Hunted (14 page)

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Authors: Ellie Ferguson

Tags: #Paranormal Romance, #paranormal, #romance, #Suspense, #Urban Fantasy, #shapeshifters, #stalking

“What’s up?” I asked as we stepped onto the back porch.

Danny leaned against the railing and studied his feet. I waited, standing by the back door. The sounds of Sharon working in the kitchen mixed with the sounds of crickets singing somewhere in the dark. The rain that afternoon had cooled the day off some, not enough to be chilly, but enough that the temperature was comfortable.

“I ran you through the system, including all the different aliases you’ve used.” My heart beat faster and my fists clenched behind my back. “A missing persons report was filed when you first ran away. The person listed as making the report was Michael Jennings. He initially claimed to be the executor of your parents’ estates and your legal guardian.”

“What? No way.” That made about as much sense as Michael continuing to look for me after all these years. “Aunt Jane and Uncle Lou were my guardians. My folks told me that a couple of years before they died.”

“Which is exactly what the police found out. In an amendment to the report, Jennings said he told them that because he thought they wouldn’t pay attention otherwise.”


“They left report open but figured something else was going on and maybe you had your reasons to run as far from him as you could. There was a supplemental report filed later, after they’d tracked down your aunt and uncle. They said you’d gone to live with friends across the country in order to put the trauma of your parents’ deaths behind you and that they approved. When pressed by the cops for your location, they refused, saying they were worried about Jennings trying to get in touch with you and they alluded to concerns about how he felt about you.”

“They were certainly right about that.”

He nodded. “Anyway, I called a friend there we can trust. He’ll make sure the flags on your name are removed.”

Relief so great I almost sagged under it filled me. “Thank you.”

“No need.” He smiled, the first real smile I’d seen from him. It transformed him from a serious, almost scary man to one with more than a touch of the imp in him. I liked the change.

“I also contacted your cell phone provider. They’ll let me know if there’s any activity. Unfortunately, your laptop won’t be as easy. The uniforms will check with the local pawn shops but I don’t want you to get your hopes up.”

I sighed and frowned. Then, seeing him watching me in concern, I smiled. He’d done more, much more than I dared hope for and in a very short period of time. “Thanks, Danny. I mean it.”

“I just wish I had better news for you.”

“Don’t. You’ve given me information I didn’t have and you’re helping give me back my life. You have nothing to apologize for.”

“Matt told me the same thing. He also said that’s what you say.” Now he grinned. “It’s hard to realize you two have only known each other a few days. You are so good together.

“Finn, I wasn’t lying the other night when I said I’d met your parents. I was a student at UCLA and your mother was a guest lecturer in one of my classes. She was the first female alpha I’d ever met. It was all I could do not to fall on my knees right there in the middle of her talk. She must’ve realized it because she asked me to stay behind when class ended.

“You remind me of her. I feel much the same when I’m near you that I did with her. It’s the same with your grandmother. Then, when you’re with Matt, there’s a completeness and power that is all I need to know you to belong together.” He paused and gave a rueful laugh. “I guess what I’m trying to say is I’m glad you’re one of us and I’m here if you ever need anything.”

He extended his hand and I took it. I had a feeling he didn’t easily let his guard down. Glad he was that good of a friend to Matt, and hoping this was the beginning of the friendship between the two of us, I pulled him into a quick hug. “You just keep looking after Matt,” I whispered, mouth close to his ear.

“I will,” he promised. “And I’ll look after you as well.”

“Thanks.” I stepped back, figuring we were through but the look on his face stopped me. “What?”

“I asked my friend for another favor, Finn. He’s going to send me copies of what they have about your parents’ death.”

His words hit me almost like a blow as waves of conflicting emotions rolled over me. Why would he want to see the reports? Did he think I had something to do with what happened? What if Michael found out? What good would looking at the reports do now, after so long?

“Finn, it’s okay.” Now he moved to me, his hands reaching out to steady me. “We can trust Eddie not to let word out that I’m interested in the case. There’s no way Jennings will find out I’ve asked for the files.”

“But why? Why look at the reports?”

