Read Hunks Too Hot To Touch Online

Authors: Marie Rochelle

Hunks Too Hot To Touch (11 page)

“Please,” Shauntie whimpered as she moved her hips back and forth over Nash’s hard thighs loving the feel of his hot cock against her damp underwear. The warm sensation was driving her crazy.

Moving both of his hands to her breasts, Nash held them, slowly tracing small circles over her nipples with the pad of his thumbs. The tingling started to form little by little in her body until it spiraled downward to where their two bodies were connected.

Shauntie loved the pressure building inside of her. She had never wanted a man this badly before. She fought down the impulse to rip the shirt off Nash’s body and run her tongue along his six pack abs that she knew were there waiting for her touch.

From underneath her eyelashes, Shauntie watched in anticipation and need as Nash’s long, tanned fingers with the fine dusting of dark hairs across the knuckles, worked on the front hooks of her black lacy bra until her breasts sprang free of their prison and landed in the palms of his hard working hands.

“You’re so damn beautiful,” Nash praised before leaning forward sweeping his thick tongue over the sensitive buds. Moments later, he sucked one into his mouth biting down on it gently.

Running her painted fingernails through the smooth strands of Nash’s black hair, Shauntie held his head to her breasts. “Oh...that feels

Using his other hand, Nash traced the length of her spine until he came into contact with the curve of her ass. He gave it a light squeeze then his wandering hand disappeared underneath her denim skirt.

Shauntie was so wet for Nash she knew his finger got drenched the minute he slipped it underneath her underwear and inside of her body. She craved him so badly that her entire body was aching to have him buried deep inside of her. Shauntie knew she wasn’t the only one feeling this desperate need from the way Nash’s cock twitched between her legs.

Everything about her being with Nash was so wrong, but Shauntie couldn’t push it to the side anymore. Something about him just clicked with her almost like they were meant to be together. She wasn’t a big believer in
déjà vu
but she was starting to think she and Nash had met somewhere before.

“Tell me you like this....Tell me you want us,” Nash demanded against her breasts as his thumb played with her clit while his finger thrust in and out of her.



The loud sound jerked Shauntie wide awake and out of her dream about Nash. Brushing her hair out of her eyes, Shauntie glanced around the room noticing the thin beam of light coming through her partially closed bedroom windows.

Damn him! Shauntie cursed as she tried to get her pulse and heart rate back down to normal. Why wouldn’t he leave her alone? She couldn’t get any peace from Nash even in her dreams. He was driving her crazy in and out of bed.

Her recurring dreams about Nash were becoming hotter and hotter with each passing day. She was beginning to have a hard time not thinking about him during the day.

Falling back down on the bed, Shauntie glanced at the clock on the night stand noticing it was almost seven o’clock in the morning. Usually, she was out of bed by six o’clock on the weekends and downstairs reading the morning papers before she watered her flowers. However, here she was lying in bed wanting Nash’s warm perfect body next to hers.

Why couldn’t she blow him off like she wanted to do

What was it about him? Why did he have this way about him that made it hard for her to look away? Couldn’t Nash have made an appearance after the Christmas holiday? Being alone close the holiday season always made her lonelier than usual, especially when she shopped for Christmas presents. Seeing all of the happy families together got to her after a while making her wish she hadn’t put so much time into her career instead of finding someone to love..

Closing her eyes, Shauntie fought off the sudden sadness filling her heart while she wondered if she’d missed out on finding the right man for her. Not that she believed in those sappy movies on the Hallmark channel where the couples realized how much they loved each other and fell into each other arms before the credits rolled at the end.

She wasn’t that kind of woman anymore but she wouldn’t mind having someone to confide in besides Sapphire and Emerald with her problems. Sometimes it would be nice to have a man who knew what she wanted only from the expression on her face.

Prince Charming didn’t exist in her mind, but secretly she hoped there was a man out there who would want her not only in his bed, but inside his heart as well.

