Read How to Develop a Perfect Memory Online

Authors: Dominic O'Brien

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Self Help, #memory, #mnemonics

How to Develop a Perfect Memory (28 page)

1. Joanna Swinnerton

2. Steve West

3. Julia Sichel

4. Ted Garcia

5. Patsy Metchick

6. Trevor Dolby

7. Rachel King

8. Frank Warn

9. Emma Lawson

10. Tim James

11. Anne Timblick

12. Frank Kaizak

Beat the Machines! How to Play Quiz Machines and Win,
(Stranger Games 1990).

Alan D. Baddeley,
The Psychology of Memory,
(Harper & Row 1976).

Jorges Luis Borges,
trans. Anthony Kerrigan, (Weidenfeld and Nicholson 1942).

G. H. Bower and M. B. Karlin, 'Depth of Processing Pictures of Faces and Recognition Memory',
Journal of Experimental Psychology,
103 (1974) pp.


H. E. Butler, translation of
Institutio Oratoria,
(Loeb 1954).

Tony Buzan,
Use your Memory,
(BBC 1986).

H. Caplan, translation
of Ad Herrenium,
(Loeb 1954).

E. Hunt and T. Love, 'How Good Can Memory Be?', in
Coding Processes in
Human Memory,
(Winston/Wiley 1972) pp. 237-60.

Harry Lorayne,
How to Develop a Super Power Memory,
(Thorsens 1986).

A. R. Luria,
The Mind of Mnemonist,
(Harvard University Press 1987).

Sheila Ostrander and Lunn Schroeder,
Cosmic Memory,
(Souvenir Press 1992).

R. N. Shepard, 'Recognition Memory for Words, Sentences and Pictures',

Journal of Experimental Psychology,
81 (1969) pp. 156-163.

Alastair G. Smith,
Anatomy Mnemonics,
(Churchill Livingstone 1972).

Jonathan D. Spence,
The Memory Palaces of Matteo Ricci,


Susan Stetler,
Actors, Artists, Authors and Attempted Assassins, The Almanac
of Famous and Infamous People,
(Visible Ink Press 1991).

E. W. Sutton and H. Rackam, translation of
De Oratore,
(Loeb 1954).

Mary Warnock,
(Faber 1987).

Frances Yates,
The Art of Memory,
(Pimlico 1992).

R. Yin, 'Looking at Upside-down Faces',
Journal of Experimental Psychology,
81 (1969) pp. 141-5.

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