Hunter Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #2 (11 page)

Read Hunter Moon: A Grazi Kelly Novel #2 Online

Authors: C. D. Gorri

Tags: #romance, #fantasy, #paranormal, #werewolf, #witch, #young adult fiction, #teen wolf, #wolf moon

Her mid-calf silver boots had a four inch
wedge heel and were just about the coolest things I had ever seen.
Since we were the same shoe size I was hoping to borrow those in
the future.
Yeah, right. Where would I wear them?

She also had a plastic replica of Faolana’s
sword strapped to her back. Faolana is Angela’s avatar. She had
glued on prosthetic wolf ears and her nails were filed into claws.
I just shook my head. My best friend pretended she was a Werewolf
princess on Wolf Moon regularly.
If she only knew

We left for the party in a car Angela’s dad
rented for us. He was very successful and very protective of his
only daughter. The driver barely grunted hello. I didn’t mind, I
was too nervous to talk anyway.

On our way to the party we swung by that
Kelly house to pick up Ronan. I hoped Nonna wasn’t looking out our
window when we got there. She’d want to see my costume.

“Whoa.” Ronan exclaimed when he got in the
car. He had on his usual faded jeans, green Converse sneakers and a
black t shirt. His emerald eyes glowed as he looked me up and down,
luckily Angela was busy tweeting or she’d have seen. I nudged his
foot with the toe of my boots.

“Sorry. I just never seen you like this. You

“She looks hot right? I bet Sebby will
notice!” Ronan’s lips formed a hard line at Angela’s words and he
looked out the window feigning a bored air.

I knew different though.
Werewolf senses are tingling.
I tried to make light of it,
but he was angry and I couldn’t understand why. We were so not an
item. Besides there was Julianna to consider.

That phone call of hers the other night
replayed in my mind. What would I do if she and Ronan spent all
night clinging to each other? It didn’t make any sense to me. He
wasn’t even her type!
Think about something else,

We pulled in to the parking lot at the
Factories. It was sort of behind CyberSodas. I think it was
technically the same building, but a back section that was no
longer in use. Sometimes party promoters rented it out.

When we got there music was pumping through
speakers that were set up around the floor space. It was super
loud. Just about everyone there was dressed up. And everyone was
dancing. Jumping up and down to the bass.

I had never been to a party and this was
really cool. I looked around through the fog machine and strobe
lights. It was easy for me to make people out despite the
interference of those machines.
Werewolf eyesight

People were dressed in faux leather and
spandex. There was a lot of skin showing, way too much makeup, fake
weapons and even more lethal looking heels on many of the young
girls there. It was mostly teens but some twenty-somethings as

“Hey there’s Derek! You know, our friendly
neighborhood soda jerk. He looks so hot. I didn’t even know he was
pack.” Angela’s gaze was fixed on Derek.

He was dressed in tight jeans and a leather
jacket. He had prosthetic ears glues to his head and Werewolf fangs
dripping fake blood. He also wore a broken dog collar.
Jeez, the
stereotypes we Werewolves have to endure, I’m telling you.
was checking out Angela who was smiling right back.
Good for

I looked around some more. Everyone seemed to
be having a good time. It seemed normal, I guess, for a party. I
wasn’t an expert or anything, but it seemed cool.

There was an older guy who stood at least a
head taller than everyone else in the crowd. He was more than a
little out of place. He was definitely not a teenager and not into
cosplay like the rest of them. The stranger was large and

Ronan grabbed my hand and pulled me onto the
dance floor before I could study the mystery man more closely. To
say I was shocked would be an understatement. This was the second
time in my life that a boy had invited me to dance.

Though invited is putting it generously. He
didn’t ask, he just kind started to move with me in his arms.
Amazingly enough I was able to follow.

He smiled at me and I laughed. The beat
pounded through the air and made the walls and floors vibrate.
Ronan’s large hand rested on my hip as we swerved and jumped and
rocked to the song. It was some new piece of pop, not my style, but
I was having so much fun.