Last night while she was out with Sapphire, Shauntie thought about bringing all of this up to her girlfriend, but she already knew what Sapphire’s advice would be to her. Her Prince Charming was already in front of her with Nash. All she had to do was take off her blinders and give the guy a chance to get to know her.

Enough! Why was she doing this to herself all the time? She was a strong, independent woman and she was something without a man. Nash was a temporary distraction and that was it. He would be gone in a few weeks and everything would be back to normal.

Shauntie was done thinking about the aspect that was missing out of her otherwise rich life. She had to pay attention to what was going on today and stop allowing the unknown future to hold her back. Life was way too short for any of that nonsense.

Today, when Nash arrived at her house with his crew, she wouldn’t have much time to talk to him, but she would try to make him understand she wasn’t going to change her mind about them dating. After she was done with him, she needed to make a quick trip to her office. The doctor who kindly volunteered to fill in for her this week sent her an email about two patients he was concerned about.

She needed to grab their files and check over his notes. Grabbing the covers, Shauntie tossed them off her body then sat up on the side of the bed. Her day was going to be packed and she had to use every second wisely, if she wanted to get everything accomplished before the day was over.

She might need to recheck her calendar over breakfast to guarantee she wasn’t forgetting anything important. Shauntie wanted to keep her head and heart on the same level, but somehow her mind seemed to be on a different level anytime Nash was anywhere near her.

Finally making the decision that she wouldn’t be able to deal with Nash or anything else with bed head, Shauntie got up from the side of the bed and made her way towards the bathroom. A hot shower and then breakfast usually helped her mind work better and one thing was for sure. Today out of all days; she needed her thoughts as clear as she could get them.


Chapter Twelve



As the warm morning sun shone down on them, Shauntie tried to keep her wandering thoughts on all the information Nash was giving her about his work crew and her roof, but she couldn’t get past how good he looked and the masculine scent of his cologne. She secretly wondered if Nash was wearing it for her or someone else he was meeting later on after he left her house.

His black hair was still slightly damp like he’d showered before coming over here to check and see how well his crew was doing. Every handsome inch of Nash’s presence made it difficult for Shauntie to keep her promise to herself. Nash was beginning to win her over and he didn’t even know it. She wondered how much longer she would be able to keep it a secret from him.

“Shauntie, are you listening to me?” Nash asked snapping her attention back to him.

“I’m sorry. I was thinking about what I need to take care of at work,” she lied. Shauntie couldn’t let Nash know that she was daydreaming about him.

“Since I’m boring you, let me see if I can find something more interesting for us to talk about instead?” he suggested.

“Now...what could be more interesting than learning about all the ways my roof was a piece of junk?” Shauntie questioned, taking a peek over at Nash from the corner of her eye.

“Our first date,” Nash answered shocking her as he faced her completely. “I already have it planned out. I thought about it twice while I was in bed last night.”

Surprise raced through Shauntie at Nash’s confession, but she tried to be indifferent to his words. “You were thinking about me last night?” She wondered if Nash noticed how she was getting lost in the way he was looking at her.

“Yes, I was,” he admitted, staring down at her. “How can I not think about you when you’re constantly on my mind whether it’s day or night? Have you thought about what I asked you? Will you consider going out on a date with me?”

“If I agreed to go on this date with you, what might it entail? I mean I know you would come up with something better than the usual dinner and a movie.”

His light green eyes brightened with pleasure as Nash inched closer to her. Shauntie knew her feelings for Nash had nothing to do with reason, but raw attraction.

“Sweetheart, I figured you were more than a dinner and movie woman the first time I laid eyes on you,” Nash confessed as he ran his fingers down her bare arm. “Are you seriously agreeing to this date with me? I do have this amazing surprise and the thought of wasting it upsets me. I thought women loved surprises. Do you like surprises?” Nash went on as his fingers continued to stroke her skin. “The kind that keeps you guessing until you feel like you’re going to lose your mind if you don’t find out what it is.”

