Hunted: An Erotic Retelling of Beauty and the Beast (An Adult Fairy Tale Novel) (27 page)

Read Hunted: An Erotic Retelling of Beauty and the Beast (An Adult Fairy Tale Novel) Online

Authors: Cerys du Lys

Tags: #fairytale fantasy, #historical fiction, #best romantic novels, #erotic horror, #paranormal romance books

"I'd like him to suffer and apologize," Danya said.  "He's an ass."

"Sometimes, yes.  I think we could change that, though.  What do you think?"

Danya had no idea what that meant.  "Excuse me?"

"Everett loves you, of course.  Or he will.  I know these things.  The beginning signs are easy to tell.  I think you like him, too, don't you?  If yes, if you accept him, you'll both marry and you'll become the Lady of the Manse alongside him as the Master."

"I..."  No.  Why would Everett want her?  It made no sense.  Danya wasn't an official lady, nor anyone worthy of wedding someone like him.  She wasn't anything important, and yet here was some supposedly all-knowing witch telling her she could be.  "You could marry him," Danya said.

"That won't work," Beatrix said.  "I frighten people.  They wouldn't accept me.  Everett could marry me, of course, but he won't, either.  Not just because of that, but because he doesn't love me in that way.  I... I want it, though.  Which..."

Beatrix waved a finger in the air, and a gentle buzzing vibration tapped at Danya's core.  Between her legs, somehow thriving with attention and life, she felt thick arousal spreading into her.  Slow, like sweet honey, it pushed inside of her, caressing her inner depths and teasing at her clit.

"It's your decision," Beatrix said.  "I won't force you.  This is just a sample, to explain.  It's... I should have asked you first.  Whoops!  But still, it's nice, right?"

Danya wanted to object and claim that it wasn't nice, that it was horrific, but none of that was true.  It was soft and smooth and sweet in some way entirely unknown to her before.  Invisible magical hands caressed at the core of her body, massaging her lower lips and her stomach and her pussy and clit.  They teased and tempted her, arousing her.  She couldn't deny that, didn't really want to deny it.  She didn't want to feel it like this, but did it hurt to listen to what Beatrix had to say, did it?

"You should be Everett's wife," Beatrix explained, kissing Danya's cheek.  "Regardless of what I want, that's what will happen.  But if you'll let me, discretely and hidden, known only to the three of us, I'd like to share your marital bed.  All of us, together," she added.  "Or apart, if you wish.  I won't intrude, I promise.  If you'd like to do things with just you and I, if Everett won't become angry with it, I'd like to try that, too."

"I don't know," Danya said.  She didn't want to move for fear of giving away her pleasure.  She shouldn't make important decisions at a time like this.

"I understand," Beatrix said.  "As I mentioned, I don't wish to come between you two.  I'd enjoy playing, though.  In a good, proper way.  I won't use you or him.  I'll agree to a pact if you like.  Magical and binding.  I can enhance everything for us, if you'll let me, though.  I can fulfill your fantasies.  Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a man with a cock between your legs, pressing atop a woman and into her slick folds?  I can do that for you, give you a man's tools if only for a few hours, and I could be the woman writhing beneath you.  I can..."

Danya gasped, both in pleasure and surprise.  "You can do that?" she asked.

"Do you want to see?"

Danya blinked, uncertain.  It... it intrigued her, and yet...

"Not yet, not entirely," Beatrix said.  "I'll show you a little, though."

Confused, Danya nodded.  Beatrix shifted Danya's dress up, revealing her crotch, then performed more magic, waving her finger once more.  Something filled the witch's hands, some illusory, as of yet unformed magic.  She swept her palm across Danya's stomach and towards her clit.  With carefully guided, magical motions, Beatrix molded the magic into an illusory shaft, upwards more, forming the head, and...

Danya stared down her body, morbidly fascinated.  There, between her legs, lay an erect, thick and throbbing shaft.  She could see through it, though not entirely, and the rest of her body remained regular, but she had some sort of translucent magical cock now attached to the end of her clit.

The odd part, or perhaps just more odd than this already was, was the fact that she still felt everything else.  Those same magical and invisible hands from before teased across her slit and her wet, aroused lips, and tapped and rubbed at her clit.  Beatrix smiled sweetly, then took Danya's newfound, illusory cock between her hands, stroking it.