It didn’t matter what was playing. The next
song came on. A slower number and we paused. Face to face. His hand
left my hip and brushed back a strand of hair that came loose from
my braid. He leaned closer and I could smell the mint he had chewed
on earlier in the car still lingering on his breath.

My heart thudded in my chest.
It was too
soon. Too public. Was he going to kiss me? Did I want him

I didn’t have a chance to finish my internal
freak out session. The tall man. You know the mystery man from
earlier was circling back our way. He had two more people with him.
I sniffed and my Wolf howled in my mind. Ronan turned around
sensing the danger too.

My Wolf spoke the word in my
mind and my anxiety changed to interest. The largest one zeroed in
on me and his eyes glowed. The moment we made eye contact I felt
the force of his power, but still I met his gaze. Ronan tensed
beside me. I could feel his concern.

“Don’t, he’s an Alpha. Don’t look at

I didn’t break eye contact. Something in me
just couldn’t. I wasn’t trying to pick a fight. I guess my
curiosity got the better of me. The large Werewolf and his
companions saddled up to me and Ronan.

He was careful to place himself slightly in
front of me, but kept his head cocked to the side. He was not
interested in challenging the Alpha. No, Ronan’s only interest
seemed to be in protecting me.

“Well, this must be the little princess
everyone’s talking about.”

“Heard you beat the hell out of Cara and
Wolfed out on her. I’d have loved to see that,” said the man on his
left. He was shorter than the leader with blonde shaggy hair. He
looked friendly enough, but there was no mistaking the thick ropes
of muscle that were outlined in his t-shirt and jeans.
Is that
what Ronan would look like in a few short years?
My eyes
narrowed thoughtfully.

“Who are you?”

“I’m Rafe Maccon. This is Seff my beta, and
Randall, he’s one of my Wolves too.”

Wolves? Are you a Hound of God?”
My question was met with a few smirks and mock outrage from their

“Those tight asses? Heck no! We’re the
Macconwood Pack, I’m Alpha. Here’s my card.” The man with shoulders
wider than any football player I’d ever seen held out a business
card to me. Printed on it in dark gold lettering was the

Rafe Maccon, Alpha


[email protected]

2513 Winter Way

Maccon, NJ 02145-1218


“Um, thanks.”

“If you need anything, little princess, don’t
hesitate to give me a shout.”

“Yeah, and like us on Facebook!” The one
called Seff smiled and held his right hand in a thumbs up sign.
Seriously, fellas?
My eyebrows must have been raised because
the one with the beard raised his own in response.

century, little princess.
Pack’s got to communicate somehow.”

“Yeah, well that game you created sure
stirred the pot real good.” Seff said elbowing his pack mate a
little in the ribs.

“What game?” I asked, curiosity getting the
better of me.

“Oh, it’s some crazy online role playing
game. Made a mint, though. I gotta give that to you man.” Rafe high
fived the tall guy with the beard, Randall I think.

“You mean,
Wolf Moon
? You created
that?” I was shocked. A Werewolf created that game? He basically
revealed us to the real world. How was he still alive?

“Yeah. That’s why I’m here. This is sort of a
tribute party. Just wanted to make sure it didn’t get too out of
control like the last one did. Damn, police arrested half the
Hoboken charter pack before I got them under control.”

“But there’s mostly kids here.”

“Yeah, well it’s still early.”

“Hey, um I play.
Wolf Moon
that is.
It’s pretty accurate from what I know so far. And that’s not much,
but, how did you get away with it? Isn’t that illegal or
something?” Randall looked at me when I said that, but not in any
challenging manner. He grunted and looked at Rafe who gave the
tiniest hint of a nod. They walked closer to us.

“First the game was my idea to get all
Werewolves and other
talking, you know? I wanted a
safe place online where things could be discussed without the NSA,
CIA, or whatever other A listening in. They are always trying to
find proof about us, you know.”

“Yeah little sister, this is a big secret and
we have gots to keep it.” Said the one named Seff.

“I couldn’t very well set up a supernatural
forum so I hid it. A roleplaying game seemed the perfect disguise.
Too many humans use it for it to be real. Well, that’s what the big
guns think anyway. It’s worked so far.” Randall shrugged then he
leaned in to whisper something, but Ronan stepped in front of him
and growled. Randall smiled.