“Because I did know your parents. Not well, but well enough to know that you’re right. There’s no way either one of them would have committed suicide, much less both of them. I want to see if the cops missed anything and if there was anything besides wanting to keep our existence secret behind Jennings pushing everyone to accept the suicide ruling.”

For a moment I looked at him, disbelief filling me. Finally someone seemed to want to know what happened as badly as I did. Then the implications of what he said hit and my stomach pitched. Michael had been the one to push us into not questioning the initial ruling that my parents had killed themselves. Just like he pushed to be named alpha before the clan had a chance to grieve. He’d been there, strong and determined, to take charge and everyone agreed.

Oh God, had he killed my parents?

That possibility had always been there in the back my mind, but I never allowed myself to voice it. Now that I had, fear rolled over me. I already knew what sort of man he was. He’d tried to rape me and only the fact my father had taught me how to defend myself had saved me. If he was capable of that, could he have killed my parents? If he had, what would he do to me now, should he manage to lay his hands on me?

My stomach lurched again and I pulled free of Danny’s supporting grasp. I stumbled down the three steps to the yard. My feet moved across the grass like they were slogging through six inches of mud. Stomach heaving, I dropped my knees.

“Finn!” Matt’s voice, full of worry, sounded through my retching. “Danny, what the hell happened?” Then he was next to me, his hands pulling my hair back, his voice soothing. There was a murmur--Danny?--I couldn’t be sure. All I could hear was the pounding of my pulse and the retching as I emptied my stomach there in the middle of the backyard.

“Easy, Finn.” Matt gathered me in his arms and carefully stood. “Danny, call Stefan and ask him to come over.”

“No.” I shook my head. He could put me down but right now it felt good--it felt safe--to have him hold me close. “It was just reaction. I’m all right.”

“The hell you are. What did he say to upset you so badly?”

“Not his fault.” I punched his shoulder to make him look at me instead of glaring at his friend. “Matt, I mean it. It’s not his fault.”

“Then what happened?” He carefully set me on my feet and looked me square in the eye.

“He did what should’ve been done years ago. He asked for copies of the reports into my parents’ deaths.” I gave Danny a weak but grateful smile. “That made me accept what I’ve suspected all along--that my parents were murdered and Michael may have been responsible. Then I thought again about how he’d tried to rape me and what he’ll do now if he catches me.” I tried to smile but settled for a slight shrug. “Call it reaction. But don’t blame Danny. I’m grateful he’s concerned enough to want to see if the cops missed something.”

“You’re sure you’re okay?”

“Feeling a bit rocky and very foolish is all.” And in bad need of mouthwash.

“All right.” Matt slipped an arm around my waist, protective and a bit possessive. Unsteady as I still felt, I didn’t mind the possessiveness just then. “Danny, I want to know what you find out about the investigation.”

“I’ll let you know as soon as I’ve seen the files.” He stepped forward until he stood before me. He smiled slightly, understanding reflected in his eyes, as he reached for my hands. “Finn, I’m sorry this brought your fears and suspicions back like this. But I didn’t want to go behind your back. More than that, I wanted you to think about just what sort of danger you might still be in. We will protect you and, if it comes out that your parents were killed, we will make sure their deaths are avenged--– either by our law or by the laws of the normals.”

“Thank you.” I squeezed his hands. “I’m glad you’re Matt’s right hand and his friend. Promise me you will always protect him.”

“I will, just as I’ll protect you.” Danny let my hands go and stepped back. “Matt, she needs to replace her cell phone and laptop. We haven’t been able to find them.”

“We took care of the cell phone this afternoon. If she hadn’t been so damned hard headed about not wanting me to buy her a replacement laptop, we’d have dealt with that as well.” He grinned down at me. I knew he’d been frustrated because I wouldn’t let him buy me what he wanted, but he had to understand I wasn’t going to rely on him for everything.

“Finn?” Danny looked at me in question, not understanding any more than Matt had.

“Men.” I rolled my eyes and grinned. “Matt wanted to buy me a top of the line laptop. I don’t need anything like that.”

“If you’re going to do your art, you do,” Matt countered.