It... oh gods, it felt so new and different and... she was feeling both, wasn't she?  Danya felt double sensations; that of having a cock stroked, plus the firm caresses against her clit and the delving pressure inside of her.  It was too much, too soon, and she came hard right then and there.  Her orgasm pressed into her, some fierce and needy thing, and she could do nothing to stop it.

Except how did that work?  Forcing herself to keep her eyes open and watch, she stared at the magical cock wrapped between Beatrix's fingers.  The shaft of it throbbed like any other man's, pulsing with inherent power.  Her cockhead grew larger, brimming with sexuality, and then...

She came.  Twice at once, at the same time.  Not seed like a real man's cock, but something akin to it.  Sweet, thick magic splashed from the end of the magical cock that Beatrix had created for her.  The witch kept stroking and teasing her, heightening her pleasure.  It was so sensitive and tickled!  Danya squirmed and laughed and tried to pull away, but Beatrix simply grinned and continued.

In time, the magic of the cock illusion vanished, shriveling back into a puddle of malformed energy.  It lay on Danya's pubis, sticky and thick like a man's cum.  She touched it, moving it around with her fingers, entranced with the idea of it.  Her body swelled with ecstasy and ideas and she thought she might want more; right now and immediately.  But, no.

"Was that alright?" Beatrix asked.

"It..."  Danya didn't know how to explain it.

"Somewhat overwhelming at first, isn't it?  It takes a lot of magic to do, though it seems like some simple parlor trick in a lot of ways.  Or, at least it takes a lot of magic to do properly.  To seamlessly combine something that doesn't exist to the necessary points in a woman's body is difficult."

"You're trying to bribe me, aren't you?" Danya asked.  She wanted to sound serious and concerned, but the stupid grin on her face from the aftermath of double orgasms refused to go away.

"No," Beatrix said, then shrugged.  "Perhaps?  Is it working?  I just wanted to show you what you could gain if you agree to my arrangement."

"Which is what exactly?" Danya asked.  "Go over it once more."

"The simple gist of it is that I'd like to share a bed with you and Everett.  Not always, but often.  Privately.  No one else would need to know.  I won't interfere with your future marriage, when he inevitably proposes to you, nor will I do anything to come between you two.  I'll magically enhance what you both have, and offer you wild pleasure beyond belief, but I'll also protect this mansion and its inhabitants from harms way."

"If Everett is sleeping with the both of us, the mansion attendants will return to normal faster, too.  Right?"

"I suppose that's true."  Beatrix nodded.  "Yes."

"You need to make sure Alena is alright," Danya added.  "I'm worried."

"I shall.  Matilda has offered to help, too.  Dante, also, of course.  She's infatuated with him now."

"Alright.  Good.  Wait... she's what?"  Dante?  Everett's brother?  With her sister?  Was that good or bad?

Beatrix shrugged.  "I don't know.  I just know that after she went through her transformation, she begged for Dante.  He acquiesced and brought her back to his room, where she's resting.  It's all rather odd.  They aren't even having sex.  She's wearing a nightgown, last I knew.  I can sense them from here, and they're discussing not having sex, and both of them are becoming aroused by it.  It's possibly the most abnormal thing I've ever experienced."

Danya wrinkled her brow.  "Oh."

"She's doing well, though.  Very well.  For a woman who just transformed into a succubus to be able to completely deny her lust and have a conversation with a man about how they won't be having sex anytime in the near future... I hope you understand that's very out of the ordinary.  A succubus is practically a being created from arousal.  They can control it in time, yes, but your sister's done that in... less than a few hours?  Quite incredible and fascinating."

"Oh."  Danya wasn't sure how she felt about her younger sister being a creature of pure arousal.  It didn't quite sit well with her.

"The scene before," Beatrix added.  "On the table, where you were naked.  I can perform similar with you and Everett.  Nothing real, but imagined.  Whatever either of you likes.  And..."

The witch trailed off and Danya glanced at her.  Beatrix looked troubled, with her brow scrunched up, and lips pursed.

"You'll die," Beatrix said finally.  "In time, though certainly not soon.  I can't do anything about that.  Everett will live longer, because of the curse.  That won't ever truly fade.  I have the rose, though.  I can bring you back if you'd like, the same as I did for Matilda.  I can do it for both of you.  If you want, you can live forever.  I'm not saying this as a way of changing your mind, I'm just explaining.  It will take hundreds of years, and you both might be apart for some time because of that, but..."

"If we do that," Danya said.  "If Everett and I did decide on something like that, would you stay, too?  With us?  If I were dead, would you keep him company until you brought me back?  Would you keep me company until he was revived, too?"

