hand in hers, holding tight. She smiled as Kanon leaned down to kiss them both, lingering over their lips, one after the other.

He leaned in again, his lips curving into a smile against hers. “You still got your cuffs?”

“Of course.”

“Care to arrest me, later?” He gave her a low, sinful growl and Tegan laughed.

“Big, bad Shifter Town Enforcement Hound gets nabbed by two lions.”

Lennox laughed. “I thought I was doing the arresting?”

“You’re gonna try.” Tegan winked. “We’ll see who really ends up cuffed to the bed.”

“Oh. You two are so on.”

Both men grinned at her, but Lennox shook her head. A Hound always got her man, and she had two sets of cuffs. This Hound was going to nab herself two.


This book is brought to you by the talent, patience, and devotion of so many people. I owe the following people a most heartfelt thanks for helping this book become a reality:

To Kodilynn Calhoun and Emma Jossin: Thank you both for putting up with my crazies, from my insecurities, to the feral wilderness that is my brain in plotting season. Thanks for sitting through the long hours of helping me shape an idea free of plot holes (Emma you rock at this!) and ironing out all the details and making the final book shine (-bows to Kodi-). I don’t know how many times you both have to read each draft to keep me on track, but I couldn’t do this without you.

To Rebecca Yeomans, my first beta reader. Thank you for reading Hounded and helping me rebuild my confidence in a story I loved and for showing me that the world could love it too.

And ultimately, thanks to my family. To my mom, who is both my best friend and biggest supporter. To my dad, for his undying faith and pride in me—for announcing me as a writer long before I had the courage to say it myself.

About the author:
During the day, Sadie Hart works as a secretary in a library. At night, she writes steamy, paranormal romances revolving around the things that go bump in the night - both the spooky and the naughty kind. She lives in Michigan with two large dogs and a flying pig, who’s possibly a superhero and possibly a figment of her imagination. You can find her website here: http://sadiehart.com/


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Bonedust by Xoe Xanders

Chapter One

“The more distance you put between you and Jeremie, the less power he’ll have over you.”

Caine’s voice was deadly quiet, his eyes trained on the empty doorway. With a large archway, it opened into a long hall with oaken doors on either side, the flooring a rich ruby fabric twined with glimmers of silver. The only way out of this Goddess-forsaken place was down that hall.

Gabriel Sharpe slowly snaked a gaze over, his skin twitching with the magick of the vampire blood swelling low in his stomach. For all he knew, it could be booby-trapped, a purely elaborate set-up to get rid of him once and for all. The Bonemaster, Jeremie, was lazy, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t have ordered another slave—even Caine—to set something up. This could all be one giant trap.

He wiped his mouth with the back of his arm, a smear of crimson on his pale, scar-etched skin, and shuddered. He’d die before he let that fanged bastard Change him. His lips twisted up in a sneer. He would gladly welcome death.

“This isn’t going to work…”

Caine cut him a glare, his green eyes flashing with annoyance and anger. “Do you truly want to be like us?
is the future, Gabriel,” he murmured, spreading his arms wide, stepping towards him. “You have no other choice. Jeremie will be back and when he comes, he’ll take your life as easily as taking candy from a baby. Can you imagine eternity as his unwilling lover?”

Gabriel didn’t move, didn’t back up, even as his instincts screamed to get far away from here. He kept his breathing even as he met Caine’s gaze. “No.” That one word rumbled with years of pent up, raw emotion. His fists clenched at his sides.

“Then find Dante Saunders. He is, perhaps, the one man who can help us. The clock’s ticking, princess—you’d better hightail it outta here before J figures out my distraction was just that. Don’t overanalyze this, just go.”

Gabriel gave a sharp nod and headed for the door on rubbery legs. His heart galloped in his chest like a half-broke kelpie fighting its iron bit and he took shallow breaths through his nose, surprised at the flood of scents insulting his nostrils. He blamed the vampire blood. Goddess. He could still feel the graze of razor fangs across his throat, Jeremie’s lips fluttering against his skin. He shivered again. So close.

Caine made a ragged sound. “Go!”

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