Danny had the good sense not to laugh, but amusement danced in his eyes. “I see this is something you two need to discuss. All I’ll say is that the laptop does need to be replaced.”

The sounds of the car door opening and closing prevented either Matt or me from commenting, which was probably for the better. We’d have to hash that particular issue out later.

“Danny, go see who that is,” Matt said. “We’ll be along shortly.”

Danny nodded and hurried inside.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Matt wanted to know.

“I’m fine. I promise. It really was only reaction.” I leaned into him, drawing strength from him. “You’d better go greet your guests. I’ll be there as soon as I wash my face and rinse my mouth.”

Hopefully, by then I’d feel a lot more emotionally stable.

He gave me one last look, searching my face to see if I was hiding anything from him. Then he lightly kissed me. “Our guests,” he corrected. “You need to get used to the fact you’re no longer alone, Finn. I’m here for you and so are all the others.”

“I’m trying. Just be a little patient with me. It’s been a long time since I had to worry about anyone but myself.”

“All the time you need.” He gave me a hug and then, with his arm around my waist, led me inside.

Matt smiled and walked to my side as I entered the den five minutes later. Seeing the worry reflected in his eyes, I nodded, hoping he understood. I was all right--now. Maybe for the first time since my parents’ deaths, I was all right--or as close to it as was possible given the circumstances.

The room was crowded. Additional chairs had been brought in to handle everyone. It didn’t surprise me to find more men than women there. Our kind is all too often patriarchal. One reason is because female alphas are rare. Because of that, they are protected. If they were the only leader of pride or pack, they could be challenged and injured or killed trying to maintain the position as head of the pride.

For another reason, we tend to follow societal norms. That meant males usually took on the leadership and combat roles. Yes, combat. We don’t fight others of our kind as often as we used to, but we remember the old wars. We also remember that we are the vast minority of people living on this Earth. Discovery of our existence by the normals could lead to our extinction and, like any living being, we had no wish to die.

“I’ve been explaining why I asked them to join us tonight,” Matt said as he led me to his favorite chair. He waited as I sat and then he carefully settled on the chair’s right arm. “This is Meg Finley, my mate. Finn, these are the leaders of the eight other prides and packs that make up our clan.” He went on to introduce everyone, taking care to name not only their pride but their animal as well.

“Welcome to the clan, Finn.” A man with the darkest skin I’d ever seen said. There was a hint of the Caribbean in his voice, just enough to let me know he’d spent most of his life here.

“Thank you.”

How easy it was to face these people, much easier than it had been to face the pride last night.

“Have any of you discovered anything about the trackers?” Matt asked. As he did, Sharon and Danny entered, carrying trays of food and drink.

“Nothing solid.” I identified the speaker as John Martinez, leader of one of the packs. “A couple of my people have heard word of someone trying to lay low and find information about you and a woman who might be staying with you.”

“It has to be them.” The second speaker was one of three women present. Matt had identified her as Teresa Jungst, also a pack member and mate to Martinez. “Word of Finn’s joining the pride as your mate has already spread through the clan.”

“And?” I asked and my heart beat a little faster.

“We’re glad he found someone finally, ma’am.” Brian Jacobson, pride leader and cougar, said with a grin. “Matt, we could all feel Finn’s power when we entered the house. If that wasn’t enough, we can feel the way you to complement one another. This is right for you and that means it’s right for all of us.”

“Thanks.” I meant it. “But back to the trackers. Do your people know where we can begin looking for them?”

“I’ll see what they can find out for you.” Teresa gave me a nod that left no doubts she’d do her best to do exactly as she promised.

“Why don’t you just let Jennings know that he will no longer be able to stalk her?”

“Much as I’d like to do just that, I can’t.” Matt answered. I could tell he was trying to keep his frustration in check. “There’s no doubt the men who tried to take down Finn were trackers. It’s obvious Jennings sent them, but we have no direct proof of it. That’s the main reason we need to find the trackers. I want to prove Jennings was behind the attack. Then he can be dealt with--not just for trying to harm Finn but for also putting our people in danger.”

“And if we can’t find the trackers?”

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