Beatrix swallowed hard, choking on her words.  "Yes.  I know I've been awful, and I'm sorry, but if you'd let me do that, if... if I could have companions for the future... forever..."

"That might be nice," Danya said, smiling.  "We might grow tired of each other, though."

Beatrix nodded.  "Perhaps.  It's possible.  In my experience, there's so much to do in this world that it's difficult to become bored even if you try."

Danya grinned.  "We might have to try, then."


Beatrix was soft.  And dull.  How could one of her proteges become like that?  Matilda didn't know, nor did she especially care, she supposed.  Or, she did care somewhat, but Beatrix had done as she'd asked, and so she could hardly fault her for much else.

Presumably her softness was what did it.  What other sort of witch would use one of the century rose's ultimate wishes to bring back another witch, a potential rival for the rose?

Not that Matilda ever really wanted the rose in the first place.  She wanted to live forever, yes, but besides that, what more could she hope for?  Looking nice was nice enough, but it barely seemed to matter.  It paled in comparison to immortality, to be honest.  She could revive someone, she supposed, but she didn't want to bother with that.  Too much effort involved in re-adapting a previously dead person to the land of the living.

Beatrix could manage the rose for awhile longer, at least as far as Matilda was concerned.  A millennium or so, perhaps two, and what more would her student need to wish for after that?  The whole thing should become tiresome by then, and Matilda might have use of a few wishes afterwards, too.  Mostly, none of it mattered because if she spent enough time studying and experimenting, she could probably figure out how to do anything she wanted to do on her own, without having to rely on a rose that took a hundred years to offer her its full power.

Some small, insignificant and weakly compassionate part of her thought the girl deserved some happiness, too.  This wasn't a standard sorceress mindset, but oh well.  When Matilda had first found Beatrix, the young thing was whoring herself out on the streets in order to pay for some tiny little closet of a room at the worst inn in town, with nothing more than a few scraps and a biscuit every night to feed herself.

Beatrix was pretty enough at the time; she
make money through prostitution.  But she was pallid and meek and more than a tad scrawny.  The young girl intrigued Matilda, though.  The witch couldn't have said why, nor exactly what she found appealing in that rat's nest of sex-addled hair and the barely suitable rag of a dress clinging to the slim ruffian's body.  The little thing didn't even wear shoes, nor cosmetics, nor much else.

"How old are you?" Matilda had asked her one day, while offering a scrap of her breakfast to the waifish tart.

Beatrix devoured the morsel of bacon and egg stuck between two chewy muffin cakes.  "I'm sixteen, ma'am, but I ain't into servicin' women."

Matilda stared at the creature before her, blinking, pondering.  "What the hell do I need your service for, anyways?"

Beatrix shrugged, unsure.

"Do you want a job?" Matilda had asked then; perhaps the best and worst thing she'd ever done.  "A place to live?  Doing odd errands here and there."  Odd was, perhaps, an understatement.  "Nothing like what you're doing now, you dirty little tramp.  Something more.  Something magical."

"There ain't no magic, ma'am.  That's just stories."

Beatrix both delighted and confounded the older woman.  How absurd!  No magic?  Really now?

Matilda smiled, remembering it.  It was so ludicrous and inane, but she enjoyed the memories.  Beatrix was a good pupil, too.  Matilda's only one, as a matter of fact.  Once the witch brushed the girl's hair, taught her how to clean properly, and gave her more fitting attire, she looked far more pleasing, too.  No more servicing men in back alleyways, none of that insanity.  Matilda made her work and learn and practice.  Beatrix was good for testing experiments and gathering reagents, and all of that.  Almost like an alchemical laboratory rat, but with a slight amount more intelligence.

And Beatrix had promised to revive Matilda with the rose, of course.  Matilda started growing it on a whim, knowing she'd never live long enough to use it.  She never expected to take up a student, either, but she supposed things changed sometimes.  The wretched plant would probably die, she remembered thinking.  Who cared?

On her deathbed, Matilda bequeathed it to Beatrix and made her promise to use its wish fulfillment magic in order to bring her back.  Beatrix had cried, wept like some tiny child.  That was so long ago now, wasn't it?  Her protege had grown a lot since their initial encounter.  How old was she then?  How old were they, both of them?  Not that it mattered, but Matilda was curious.  She wondered if Beatrix was really as naive as she used to be.

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