A delicious shudder heated her body as Shauntie thought about what Nash could do for her if she allowed it to happen. She wanted to open her heart again, but her mind was warning her against what might happen if she let her guard down for another man she barely knew.

Why should she try to develop an intimate relationship with someone who was so much different from her? Now Nash was in her face pushing her to forget about everything else but him and how she should live in the moment with him and not allow the future to hold her back. Was she ready to take that leap with him?

Shauntie already had the answer in her mind before it left her mouth.

“Yes, I like surprises,” she answered. “Like you said, what woman doesn’t?”

“Good, so let me make sure I’m hearing you right,” Nash said as his eyes searched her face. “You’re agreeing to a date with me a couple of hours from now. You aren’t going to call and tell me something came up and you have to cancel on me. If my memory serves me correctly you chickened out on me last time a day before our lunch date.”

“I didn’t chicken out on you,” Shauntie said moving her arm away from Nash. She couldn’t think straight when he was touching her. “Something did come up at the last minute.” Shauntie wasn’t about to admit it was her own fears that kept her from going through with their date.

“Anyway, why are you so concerned with making me feel so special?” Shauntie asked. “We barely know each other.” Nash had known her less than a week, but was showing her more attention than guys who she’d dated for months. “I agreed to this date with you. Shouldn’t this be enough?”

Nash cupped her chin holding her still as he stared into her eyes. His eyes brimmed with tenderness and passion. Shauntie tried to look away but she couldn’t. He held her captive thinking about what was going on inside of his head.

“I love hearing those words and I hope you’re ready for a great time; but you need to know why I want this date with you. Shauntie, you have this certain pull about you that makes it so hard not to think about you every second of the day.” Nash’s thumbs brushed against her jaw as he talked to her. “I’m not concerned about making you feel special. Truthfully, I’m trying everything I can to get you to notice me as someone who can be in your life.”

Shauntie wrapped her fingers around Nash’s wrist. She moved his hand away from her face. Was he crazy? How could she not notice him? Nash was the kind of guy everyone noticed when he walked into the room.

She wasn’t ready to think about him as a permanent part of her life or even as boyfriend material yet. All she wanted to do was get through this first date and then see how things moved along from there.

“Nash, I can’t think past today with us. I hope you can live up to everything that you’re promising me. I’m excited about our date tonight but that’s all I can give you. Besides you have gotten me to notice you pretty fast since the first day you showed up to my house. Can we do this one day at a time?”

“Look, I already know how well you know your patients.. You know them like the back of your hand. So, I’m not going to tell you how to deal with them. However, I feel you should loosen your grip a little and let me do this. Can you do that?” Nash asked her.

A challenge was tossed out and Shauntie wasn’t about to give Nash the satisfaction of thinking she was a coward. She was more than tough enough to handle this date along with any other surprises he might have hidden up his sleeves for her.

“I can handle that and so much more you don’t know about Mr. Wentworth. Bring it on!”

“How can I back down after you tossed those three words at me? Be ready at six o’clock and wear jeans. You’ll want to be comfortable.” Nash ran his finger over her bottom lip before walking away.

Shocked by the touch, Shauntie placed her fingers on her mouth surprised to still feel the lingering warmth of Nash’s touch still there. Resting her back against the driver’s side door of her car, she stared after Nash as he went over to one of his employees.

Shauntie wondered how he was able to leave his mark on her just from one little innocent touch. Despite her uncertainties about her date with Nash, she felt a hot and compelling joy that she was going out with him tonight.

If nothing else, this date with Nash was getting her back out there in the dating pool, something she should have done a long time ago. Dropping her hand away from her lips, Shauntie took one last long look at Nash before getting inside of her car and pulling out of her driveway.


Chapter Thirteen



“Dr. Kane, what are you doing at work on a Saturday? I thought you weren’t coming back to the office until Monday? Is there something wrong?”

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