“Easy there, dude. I’m not poaching. Listen
up, princess. Next time you log on to
Wolf Moon
put in code
. It’s for pack only. It will get you in an entire new
level of play. With um, real players so to speak. Anyway, seek out
an avatar named
, he’ll know the answers to what
you’re looking for.”

“But I didn’t even ask you any

“No, but you reek of them, girl. Lots of
questions. Unfortunately I can’t answer them.”

“None of us can,” Rafe spoke up. “But since
you are technically American I am obligated to offer you help. Tell
your Uncle Sean I looked into the little problem you’ve been having
and I’ve found nothing so far. I’ll be in contact if anything

“Well, thanks, I guess.” The three hulking
men nodded and continued their canvassing of the room. Some gamers
recognized Randall. He stopped and signed autographs, answered
questions, even posed for a few pics.
Just your average friendly
Werewolf game developer.
Angela came back to our sides
practically jumping with excitement.

“OMG! That was Randall Graves! You guys just
met the coolest game developer of all time!” She was jumping up and
down in her excitement. I tried to act excited too, but I think I
must have got it wrong. She looked at me like I was sick or

“Yeah, he was great. Um, I’m thirsty.” I
turned towards Ronan.

“Aye, me too.”

“Okay, I’ll meet you guys back here. Derek
and I are gonna dance.” She winked at me and took Derek’s
outstretched hand.

I watched them go for a moment. Just to be
sure they were okay. It amazed me how they complemented each other.
She was all creamy skin and fire red hair and he was tall, dark and
handsome. He seemed genuinely interested too.
Way to go,

I walked off with Ronan. He was in some state
between shock and admiration. I can’t say I blamed him. Those were
some pretty cool Wolves. We reached the make shift bar by picking
our way through the dancing hoard.

He grabbed us a couple of waters. They were
stacked on a folding table along with a bowl of punch and some
plastic cups. I guess it was to keep everyone hydrated which was
pretty cool. I got a whiff of super flowery perfume and didn’t even
bother looking.

She and her friends were dressed in a sort of
cosplay version of a cheering uniform. Only these were microscopic.
Nothing more than bedazzled push up bras and a little ruffle around
their hips. It was so short their Brazilian style cheering panties

In neon pink no less. They all wore high
heels and pig tails and matching pink lipstick. They basically
looked like slutty Barbie dolls. Julianna’s dream come true.
Aunt Theresa would be so proud

I looked to gauge Ronan’s reaction. He was
distracted all right, but not from looking at the cheer team. He
was keeping tabs on the Macconwood Wolves. I smiled, slightly
relieved. I mean I could never compete with my cousin in looks.
Even dressed like this.

“Hey Jules, look! It’s little orphan Annie
with your sloppy seconds.” Lizette snickered filled a cup with
punch and took a long swig. Once she stirred the bowl I could smell
the alcohol from where I was standing. I immediately got tense.

“Please Lizette, I am trying to have a good
time here.” Julianna gave a shake of her head and reached for one
of the plastic cups of alcoholic punch.

“Julianna, come on, you shouldn’t be drinking
that. It’s spiked.” I spoke earnestly though I knew it would fall
on deaf ears. My cousin despised me.

“OMG. Like, don’t speak to me! You don’t even
know me!” She turned her back on me and took a big sip of the
punch. I could see the little shudder she made when she finally
tasted it. That told me she had only just started drinking.

If I kept tabs on her throughout the night
she should be fine. I wasn’t her keeper and she was anything but
nice to me, but still. I owe it to Nonna. We are family after

“Listen Maria, your cousin and I-” Ronan’s
brogue was faint. He was so close his breath felt warm against my
ear. My heart sped up a little faster with every word he spoke.

“It’s fine. Just, not now, okay?” I couldn’t
deal with all that. Not right then.

Ronan nodded and I was glad he seemed to
understand. I knew that I would have to take a long hard look at my
feelings and soon. But right then I had other worries on my

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